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Women and COVID-19: reflections for a sexual and reproductive rights-based obstetric care / Mujeres y COVID-19: reflexiones para una atención obstétrica basada en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos / Mulheres e COVID-19: reflexões para uma atenção obstétrica baseada nos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos

Paes, Luciana Braz de Oliveira; Salim, Natália Rejane; Stofel, Natália Sevilha; Fabbro, Márcia Regina Cangiani.
Rev. bras. enferm ; 74(supl.1): e20201164, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | ID: biblio-1279976


This essay aims to reflect on the repercussions of the pandemic in obstetric care in the light of sexual and reproductive rights, focusing on delivery and birth care.


The reflection shows that the pandemic has accentuated the violation of these rights, which is evidenced by racial inequalities in maternal mortality, as well as restrictions and interventions in childbirth care without scientific evidence, detour of resources, interruption of services, reduced human resources, shortage of medicines and supplies, and imbalances in the provision of health services.


It is concluded obstetric care faces even greater barriers in access to health care, just as the pandemic of COVID-19 highlighted inequities, disproportionately impacting vulnerable populations whose human rights are less protected.
Responsible library: BR1.1