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An. psicol ; 40(2): 265-271, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232728


En la educación superior, pocos estudios relacionan factores contextuales en la clase, como el énfasis del profesor en la utilidad del contenido y las características motivacionales de los estudiantes. El objetivo fue probar un modelo multinivel sobre la relación entre el énfasis del docente en la utilidad del contenido durante la clase, la autonomía de los estudiantes y, a su vez, la motivación para aprender. Participaron 3033 estudiantes universitarios matriculados de 1º a 4º grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, de universidades de España (N = 602), Portugal (N = 469), México (N = 1177), Chile (N = 372), y Brasil (N = 413). Se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales multinivel, en el que los participantes respondieron preguntas sobre el énfasis del profesor en la utilidad del contenido de la clase, la autonomía y la motivación para aprender. Se hipotetizó que el énfasis del profesor en la utilidad del contenido predecía la autonomía del estudiante que, por su vez, predecía la motivación para aprender. Los resultados, a nivel grupal e individual, indican que el énfasis del docente en la utilidad del contenido predijo la autonomía del estudiante, y la autonomía predijo la motivación para aprender.(AU)

Teacher autonomy support is related to improved student learn-ing. In higher education, few studies relate classroom contextual factors, such as teacher emphasis on content usefulness, and students' motivational characteristics. The aim was to test a multilevel model about the relation between the extent of teachers’ emphasis on the usefulness of class con-tent with student autonomy, and, in turn, on motivation to learn. The par-ticipants were 3033 university students enrolled from 1st to 4th grade of Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sport, from universities in Spain (N = 602), Portugal (N = 469), Mexico (N = 1177), Chile (N = 372), and Brazil (N = 413). A multilevel structural equation model was performed, in which participants answered questions about the teacher's emphasis on the use-fulness of class content, basic psychological need for autonomy, and moti-vation to learn. At the group and individual levels, the hypothesis is that the teacher's emphasis on the usefulness of class content predict the stu-dent autonomy, in turn, student autonomy predicts student motivation to learn. Results found at the group level and at the individual level the strength of teacher emphasis on class content predicted student autonomy; student autonomy predicted student motivation to learn.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Personal Autonomy , Universities , Teaching , Motivation
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564259


El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la influencia del autoconcepto físico en relación con la motivación de logro y las actitudes de estudiantes de enseñanza media en la asignatura de Educación Física y Salud. Además, se buscó explorar las disparidades en las percepciones entre hombres y mujeres, así como entre aquellos que participan en actividades físico-deportivas. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se empleó un enfoque cuantitativo con un alcance descriptivo-correlacional, utilizando un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 279 estudiantes de la región del Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento evaluó diversas dimensiones del autoconcepto físico, la motivación de logro y las actitudes hacia la asignatura. Los principales resultados indican que la actividad física constante se vincula con una mejor evaluación en estas dimensiones. Los hombres muestran una percepción corporal más positiva y mayor disposición para la participación activa, mientras que las mujeres experimentan niveles elevados de ansiedad y percepción de dificultad. La actividad física constante se asocia con percepciones más favorables en diversas dimensiones. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de considerar género y nivel de actividad física al diseñar estrategias educativas en Educación Física y Salud en la enseñanza media.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of physical self-concept in relation to achievement motivation and attitudes of high school students in the subject of Physical Education and Health. In addition, we sought to explore the disparities in perceptions between men and women, as well as between those who participate in physical-sports activities. To carry out the research, a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational scope was used, using a questionnaire applied to a sample of 279 students from the Biobío region, Chile. This instrument evaluated various dimensions of physical self-concept, achievement motivation, and attitudes toward the subject. The main results indicate that constant physical activity is linked to a better evaluation in these dimensions. Men show a more positive body perception and greater willingness to actively participate, while women experience high levels of anxiety and perceived difficulty. Constant physical activity is associated with more favorable perceptions in various dimensions. These results highlight the importance of considering gender and level of physical activity when designing educational strategies in Physical Education and Health in secondary education.

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência do autoconceito físico em relação à motivação e atitudes de realização de estudantes do ensino médio na disciplina de Educação Física e Saúde. Além disso, procuramos explorar as disparidades de percepções entre homens e mulheres, bem como entre aqueles que participam de atividades físico-esportivas. Para a realização da pesquisa foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa com escopo descritivo-correlacional, por meio de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 279 estudantes da região Biobío, Chile. Este instrumento avaliou diversas dimensões do autoconceito físico, motivação para realização e atitudes em relação ao sujeito. Os principais resultados indicam que a atividade física constante está ligada a uma melhor avaliação nestas dimensões. Os homens demonstram uma percepção corporal mais positiva e maior disposição para participar ativamente, enquanto as mulheres apresentam altos níveis de ansiedade e dificuldade percebida. A atividade física constante está associada a percepções mais favoráveis em diversas dimensões. Estes resultados destacam a importância de considerar o género e o nível de atividade física na concepção de estratégias educativas em Educação Física e Saúde no ensino secundário.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 673-678, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564625


En el marco de un proceso de aprendizaje activo, se investigó el rendimiento académico a corto y a largo plazo de los estudiantes en dos sesiones prácticas de la asignatura de Histología a las que se incorporó un escape room. También se evaluó su impacto en la motivación y la retención del conocimiento. Los estudiantes fueron clasificados en un grupo control, que siguió una metodología de enseñanza tradicional, y un grupo experimental, que participó en la actividad del escape room. Los resultados revelaron mejoras significativas en las calificaciones posteriores a la intervención en el grupo experimental. El estudio también evaluó la percepción estudiantil de la experiencia del escape room que demostró valoraciones muy satisfactorias.

SUMMARY: In the context of an active learning process, this study investigated the short-term and long-term academic performance of students in two practical sessions of the Histology course, which included an escape room activity. The impact of this approach on motivation and knowledge retention was also assessed. Students were divided into a control group, which followed a traditional teaching methodology, and an experimental group, which participated in the escape room activity. The results revealed significant improvements in post-intervention grades in the experimental group. Additionally, the study assessed students' perceptions of the escape room experience, which showed highly satisfactory evaluations.

Humans , Students/psychology , Gamification , Histology/education , Learning , Academic Performance , Motivation
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(5): 101495, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38691897


INTRODUCTION: Physical activity acts as an adjuvant in the treatment of numerous diseases and in the promotion of healthy aging. Increasing longevity entails an increase in the demand for professionals who prescribe physical activity, specifically physiotherapists and physical-activity educators. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of a group of third- and fourth-year Physiotherapy students (n=9) and Sport Sciences students (n=5), and experts who work with older adults (n=3) about their knowledge of the older adult population and healthy aging. The secondary objectives were to: (a) explore what knowledge future professionals need about physical activity programming and about physical activity programs aimed at maintaining and improving health among older adults; (b) explore what would be the best methodology to acquire such knowledge; and (c) explore whether a relationship is perceived between knowledge about the older adult population and motivation to work with this population group. METHODS: Two discussion groups with students and three interviews with experts were conducted. Discussion groups and interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed through a reflexive thematic analysis, following the steps described by Braun and Clarke (2021). RESULTS: Three themes were identified from the discussion groups: (1) conception and ideas about older adults, (2) skills and knowledge perceived as important, and (3) proposals for motivational intervention addressed to the older population. Four themes were identified from the interviews with experts: (1) characteristics of the future professional, (2) physical activity programs for older people: the recipe for success, (3) the role of enjoyment as key to success, and (4) barriers/obstacles along the path. CONCLUSION: Students of both degrees and experts believe that more practical training opportunities are needed, to enable students to interact with the older population and get to know their needs, motivations, and barriers, to increase physical activity levels in this population group.

Exercise , Healthy Aging , Humans , Exercise/psychology , Male , Female , Healthy Aging/psychology , Adult , Health Promotion , Attitude of Health Personnel , Aged , Sports , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Motivation , Young Adult , Students, Health Occupations/psychology , Middle Aged
Gac Sanit ; 38 Suppl 1: 102379, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38710606


The Spanish public health system is overburdened. As a result, heath care professionals are showing symptoms of burnout, while private health services are expanding more than ever. As revealed by numerous strikes in recent years, health care professionals want better pay and work conditions and feel frustrated by their inability to give proper time and care to their patients. The institutional response from regional governments in Spain has been to remove the exclusivity clause that provided a salary bonus for physicians who worked entirely in the public sector; now all physicians receive this bonus, effectively promoting dual (public and private) practice. Although dual practice may increase the income of physicians and other health professionals, it poses several challenges that are analyzed in this paper. We also discuss alternative and more far-reaching policies that we believe should be implemented by the government in order to deal with the current crisis of the health system.

Delivery of Health Care , Spain , Humans , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Private Practice/organization & administration , Public Sector , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Physicians/psychology , Health Policy , Burnout, Professional
Gac Sanit ; 38 Suppl 1: 102394, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38719697


Healthcare professionals deserve good management, and Spain, stagnant in its productivity, needs it. Good management is possible, as evidenced during the states of alarm in 2020. None of the lessons learned have been consolidated. Dismissing the term "public management" as an oxymoron is extreme, as there has never been a greater need for a well-functioning state, along with a better market, for reasons beyond the consolidation of the welfare state. The opposite extreme of thinking that salvation lies only within the civil service is also unhelpful. Bureaucratic sclerosis, a sign of deterioration, focused on legality or its appearance, cannot continue to ignore the need for effectiveness. The quality of management, both in general and in the healthcare sector, can be measured, and there is knowledge on how to improve it. More flexible models of labor relations -for selection, recruitment, and retention based on improved criteria of "equality, merit, and capability"- require modifications in institutional architecture, as proposed in this article: competitor benchmarking among autonomous centers and responsible entities that share standardized rules. The healthcare system, the jewel of the country, thanks in large part to the quality of its human resources, not only deserves to have its potential unleashed but can also lead the necessary increase in its resolution capacity, ensuring its impact on social well-being. It can also document its research and innovative capabilities in intellectual property, thereby contributing to the gross domestic product.

Personnel Management , Spain , Humans , Personnel Management/methods , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Health Workforce
Enferm. glob ; 23(74): 1-16, abr.2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232279


Introducción: Los profesionales de la salud tienen un mayor riesgo de sufrir lesiones físicas, sexuales o psicológicas debido a la violencia en el lugar de trabajo ocupando su rol al brindar cuidados de salud hacia el paciente pediátrico en casos de Emergencia. Los incidentes en los que el profesional es abusado, amenazado o agredido en las circunstancias relacionadas con su trabajo implican un desafío explícito o implícito a su seguridad, bienestar o salud. Objetivo: Explorar la percepción de profesionales de enfermería sobre la violencia laboral en el desempeño y ejecución de actividades orientadas al cuidado de salud de Enfermería en la Emergencia Pediátrica. Método: Investigación cualitativa de diseño fenomenológico, el estudio se realizó en profesionales de Enfermería del servicio de Emergencia Pediátrica con una muestra de 32 participantes, distribuidas en 4 grupos focales. Se diseñó una guía de preguntas semiestructuradas sobre los aspectos percibidos en el ámbito del trabajo del profesional que fueron recopiladas mediante archivos de voz y notas de campo, los resultados fueron analizados identificando las fuentes de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo. Resultados: Con la recopilación de datos de los participantes, la investigadora principal analizará la forma en que se presenta la violencia laboral desde la percepción de profesionales de Enfermería determinando los riesgos presentes para brindar recomendaciones y diseñar un plan de acción que ayuda a prevenir la violencia. (AU)

Introduction: Healthcare professional face a higher risk of experiencing physical, sexual, or psychological injuries due to violence in the workplace fulfilling their role in providing health care to a pediatric patient in emergency cases. Incidents where professionals are abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work pose an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being, or health.Objective: To explore the perception of nursing professionals regarding workplace violence in the performance and execution of healthcare activities in Pediatric Emergency Nursing. Method: Qualitative research with a phenomenological design. The study was conducted among nursing professionals in the Pediatric Emergency Service, with a sample size of 32 participants divided into 4 focus groups. A semi-structured questions were designed to gather perceptions about various aspects of their work, that were collected through voice recordings and field notes. The results were analyzed to identify the sources of violence in the workplace. Results: Through the data collected from the participants, the lead researcher analyzed the manifestation of workplace violence as perceived by nursing professionals. This analysis determined the existing risks and provided recommendations for designing an action plan to prevent violence. (AU)

Humans , Aggression , Anxiety , Burnout, Professional , Motivation , Violence
Aten Primaria ; 56(8): 102931, 2024 Aug.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38603940


OBJECTIVE: To find out the motivations of adolescents for alcohol consumption. DESIGN: Qualitative methodology with discussion groups. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTEXT: 131 adolescents (15-17 years old) enrolled in nine schools in Tarragona (Spain). METHOD: Systematic coding strategy, adapted to focus groups. Educational centers were selected through a stratified purposive sampling by educational levels (segmentation criterion) and ownership of the center (public or private). Participants within the educational levels were randomly selected for the groups. Content analysis was conducted using an open and flexible coding strategy. RESULTS: Motivations for alcohol consumption were identified, revolving around six fundamental dimensions: a) seeking fun and new sensations, b) alleviating discomfort, c) consumption due to social contagion and group pressure, d) consumption as a rite of passage into adulthood, e) environmental availability of alcohol, and f) low perception of risk. This motivation varied according to the adolescent's gender. In girls, drinking behavior appeared related to overcoming negative emotional states, while for boys, belonging to the peer group took precedence: drinking reinforces hegemonic masculinity and ensures complicity among peers. Adolescents considered that the information they receive from educational centers is sufficient, but it does not motivate change. CONCLUSIONS: Public health strategies focused on preventing alcohol consumption in adolescents should incorporate their motivations to achieve greater efficiency, paying due attention to sex/gender variables.

Alcohol Drinking , Focus Groups , Motivation , Humans , Adolescent , Male , Female , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Underage Drinking/psychology , Spain
Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557975


Introducción: Es importante la relación entre el desarrollo de las categorías originalidad, flexibilidad, autonomía y motivación del modo de actuación creativo. El objetivo del artículo consistió en elaborar un sistema de indicaciones para el desarrollo de categorías del modo de actuación creativo en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación mixta, donde el universo lo constituyeron estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía-Sicología de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" en el curso 2021-2022 y se tomó una muestra aleatoria intencional de 24 educandos del tercer año. Resultados: El procesamiento estadístico de los instrumentos aplicados permitió ubicar al 75 % de la muestra entre un nivel medio y bajo en el desarrollo de categorías del modo de actuación creativo, por carencias en su expresión. Discusión: Desde fundamentos teóricos referenciados se analizó una propuesta de indicaciones que permiten la sistematización de contenidos de aprendizaje y facilitan el desarrollo de acciones autónomas y motivadoras para solucionar problemáticas en el contexto laboral. Conclusiones: La elaboración de indicaciones, desde la disciplina principal integradora y en estrecha relación con las categorías declaradas del modo de actuación creativo, facilitaron su desarrollo y demostraron pertinencia y factibilidad en el contexto de la práctica laboral.

Introduction: The relationship between the development of the categories of originality, flexibility, autonomy and motivation of the creative mode of action is important. The objective of the article was to develop a system of indications for the development of categories of the creative mode of action in university students. Methods: A mixed investigation was carried out, where the universe was made up of students of the Pedagogy-Psychology degree at the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" in the 2021-2022 academic year and an intentional random sample of 24 students from the third year was taken. In the research, actions were designed to solve problems in work practice and a self-assessment scale about the development of the categories of the creative mode of action. Results: The statistical processing of the applied instruments allowed 75 % of the sample to be placed between a medium and low level in the development of categories of the creative mode of action, due to deficiencies in its expression. Discussion: From referenced theoretical foundations, a proposal of indications was analyzed that allow the systematization of learning content and facilitate the development of autonomous and motivating actions to solve problems in the work context. Conclusions: The development of indications, from the main integrative discipline and in close relationship with the declared categories of the creative mode of action, facilitated its development and demonstrated relevance and feasibility in the context of work practice.

Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 3-7, 20240315.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552558


Introducción. El tabaquismo es responsable de una gran cantidad de muertes en el mundo, la gran prevalencia del tabaquismo entre adolescentes, así como la baja edad de inicio del consumo, genera preocupación y la necesidad de implementar intervenciones específicas a esta población. Objetivo. Evaluar los efectos de una charla antitabaco en adolescentes de colegios públicos y privados en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Métodos. Estudio cuantitativo cuasi-experimental, se realizó una charla antitabaco en dos colegios (público y privado), se evaluó la motivación para dejar de fumar con el Test de Richmond en una muestra de 13 estudiantes pre y post charla. Resultados. hubo una mejora en los puntajes de Richmond post charla en ambos colegios, siendo mayor en el colegio público, sin embargo, la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,09). Discusión. La evidencia respalda la efectividad de las charlas antitabaco. Existe una relación entre nivel socioeconómico y tabaquismo, sin embargo, no hay otros estudios que comparen la efectividad en los distintos estratos sociales. Se reconocen limitaciones del estudio como el tamaño de la muestra y el muestreo no aleatorio, se recomiendan nuevos estudios que incluyan otras variables. Conclusiones. A pesar de limitaciones del estudio, se respalda la implementación de charlas antitabaco en entornos educativos, enfatizando la necesidad de adaptar estrategias a contextos socioeconómicos específicos para mejorar la salud pública.

Background. Introduction: Smoking is responsible for a significant number of deaths worldwide, and the high prevalence of smoking among adolescents, as well as early age of onset, raises concerns, and the need of targeted interventions for this group. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of an anti-smoking talk on students from public and private schools in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. Methods. A quasi-experimental quantitative study involving an anti-smoking talk in two schools (public and private) assessed the motivation to quit smoking using the Richmond Test in a sample of 13 students pre and post the talk. Results. There was an improvement in Richmond scores post-talk in both schools, with a greater increase observed in the public school. However, the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.09). Discussion. The evidence supports the effectiveness of anti-smoking talks. A relationship between socioeconomic status and smoking exists, yet there are no studies comparing effectiveness across different socioeconomic strata. Study limitations, such as sample size and non-random sampling, are acknowledged, and further research incorporating additional variables is recommended. Conclusions. Despite study limitations, advocating for the implementation of anti-smoking talks in educational settings is supported, emphasizing the need to adapt strategies to specific socioeconomic contexts to enhance public health.

Gac Sanit ; 38(S1): 102367, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38413323


Assessing and compensating performance in professional organizations is extremely difficult in direct public management settings of health services. Performance assessment is technically complex and, more so, with multiplicity of principals influencing goal setting. Incentives are a lever to generate directionality and motivation, both structural (for attracting and retaining workers) and specific ones (rewarding performance and directing behavior towards institutional goals). Incentives influence the behavior of workers in various ways, and their effectiveness seams weak and controversial in publicly run health services. To overcome the problems of deciding and evaluating performance, both good governance models and the revitalization of contractual management are required. To improve the effectiveness of incentive models, it is convenient to: 1) widen the conceptual framework of incentives, to incorporate the structural aspects of employment contract and payment; 2) improve the designs from a greater understanding of the determinants of motivation; and 3) broaden the lens to survey the extra-mural factors that alter the behavior of workers, trying to counter them.

Motivation , Reimbursement, Incentive , Humans , Delivery of Health Care
Gac Sanit ; 38 Suppl 1: 102368, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38413322


In Spain, the compensation model for statutory health personnel is complex, heterogeneous, and more oriented to rewarding complementary functions and activities, than to paying for the actual performance in the position of employee. The various attempts to incorporate incentives have been distorted by a civil service egalitarianist culture, and weak systemic governance. External attractors (private practice, etc.) for healthcare professionals are becoming more important and neutralize many intramural incentives. There are few prospects of relevant or general changes, since the main actors involved are reforms-averse; but some environmental factors can lead to incremental improvements in employment contracts, in the information available to improve benchmarking, and in the creation of islands of good clinical governance and management. The economic scenario, increasingly concerned about inflationary trends and sustainability risks, may have a revitalizing effect of some governance and management reforms.

Reimbursement, Incentive , Spain , Humans , National Health Programs/organization & administration , National Health Programs/economics , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Delivery of Health Care/economics , Managed Care Programs/organization & administration , Managed Care Programs/economics
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 26-38, Ene 2, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-229617


La motivación orientada a la tarea se vincula con la tendencia de los estudiantes de Educación Física a asociarse con una mayor probabilidad de ser físicamente activos en el futuro y fuera de las clases de Educación Física, mientras que la motivación orientada al ego estaría vinculada a una menor probabilidad de desarrollar estilos de vida activos. Además, la literatura existente ha mostrado que la percepción de autoeficacia también sería una variable que determina la intención de ser activo. Así, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las relaciones entre la orientación motivacional y la intención de ser activo, analizando el papel de la autoeficacia motriz en estas relaciones. Para ello, se desarrolló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el que se evaluaron los efectos directos e indirectos entre las variables. Participaron en esta investigación 478 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 18 años (M=14.57; DT=1.15). Para la recogida de información se utilizaron elCuestionario Orientación al Ego y a la Tarea en el Deporte (TEOSQ), la Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz (MSES) y la Escala de Intención de Ser Físicamente Activo (MIFA). Los datos mostraron una relación positiva y directa entre la orientación a la tarea con la autoeficacia motriz y la intención de ser activo. Asimismo, los datos mostraron una relación positiva y directa entre la orientaciónal ego con la autoeficacia motora, pero no con la intención de ser activo. Asimismo, se observaron efectos indirectos y positivos entre la orientación a la tarea y al ego con la intención de ser activo. Por lo tanto, los resultados de este estudio muestran que podría ser necesario tener en cuenta la autoeficacia para comprender mejor las relaciones entre las orientaciones motivacionales y la intención de ser activo.(AU)

Task-oriented is linked to the tendency of Physical Education students to be associated with a higher likelihoodof being physically active in the future and outside of Physical Education classes, while ego-oriented motivation is linked to a lower likelihood of developing active lifestyles. However, existing literature has shown that self-efficacy perception is also a variable that determines the intention to be active. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the relationships between motivational orientationand the intention to be active, examining the role of motor self-efficacy in these relationships. To this end, astructural equation model was developed in which direct and indirect effects between the variables were evaluated. A total of 478 adolescents aged between 13 and 18 years old (M=14.57; SD=1.15) participated in this research. The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), the Motor Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES), and the Intention of Being Physically Active Scale (MIFA) were used to collect information. The data showed a positive and direct relationship between task orientation with motor self-efficacy and intention to be active. Likewise, the data showed a positive and direct relationship between ego orientation and motor self-efficacy, but not to be active. Additionally, indirect and positive effects were observed between task and ego orientation to be active. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that it might be necessary to consider self-efficacy to better understand the relationships between motivational orientations and intention to be active.(AU)

A orientação para a tarefa está ligada à tendência dos estudantes de Educação Física para serem fisicamente activos no futuro bem como fora das aulas de Educação Física. Por outro lado, a orientação para o ego está mais relacionada com uma menor probabilidade de desenvolverem estilos de vida activos. No entanto, a literatura existente tem demonstrado que a perceção de auto-eficácia seria também uma variável que determina a intenção de ser ativo. Assim, o objetivodo presente estudo foi analisar as relações entre a orientação motivacional e a intenção de ser ativo, analisando o papel da auto-eficácia motora nestas relações. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um modelo de equações estruturais no qual foram avaliados os efeitos diretos e indiretos. Participaram nesta investigação 478 adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 18 anos (M=14,57; DP=1,15). Para a recolha de informação foram utilizados o Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), aMotor Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES) e a Intention ofBeing Physically Active Scale (MIFA). Os dados revelaram uma relação positiva e direta entre a orientação para a tarefa, a auto-eficácia motora e a intenção de ser ativo. Além disso, os dados revelaram uma relação positiva e direta entre a orientação para o ego e a auto-eficácia motora, mas não com a intenção de ser ativo. Da mesma forma, foram observados efeitos indirectos positivos entre a orientação para a tarefa e a orientação para o ego com a intenção de ser ativo. Portanto, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que pode ser necessário considerar a autoeficácia para entender as relações entre as orientações motivacionais e a intenção de ser ativo.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Self Efficacy , Physical Education and Training , Students , Education , Motivation , Life Style , Psychology, Sports , Sports Medicine , Sports
Rev. esp. drogodepend ; 49(1): 31-57, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231980


Estudios recientes de estimulación transcraneal con corriente directa (tDCS), aplicada sobre la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral (CPFDL), han demostrado que pueden reducir el craving y el consumo de tabaco. Sin embargo, existen pocas investigaciones que hayan evaluado los efectos del tDCS sobre la motivación y la autoeficacia para dejar de fumar. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la tDCS sobre el patrón de consumo, la motivación y la autoeficacia percibida para dejar de fumar en 16 personas con Trastorno por Consumo de Tabaco (TCT). Se utilizó un diseño de series temporales con replicación intrasujeto ABAB. El tratamiento consistió en la aplicación de 10 sesiones repetidas de tDCS a 1.5 mA durante 20 minutos sobre la CPFDL (cátodo F3 y ánodo F4), una sesión diaria durante dos semanas (lunes a viernes). Tras una fase de descanso de un mes, se replicó el tratamiento intrasujeto en idénticas condiciones. La intervención completa duró nueve semanas y fue completada por 10 participantes. Los resultados mostraron una reducción significativa en la dependencia a la nicotina, el número de cigarrillos fumados y los niveles de monóxido de carbono (CO) en el aire espirado. Además, observamos una mejora significativa en la motivación y la autoeficacia percibida para dejar de fumar. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el tDCS, aplicado sobre la CPFDL, puede ser una técnica efectiva para usar como terapia coadyuvante a otras estrategias farmacológicas y/o psicológicas empleadas en las Unidades de Conductas Adictivas (UCAs), u otros centros de atención a las drogodependencias. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios que investiguen la interacción entre los efectos de la nicotina y el tDCS para encontrar la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. (AU)

Recent studies of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (CPFDL), have shown that they can reduce craving and smoking. However, there is little research that has evaluated the effects of tDCS on motivation and self-efficacy to quit smoking. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of tDCS on the pattern of consumption, motivation and perceived self-efficacy to quit smoking in 16 people with Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD). A time series design with intrasubject ABAB replication was used. The treatment consisted of applying 10 repeated sessions of tDCS at 1.5 mA for 20 minutes on the CPFDL (cathode F3 and anode F4), one daily session for two weeks (Monday to Friday). After a one-month rest phase, the intra-subject treatment was replicated under identical conditions. The entire intervention lasted nine weeks and was completed by 10 participants. The results showed a significant reduction in nicotine dependence, the number of cigarettes smoked and the levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exhaled air. Furthermore, we observed a significant improvement in motivation and perceived self-efficacy to quit smoking. These findings suggest that the tDCS, applied on the CPFDL, may be an effective technique to use as adjunctive therapy to other pharmacological and / or psychological strategies used in the Addictive Behavior Units, or other drug addiction care centers. However, more studies are needed to investigate the interaction between the effects of nicotine and tDCS to find the optimal treatment strategy. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation/psychology , Tobacco Use , Smoking Cessation/methods , Smoking Cessation/psychology , Motivation , Self Efficacy
Ene ; 18(1): [5], 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232147


En las últimas décadas los avances en la investigación enfermera han supuesto un incremento del consumo, la generación y producción científica, pero todavía son necesarios cambios importantes para una "cultura de la investigación enfermera". El objetivo general es realizar un análisis de la literatura sobre la investigación enfermera desde los conocimientos y motivaciones, barreras y limitaciones y perspectivas de futuro hacia la investigación. Se puede concluir con los datos recientes que existen déficits sobre los conocimientos y motivaciones de los/as enfermeros/as hacia la investigación y que las barreras y limitaciones en la investigación de los cuidados requieren de estrategias y propuestas de cambio para el futuro de la ciencia enfermera. (AU)

Humans , Nursing Research , Interdisciplinary Research , Motivation , Spain , Nursing Care
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0178, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449758


ABSTRACT Introduction: Triathlon can be considered one of the most successful endurance sports worldwide due to the wide dissemination of information, expansion of the offer of competitions, and greater popularity. Objective: To analyze Brazilian triathletes' sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and motivational profiles. Methods: 411 triathletes participated in the study, 127 women [37.87 ± 9.34 years] and 284 men [36.02 ± 9.23 years]. Three questionnaires were sent electronically to assess sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and motivational data. In addition, descriptive analyses and statistical tests were performed to compare motivation between age, sex, and technical level groups. Results: It was found that there is a prevalence of male triathletes, amateurs, aged between 30-40 years, employed and economically favored. Amateur athletes have running as a base sport for Triathlon, and professionals start their sports career through swimming. Among the most practiced distances are the sprint Triathlon and half Ironman. Regarding motivation, women differ in the dimensions of group activity (p=0.020), emotion (p=0.002), and technical competence (p=0.007). Professional triathletes had higher scores in the dimensions of social recognition (p=0.001) and competition (p=0.001) and lower scores in the physical fitness dimension (p=0.005). Triathletes aged between 35 and 49 years had lower averages in the social recognition dimension (p=0.007), (p=0.012) and (p=0.004) and competition (p=0.028), (p=0.008) and (p=0.044) when compared to athletes aged 20 to 29 years. Conclusion: the profile of Brazilian triathletes is diverse, and differences in sex, age, and technical level impacted the motivation of the evaluated triathletes. Level of Evidence III; Diagnostic studies - Investigation of a diagnosis test; Study of non-consecutive patients, with no uniformly applied "gold standard".

RESUMEN Introducción: El triatlón puede considerarse uno de los deportes de resistencia de mayor éxito a nivel mundial debido a la gran difusión de información, ampliación de la oferta de competiciones y mayor popularidad. Objetivo: Analizar el perfil sociodemográfico, socioeconómico y motivacional de los triatletas brasileños. Métodos: Participaron en el estudio 411 triatletas, 127 mujeres [37,87 ± 9,34 años] y 284 hombres [36,02 ± 9,23 años]. Se enviaron electrónicamente tres cuestionarios para evaluar datos sociodemográficos, socioeconómicos y de motivación. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y pruebas estadísticas para comparar la motivación entre grupos de edad, sexo y nivel técnico. Resultados: Se encontró que existe un predominio de triatletas masculinos, amateurs, con edades entre 30-40 años, empleados y económicamente favorecidos. Los deportistas aficionados tienen la carrera como deporte base para el Triatlón y los profesionales inician su carrera deportiva a través de la natación. Entre las distancias más practicadas se encuentran el Triatlón sprint y el medio Ironman. Respecto a la motivación, las mujeres difieren en las dimensiones actividad grupal (p=0,020), emoción (p=0,002) y competencia técnica (p=0,007). Los triatletas profesionales obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en las dimensiones de reconocimiento social (p=0,001) y competición (p=0,001) y puntuaciones más bajas en la dimensión de condición física (p=0,005). Los triatletas con edades comprendidas entre 35 y 49 años tuvieron medias más bajas en la dimensión reconocimiento social (p=0,007), (p=0,012) y (p=0,004) y competición (p=0,028), (p=0,008) y (p=0,044) en comparación con atletas de 20 a 29 años. Conclusión: el perfil de los triatletas brasileños es diverso y las diferencias de sexo, edad y nivel técnico impactaron en la motivación de los triatletas evaluados. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudios diagnósticos - Investigación de un diagnóstico prueba; Estudio de pacientes no consecutivos, sin un "patrón oro" aplicado uniformemente.

RESUMO Introdução: O Triathlon pode ser considerado um dos esportes endurance de maior sucesso mundialmente devido à grande disseminação de informações, ampliação da oferta de competições e maior popularidade. Objetivo: Analisar o perfil sociodemográfico, socioeconômico e motivacional de triatletas brasileiros. Métodos: Participaram da pesquisa 411 triatletas, sendo 127 mulheres [37,87 ± 9,34 anos] e 284 homens [36,02 ± 9,23 anos]. Foram enviados eletronicamente três questionários que avaliam dados sociodemográficos, socioeconômicos e a motivação. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e testes estatísticos para comparar a motivação entre grupos de idade, sexo e nível técnico. Resultados: Verificou-se que há prevalência de triatletas homens, amadores, com faixa etária entre 30-40 anos, empregados e economicamente favorecidos. Atletas amadores possuem a corrida como esporte de base para o Triathlon e profissionais iniciam sua carreira esportiva pela natação. Entre as distâncias mais praticadas estão o Triathlon sprint e meio Ironman. Sobre a motivação, mulheres diferem nas dimensões de atividade de grupo (p=0,020), emoção (p=0,002) e competência técnica (p=0,007). Triatletas profissionais apresentaram maiores pontuações nas dimensões de reconhecimento social (p=0,001) e competição (p=0,001) e menores pontuações na dimensão aptidão física (p=0,005). Triatletas com idades entre 35 a 49 anos obtiveram menores médias na dimensão reconhecimento social (p=0,007), (p=0,012) e (p=0,004) e competição (p=0,028), (p=0,008) e (p=0,044) quando comparados com atletas de 20 a 29 anos. Conclusão: o perfil de triatletas brasileiros é diverso e as diferenças de sexo, idade e nível técnico impactaram na motivação dos triatletas avaliados. Nível de Evidência III; Estudos diagnósticos - Investigação de um diagnóstico este; Estudo de pacientes não consecutivos, sem "padrão ouro" aplicado de maneira uniforme.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560160


Introducción: La motivación y satisfacción laboral constituyen factores que garantizan el necesario compromiso social del profesional de la salud. La investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los factores que influyen en el grado de motivación y satisfacción laboral de los residentes de Cirugía General. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y exploratorio en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas, en el año 2023. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos (revisión de documentos, test de motivación y satisfacción laboral y la matriz DAFO) y estadístico-matemáticos. Las variables estudiadas fueron motivación y satisfacción laboral. Resultados: En la revisión documental se pudo conocer que no existen acciones que contribuyan a elevar el grado de motivación y satisfacción laboral. El grado de satisfacción laboral general de los residentes se encontró en un nivel medio, y la motivación general fue alta. En la entrevista a profundidad los profesores se mostraron insatisfechos y señalaron falta de disciplina y compromiso con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los residentes. A partir de la matriz DAFO se establecieron las debilidades, amenazas, fortalezas y oportunidades relacionadas con las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones: Los insuficientes recursos materiales y financieros, las inadecuadas condiciones de trabajo, las insuficiencias en la gestión del servicio y las deficiencias en el proceso docente-educativo y del trabajo en equipo, fueron las causas identificadas de insatisfacción y desmotivación laboral en los residentes de Cirugía General.

Introduction: Motivation and job satisfaction are factors that guarantee the necessary social commitment of the health professional. Objective: To characterize the factors influencing the degree of motivation and job satisfaction of General Surgery residents. Materials and methods: A descriptive, observational and exploratory study was carried out in the General Surgery Service of the Surgical Clinical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, of Matanzas, in 2023. Theoretical and empirical methods were used (document review, motivation and job satisfaction test and SWOT matrix) and statistical-mathematical tests. The variables studied were motivation and job satisfaction. Results: In the documentary review it was found that there are no actions that contribute to raising the degree of motivation and job satisfaction. The degree of general job satisfaction of the residents was found at a medium level and general motivation was high. In the in-depth interview, the professors were dissatisfied and indicated a lack of discipline and commitment to the teaching-learning process of the residents. From the SWOT matrix, the weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities related to the variables studied were established. Conclusions: Insufficient material and financial resources, inadequate working conditions, deficiencies in the management of the service and deficiencies in the teaching-educational process and teamwork were the identified causes of dissatisfaction and work demotivation in the residents of General Surgery.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230352, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558210


O estudo buscou compreender a influência da estratégia do Pay for Performance (P4P), por meio do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB), na atuação do(a)s trabalhadore(a)s. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo realizado com o(a)s trabalhadore(a)s das Estratégias de Saúde da Família. A análise foi realizada mediante a técnica de construção de narrativas. Constatou-se que o P4P contribuiu para qualificação do processo de trabalho, ao mesmo tempo que estimulou competição e conflito entre as equipes, aflorando sentimentos de culpa e injustiça e, devido à precarização do trabalho, o estímulo financeiro se descaracteriza, tornando-se complemento salarial. Problemas macroestruturais afetam as condições de trabalho e a motivação do(a)s trabalhadore(a)s, de modo que modelos de incentivo financeiro, isoladamente, não são suficientes para reverter tal cenário.

This study sought to understand the influence of pay-for-performance (P4P) on worker performance using data from the National Program for Improving Primary Care Access and Quality (PMAQ-AB). We conducted a qualitative case study with professionals working in family health strategy teams. The data were analyzed using the narrative construction technique. The findings show that P4P contributed to the improvement of work processes, while at the same time stimulating competition and conflict between the teams, causing feelings of guilt and injustice. However, the original purpose of the financial incentive is defeated due to poor working terms and conditions, becoming akin to a salary supplement. Macrostructural problems affect working conditions and worker motivation, showing that financial incentive models alone are not sufficient to reverse this situation.

El estudio buscó comprender la influencia de la estrategia Pay for Performance (P4P), por medio del Programa de Mejora del Acceso y Calidad de la Atención Básica (Pmaq-AB), en la actuación de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. Se trata de un estudio de caso, cualitativo, realizado con los trabajadores y las trabajadoras de las Estrategias de Salud de la Familia. El análisis se realizó mediante la construcción de narrativas. Se constató que el P4P contribuyó para la calificación del proceso de trabajo, al mismo tiempo que incentivó competencia y conflicto entre los equipos, haciendo aflorar los sentimientos de culpa e injusticia y, debido a la precarización del trabajo, el incentivo financiero se descaracteriza pasando a ser complemento salarial. Problemas macroestructurales afectan las condiciones de trabajo y la motivación de los trabajadores y de las trabajadoras, de modo que los modelos de incentivo económico, aisladamente, no son suficientes para revertir ese escenario.

Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 26(6): 255-259, Dic. 2023. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-230620


Introducción: Las nuevas generaciones de alumnos (generación Z o nativa digital) en la actualidad han provocado la necesidad de implantar nuevas metodologías docentes en las que el alumnado sea un sujeto activo y participativo en su propio proceso de aprendizaje. Entre estas metodologías, el uso del aprendizaje basado en juegos puede considerarse una alternativa que refuerce a la clásica ‘clase magistral’ y las clases prácticas en la docencia universitaria. Sujetos y métodos: Utilización del aprendizaje basado en juegos (juegos serios) en los alumnos matriculados de la asignatura de Anatomía Humana I (Aparato Locomotor), de primer curso del grado de Medicina en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Resultados: El uso de esta metodología ha sido valorado, mediante encuesta de evaluación de respuesta voluntaria, de manera muy positiva, haciendo hincapié en el efecto que tiene sobre la motivación, la participación y la integración de contenidos teóricos y prácticos. Conclusión: El aprendizaje basado en juegos debe considerarse como una potente alternativa que mejora la motivación, la participación y la integración de contenido en el aula de educación superior.(AU)

Introduction: The new generations of students, such as the current generation Z or digital natives, have provoked the need to implement new teaching methodologies where students are active and participative subjects in their own learning process. Among these methodologies, the use of game-based learning can be considered an alternative to reinforce the classic ‘master class’ in university teaching. Subjects and methods: Use of game-based learning (serious games), in students enrolled in the subject of Human Anatomy I (Locomotor System), first year of the Degree of Medicine at the Universidad de Zaragoza. Results: The use of this methodology has been evaluated, by means of a voluntary evaluation survey, in a very positive way, emphasizing the effect on motivation, participation and integration of theoretical and practical contents. Conclusion: Game-based learning should be considered as a powerful alternative that improves motivation, participation and content integration in the higher education classroom.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Anatomy/education , Education, Medical , Motivation , Learning/classification , Teaching/classification , Medicine
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3902, ene.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1441991


Objetivo: verificar las implicaciones de las actividades prácticas en el Laboratorio de Habilidad y Simulación relacionadas con la motivación y los sentimientos expresados por los estudiantes universitarios cuando regresan a las actividades presenciales luego del aislamiento social ocasionado por la pandemia del COVID-19. Método: estudio cuasiexperimental, con un solo grupo y del tipo pre y postest, realizado mediante una intervención educativa basada en el entrenamiento de habilidades en administración de medicamentos y venopunción, con estudiantes de medicina de una universidad pública brasileña. La muestra estuvo conformada por 47 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron los instrumentos de caracterización y autopercepción de los individuos y la Escala de Motivación Situacional. Resultados: en la muestra, el 98% mencionó la falta de actividades prácticas durante la pandemia. El sentimiento descrito con mayor frecuencia fue la ansiedad. Después de realizar la actividad, hubo un cambio en la frecuencia de los sentimientos expresados, aunque no hubo un cambio significativo en los niveles de motivación. Regulación Externa (5,1 - 5,6), Regulación Identificada (6,1 - 6,4) y Motivación Intrínseca (5,6 - 6,0) presentaron resultados altos, demostrando similitud con los sentimientos relatados por los estudiantes. Conclusión: la motivación es fundamental para un aprendizaje efectivo y el uso de metodologías activas refuerza de manera efectiva las habilidades construidas en los estudiantes frente al proceso de aprendizaje.

Objective: to verify the implications of practical activities in the Skills and Simulation Laboratory on the motivation and feelings expressed by undergraduate students when returning to face-to-face activities after the social isolation caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Method: a quasi-experimental study, with a single group and of the pre- and post-test type, carried out through an educational intervention based on skills training on medication administration and venipuncture, with medical students from a Brazilian public university. The sample was comprised by 47 students. The instruments of students' characterization and self-perceived feelings and the Situational Motivation Scale were used for data collection. Results: in the sample, 98% mentioned the lack of practical activities during the pandemic. The most frequently described feeling was anxiety. After carrying out the activity, there was a change in the frequency of expressed feelings, although there was no significant change in motivational levels. External Regulation (5.1 - 5.6), Identified Regulation (6.1 - 6.4) and Intrinsic Motivation (5.6 - 6.0) presented high results, showing similarity to the feelings reported by the learners. Conclusion: motivation is essential for effective learning and the use of active methodologies reinforces skills built in an affective way in the students facing the learning process.

Objetivo: verificar as implicações das atividades práticas no Laboratório de Habilidade e Simulação relacionado à motivação e os sentimentos expressos pelos estudantes universitários quando regressam às atividades presenciais após o isolamento social causado pela pandemia da COVID-19. Método: estudo quase-experimental, com um único grupo, do tipo pré e pós-teste, realizado por meio de uma intervenção educacional baseada no treino de habilidades de administração de medicamentos e punção venosa, com estudantes de medicina de uma universidade pública brasileira. A amostra foi composta por 47 estudantes. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados os instrumentos de caracterização dos sujeitos e sentimentos autopercebidos pelos estudantes e a Escala de Motivação Situacional. Resultados: na amostra, 98% referiram falta de atividades práticas durante a pandemia. O sentimento mais frequentemente descrito foi a ansiedade. Após a realização da atividade, observou-se uma mudança na frequência dos sentimentos expressos, embora não se tenha verificado uma mudança significativa nos níveis motivacionais. A Regulação Externa (5,1 - 5,6), a Regulação (6,1 - 6,4) e a Motivação Intrínseca (5,6 - 6,0) apresentaram resultados elevados, demostrando semelhança com os sentimentos relatados pelos alunos. Conclusão: a motivação é essencial para uma aprendizagem eficaz e a utilização de metodologias ativas reforça as habilidades construídas de uma forma efetiva nos estudantes frente ao processo de aprendizagem.

Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Education, Medical , Simulation Training , COVID-19 , Learning , Motivation