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Acta neurol. colomb ; 38(2): 81-84, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383400


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: La leucodistrofia metacromática (LDM) es una enfermedad poco frecuente que se caracteriza por desmielinización progresiva a nivel del sistema nervioso central y periférico. En la mayoría de los casos, es causada por una actividad deficiente de la enzima arilsulfatasa-A. Pertenece al grupo de las leucodistrofias, que son trastornos hereditarios de la sustancia blanca asociados con una variabilidad fenotípica y una heterogeneidad genética importante. El fenotipo de la LDM suele relacionarse con la edad de presentación, que puede variar desde la infancia hasta la adultez. Cuando se presenta en la edad adulta, puede debutar con manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas, lo que lleva con frecuencia a diagnósticos erróneos. REPORTE DE CASO: Se presenta el caso de una paciente adulta que debutó con un cuadro clínico caracterizado por cambios comportamentales progresivos, con posterior inicio de manifestaciones clínicas motoras. El diagnóstico de LDM se sospechó a partir de la clínica y los hallazgos típicos en la resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral, y se confirmó con la detección de actividad deficiente de la arilsulfatasa-A (ARSA) y la secuenciación del gen ARSA que confirmó la mutación en estado homocigoto, compatible con este diagnóstico. DISCUSIÓN: Destacamos en este caso la importancia de la sospecha clínica, el reconocimiento temprano y el manejo multidisciplinario como factores pronósticos del curso de la enfermedad, ya que en la actualidad no hay tratamiento definitivo para la enfermedad.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is an infrequent disease characterized by progressive demyelination of the central and peripheral nervous system. In most cases, it is caused by deficient activity of arylsulfatase-A. It belongs to the group of leukodystrophies, which are inherited white matter disorders that can be associated with significant phenotypic variability and genetic heterogeneity. The phenotype in MLD is usually related to the age of onset, which can vary from childhood to adulthood. Adult-onset MLD can debut with neuropsychiatry symptoms, which can often lead to misdiagnosis. CASE REPORT: We report the case of an adult female patient who presented with progressive behavioral changes, followed by motor manifestations. MLD was initially suspected based on the clinical presentation and the characteristic findings on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with subsequent confirmation by detection of deficient arylsulfatase-A (ARSA) activity and ARSA gene sequencing, which demonstrated homozygosity, compatible with this diagnosis. DISCUSSION: We highlight the importance of clinical suspicion, early recognition and multidisciplinary management as a prognostic factor for the course of the disease, since there is currently no definitive treatment for the disease.

Cerebroside-Sulfatase , Heredodegenerative Disorders, Nervous System , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 79(2): 129-134, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35468122


BACKGROUND: Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts is a rare type of leukodystrophy associated with mutations in the MLC1 and GlialCAM genes. The classic form is characterized by macrocephaly, early or delayed normal neurodevelopment followed by a period of slow motor skill loss, with cerebellar ataxia and spasticity; some patients develop movement disorders and seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging shows widespread diffuse white matter involvement with edema and subcortical cysts. CASE REPORT: We describe the case of two sisters aged 6 and 10 years, consanguineous parents, with a history of psychomotor delay and macrocephaly. The older sister presented with seizures at the age of 4 years and spasticity without loss of gait; the younger sister had a similar clinical picture. Magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse alteration of the white matter and subcortical cysts in the temporal lobes. Electroencephalogram detected focal epileptiform activity. Seizure control was achieved upon initiation of carbamazepine treatment. By sequencing, a homozygous variant of the MLC1 gene was found in exon 3: c.255T>G (p.Cys85Trp). CONCLUSIONS: Leukodystrophies are rare diseases that represent a diagnostic challenge. Clinical, radiological, and molecular findings allow diagnostic certainty, the appropriate direction of interventions, and adjustment to the prognosis of each entity. The c.255T>G mutation was previously described in a South American patients, suggesting that it is a specific variant to Latin populations.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La leucoencefalopatía megalencefálica con quistes subcorticales es una leucodistrofia poco frecuente, asociada con mutaciones en los genes MLC1 y GlialCAM. La forma clásica se caracteriza por macrocefalia, neurodesarrollo temprano normal o con retraso seguido por un periodo de pérdida lenta de habilidades motoras, con ataxia cerebelosa y espasticidad; algunos pacientes desarrollan trastornos del movimiento y crisis convulsivas. La resonancia magnética muestra afección difusa generalizada de la sustancia blanca con edema y quistes subcorticales. CASO CLÍNICO: Se presenta el caso de dos hermanas de 6 y 10 años con historia de retraso psicomotor y macrocefalia, hijas de padres consanguíneos. La mayor inició con crisis convulsivas a los 4 años y espasticidad sin pérdida de la marcha autónoma; la menor presentó un cuadro clínico similar. La resonancia magnética mostró una alteración difusa de la sustancia blanca y quistes subcorticales en los lóbulos temporales. El electroencefalograma detectó actividad epileptiforme focal. Se logró el control de las crisis convulsivas al iniciar el tratamiento con carbamazepina. Por secuenciación, se encontró una variante homocigota del gen MLC1 en el exón 3: c.255T>G (p.Cys85Trp). CONCLUSIONES: Las leucodistrofias son enfermedades raras que representan un desafío para su diagnóstico. Los hallazgos clínicos, radiológicos y moleculares permiten la certeza del diagnóstico, la dirección adecuada de las intervenciones y el ajuste al pronóstico de cada una. La mutación c.255T>G fue descrita previamente en pacientes sudamericanos, lo que sugiere que podría tratarse de una variante específica de poblaciones latinas.

Cysts , Megalencephaly , Cysts/complications , Cysts/diagnosis , Cysts/genetics , Early Diagnosis , Hereditary Central Nervous System Demyelinating Diseases , Humans , Megalencephaly/complications , Membrane Proteins/genetics , Seizures/complications
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(1): e269, ene.-abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409202


RESUMEN Las enfermedades desmielinizantes son entidades poco frecuentes en la edad pediátrica; tal es el caso de la esclerosis múltiple y la leucodistrofia metacromática, en las cuales intervienen factores genéticos y ambientales, y ambas afectan diferentes estructuras del sistema nervioso central, los nervios, los músculos, otros órganos y el comportamiento del individuo. Son afecciones que tiene una evolución progresiva al deterioro neuromuscular: en poco tiempo el paciente entra en un estado neurovegetativo con pérdida de la conciencia, por lo que requieren de atención médica y de enfermería especializada. El propósito de este estudio es presentar un caso de leucodistrofia metacromática, haciendo referencia a su complejo diagnóstico diferencial con la esclerosis múltiple y la aplicación del proceso de enfermería. Paciente masculino de 6 años de edad con antecedentes con antecedentes de diversos episodios de infecciones respiratorias y atelectasias, así como estadía prolongada en unidades de cuidados intensivos. Otros síntomas fueron hipotonía muscular, ausencia de reflejos tendinosos y trastornos audiovisuales. A la edad de 6 años el paciente había perdido todo contacto con el medio, sufrió tetraparesia y frecuentes episodios de convulsiones tónicas. A pesar de los intensos tratamientos y seguimientos en diferentes consultas, falleció a los 6 años de edad por complicaciones respiratorias.

ABSTRACT Demyelinating diseases are infrequent entities in pediatric age; such is the case of metachromatic leukodystrophy and multiple sclerosis, in which genetic and environmental factors take action. both of them affect different structures of the central nervous system, nerves, muscles, organs and individual behavior. These affections have a progressive evolution of the neuromuscular deterioration: soon the patient enters a neurovegetative state with loss of consciousness. Therefore, medical attention and specialized nursing is required. The purpose of this study is to present a case of metachromatic leukodystrophy referring to its complex differential diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and nursing process application. A 6-year-old male patient with record of several respiratory infections and atelectasis, such as extended stay at the intensive care unit. Some other symptoms were muscle hypotonia, lack of tendinous reflexes, and audiovisual disorder. At the age of 6 the patient had lost all contact with the environment, suffered from tetra paresis and frequent tonic seizure episodes. Despite the intense treatments and the follow-ups in several medical consultations, the patient passed away at the age of 6 due to respiratory complications.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 92(3): e1099, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126770


Introducción: Las leucodistrofias primarias son un grupo de trastornos hereditarios que afectan la sustancia blanca cerebral de forma predominante. El término leucodistrofias primarias unifica las enfermedades que afectan las células gliales con compromiso de la mielina y el axón de base genética. Es un grupo de entidades, más de 30 en la actualidad, en expansión gracias a los avances en resonancia magnética y en genética. Objetivo: Contribuir al conocimiento de esta rara enfermedad con énfasis en la utilidad de su conocimiento clínico y en los estudios de imágenes evolutivos para el diagnóstico. Presentación del caso: Paciente con macrocranea detectada por la familia a los tres meses de nacida, al inicio refirieron que la circunferencia cefálica creció rápidamente y a partir del segundo semestre de vida el crecimiento se hizo más lento. La valoración clínica al año de edad comprobó una discreta dificultad para el control cefálico, intentaba dar pasos con apoyo, lenguaje de 3 a 4 palabras y ninguna otra afectación del neurodesarrollo. Al examen físico, una circunferencia cefálica de 55 cm (por encima de dos desviaciones estándar para la edad cronológica y sexo). Conclusiones: La evolución clínica favorable conjuntamente con el patrón de la resonancia magnética cerebral, que inicialmente mostró afectación de la sustancia blanca compatible con leucodistrofia inespecífica y en estudios evolutivos detecta presencia de quistes subtemporales, permitieron el diagnóstico de esta rara enfermedad infantil. La paciente recibió tratamiento sintomático para la espasticidad, apoyo pedagógico y control de sus crisis epilépticas(AU)

Introduction: Primary leukodistrophies are a group of hereditary disorders that affect in a predominant way the white substance of the brain. The term ´´primary leukodistrophies´´ unifies the diseases that affect the glial cells compromising myelin and the genetic based axon. They are a group of entities, more tan 30 nowadays, which are expanding due to the advances in magnetic resonance and genetics. Objective: To contribute to the understanding of this rare disease with emphasis in the usefulness of its clinical knowledge and in the evolutive studies of images for diagnosis. Case presentation: Female patient with macrocranea detected by the family at 3 months old. At the beginning, the family referred that the cephalic circumference grew quickly and from the second semester of life growing process was slower. The clinical assessment at first year of life proved a discreet difficulty for cephalic control; the patient tried to do support footsteps, and had a language of 3 to 4 words without any other affectation in the neurodevelopment. In the physical examination, she presented a cephalic circumference of 55 cm (higher than the two stantard deviations for the cronological age and sex). Conclusiones: The clinical evolution was favorable jointly with the pattern of brain magnetic resonance that initially showed affectation in the white substance compatible with inespecific leukodistrophy and in the evolutive studies it was detected the presence of subtemporal cysts which allowed to diagnose this rare children disease. The patient received symptomatic treatment for spasticity, pedagogical support and control of the epileptic crisis(AU)

Humans , Female , Infant , Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell/diagnostic imaging
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(1): 52-55, feb. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-983780


La leucodistrofia metacromática es una enfermedad autosómi-ca recesiva poco común ocasionada por el déficit de la enzima lisosomal arilsulfatasa A, el cual provoca una desmielinización progresiva con manifestaciones neurológicas subsecuentes. Dentro de sus formas de manifestación, la infantil tardía es la de peor pronóstico. La resonancia magnética juega un papel importante en la caracterización de anormalidades subyacentes, lo que permite descartar otras afecciones clínicas y aproximar un diagnóstico, que, posteriormente, es confirmado mediante los análisis moleculares apropiados. Dado el escaso conocimiento de esta enfermedad, sumado a un curso clínico generalmente fatal, se hace fundamental una identificación temprana y precisa con el fin de iniciar un manejo paliativo y asesoría genética. Se presenta a una paciente femenina de 24 meses de edad con historia de retardo psicomotor y hallazgos imagenológicos compatibles con leucodistrofia. Los estudios enzimáticos y moleculares confirmaron el diagnóstico de leu-codistrofia metacromática infantil tardía.

Metachromatic leukodystrophy is an uncommon autosomal recessive disease caused by the deficiency of the arylsulfatase A lysosomal enzyme, which causes a progressive demyelin-ation with subsequent neurological manifestations. Between its manifestation forms, the one presenting in late childhood has the worst prognosis. Magnetic resonance plays an important role in the characterization of underlying abnormalities, which makes it possible to rule out other clinical conditions and approximate a diagnosis that is later confirmed by the appropriate molecular studies. Given the limited knowledge of the condition, coupled with a generally fatal clinical course, an early and accurate identification is fundamental in order to start palliative management and genetic counseling. A 24 months old female patient with psychomotor retardation history and imaging findings compatible with leukodystrophy is presented. Enzymatic and molecular studies confirmed a diagnosis of late childhood metachromatic leukodystrophy.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Pediatrics , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cerebroside-Sulfatase , Developmental Disabilities , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 74(5): 364-369, sep.-oct. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-951273


Resumen: Introducción: La leucoencefalopatía con sustancia blanca evanescente es una de las leucodistrofias más frecuentes. Generalmente inicia en la infancia y presenta un patrón de herencia autosómica recesiva. El 90% de los casos manifiesta mutaciones en uno de los genes que codifican para las cinco subunidades del factor de iniciación eucariótica 2 (EIF2B5). El diagnóstico se realiza por las manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos en la resonancia magnética cerebral y estudios moleculares confirmatorios. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 13 meses con neurodesarrollo previo normal. Antecedente de internamiento por vómito, hipertermia, irritabilidad y rechazo a la vía oral de 15 días de evolución. Ante la exploración presentó perímetro cefálico y pares craneales normales. Se encontró hipotónico, con reflejos incrementados, sin datos meníngeos ni de cráneo hipertensivo. La tomografía de cráneo mostró hipodensidad generalizada de la sustancia blanca. Egresó sin recuperar deambulación. A los 15 días presentó somnolencia y crisis convulsivas focales después de traumatismo craneoencefálico. En la resonancia magnética se observó hipointensidad generalizada de sustancia blanca. Ante la sospecha de leucoencefalopatía con sustancia blanca evanescente, se solicitó la secuenciación del gen EIF2B5, que reportó mutación homocigota c.318A>T en el exón 2. El paciente requirió múltiples hospitalizaciones por hipertermia y descontrol de crisis convulsivas. Posteriormente mostró deterioro cognitivo, motor y pérdida de la agudeza visual. Falleció a los 6 años por neumonía severa. Conclusiones: Este caso contribuye a conocer el espectro de mutaciones que se presenta en pacientes mexicanos y permite ampliar el fenotipo asociado con esta mutación.

Abstract: Background: Vanishing white matter disease is one of the most frequent leukodystrophies in childhood with an autosomal recessive inheritance. A mutation in one of the genes encoding the five subunits of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2B5) is present in 90% of the cases. The diagnosis can be accomplished by the clinical and neuroradiological findings and molecular tests. Case report: We describe a thirteen-month-old male with previous normal neurodevelopment, who was hospitalized for vomiting, hyperthermia and irritability. On examination, cephalic perimeter and cranial pairs were normal. Hypotonia, increased muscle stretching reflexes, generalized white matter hypodensity on cranial tomography were found. Fifteen days after discharge, he suffered minor head trauma presenting drowsiness and focal seizures. Magnetic resonance showed generalized hypointensity of white matter. Vanishing white matter disease was suspected, and confirmed by sequencing of the EIF2B5 gene, revealing a homozygous c.318A> T mutation in exon 2. Subsequently, visual acuity was lost and cognitive and motor deterioration was evident. The patient died at six years of age due to severe pneumonia. Conclusions: This case contributes to the knowledge of the mutational spectrum present in Mexican patients and allows to extend the phenotype associated to this mutation.

Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Male , Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2B/genetics , Leukoencephalopathies/diagnosis , Phenotype , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Exons , Fatal Outcome , Leukoencephalopathies/physiopathology , Leukoencephalopathies/genetics , Mutation
Iatreia ; 30(2): 199-207, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-892656


RESUMEN El enfoque de los errores innatos del metabolismo (EIM) constituye un desafío para cualquier especialidad médica y es un área en rápido desarrollo; a medida que se amplía la información científica, se fortalece el estudio de las enfermedades metabólicas y crecen la necesidad y el interés de hacer diagnósticos certeros y oportunos, de manera que sea posible comenzar el tratamiento apropiado lo más pronto posible. Es preciso usar un enfoque sistemático y ordenado que incluya todas las entidades clínicamente parecidas, desde las más frecuentes hasta las más raras, usando racionalmente los estudios más especializados y complejos, que, en general, son menos accesibles para el paciente. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con historia de noxa perinatal y alteraciones neurológicas cuyo curso clínico no progresó. Se resalta la importancia de un proceso diagnóstico sistemático que le dé prioridad al cuadro clínico.

SUMMARY The approach to inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) is a challenge for any medical specialty. This is a rapidly developing area. As scientific information expands, the study of metabolic diseases strengthens, and increases the need and interest in confirming or discarding such errors, in order to offer patients prompt and appropriate therapeutic alternatives. To achieve this, it is necessary to use a rational and orderly clinical approach that takes into account the possibility of an IEM, as well as other diseases resembling them. Also to rationalize the use of more specialized, and complex diagnostic aids, that generally are less accessible to the patient. We report the case of a patient with a history of perinatal noxa, and neurological disorders, whose clinical course did not progress. The importance of a systematic diagnostic process, based mainly on the clinical picture, is emphasized.

RESUMO A focagem dos erros inatos do metabolismo (EIM) constitui um desafio para qualquer especialidade médica e é uma área em rápido desenvolvimento; na medida que amplia-se a informação científica, fortalece-se o estudo das doenças metabólicas e crescem a necessidade e o interesse de fazer diagnósticos certeiros e oportunos, de maneira que seja possível começar o tratamento apropriado o mais rápido possível. É preciso usar uma focagem sistemática e ordenada que inclua todas as entidades clinicamente parecidas, desde as mais frequentes até as mais raras, usando racionalmente os estudos mais especializados e complexos, que, em geral, são menos acessíveis para o paciente. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente com história de noxa perinatal e alterações neurológicas cujo curso clínico não avançou. Ressalta-se a importância de um processo diagnóstico sistemático que de prioridade ao quadro clínico.

Female , Infant , Metabolic Diseases , Metabolism, Inborn Errors
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 46(1): 44-49, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-900809


ABSTRACT Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a rare demyelinating disease (prevalence 1:40,000), also called arylsulfatase A deficiency (ARS-A), which may present with neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Clinical assessment may be difficult, due to unspecific signs and symptoms. A case is presented of a 16 year-old female patient seen in psychiatry due to behavioural changes, psychosis, and with impaired overall performance. She was ini tially diagnosed with schizophrenia, but the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) scan and laboratory tests lead to the diagnosis of MLD.

RESUMEN La leucodistofia metacromática (LDM) es una enfermedad desmielinizante rara (prevalencia, 1:40.000), también llamada deficiencia de arilsulfatasa A (ARS-A), que puede presentarse con síntomas neurológicos y psiquiátricos y cuyo diagnóstico puede plantear dificultades para el clínico, dado lo inespecífico de los signos y síntomas. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 16 arios atendida por psiquiatría por cambios conductuales, psicosis y deterioro general del funcionamiento. Inicialmente diagnosticada como esquizofrenia, se documentaron por resonancia magnética y pruebas de laboratorio en la evolución cambios que llevaron al diagnóstico de leucodistrofia metacromática.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Psychotic Disorders , Demyelinating Diseases , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic , Psychiatry , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Cerebroside-Sulfatase
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 46(1): 44-49, 2017.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28193373


Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a rare demyelinating disease (prevalence 1:40 000), also called arylsulfatase A deficiency (ARS-A), which may present with neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Clinical assessment may be difficult, due to unspecific signs and symptoms. A case is presented of a 16 year-old female patient seen in psychiatry due to behavioural changes, psychosis, and with impaired overall performance. She was initially diagnosed with schizophrenia, but the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) scan and laboratory tests lead to the diagnosis of MLD.

Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Schizophrenia/diagnosis , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/diagnostic imaging , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/physiopathology
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 74(5): 364-369, 2017.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29382480


BACKGROUND: Vanishing white matter disease is one of the most frequent leukodystrophies in childhood with an autosomal recessive inheritance. A mutation in one of the genes encoding the five subunits of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (EIF2B5) is present in 90% of the cases. The diagnosis can be accomplished by the clinical and neuroradiological findings and molecular tests. CASE REPORT: We describe a thirteen-month-old male with previous normal neurodevelopment, who was hospitalized for vomiting, hyperthermia and irritability. On examination, cephalic perimeter and cranial pairs were normal. Hypotonia, increased muscle stretching reflexes, generalized white matter hypodensity on cranial tomography were found. Fifteen days after discharge, he suffered minor head trauma presenting drowsiness and focal seizures. Magnetic resonance showed generalized hypointensity of white matter. Vanishing white matter disease was suspected, and confirmed by sequencing of the EIF2B5 gene, revealing a homozygous c.318A> T mutation in exon 2. Subsequently, visual acuity was lost and cognitive and motor deterioration was evident. The patient died at six years of age due to severe pneumonia. CONCLUSIONS: This case contributes to the knowledge of the mutational spectrum present in Mexican patients and allows to extend the phenotype associated to this mutation.

Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2B/genetics , Leukoencephalopathies/diagnosis , Child , Child, Preschool , Exons , Fatal Outcome , Humans , Infant , Leukoencephalopathies/genetics , Leukoencephalopathies/physiopathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Male , Mutation , Phenotype , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 74(12): 953-966, Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828003


ABSTRACT Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only available treatment for the neurological involvement of disorders such as late-onset metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), mucopolysaccharidosis type I-Hurler (MPS-IH), and X-linked cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (CALD). Objective To describe survival and neurological outcomes after HSCT for these disorders. Methods Seven CALD, 2 MLD and 2 MPS-IH patients underwent HSCT between 2007 and 2014. Neurological examinations, magnetic resonance imaging, molecular and biochemical studies were obtained at baseline and repeated when appropriated. Results Favorable outcomes were obtained with 4/5 related and 3/6 unrelated donors. Two patients died from procedure-related complications. Nine transplanted patients were alive after a median of 3.7 years: neurological stabilization was obtained in 5/6 CALD, 1/2 MLD, and one MPS-IH patient. Brain lesions of the MPS-IH patient were reduced four years after HSCT. Conclusion Good outcomes were obtained when HSCT was performed before adulthood, early in the clinical course, and/or from a related donor.

RESUMO O transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH) é o único tratamento disponível para o envolvimento neurológico de doenças como a leucodistrofia metacromática (MLD), a mucopolissacaridose tipo I-Hurler (MPS-IH) e a adrenoleucodistrofia (CALD). Objetivos Descrever a sobrevida e os desfechos neurológicos após o TCTH nessas doenças. Métodos Sete pacientes CALD, 2 MLD e 2 MPS-IH realizaram TCTH entre 2007 e 2014. Avaliações neurológicas, ressonância nuclear magnética e estudos bioquímicos e moleculares foram feitos no baseline e repetidos quando apropriado. Resultados Desfechos favoráveis foram obtidos em 4/5 TCTH de doadores relacionados e em 3/6 não relacionados. Dois pacientes faleceram de complicações do procedimento. Nove transplantados sobreviveram após uma mediana de 3,7 anos: estabilização neurológica foi obtida em 5/6 CALD, ½ MLD e em um caso MPS-IH. As lesões encefálicas de um caso MPS-IH reduziram-se quatro anos após o TCTH. Conclusão Bons desfechos foram obtidos quando o TCTH foi feito antes da vida adulta, cedo no curso clínico e/ou a partir de um doador relacionado.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Mucopolysaccharidosis I/surgery , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/mortality , Adrenoleukodystrophy/surgery , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/surgery , Pedigree , Tissue Donors , Brain/pathology , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Brazil/epidemiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Mucopolysaccharidosis I/genetics , Mucopolysaccharidosis I/mortality , Age of Onset , Adrenoleukodystrophy/genetics , Adrenoleukodystrophy/mortality , Transplantation Conditioning/methods , White Matter/diagnostic imaging , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/genetics , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic/mortality
GED gastroenterol. endosc. dig ; 32(4): 120-122, out.-dez. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-761189


A principal causa de hemobilia é a lesão traumática de ramos intra-hepáticos da artéria hepática. Porém, outras etiologias são descritas. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma rara causa de hemorragia digestiva secundária à hemobilia associada à leucodistrofia metacromática. Revisão bibliográfica evidenciou apenas quatro casos descritos.

The main cause of hemobilia is the traumatic injury of intrahepatic branches of the hepatic artery. However, other etiologies are decribed. The objective of this paper is to present a rare case of gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to hemobilia associated with metachromatic leukodystrophy. Literature review revealed only four cases described.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Hemobilia , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic , Papilloma , Gallbladder , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 10(2)apr.-jun. 2012.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-644889


Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy) is an inherited recessive autosomal leukodystrophy caused by deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase. The lack of this enzyme leads to the build-up of galactolipids that will promote the death of oligodendrocytes and the demyelination of the central and peripheral nervous systems. There are two clinical forms: early onset and late onset. This article reports a case of late onset Krabbe disease and discusses the importance of early diagnosis for its prognosis.

Doença de Krabbe (leucodistrofia de células globoides) é uma leucodistrofia de herança autossômica recessiva causada pela deficiência da enzima galactocerebrosidase. A falta dessa enzima leva ao acúmulo de galactolipídeos que irão promover a morte dos oligodendrócitos e a desmielinização do sistema nervoso central e periférico. Possui duas formas clínicas: de início precoce e de aparecimento tardio. O presente artigo relata um caso da apresentação tardia da doença de Krabbe e discute a importância do diagnóstico precoce para o seu prognóstico.

Humans , Galactolipids , Galactosylceramidase , Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell , Psychosine
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 44(4): 647-652, dic. 2010. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633133


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar, en una muestra de individuos cubanos, un rango preliminar de valores normales de actividad específica de N-acetil- a-D-glucosaminidasa y arilsulfatasa A, enzimas deficientes en la mucopolisacaridosis tipo III B y la leucodistrofia metacromática, respectivamente. Se realizó una investigación de corte transversal, en muestras de sangre de 38 individuos adultos. Se realizó la extracción de los leucocitos y se determinó la actividad específica de las enzimas por métodos espectrofotométricos. Todos los participantes fueron caracterizados desde el punto de vista clínico como sanos para ambas enfermedades. Se obtuvieron valores medios de actividad específica de N-acetil-a-D-glucosaminidasa y arilsulfatasa A de 1,52±0,30 y 121,37±20,14 nmol/mg/h, respectivamente. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en relación a las características étnicas para ninguna de las dos enzimas (p<0,05). Este constituye el primer estudio cubano en el cual se publican rangos de actividad específica para estas enzimas en individuos cuya condición de sanos y no relacionados familiarmente con la enfermedad ha sido clínicamente demostrada. El análisis de un mayor número de muestras permitirá establecer los puntos de corte que dotarán al diagnóstico bioquímico de estas enfermedades de una mayor confiabilidad.

The aim of this study was to determine, in a sample of Cuban individuals, a preliminary range of normal values of N-acetyl-a-D-glucosaminidase and arylsulfatase A activity, enzymes that are deficient in mucopolysaccharidosis type III B and metachromatic leukodystrophy, respectively. A cross-sectional research was conducted. Blood samples were obtained out of 38 adult individuals. The leucocytes were extracted and the specific enzymatic activity was assayed by spectrophotometric methods. All participants were characterized from the clinical point of view as healthy for both diseases. Average values of N-acetyl-a-D-glucosaminidase and arylsulfatase A specific activities of 1.52 ± 0.30 and 121.37 ± 20.14 nmol/mg/h, respectively were obtained. There were no significant differences related to ethnicity for any of the two enzymes (p <0.05). This is the first Cuban study in which ranges of activity for these enzymes have been reported in healthy individuals whose healthy and non-familiarly related with the disease status have been clinically demonstrated. The analysis of more samples will establish the cutoff points that will increase the reliability of the biochemical diagnosis of these diseases.

Humans , Acetylglucosaminidase , Cerebroside-Sulfatase , Enzymes , Reference Values , Acetylglucosaminidase , Mucopolysaccharidosis III , Adult , Cuba , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic , Metabolism, Inborn Errors
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 38(2): 234-239, mayo-jul. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-594534


Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a progressive, inherited and neurodegenerative disease. A patient suffering from this disease poses a lot of anaesthetic problems. We have successfully anaesthetized a female child with general anaesthesia who was suffering from metabolic leukodystrophy.

La leucodistrofia metacromática es una enfermedad progresiva hereditaria y neurodegenerativa. Un paciente que sufre de esta enfermedad representa múltiples problemas anestésicos. Hemos anestesiado exitosamente una niña que sufre de leucodistrofia metacromática con anestesia general.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Anesthesia, General , Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic , Anesthesia
Cir. & cir ; 74(6): 477-481, nov.-dic. 2006. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-571235


La leucodistrofia de Krabbe es una enfermedad rara en México, por este motivo se reporta un caso de una niña de 11 años. Se describen los estudios ultraestructurales de biopsia de nervio sural. Las vainas de mielina fueron muy delgadas. El citoplasma de las células de Schwann contenía estructuras no membranosas y estructuras en forma de agujas parcialmente curvilíneas de longitud variable. Las inclusiones a menudo tenían material electrodenso o electrolúcido. Estas características representan a la leucodistrofia de Krabbe. Los estudios ultraestructurales ayudan al diagnóstico en los casos en que no se dispone de estudios genéticos o técnicas especiales de laboratorio. En la paciente descrita el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Krabbe se estableció tardíamente de acuerdo con el inicio de los síntomas. El diagnóstico de leucodistrofia de Krabbe se puede evidenciar con el estudio de microscopia electrónica de nervio sural.

Krabbe's leukodystrophy is a rare hereditary disease in Mexico. For that reason we report the case of an 11-year-old child. Ultrastructural studies of sural nerve biopsy specimen are described. Myelin sheaths were uniformly thin for the fiber diameters. Cytoplasm of Schwann cells exhibited a moderate dilatation with non-membrane masses with partly curvilinear, needle-shaped structures of variable length. The inclusions often had electron-dense or electron-lucent halos. These inclusions ultrastructurally represented Krabbe's leukodystrophy, and this method aids in the diagnosis in cases that are not available for genetic studies or special laboratory techniques. In this patient, diagnosis of Krabbe's disease was delayed and established several years after the initial symptoms. Electron microscopic examination of a sural nerve provided evidence for a diagnosis of Krabbe's leukodystrophy.

Humans , Female , Child , Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell/diagnosis , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Sural Nerve/ultrastructure , Myelin Sheath/ultrastructure , Crystallization , Schwann Cells/ultrastructure , Inclusion Bodies/ultrastructure , Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell/pathology , Time Factors