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Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-1041964


Sarcopenia, which is characterized by progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, has been well described to be associated with numerous poor postoperative outcomes, such as increased perioperative mortality, postoperative sepsis, prolonged length of stay, increased cost of care, decreased functional outcome, and poorer oncological outcomes in cancer surgery. Multimodal prehabilitation, as a concept that involves boosting and optimizing the preoperative condition of a patient prior to the upcoming stressors of a surgical procedure, has the purported benefits of reversing the effects of sarcopenia, shortening hospitalization, improving the rate of return to bowel activity, reducing the costs of hospitalization, and improving quality of life. This review aims to present the current literature surrounding the concept of sarcopenia, its implications pertaining to colorectal cancer and surgery, a summary of studied multimodal prehabilitation interventions, and potential future advances in the management of sarcopenia.

Integr Org Biol ; 4(1): obac013, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35814192


Synopsis: Archerfishes (Toxotidae) are variously found in the fresh- and brackish-water environments of Asia Pacific and are well known for their ability to shoot water at terrestrial prey. These shots of water are intended to strike their prey and cause it to fall into the water for capture and consumption. While this behavior is well known, there are competing hypotheses (blowpipe vs. pressure tank hypothesis) of how archerfishes shoot and which oral structures are involved. Current understanding of archerfish shooting structures is largely based on two species, Toxotes chatareus and T. jaculatrix. We do not know if all archerfishes possess the same oral structures to shoot water, if anatomical variation is present within these oral structures, or how these features have evolved. Additionally, there is little information on the evolution of the Toxotidae as a whole, with all previous systematic works focusing on the interrelationships of the family. We first investigate the limits of archerfish species using new and previously published genetic data. Our analyses highlight that the current taxonomy of archerfishes does not conform to the relationships we recover. Toxotes mekongensis and T. siamensis are placed in the synonymy of T. chatareus, Toxotes carpentariensis is recognized as a species and removed from the synonymy of T. chatareus, and the genus Protoxotes is recognized for T. lorentzi based on the results of our analyses. We then take an integrative approach, using a combined analysis of discrete hard- and soft-tissue morphological characters with genetic data, to construct a phylogeny of the Toxotidae. Using the resulting phylogenetic hypothesis, we then characterize the evolutionary history and anatomical variation within the archerfishes. We discuss variation in the oral structures and the evolution of the mechanism with respect to the interrelationships of archerfishes, and find that the oral structures of archerfishes support the blowpipe hypothesis but soft-tissue oral structures may also play a role in shooting. Finally, by comparing the morphology of archerfishes to their sister group, we find that the Leptobramidae has relevant shooting features in the oral cavity, suggesting that some components of the archerfish shooting mechanism are examples of co-opted or exapted traits. Sinopsis Malay: Pelbagai jenis Ikan Sumpit (Toxotidae) dapat dijumpai di persekitaran air tawar dan payau di Asia Pasifik dan mereka terkenal dengan kebolehan mereka menembak air ke arah mangsa di darat. Tembakan air ini bertujuan untuk menyerang mangsa mereka dan menyebabkan mereka jatuh ke dalam air untuk ditangkap dan dimakan. Walaupun tingkah laku ini diketahui umum, terdapat hipotesis yang bersaing (hipotesis sumpitan vs. tangki tekanan) tentang cara ikan sumpit menembak dan struktur mulut yang terlibat. Pemahaman semasa tentang struktur menembak ikan sumpit adalah sebahagian besarnya berdasarkan dua spesies, Toxotes chatareus dan T. jaculatrix. Kami tidak pasti sama ada semua ikan sumpit mempunyai struktur mulut yang sama untuk menembak air, jika variasi anatomi terdapat dalam struktur mulut ini, atau bagaimana ciri-ciri ini telah berkembang. Tambahan pula, terdapat sedikit maklumat tentang evolusi Toxotidae secara keseluruhan, dengan semua penyelidikan sistematik sebelum ini memfokuskan pada hubungan saling keluarga. Kami pada mulanya mengkaji had spesies ikan sumpit ini menggunakan data genetik baharu dan yang diterbitkan sebelum ini. Analisis kami menunjukkan bahawa taksonomi semasa ikan sumpit tidak mematuhi hubungan yang kami perolehi. Toxotes mekongensis dan T. siamensis diletakkan bersama kesinoniman T. chatareus, Toxotes carpentariensis yang diiktiraf sebagai satu spesies dan dikeluarkan daripada kesinoniman T. chatareus, dan genus Protoxotes yang diiktiraf untuk T. lorentzi adalah berdasarkan hasil analisis kami. Kemudian kami mengambil pendekatan integratif, menggunakan analisis gabungan karakter morfologi tisu keras dan lembut diskret dengan data genetik, untuk membina filogeni Toxotidae. Menggunakan hipotesis filogenetik yang terhasil, kami kemudian mencirikan sejarah evolusi dan variasi anatomi dalam ikan sumpit. Kami membincangkan variasi dalam struktur mulut dan evolusi mekanisme berkenaan yang berkaitan dengan ikan sumpit, dan mendapati bahawa struktur mulut ikan sumpit menyokong hipotesis sumpitan tetapi struktur mulut tisu lembut juga mungkin memainkan peranan dalam cara menembak. Akhir sekali, dengan membandingkan morfologi ikan sumpit kepada kumpulan saudara mereka, kami mendapati bahawa Leptobramidae mempunyai ciri penangkapan yang relevan dalam rongga mulut mereka, menunjukkan bahawa beberapa komponen mekanisme penangkapan ikan sumpit merupakan contoh ciri-ciri yang diikut-sertakan atau diguna semula.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-971223


As total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer is widely carried out in China, lateral ligament of rectum, as an important anatomical structure of the lateral rectum with certain anatomical value and clinical significance, has been the focus of attention. In this paper, by comparing and analyzing the characteristics about ligaments of the abdomen and pelvis, reviewing the membrane anatomy and the theory of primitive gut rotation, and combining clinical observations and histological studies, the author came to a conclusion that lateral ligament of rectum does not exist, but is only a relatively dense space on the rectal side accompanied by numerous tiny nerve plexuses and small blood vessels penetrating through it.

Humans , Rectum/anatomy & histology , Pelvis/anatomy & histology , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Peritoneum , Collateral Ligaments , Cognition
Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21266007


I.AO_SCPLOWBSTRACTC_SCPLOWThe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has demonstrated that accurate forecasts of infection and mortality rates are essential for informing healthcare resource allocation, designing countermeasures, implementing public health policies, and increasing public awareness. However, there exist a multitude of modeling methodologies, and their relative performances in accurately forecasting pandemic dynamics are not currently comprehensively understood. In this paper, we introduce the non-mechanistic MIT-LCP forecasting model, and assess and compare its performance to various mechanistic and non-mechanistic models that have been proposed for forecasting COVID-19 dynamics. We performed a comprehensive experimental evaluation which covered the time period of November 2020 to April 2021, in order to determine the relative performances of MIT-LCP and seven other forecasting models from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Forecast Hub. Our results show that there exist forecasting scenarios well-suited to both mechanistic and non-mechanistic models, with mechanistic models being particularly performant for forecasts that are further in the future when recent data may not be as informative, and non-mechanistic models being more effective with shorter prediction horizons when recent representative data is available. Improving our understanding of which forecasting approaches are more reliable, and in which forecasting scenarios, can assist effective pandemic preparation and management.

Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-877749


INTRODUCTION@#Practice guidelines advise caution on the use of metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This review aims to examine the evidence for the benefits and risks of metformin use in patients with T2DM and CKD.@*METHODS@#The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PubMed were searched; the references of selected papers were hand searched. Systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, case series and case-control studies were included. The full text of selected articles was reviewed. The outcomes studied were all-cause mortality, cardiovascular complications, lactic acidosis and worsening of renal function. Recommendations were graded according to the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network system.@*RESULTS@#A total of 139 unique articles were identified, 14 of which met the inclusion criteria and were selected for full-text review. Four cohort studies reported an association between metformin use and improved all-cause mortality in CKD stage 4 and better. Two cohort studies reported improved cardiovascular outcomes with metformin use. Four cohort studies, 1 case series and 1 case-control study reported no significant association between metformin use and an increased risk of lactic acidosis in CKD. There is a moderate level of evidence to support reduced mortality, improved cardiovascular outcomes and a low risk of lactic acidosis with metformin use in patients with T2DM and with CKD stage 4 and above.@*CONCLUSION@#Existing recommendations to restrict metformin use in diabetes patients with CKD need to be reviewed in light of emerging evidence supporting its overall benefits in these patients.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-360578


BackgroundCurrent transmission rates of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are still increasing and many countries are facing second waves of infections. Rapid SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is often unavailable but could support public health organizations and hospitals in monitoring and determining transmission links. Here we report the use of reverse complement polymerase chain reaction (RC-PCR), a novel technology for WGS of SARS-CoV-2 enabling library preparation in a single PCR saving time, resources and enables high throughput screening. Additionally, we show SARS-CoV-2 diversity and possible transmission within the Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) during September 2020 using RC-PCR WGS. MethodsA total of 173 samples tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 between March and September 2020 were selected for whole-genome sequencing. Ct values of the samples ranged from 16 to 42. They were collected from 83 healthcare workers and three patients at the Radboudumc, in addition to 64 people living in the area around the hospital and tested by the local health services. For validation purposes, nineteen of the included samples were previously sequenced using Oxford Nanopore Technologies and compared to RC-PCR WGS results. The applicability of RC-PCR WGS in outbreak analysis for public health service and hospitals was tested on six suspected clusters containing samples of healthcare workers and patients with an epidemiological link. FindingsRC-PCR resulted in sequencing data for 146 samples. It showed a genome coverage of up to 98,2% for samples with a maximum Ct value of 32. Comparison to Oxford Nanopore technologies gives a near-perfect agreement on 95% of the samples (18 out of 19). Three out of six clusters with a suspected epidemiological link were fully confirmed, in the others, four healthcare workers were not associated. In the public health service samples, a previously unknown chain of transmission was confirmed. Significance statementSAR-CoV-2 whole-genome sequencing using RC-PCR is a reliable technique and applicable for use in outbreak analysis and surveillance. Its ease of use, high-trough screening capacity and wide applicability makes it a valuable addition or replacement during this ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. FundingNone Research in contextO_ST_ABSEvidence before this studyC_ST_ABSAt present whole genome sequencing techniques for SARS-CoV-2 have a large turnover time and are not widely available. Only a few laboratories are currently able to perform large scale SARS-CoV-2 sequencing. This restricts the use of sequencing to aid hospital and community infection prevention. Added value of this studyHere we present clinical and technical data on a novel Whole Genome Sequencing technology, implementing reverse-complement PCR. It is able to obtain high genome coverage of SARS-CoV-2 and confirm and exclude epidemiological links in 173 healthcare workers and patients. The RC-PCR technology simplifies the workflow thereby reducing hands on time. It combines targeted PCR and sequence library construction in a single PCR, which normally takes several steps. Additionally, this technology can be used in concordance with the widely available range of Illumina sequencers. Implications of all the available evidenceRC-PCR whole genome sequencing technology enables rapid and targeted surveillance and response to an ongoing outbreak that has great impact on public health and society. Increased use of sequencing technologies in local laboratories can help prevent increase of SARS-CoV-2 spreading by better understanding modes of transmission.

Nutrients ; 12(8)2020 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32707917


Fasting for over 24 h is associated with worsening glucose tolerance, but the effect of extending the overnight fast period (a form of time-restricted feeding) on acute metabolic responses and insulin sensitivity is unclear. The aim of this pilot study was to determine the acute impact of an increased fasting period on postprandial glycaemia, insulinemia, and acute insulin sensitivity responses to a standard meal. Twenty-four lean, young, healthy adults (12 males, 12 females) consumed a standard breakfast after an overnight fast of 12, 14, and 16 h. Each fast duration was repeated on three separate occasions (3 × 3) in random order. Postprandial glucose and insulin responses were measured at regular intervals over 2 h and quantified as incremental area under the curve (iAUC). Insulin sensitivity was determined by homeostatic modelling assessment (HOMA). After 2 h, ad libitum food intake at a buffet meal was recorded. In females, but not males, insulin sensitivity improved (HOMA%S +35%, p = 0.016, marginally significant) with longer fast duration (16 h vs. 12 h), but paradoxically, postprandial glycaemia was higher (glucose iAUC +37%, p = 0.002). Overall, males showed no differences in glucose or insulin homeostasis. Both sexes consumed more energy (+28%) at the subsequent meal (16 h vs. 12 h). Delaying the first meal of the day by 4 h by extending the fasting period may have adverse metabolic effects in young, healthy, adult females, but not males.

Blood Glucose/metabolism , Breakfast , Fasting , Insulin/metabolism , Adult , Body Mass Index , Diet , Female , Glycated Hemoglobin/metabolism , Humans , Insulin Resistance , Male , Nutrition Assessment , Pilot Projects , Postprandial Period , Sex Factors , Young Adult
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 782-785, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-777672


Airway edema, stenosis, obstruction and even asphyxia are easy to occur in patients with extensive burn, deep burn of head, face, and neck area, inhalation injuries, etc., which threaten life. Timely tracheotomy and intubation is an important treatment measure, but lack of knowledge and improper handling in some hospitals resulted in airway obstruction. The technique of percutaneous tracheotomy and intubation provides convenience for emergency treatment of critical burns and mass burn. The Burn and Trauma Branch of Chinese Geriatrics Society organized some experts in China to discuss the indications, timing, methods, extubation, and precautions of tracheotomy and intubation for burn patients. The (2018 ) .

Humans , Airway Obstruction , Burn Units , Burns , Therapeutics , China , Consensus , Intubation, Intratracheal , Methods , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Reference Standards , Smoke Inhalation Injury , Therapeutics , Tracheotomy , Methods
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): E006-E006, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-773054


Airway edema, stenosis, obstruction and even asphyxia are easy to occur in patients with extensive burn, deep burn of head, face, and neck area, inhalation injuries, etc., which threaten life. Timely tracheotomy and intubation is an important treatment measure, but lack of knowledge and improper handling in some hospitals resulted in airway obstruction. The technique of percutaneous tracheotomy and intubation provides convenience for emergency treatment of critical burns and mass burn. The Chinese Geriatrics Society organized some experts in China to discuss the indications, timing, methods, extubation, and precautions of tracheotomy and intubation for burn patients. The (2018 ) .

Female , Humans , Airway Obstruction , Burns , Therapeutics , China , Consensus , Edema , Emergency Treatment , Intubation , Neck , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Reference Standards , Reference Standards , Tracheotomy
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 342-346, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-737959


Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) cases caused by Coxsackie virus A16 (Cox A16) in Guangdong province from 2012 to 2016. Methods: The data of mild HFMD cases caused by Cox A16 were collected from 8 sentinel hospitals in 8 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong to estimate Cox A16 infection status and its population and time distribution characteristics. Results: (1) The highest estimated incidence of Cox A16 infection was in 2014 (113.0/100 000), followed by 2016 (86.4/100 000) and 2012 (79.1/100 000), while the estimated incidence was lower in 2015 (29.0/100 000) and 2013 (28.8/100 000). (2) Cox A16 was confirmed to be the predominant pathogen causing HFMD outbreaks (54.6%, 89/163). The number of outbreaks in the year with high incidence (28 outbreaks) was 11.2 times higher than that in the year with low incidence (2.5 outbreaks). (3) Across all age groups, the annual estimated incidence of Cox A16 infection decreased with age (trend χ(2)=853 905.63, P<0.01). The incidence was highest in age group 1 year (1 449.2/100 000), followed by that in age group 3 years (1 097.0/100 000), in age group 2 years (1 083.5/100 000), in age group 4 years (687.8/100 000) and in age group 0 year (604.9/100 000). Among the age groups <12 months, the estimated incidence increased with age (trend χ(2)=5 541.77, P<0.01), which was highest in age group 11-months (2 105.1/100 000), followed by that in age groups 10-months (1 448.6/100 000), 9-months (938.3/100 000), 8-months (703.3/100 000) and 6-months (664.6/100 000). (4) The annual incidence peak was during May (143.9/100 000)-June (131.5/100 000). Conclusion: The prevalence of Cox A16 infection differed with year in Guangdong during 2012-2016. When the incidence of Cox A16 infection was high, more outbreaks occurred. The prevalence occurred mainly in nurseries and kindergartens from May to June each year. Children aged 0-4 years were the high risk group for Cox A16 infection, children aged 6-11 months were at high risk for Cox A16 infection.

Animals , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , China/epidemiology , Cities , Coxsackievirus Infections/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks , Enterovirus A, Human/isolation & purification , Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease/epidemiology , Hospitals , Incidence , Schools
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 1071-1076, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-738099


Objective: To understand the epidemiological characteristics of influenza in Guangdong province, during the winter of 2017-2018, to provide evidence for response to the diversity of influenza, in different seasonal patterns. Methods: Data on weekly influenza surveillance from January 2016 to April 2018, were collected in Guangdong. Information on patients with Influenza-like illness (ILI), on influenza virus positive rates and on outbreaks during the winter of 2017 to 2018, was analyzed and compared with those in spring of 2016 and summer of 2017. χ(2) test and Fisher exact test were used. Results: In the above said winter, the average percentage of visits for ILI in 28 hospitals where sentinel surveillance program had been set, was 4.99% (157 235/3 149 656), which was above the level of the same period in the previous five years. The positive rates of influenza virus among samples collected from ILI outpatients and hospitalized cases under severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) were 28.33% (2 137/7 543) and 14.93% (256/1 715), with the proportions of B (Yamagata) as 70.43% (1 505/2 137) and 73.05% (187/256) respectively. A total of 257 influenza outbreaks were reported in the winter period, with 82.49% (212/257) occurred in elementary schools. Cases aged 6-14 years occurred in winter and spring appeared of having higher positive rate than those seen in summer (P<0.05) whereas elderly cases aged 60 and above showed higher positive rate in summer than those in winter and spring two seasons (P<0.05). Conclusions: Epidemiological characteristics of influenza appeared in Guangdong province, during the winter from 2017 to 2018, were correlated to Influenza B (Yamagata). Capacity on the implementation of surveillance programs and on the coverage of vaccination should be improved and increased in order to control influenza in different epidemic seasons, in Guangzhou.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Humans , Infant , Middle Aged , China/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks , Epidemics , Influenza Vaccines/administration & dosage , Influenza, Human/virology , Orthomyxoviridae/isolation & purification , Population Surveillance , Respiratory Tract Infections/epidemiology , Seasons , Sentinel Surveillance , Vaccination
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-951482


Objective: To evaluate the in vitro activities of the ethyl acetate (EA) fraction of Houttuynia cordata (H. cordata) Thunb. (Saururaceae) and three of its constituent flavonoids (quercetin, quercitrin and rutin) against murine coronavirus and dengue virus (DENV). Methods: The antiviral activities of various concentrations of the EA fraction of H. cordata and flavonoids were assessed using virus neutralization tests against mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and DENV type 2 (DENV-2). Cinanserin hydrochloride was also tested against MHV. The EA fraction of H. cordata was tested for acute oral toxicity in C57BL/6 mice. Results: The EA fraction of H. cordata inhibited viral infectivity up to 6 d. Cinanserin hydrochloride was able to inhibit MHV for only 2 d. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC

Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-312205


<p><b>BACKGROUND</b>Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) can cause a variety of human illnesses, with associated temporal and geographic changes in disease incidence. We report the emergence of an outbreak of HAdV infections in Singapore, presumably caused by a change of the predominating type to HAdV-7. We examined the clinical features of children admitted with HAdV infection to 1 institution and the risk factors for severe infection.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>This is a retrospective case-control study of all HAdV-infected children admitted during weeks 1 to 19 in 2013, as identified from laboratory records. A descriptive retrospective analysis of epidemiology, clinical data and the outcome of these children was also performed. Patients with severe infections were defined as cases, those with non-severe infections as controls, and the 2 groups were compared to find possible independent risk factors.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Eighty-five patients with HAdV infection were studied, including 11 (12.9%) cases and 74 (87.1%) controls. Binary logistic regression showed that cases were more likely to be <2 years old (adjusted OR 10.6, 95% CI, 1.8 to 63.2) and to have significant comorbidities (adjusted OR 19.9, 95% CI, 3.4 to 116.1) compared to controls. The predominant type in 2013 was HAdV-7, which differed from 2011 and 2012, when HAdV-3 was more common. There was a trend towards pneumonia being more common in patients infected with HAdV-7 than in patients infected with other types, although this did not reach statistical significance (OR 2.8, 95% CI, 0.9 to 8.7).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The emergence of HAdV-7 in a population where other HAdV types had circulated previously may have caused the outbreak in Singapore, and this was associated with more serious infections in children. Young age (<2 years) and significant comorbidities were associated with more severe HAdV infection.</p>

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Adenoviridae Infections , Epidemiology , Virology , Adenoviruses, Human , Genetics , Virulence , Case-Control Studies , Comorbidity , Disease Outbreaks , Immunocompromised Host , Retrospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index , Singapore , Epidemiology
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-312246


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>Local data comparing laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA) and open appendicectomy (OA) is lacking. We perform a cost and outcome comparison between LA and OA.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>A retrospective review of all appendicectomies performed for suspected appendicitis from July 2010 to December 2010 was conducted. Patient demographics, duration of surgery, complication rates, total cost of stay (COS) and length of stay (LOS) were compared between LA and OA.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>A total of 198 patients underwent appendicectomy during the duration of study; 82 LA and 116 OA. There were 115 males (58.1%) and 83 females (41.9%). Median age was 33 years. Patients who underwent LA were significantly younger (P <0.001) with a greater proportion of females (P <0.0001) and were more likely to be negative appendicectomies (18.3% vs. 6.9%, P = 0.023). Duration of surgery was significantly longer in LA patients (86 min vs. 74 min, P = 0.003). LOS in the LA group was shorter by 1.3 days compared to OA (2.0 days vs. 3.3 days, P <0.0001). The differences in operative duration and LOS between LA and OA remained significant on multivariate analysis (P = 0.001 and P = 0.008, respectively). The COS (P = 0.359), wound infection rates (P = 0.528) and complication rates (P = 0.131) were not significantly different between the 2 groups.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>LA is associated with a shorter LOS while its cost is equivalent to OA. From the perspective of utilisation of healthcare resources, LA appears to be superior.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Appendectomy , Economics , Methods , Costs and Cost Analysis , Laparoscopy , Length of Stay , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-285522


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>This study aims to determine the inpatient rehabilitation effectiveness (REs) and rehabilitation efficiency (REy) of hip fracture in a Singapore community hospital (CH), its association with socio-demographic variables, medical comorbidities and admission Shah-modified Barthel Index (BI) score as well as change in independent ambulation from discharge to 4 months later.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>A retrospective cohort study using data manually extracted from medical records of all patients who had hip fracture within 90 days and admitted to a CH after the operation for rehabilitation. Multiple linear regressions are used to identify independent predictors of REs and REy.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The mean REs was 40.4% (95% Confidence Interval (CI), 36.7 to 44.0). The independent predictors of poorer REs on multivariate analysis were older age, Malay (vs non-Malay) patients, fewer numbers of rehabilitative therapy sessions and dementia. The mean REy was 0.41 units per day [CI, 0.36 to 0.46]. The independent predictors of poorer REy on multivariate analysis were higher admission BI and being non-hypertensive patient. The prevalence of independent ambulation improved from 78.9% at the discharge to 88.3% 4 months later.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>CH inpatient rehabilitative therapy showed REs 40.4% and REy of 0.41 units per day and the optimum number of rehabilitative therapy session was from 28 to 41 in terms of rehabilitation effectiveness and the maximum rehabilitation efficiency was seen in those doing 14 to 27 sessions of rehabilitative therapy. The study also showed improvement in BI at discharge and improvement in the independent ambulation 4 months after discharge from the CH.</p>

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cohort Studies , Hip Fractures , Rehabilitation , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Community , Postoperative Complications , Rehabilitation , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-285563


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>There is limited utilisation of acute stroke reperfusion treatments which have narrow therapeutic windows, with delayed hospital presentation being a major limiting factor in Singapore. Most patients who wake up with symptoms are ineligible for reperfusion treatments as duration from onset time is not known. We studied the profile of wake-up strokes, onset-to-door duration and their associated factors among ischaemic stroke patients in the context of potential new treatments.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>This is an observational study of consecutive ischaemic stroke patients presenting within 2 weeks of symptom onset to the Singapore General Hospital in 2012.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Of the 642 ischaemic stroke patients studied, 33% of the cases were wake-up strokes [median age 64 years, 88%<80 years; median NIHSS score 4, 98%<20]. The median onset-to-door duration was 14.3 hours (Interquartile range, 4.8 to 38.2 hours), 20% of them arrived <3.5 hours (considering eligibility for intravenous alteplase in the proven 4.5 hours window accounting for a one hour door-to-needle duration), 14%: ≥3.5 to <8 hours, 11%: ≥8 to <12 hours, and 56%: ≥12 hours. Most patients with known stroke risk factors including atrial fibrillation (66%), hypertension (78%) and prior stroke (81%) presented beyond 3.5 hours.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The one- third proportion of wake-up stroke in this cohort and low prevalence of relative contraindications suggest this is a promising group for emerging thrombolysis indications. With the majority of patients presenting after 8 hours, widening of the therapeutic window with new potential reperfusion treatments would not appreciably increase treatment utilisation. This study reaffirms the urgent need for public education to improve stroke awareness in Singapore.</p>

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Reperfusion , Singapore , Stroke , Epidemiology , General Surgery , Therapeutics , Time-to-Treatment
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-285608


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>This study aims to identify the demographics and hygiene behaviours associated with contact lens (CL)-related microbial keratitis in Singapore.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>The hygiene and social behaviours of lens wearers presenting with infectious keratitis in Singapore were examined using an externally validated questionnaire. Fifty-eight consecutive lens wearers who presented with infectious keratitis at Singapore National Eye Centre were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire. Patients' demographics, CL-related behaviour, attitude to aftercare visits and microbial study results were collected and analysed.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>More than half (55%) of the patients surveyed were female, and the average age of the participants was 25.7 ± 6.4 years. Ninety-six percent of participants used soft CL, with the majority wearing monthly disposable lenses (74.1%). Myopia was the commonest reason for use of CL. CL overwear (81%), sleeping (50.9%) and swimming (33%) with their CL were the major non-compliant behaviours discovered. When encountered with eye discomfort as a result of lens-related infective keratitis, 83% of patients sought the advice of general medical practitioners prior to presentation at the hospital. Many (59%) patients have encountered media coverage but only 24% had any behavioural change as a result. Many patients relied on the recommendations of eyecare practitioners when purchasing disinfecting solutions (26%) and other hygiene practices. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa was the most common organism grown in 22.4% of patients while 47% of patients were culture-negative.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Inadequate lens cleaning, poor aftercare, sleeping and swimming with CL were the major non-compliant behaviours among participants, and these are significant factors when assessing risks in acquiring CL-related infectious keratitis. General eyecare practitioners are the first-line of contact in patients presenting with keratitis symptoms and play an important role in emphasising the need for regular aftercare and good hygiene practices to CL wearers.</p>

Humans , Contact Lenses, Hydrophilic , Demography , Hygiene , Keratitis , Singapore
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-299605


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>It is reported that junior doctors experience a large amount of work related stress and fatigue which has detrimental effects on their well-being and patient safety. We seek to determine the health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) of junior doctors using the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) and compare their HR-QoL with that of populations of norms and senior doctors.</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>The SF-36v2 (Singapore version) was self-administered to a convenience sample of 213 doctors from a large tertiary teaching hospital. Junior doctors were defined as those less than 30 years of age (48%). Adjusted normative values were derived from the SF-36 Norms for the Singapore General Population Calculator for all 8 scales. The mean score differences between junior doctors and their adjusted normative values as well as that for senior doctors were computed and contrasted.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>One hundred and eighty-fi ve doctors fully responded. Their mean age was 33.6 years (SD 8.1). Also, 45% were female and 88% were Chinese. Junior doctors had lower scores than senior doctors in all scales except Physical Functioning. After adjustment for gender and race, junior doctors had statistically significant lower Mental Health scores than senior doctors (P = 0.01). Compared with the normative population, junior doctors scored lower in all domains except for Physical Functioning. For Vitality, the difference is - 14.9.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Junior doctors have poorer mental health scores compared to senior doctors. Also, the lower vitality scores suggest that junior doctors are more likely to be fatigued than their normative population. More studies and efforts will be needed to identify factors that affect the quality of life in junior doctors and to evaluate the most appropriate measures to improve the efficiency of their work.</p>

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Age Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Fatigue , Health Status , Health Surveys , Hospitals, Teaching , Medical Staff, Hospital , Psychology , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Quality of Life , Singapore , Stress, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-299614


<p><b>INTRODUCTION</b>This study aims to analyse the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of Asian patients diagnosed with livedo vasculopathy (LV).</p><p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>We performed a retrospective analysis of all patients diagnosed with LV from 1997 to 2007 at our centre.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Seventy patients were diagnosed with LV with a mean age of 39 years, female: male ratio of 3:1 and no racial predilection. Most cases remained purely cutaneous, presenting with painful leg ulcers and atrophie blanche. Peripheral neuropathy was the only extra-cutaneous complication (9%). In patients who were screened, associations included hepatitis B (7%) and hepatitis C (4%), positive anti-nuclear antibody (14%), positive anti-myeloperoxidase antibody (5%), positive anti-cardiolipin antibodies (7%) and positive lupus anticoagulant (2%). In 49 patients who achieved remission, 55% required combination therapy, most commonly with colchicine, pentoxifylline and prednisolone. In those treated successfully with monotherapy, colchicine was effective in 59% followed by prednisolone (17.5%), pentoxifylline (17.5%) and aspirin (6%). Mean follow-up period was 50 months.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>LV in Asian patients is a high morbidity, chronic relapsing ulcerative skin condition. Most patients require induction combination therapy for remission. As further evidence emerges to support a procoagulant pathogenesis, a standardised protocol is needed to investigate for prothrombotic disorders during diagnosis.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Asian People , Cellulitis , Epidemiology , Pathology , Livedo Reticularis , Epidemiology , Pathology , Retrospective Studies , Singapore , Epidemiology , Skin , Pathology , Time Factors
Article in English | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-630130


We report a case of a healthy 78 -year- old indonesian man who presented with chronic weight loss, poor appetite and lethargy. CT abdomen showed bilateral adrenal masses. EUS – guided FNA was performed on the left adrenal gland. Histopathology report was Histoplasma Capsulatum. He recovered well with antifungal treatment without any complication. In this case, we found that the role of EUS – guided FNA was not only limited to diagnosis but also helped in the prognosis of the disease since the method was able to assess the general anatomy of the adrenal gland better than other imaging modalities due to its close proximity and direct visualization.