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Sci Total Environ ; 928: 172412, 2024 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38614341


Drought and floods seriously affect agriculture across the world. It is of great importance to lower down the agricultural vulnerability to disasters to build climate-resilient agriculture. The paper aims to investigate the spatio-temporal changes of agricultural vulnerability to drought and floods in the world in the period 2003-2019. Research results show that (1) the agricultural vulnerability to drought and floods is at a low level across the globe owning to the dual effects of decreasing exposure and increasing adaptability; (2) the northern parts of United States, northeastern parts of China, and the border between Russia and Kazakhstan are identified as most vulnerable areas to drought and floods; and (3) spatio-temporal mismatch of precipitation is the main factor to cause floods and drought while better adaption is beneficial to minimize the adverse effects of disasters. Based on analysis on the drivers and spatial patterns of drought and floods risk in all dimensions, tailored measures and policies are put forwards to make adaptive strategies of agriculture to climate change.

Agriculture , Climate Change , Droughts , Floods , Disasters , China , Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Disasters ; 47(2): 389-411, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35762519


Studies of vulnerability often focus on the differential susceptibility of marginalised groups to the effects of disaster. This paper considers how vulnerability is also associated with the characteristics of place, especially the social setting of the informal settlement. In this light, it assesses specifically how cultural, historical, and political economic forces resulted in increased vulnerability to Ebola virus disease (EVD) within informal settlements in Sierra Leone during the epidemic of 2014-16. Key informant and community member interviews and focus-group discussions in two communities revealed that increased vulnerability to EVD could, at least in part, be attributed to a set of place-based social factors pertaining to 'community beliefs and practices' (importance of family ties, funeral rites, traditional healing) and 'structural poverty and low socioeconomic status' (poor healthcare provision, mobility patterns, overcrowding). Together, these different factors demonstrate how multiple and intersecting vulnerabilities contribute to the spatial production of disease risk.

Communicable Diseases , Epidemics , Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola , Humans , Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola/epidemiology , Sierra Leone/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 57(spe): e20230074, 2023. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1514780


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the social and health vulnerabilities of Venezuelan immigrants living in Boa Vista, Roraima. Method: Mixed methods research, with concomitant transformative strategy. In the quantitative phase, analysis of management documents for the state of Roraima and the capital Boa Vista were carried out. In the qualitative, open interviews with 16 Venezuelan immigrants, 14 nursing professionals and 8 public managers and a focus group with 12 nursing professionals. The webQDA software was used to organize the data and the content and discourse analyzes were based on Bardin and on dialectic-hermeneutics, according to Minayo. Results: The main vulnerabilities identified were the absence of public policies for immigrants, the fragility of links with health services and language differences. Conclusion: The vulnerabilities of Venezuelan immigrants are linked to their ways of living and working. Health institutions and organizations are not fully qualified to serve them. Specific policies are needed for this social group and to qualify institutions and health professionals to implement these policies.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar las vulnerabilidades sociales y sanitarias de inmigrantes venezolanos residentes en Boa Vista, Roraima. Método: Es una investigación de métodos mixtos, con estrategia transformativa concomitante. En la fase cuantitativa se llevó a cabo el análisis de documentos de gestión del estado de Roraima y de su capital, Boa Vista. En la fase cualitativa, se realizaron entrevistas abiertas con 16 inmigrantes venezolanos, 14 enfermeros y 8 gestores públicos y un grupo focal con 12 profesionales de enfermería. Se utilizó el software webQDA para organizar los datos y el análisis de contenido y discurso estuvo basado en Bardin y en la hermenéutica-dialéctica, según Minayo. Resultados: Las principales vulnerabilidades fueron la falta de políticas públicas hacia los inmigrantes, la fragilidad de los vínculos con los servicios sanitarios y las diferencias lingüísticas. Conclusión: Las vulnerabilidades de los inmigrantes venezolanos están relacionadas con su forma de vida y trabajo. Las instituciones y organizaciones sanitarias no tienen suficiente capacidad para atenderlos. Se necesitan políticas específicas para este grupo social y preparación de las instituciones y profesionales de la salud para implementar dichas políticas.

RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar as vulnerabilidades sociais e de saúde de imigrantes venezuelanos residentes em Boa Vista, Roraima. Método: Pesquisa de métodos mistos, com estratégia transformativa concomitante. Na fase quantitativa, foram realizadas análises de documentos de gestão do estado de Roraima e da capital Boa Vista. Na qualitativa, entrevistas abertas com 16 imigrantes venezuelanos, 14 profissionais de enfermagem e 8 gestores públicos e um grupo focal com 12 profissionais de enfermagem. Utilizou-se o software webQDA para organização dos dados, e as análises de conteúdo e de discurso foram baseadas em Bardin e na hermenêutica-dialética, segundo Minayo. Resultados: As principais vulnerabilidades identificadas foram a ausência de políticas públicas para imigrantes, a fragilidade dos vínculos com os serviços de saúde e as diferenças de idioma. Conclusão: As vulnerabilidades dos imigrantes venezuelanos encontram-se vinculadas aos seus modos de viver e de trabalhar. As instituições e organizações de saúde não se encontram plenamente qualificadas para atendê-los. São necessárias políticas específicas para esse grupo social e qualificar instituições e profissionais de saúde para execução dessas políticas.

Public Health , Nursing , Emigrants and Immigrants , Disaster Vulnerability , Health Policy
Saúde debate ; 47(spe1): e9073, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560510


RESUMO A vulnerabilidade programática diz respeito a acesso e utilização dos recursos de saúde, como programas direcionados a prevenção, assistência e reabilitação de saúde. Para a pessoa idosa LGBTQIA+, as questões de vulnerabilidade são ainda mais significativas, uma vez que o referido grupo enfrenta outras questões de cunho social que refletem no preparo dos profissionais ante o atendimento nos serviços de saúde. Objetivou-se mapear a ocorrência da vulnerabilidade programática de pessoas idosas LGBTQIA+. Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, orientada pelas recomendações JBI mediante o mnemônico P (Idosos LGBTQIA+), C (vulnerabilidade) e C (programas de atenção à saúde). Os documentos foram analisados qualitativamente com suporte do software Interface de R, IRaMuTeQ. Foram identificadas duas categorias temáticas: A construção do cuidado integral: o papel das instituições de saúde e social no desenvolvimento de ações voltadas para as necessidades da pessoa idosa LGBTQIA+; Vulnerabilidade programática: lacunas no cuidado à pessoa idosa pertencente a minorias sexuais. O presente estudou permitiu identificar que as pessoas idosas LGBTQIA+ podem vivenciar situações de vulnerabilidade programática, sobretudo nos serviços de saúde, instituições de longa permanência e nos atendimentos ofertados pelos profissionais de saúde, sob a ótica do estigma e preconceito.

ABSTRACT Programmatic vulnerability concerns access to and use of health resources, such as programs aimed at health prevention, care, and rehabilitation. For LGBTQIA+ older people, vulnerability issues are even more significant, since that group faces other social issues that reflect on the preparation of professionals to provide care in health services. The aim was to map the occurrence of programmatic vulnerability among LGBTQIA+ older people. This is a scoping review, guided by the JBI recommendations using the mnemonic P (LGBTQIA+ older people), C (vulnerability), and C (healthcare programs). The documents were analyzed qualitatively using the R Interface software, IRaMuTeQ. Two thematic categories were identified: The construction of comprehensive care: the role of health and social institutions in developing actions aimed at the needs of LGBTQIA+ older people; Programmatic vulnerability: gaps in care for older people belonging to sexual minorities. This study identified that situations of vulnerability are more evident in health services, long-term care institutions, and in care provided by health professionals, suffering from stigma and prejudice.

Saúde debate ; 46(spe5): 221-235, out.-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424553


RESUMO Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, com abordagem etnográfica realizado com 15 profissionais de saúde do sistema prisional, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, organizadas e tratadas pelo software Nvivo 12, e efetuada análise de conteúdo na modalidade análise temática. A pesquisa relevou três categorias temáticas: 'Os cuidados cotidianos à criança na prisão'; 'Os cuidados de manutenção nas intercorrências infantis'; e 'Os desafios para prestação dos cuidados à criança no cárcere'. Na prisão, portanto, o cuidado à criança se torna um desafio para o profissional de saúde, devido à falta de estrutura física, à escassez de insumos materiais, ambiente de violência e à tensão que influenciam na prestação do cuidado integral à criança que vive no contexto do cárcere materno. Por isso, faz-se necessária a implementação da Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde da Criança no Sistema Único de Saúde com desenvolvimento de ações que favoreçam a melhoria do cuidado à criança em consonância com a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde das Pessoas Privadas de Liberdade no Sistema Prisional.

ABSTRACT This is a qualitative study, with an ethnographic approach, conducted with 15 health professionals from the prison system, through semi-structured interviews, organized and treated by the software Nvivo 12, and performed content analysis in thematic analysis mode. The research revealed three thematic categories: Daily care for children in prison; Maintenance care in child intercurrences; and Challenges for providing care to children in prison. In prison, child care becomes a challenge for the health professional, due to the lack of physical structure, scarcity of material inputs, an environment of violence and tension that influence the provision of comprehensive care to children living in the context of maternal prison. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the National Policy for Child Health Care in the Unified Health System with the development of actions that favor the improvement of child care in line with the National Policy for Comprehensive Health Care of Persons Deprived of Liberty in the Prison System.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35409974


Global climate change results in an increased risk of high urban temperatures, making it crucial to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the high-temperature risk of urban areas. Based on the data of 194 meteorological stations in China from 1986 to 2015 and statistical yearbooks and statistical bulletins from 2015, we used GIS technology and mathematical statistics to evaluate high-temperature spatial and temporal characteristics, high-temperature risk, and high-temperature vulnerability of 31 cities across China. Over the past 30 years, most Chinese cities experienced 5-8 significant oscillation cycles of high-temperature days. A 15-year interval analysis of high-temperature characteristics found that 87% of the cities had an average of 5.44 more high-temperature days in the 15-year period from 2001 to 2015 compared to the period from 1986 to 2000. We developed five high-temperature risk levels and six vulnerability levels. Against the background of a warming climate, we discuss risk mitigation strategies and the importance of early warning systems.

Hot Temperature , China/epidemiology , Cities , Risk Assessment , Temperature
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(1): 6-14, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389923


RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar y comparar la distribución de macronutrientes de las canastas alimentarias entregadas por las municipalidades peruanas durante la pandemia de COVID-19 según dominio geográfico y nivel de presupuesto asignado. Materiales y métodos. Análisis secundario de la base de datos «Consulta de adquisición y distribución de bienes de primera necesidad de la canasta básica familiar¼ de la Contraloría General de la República. Se realizó un muestreo probabilístico estratificado. Se calculó la distribución del aporte calórico según macronutrientes y se comparó con los intervalos aceptables de distribución de macronutrientes (IADM) del Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá (INCAP) y del Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI). Resultados. A nivel nacional la mediana del aporte calórico de las proteínas fue 7,7%; carbohidratos 62,5%, y grasas 28,1%. La proporción de municipalidades con canastas con déficit de proteínas fue de 84%. Las municipalidades con canastas con exceso de carbohidratos variaron de 16,5% (según INCAP) a 35,9% (según INDECI) y con exceso de grasas fue 61,6 % (según INCAP) y 20,2% (según INDECI). Según INDECI, a nivel nacional solo el 9,2% de municipalidades entregaron canastas con distribución adecuada de macronutrientes, aquí destaca Lima Metropolitana con las proporciones más altas; mientras que en la selva este porcentaje fue menor del 5%. Conclusiones. La mayoría de las canastas entregadas no tuvieron distribución adecuada de macronutrientes, en especial las canastas de municipalidades fuera de Lima Metropolitana o las que contaban con menor presupuesto. Los carbohidratos y las grasas fueron los nutrientes que se incluyeron en exceso, mientras que las proteínas tuvieron déficit.

ABSTRACT Objectives. To evaluate and compare the macronutrient distribution of the food baskets delivered by Peruvian municipalities during the COVID-19 pandemic according to the geographic domain and assigned budget level. Materials and methods. Secondary analysis of the database "Consultation of Acquisition and distribution of basic necessities of the basic family basket" of the General Comptroller of the Republic. Stratified probability sampling was carried out. The caloric intake distribution was calculated according to macronutrients and compared with the Acceptable Intervals of Macronutrient Distribution (IADM) of the Nutrition Institute of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI). Results. At the national level, the median caloric intake of proteins was 7.7%; for carbohydrates it was 62.5%; and for fats it was 28.1%. The proportion of municipalities with protein deficit was 84%; Municipalities with excess carbohydrates ranged from 16.5% (according to INCAP) to 35.9% (according to INDECI), and with excess fat, it was between 61.6% (according to INCAP) and 20.2% (according to INDECI). According to INDECI, nationally only 9.2% of municipalities delivered baskets with an adequate distribution of macronutrients; Metropolitan Lima stands out with the highest proportions of adequate baskets, while in the Jungle region this percentage was less than 5%. Conclusions. Most of the baskets delivered did not have adequate macronutrient distribution. Especially the baskets of municipalities outside of Metropolitan Lima or those that had smaller budget. Carbohydrates and fats were the nutrients that were included in excess, while proteins were deficient.

Nutrients , Cities , Food Supply , COVID-19 , Emergency Feeding , Disaster Vulnerability , Food
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-958797


Objective:To analyze the disaster vulnerability of hospitals in Macao Special Administrative Region to assess the disaster risk objectively, so as to provide reference for Macao hospitals to formulate their emergency plans and improve their emergency response and handling capacity.Methods:From December 2021 to February 2022, 118 medical staff were selected for a questionnaire survey using the method of departmental stratified random sampling from three general hospitals in Macao. At the same time, 7 full-time medical staff and 2 experts in the field of health care were selected for expert consultation. The main content of the questionnaire was the hospital disaster risk assessment based on the Kaiser model, and three-round expert consultation method was used to determine the model indicators. The risk value of each indicator was calculated to analyze the hospital disaster vulnerability.Results:107 valid questionnaires were collected. The top five events in the hospital disaster risk value were typhoon(52.42%), large-scale public health events/epidemic outbreaks(47.55%), strong thunderstorm convective weather(38.68%), extreme temperature(37.31%) and information system failure(33.75%). As ranked by the total risk value, the categories of hospital disasters were natural disasters(35.69%), information security(29.49%), medical technology accidents(29.36%), equipment technology accidents(26.25%), dangerous goods injuries(25.13%) and personnel injuries(19.98%).Conclusions:Macao hospitals are exposed to the highest total risk value in natural disasters, followed by information security. In addition, the risk value of large-scale public health events and epidemic outbreaks of personal injury is also so high as to deserve attention. Macao hospitals should formulate effective emergency response plans according to the risk values of various disasters and the actual situation of each medical department, so as to minimize the losses caused by disasters to both hospitals and patients.

Pers. bioet ; 25(2): e2522, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386790


Resumen Para dar cuenta de la revisión integradora de literatura sobre el concepto de vulnerabilidad desde la bioética se analizó un corpus de 60 artículos publicados en español, inglés y portugués. Esto permitió identificar las tendencias temáticas: riesgo, susceptibilidad, autonomía y cultura en personas y comunidades; la aproximación metodológica ha sido mayormente desde un enfoque cualitativo; las disciplinas que más abordaron el concepto pertenecen a las ciencias humanas y sociales; los autores recomiendan realizar estudios del concepto desde la perspectiva de las personas y que los comités de ética revisen el consentimiento informado y las guías de información de acuerdo con estos resultados. Las categorías dan paso al concepto de vulnerabilidades, que en la bioética debe ser analizado más allá del principialismo.

Abstract A corpus of 60 articles published in Spanish, English, and Portuguese was analyzed to account for the integrative literature review on the concept of vulnerability from bioethics, identifying the following thematic trends: risk, susceptibility, autonomy, and culture in people and communities. The methodological approach has been mainly qualitative. We found that the disciplines that most addressed the concept belong to the human and social sciences. The authors recommend conducting studies of the concept from people's perspectives and that ethics committees review the informed consent and information guides according to these results. The categories give way to the concept of vulnerability, which must be analyzed beyond principlism in bioethics.

Resumo Para dar conta da revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o conceito de vulnerabilidade a partir da bioética, foi analisado um corpus de 60 artigos publicados em espanhol, inglês e português. Isso permitiu identificar tendências temáticas: risco, suscetibilidade, autonomia e cultura em pessoas e comunidades. A abordagem metodológica foi predominantemente qualitativa; por sua vez, as disciplinas que mais abordaram o conceito pertencem às ciências humanas e sociais. Os autores recomendam a realização de estudos do conceito na perspectiva das pessoas e que os comitês de ética avaliem o consentimento informado e as orientações de acordo com esses resultados. As categorias permitem formular o conceito de vulnerabilidades, o qual, na bioética, deve ser analisado para além do principialismo.

Bioethics , Vulnerability Analysis , Disaster Vulnerability , Vulnerable Populations , Health Vulnerability , Social Vulnerability
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(3): 319-323, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250104


Abstract COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus family SARS-CoV-2 and declared a pandemic in March 2020, continues to spread. Its enormous and unprecedented impact on our society has evidenced the huge social inequity of our modern society, in which the most vulnerable individuals have been pushed into even worse socioeconomic situations, struggling to survive. As the pandemic continues, we witness the huge suffering of the most marginalized populations around the globe, even in developed, high-income latitudes, such as North America and Europe. That is even worse in low-income regions, such as Brazil, where the public healthcare infrastructure had already been struggling before the pandemic. Cities with even more evident social inequity have been impacted the most, leaving the most socioeconomically disadvantaged ones, such as slum residents and black people, continuously inflating the statistics of COVID-19 sufferers. Poverty, marginalization, and inequity have been well-known risk factors for morbidity and mortality from other diseases. However, COVID-19 has deepened our society's wound. It is up to us to heal it up. If we really care for the others and want to survive as a species, we must fight social inequity.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Determinants of Health , COVID-19/epidemiology , Social Vulnerability , Socioeconomic Factors , Risk Factors , Social Marginalization , COVID-19/ethnology , COVID-19/mortality
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33921470


Foreign residents in Japan are amongst the vulnerable groups at risk to disasters in the country. Improvement is crucial in meeting Japan's vison of zero casualties in major disaster events. If the case of the 2005 Hurricane Katrina is to offer an insight into migrants' characteristics in mega-disaster situations, then a broader analysis of vulnerabilities is needed to avoid mass casualties should the anticipated megathrust earthquake occur. Hence, this study analyzes the vulnerabilities of foreign residents by utilizing their spatial distribution attributes in the Tokyo metropolitan area. This study uses multiple approaches that combine geographic information systems to analyze secondary and primary datasets. The results reveal that foreign nationals are spatially clustered in some parts of the metropolis, especially within a 7 km radius of Minato city. The densities in these areas alter the earthquake community vulnerability levels from 1.23% to 2.8% and from 5.42% to 13.46%, respectively. Although only 11% of foreign residents are prepared for any disaster, there is a high sense of interaction amongst them and Japanese nationals, which almost eliminates isolation within communities. This study therefore proposes the utilization of some of these attributes in mobilizing specifically targeted evacuation procedures, management of evacuation centers, and disaster risk information dissemination.

Disaster Planning , Disasters , Cities , Demography , Japan , Tokyo
Rev. bras. enferm ; 74(1): e20190223, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1149719


ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the factors involved in safe intra-hospital care, in a context of vulnerability to socio-environmental disasters and their implications for nursing. Methods: a cross-sectional study of a descriptive and exploratory nature. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 49 nursing professionals from a hospital in the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), which suffered a significant impact from a socio-environmental disaster in January 2011. Data were processed by software IRaMuTeQ. Results: aspects related to disaster assistance were presented through a thematic chunk with four classes, through descending hierarchical classification. Conclusions: for better nursing response in socio-environmental disasters, in an intra-hospital setting, investments for training and continuing education should be prioritized; adequate provision and provision of human, material and technological resources; psychological support for professionals after such events; appropriation of nursing competencies for the development of advanced practices in disasters and effective risk management.

RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar los factores que intervienen en la atención hospitalaria segura, en un contexto de vulnerabilidad a los desastres socioambientales y sus implicaciones para la enfermería. Métodos: estudio transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas con 49 profesionales de enfermería de un hospital en la región montañosa del estado de Río de Janeiro (Brasil), que sufrió un impacto significativo de un desastre socioambiental en enero de 2011. Los datos se trataron utilizando el software IRaMuTeQ. Resultados: los aspectos relacionados con la asistencia en desastres se presentaron a través de un bloque temático con cuatro clases, a través de una clasificación jerárquica descendente. Conclusiones: para una mejor respuesta de enfermería en desastres socioambientales, en un entorno intrahospitalario, se deben priorizar las inversiones en capacitación y educación permanente; la previsión y disponibilidad adecuada de recursos humanos, materiales y tecnológicos; el apoyo psicológico para profesionales después de tales eventos; y la apropiación de habilidades de enfermería para el desarrollo de prácticas avanzadas en desastres y la gestión eficaz de riesgos.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar os fatores intervenientes na assistência intra-hospitalar segura, em contexto de vulnerabilidade a desastres socioambientais e suas implicações para a enfermagem. Métodos: estudo transversal, de natureza descritiva e exploratória. Foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 49 profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), que sofreu significativo impacto de desastre socioambiental em janeiro de 2011. Os dados foram tratados pelo software IRaMuTeQ. Resultados: os aspectos relacionados à assistência em desastres foram apresentados por meio de bloco temático com quatro classes, através de classificação hierárquica descendente. Conclusões: para melhor resposta da enfermagem em desastres socioambientais, em cenário intra-hospitalar, devem ser priorizados investimentos para capacitação e educação permanente; previsão e disponibilização adequada de recursos humanos, materiais e tecnológicos; suporte psicológico para profissionais após tais eventos; e apropriação de competências de enfermagem para o desenvolvimento de práticas avançadas em desastres e efetivo gerenciamento de riscos.

Humans , Disasters , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Continuing , Hospitals
Front Psychiatry ; 11: 588949, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33343421


Background: The global pandemic of COVID-19 has required a population lockdown. Spain has one of the oldest/most aging populations in the world and was one of the most affected countries. We aim to describe the psychological and social implications as well as health-related behaviors as a result of the lockdown in community-dwelling older adults. Materials and Methods: Observational cross-sectional study. A total of 528 participants of over 60 years of age were recruited using snowball sampling technique during the lockdown of the COVID-19 first wave using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire composed of descriptive questions and validated scales for resilience (Brief Resilient Coping Scale) and emotions (Scale of Positive And Negative Experience). Results: Most participants (76.9%) live with other people and have an open space at home (64%). Only 33.7% continued doing activities to promote healthy aging, 65.7% did less physical activity and 25.6% increased their intellectual activity. Most of them (83%) used electronic communication with family and friends to a greater extent, and left the house to run basic errands. Greater scores on resilience showed significant negative correlations with age and negative feelings, and positive correlations with the size of the social network and positive feelings. Lacking an open space at home was associated with more negative feelings. Discussion: Older people are a vulnerable group severely affected by this pandemic crisis at multiple levels, requiring specific interventions to minimize the effects of changes in lifestyle that may be harmful. Detecting needs is essential to improve care and support from community health and social services, both nowadays and in future similar situations.

Saúde debate ; 44(spe2): 316-333, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280662


RESUMO As projeções climáticas para o final do século XXI sugerem a intensificação de eventos extremos que podem causar danos diretos e indiretos à saúde pública e impactar, em diferentes proporções, as populações vulneráveis. Nesse âmbito, destaca-se a vigilância em saúde por suas relevantes ações em todas as etapas de gestão de risco dos desastres. O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura científica sobre a vigilância em saúde e desastres de origem natural, com intuito de descrever as principais abordagens desses temas. Observou-se que as publicações têm como assunto central os efeitos dos desastres sobre a saúde; as ações do setor saúde em desastres, o sistema/fluxo de informação em saúde e as condições de vulnerabilidade aos desastres. Os dois primeiros tópicos são mais prevalentes na literatura e permitem o compartilhamento das lições aprendidas ao longo dos anos. Embora em menor número, os dois últimos temas apresentam discussões relevantes para a temática da gestão de risco de desastres e têm muito a contribuir para o avanço da cultura de risco no País, para uma melhor compreensão da realidade e para a resiliência tanto populacional quanto institucional. Nesse sentido, ressalta-se a importância de mais estudos sobre essas temáticas.

ABSTRACT Climate projections for the end of the 21st century suggest the intensification of extreme events that can cause direct and indirect damage to public health and impact differently on vulnerable populations. In this context, health surveillance stands out for its relevant actions in all stages of disaster risk management. The aim of this paper was to review the scientific literature on health surveillance and natural disasters in a global context, in order to describe the main approaches to such themes. Publications tend to focus on the health effects of disasters; health sector actions in disasters, the health information system/flow, and conditions of vulnerability and disasters. The first two topics are more prevalent in the literature and allow the sharing of lessons learned over the years. Although in smaller numbers, the last two themes present discussions relevant to the theme of disaster risk management and have much to contribute to the advancement of risk culture in the country, for a better understanding of the reality and for the resilience of both the population and institutions. In this sense, the importance of further studies on these themes is emphasized.

Saúde debate ; 44(spe2): 188-202, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280680


RESUMO Alguns países têm perdido até 50% da sua capacidade hospitalar em decorrência de eventos extremos. Aproximadamente 67% das instalações de saúde da América Latina e do Caribe localizam-se em áreas propensas a desastres. Considerando as condições de vulnerabilidade, esses desastres constituem uma ameaça à saúde pública. Se o próprio setor saúde é vulnerável, um determinado evento pode afetar a vida de mais pessoas, tanto trabalhadores e usuários que estão nos estabelecimentos de saúde no momento, se estes estão localizados em áreas de risco, como comprometendo a sua capacidade de resposta aos impactos desse evento na saúde da população. Boa parte dos estudos sobre desastres são realizados ouvindo a população, suas percepções e representações sociais. Entretanto, poucos estudos foram feitos sobre a percepção dos trabalhadores da saúde nesses desastres. Por meio de entrevistas com profissionais de saúde e gestores no município de Nova Friburgo, foi identificado que, além da vulnerabilidade das infraestruturas de saúde em áreas de risco, o setor também se torna vulnerável pela falta de preparação e de participação na elaboração dos planos municipais de gestão de risco, bem como pela falta de participação dos profissionais da ponta e das comunidades na elaboração dos planos do próprio setor.

ABSTRACT Some countries have lost up to 50% of their hospital capacity due to extreme events. Approximately 67% of Latin American and Caribbean health facilities are located in disaster-prone areas. Given the conditions of vulnerability, these disasters pose a threat to public health. If the health sector itself is vulnerable, a particular event could affect the lives of more people, both workers and users who are in health facilities at that time, if they are located in risk areas, such as compromising their ability to respond to impacts of this event in the health of the population. Most disaster studies are conducted by listening to the population, their perceptions and social representations. However, few studies have been done on the perception of health workers in such disasters. Through interviews with health professionals and managers in the municipality of Nova Friburgo, it was identified that, in addition to the vulnerability of health infrastructure in risk areas, the sector also becomes vulnerable due to the lack of preparation and participation in the elaboration of municipal plans for health risk management, as well as the lack of participation of senior professionals and communities in the elaboration of the sector's own plans.

Saúde debate ; 44(spe2): 69-83, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280685


RESUMO A mudança no padrão de ocorrência da microcefalia associada à infecção pelo Zika Vírus em gestantes no Brasil resultou na decretação de emergência em saúde pública de importância nacional e internacional. Esforços coordenados e multisetoriais foram demandados, mas nem sempre houve respostas efetivas ou preparação das populações afetadas. A epidemia de Zika repercutiu nas políticas públicas, incluindo a de saúde, seja na investigação científica, seja na proposição de medidas de controle, diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento. Objetivou-se apresentar proposta de análise integrada para abordagem de futuras emergências sanitárias com foco nas arboviroses. Partindo da experiência brasileira da epidemia e literatura relacionada, articularam-se quatro dimensões: vulnerabilidades e risco; condições e impactos socioeconômicos na população; desenvolvimento e emprego de tecnologias e pesquisas; e resposta e reprogramação do sistema de saúde. Pretende-se viabilizar loci específicos de investigação, para mensuração de possíveis desfechos e geração de novas evidências sobre os efeitos da epidemia nos sistemas de saúde. O conhecimento científico e suas lacunas são considerados os principais elementos integradores dessas dimensões analíticas, de forma a contribuir com resposta mais oportuna e efetiva em futuras emergências. Além do conhecimento adquirido, faz-se necessário agregar capacidade de enfrentar futuras emergências relacionadas com as epidemias de arboviroses.

ABSTRACT The change in the pattern of occurrence of microcephaly associated with Zika virus infection in pregnant women in Brazil resulted in the declaration of a Public Health Emergency of National and International Concern. Coordinated and inter-sector efforts were required, but there were not always effective responses or preparation of the affected populations. The Zika epidemic impacted public policies, including health policy, both in scientific research, proposals for control measures, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The study aimed to propose an integrated analysis for the approach to future health emergencies, with a focus on arboviral infections. Based on the Brazilian experience with the Zika epidemic and the related literature, the analysis links four dimensions: vulnerabilities and risk; the population's socioeconomic conditions and impacts; development and use of technologies and research; and the health system's response and reprogramming. The aim is to allow specific research focuses to measure the possible outcomes and generate new evidence on the epidemic's effect on health systems. Scientific knowledge and its gaps are the main integrating elements in these analytic dimensions, aimed at contributing with a more timely and effective response in future emergencies. Besides the acquired knowledge, it is necessary to add capacity to confront future emergencies related to arbovirus epidemics.

Saúde debate ; 41(spe2): 276-286, Abr.-Jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-903987


RESUMO Este artigo busca elucidar interfaces entre os campos da saúde coletiva e da ecologia política, evidenciando a discussão sobre a vulnerabilização, o território e o metabolismo social, mediante análise crítica da literatura. A ecologia política tem desenvolvido conceitos e metodologias que buscam captar a relação entre economia e conflitos socioecológicos e uma nova racionalidade ambiental. Assim, seu diálogo com a saúde coletiva e o eixo da saúde ambiental permite o aprofundamento teórico sobre os modelos de desenvolvimento econômico e os conflitos socioambientais, além da reflexão sobre estratégias para a descolonização do conhecimento, a reinvenção de territórios e a reapropriação da natureza.

ABSTRACT This article aims to elucidate the interfaces between the field of collective health and policy ecology, evidencing the discussion about the vulnerability, the territory and the social metabolism, through critical analysis of the literature. The political ecology has developed concepts and methodologies that seek to capture the relation between the economy and the socio-ecological conflicts and a new environmental rationality. Thus, its dialogue with the collective health and the environmental health axis enables a theoretical deepening about the models of economic development and socio-environmental conflicts, in addition to reflection about the strategies for decolonization of knowledge, reinventing territories and repossession of nature.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 69(6): 1140-1146, nov.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-829863


RESUMO Objetivo: investigar entre os idosos vivendo com HIV/Aids e os profissionais de saúde, quais são os motivos que levam ao diagnóstico tardio da infecção pelo HIV nos idosos. Método: estudo prospectivo, qualitativo, realizado em ambulatório especializado com idosos vivendo com HIV/aids, diagnosticados com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e nas Unidades com Estratégia Saúde da Família com enfermeiros e médicos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e verificados por análise de conteúdo, utilizando o referencial teórico da vulnerabilidade. Resultados: participaram 11 idosos, 11 enfermeiros e 12 médicos. Emergiram três categorias empíricas: o diagnóstico tardio do HIV acontece na contramão do serviço de saúde; invisibilidade da sexualidade do idoso; e fragilidades na solicitação da sorologia anti-HIV para os idosos. Conclusão: há profissionais de saúde que percebem os idosos como assexuados, fazendo que o diagnóstico do HIV aconteça no serviço secundário e terciário e não na atenção primária.

RESUMEN Objetivo: realizar una investigación entre personas seniles que conviven con VIH/Sida y profesionales de la salud, para reconocer los motivos que llevan al diagnóstico tardío de la infección. Método: estudio prospectivo, cualitativo, realizado en un centro de salud especializado y en Unidades con Estrategia de Salud de la Familia, entre enfermeros, médicos y personas mayores diagnosticadas con VIH/Sida, de edad igual o superior a los 60 años. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas y se comprobaron a través del análisis de contenido utilizando el marco teórico de la vulnerabilidad. Resultados: participaron 11 personas mayores, 11 enfermeros y 12 médicos. Surgieron tres categorías empíricas: postergación del diagnóstico del VIH por el servicio de salud; invisibilidad de la sexualidad en la persona senil y fragilidad en la solicitación de la serología anti-VIH. Conclusión: muchos profesionales de la salud perciben a las personas mayores como asexuadas; por lo tanto, el diagnóstico del VIH ocurre en la atención secundaria y terciaria, y no en la primaria.

ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate elderly living with HIV/Aids and health professionals, what are the reasons that lead to late diagnosis of HIV infection in the elderly. Method: prospective, qualitative study, conducted at a specialized outpatient clinic with elderly living with HIV/Aids, diagnosed age over 60 years and in the Family Health Strategy units with nurses and physicians. Data were collected through interviews and verified by content analysis, using the theoretical framework of vulnerability. Results: a total of 11 elderly, 11 nurses and 12 physicians participated in the study. Three empirical categories emerged: the late diagnosis of HIV happens against the health service; invisibility of the sexuality of the elderly; and weaknesses in the anti-HIV serology request for the elderly. Conclusion: there are health professionals who see the elderly as asexual, causing the diagnosis of HIV to happen in the secondary and tertiary service instead of primary care.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Attitude of Health Personnel , Delayed Diagnosis , Vulnerable Populations , Brazil , Cities , Health Services for the Aged , Interviews as Topic , Prospective Studies
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 40(3): 181-185, Sep. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-830720


ABSTRACT Climate change is a social justice as well as an environmental issue. The magnitude and pattern of changes in weather and climate variables are creating differential exposures, vulnerabilities, and health risks that increase stress on health systems while exacerbating existing and creating new health inequities. Examples from national and local health adaptation projects highlight that developing partnerships across sectors and levels are critical for building climate-resilient health systems and communities. Strengthening current and implementing new health interventions, such as using environmental information to develop early warning systems, can be effective in protecting the most vulnerable. However, not all projected risks of climate change can be avoided by climate policies and programs, so health system strengthening is also critical. Applying a health inequity lens can reduce current vulnerabilities while building resilience to longer-term climate change. Taking inequities into account is critical if societies are to effectively prepare for and manage the challenges ahead.

RESUMEN El cambio climático es un asunto no solo ambiental, sino también de justicia social. La magnitud y naturaleza de los cambios observados en las variables de tiempo meteorológico y clima están llevando a exposiciones, vulnerabilidades y riesgos de salud diferenciales que incrementan la sobrecarga de los sistemas de salud y exacerban las inequidades sanitarias existentes, a la vez que generan nuevas inequidades. Los proyectos nacionales y locales de adaptación al cambio climático para proteger la salud humana ponen de manifiesto que la creación de alianzas entre diferentes sectores y en distintos niveles es fundamental para lograr que haya sistemas de salud y comunidades capaces de recuperarse de los efectos del clima. El fortalecimiento de las intervenciones de salud en curso y la aplicación de nuevas intervenciones, tales como el uso de información de tipo ambiental para crear sistemas de alerta temprana, pueden ser eficaces para proteger a los grupos más vulnerables. Sin embargo, no todos los riesgos previstos en relación con el cambio climático pueden evitarse por medio de políticas y programas climáticos, de manera que el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud también es fundamental. La aplicación de una óptica de inequidad sanitaria puede reducir las vulnerabilidades actuales y al mismo tiempo crear capacidad de recuperación frente a los efectos del cambio climático a más largo plazo. Si las sociedades han de prepararse para los retos que se avecinan y hacerles frente de una manera eficaz, es imprescindible que se tengan en cuenta las inequidades.

Carbon/toxicity , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Government Programs , National Health Programs , Vulnerable Populations
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 13(4): 776-781, 2014-12-15.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1122836


A crescente ocorrência de desastres naturais na contemporaneidade e o aumento de sua intensidade e gravidade colocam o desafio, para gestores, profissionais e população, do preparo para enfrentá-los, considerando as medidas que devem ser tomadas em relação a vulnerabilidade. Organizações internacionais indicam a necessidade de maior consciência da importância da redução de desastres, a fim de tornar as comunidades resilientes ao risco natural. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma reflexão sobre asimplicações para a enfermagem, baseada nos tipos de vulnerabilidade. A situação de desastre mobiliza vários atores, representantes da sociedade civil organizada, serviços de saúde, os quais desempenham papel relevante na prevenção, preparo, resposta e reconstrução. Essas situações têm repercutido internacionalmente, devido à disseminação de informações a respeito da vulnerabilidade das vítimas. Para o enfrentamento dessas problemáticas, apresentamos as implicações para a enfermagem nesses cenários, visto que esses profissionais compõem os recursos humanos da área da saúde em qualquer nível de atenção. Sua atuação deve dar-se tanto no preparo como na resposta à situação de desastre, que demanda atendimento imediato, eficaz e de qualidade, a fim de minimizar o risco às vítimas.

The increasing occurrence of natural disasters in contemporary times and their increased intensity and severity bring the challenge, for managers, professionals, and the population, to be prepared for facing them, considering the measures that must be taken regarding vulnerability. International organizations point out the need for greater awareness of the importance to reduce disasters, in order to make communities resilient to natural hazards. This article aims to present a reflection on the implications for nursing, based on the types of vulnerability. The disaster situation mobilizes various actors, representatives of the organized civil society, health services, which play a significant role in prevention, preparation, response, and reconstruction. These situations have reverberated internationally, due to the dissemination of information regarding the vulnerability of victims. To face these problems, we introduce the implications for nursing in these scenarios, since these professionals make up the human resources in the health care field at any level of care. Their work must be observed both in the preparation and response to a disaster situation, which demands immediate, effective, and good quality attention, in order to minimize risk to victims

Vulnerability Analysis , Nurse's Role , Natural Disasters/mortality , Professional Practice Location , Comprehensive Health Care , Emergency Watch , Health Promotion