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Health Psychol Res ; 11: 73348, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37025559


The quality of sleep is affected by several psychological factors. University students experience different types of stress and develop various strategies to cope with it. This study assesses the impact of technology use, social engagement, emotional regulation, and sleep quality among undergraduate students in Jordan, while examining the mediating effect of perceived and academic stress. A convenience sample of 308 undergraduate students was selected from the University of Jordan. The results indicated that the study model was fit, with significant direct negative impacts of social engagement, time management, and emotional regulation on perceived stress. Additionally, there was a significant direct negative relationship between technology use, time management, and emotional regulation on academic stress. The results show indirect significant standardized effects of social engagement, time management, and emotional regulation on the quality of sleep through the mediation of perceived stress.

Front Psychol ; 12: 626340, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34140911


The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have required substantial adjustments in terms of university teaching-learning processes. The aim of this study was to verify whether there were significant differences between the academic year of 2020 and the two preceding years in factors and symptoms and stress. A total of 642 university students (ages 18-25 years) participated by filling out validated self-reports during the months from March to August 2020. Using an ex post facto design, SEM analyses and simple and multiple ANOVAs were performed. Structural results showed that stress factors from the teaching process had a predictive value for the learning process, emotions, and academic burnout, and being a man was a factor predicting negative emotion. In a similar way, inferential results revealed no significant effect of academic year but did show an effect of gender on stress experiences during the pandemic. Aside from certain specific aspects, there was no significant global effect of the year 2020 on factors and symptoms of stress. The results showed that studying in the year of the COVID-19 outbreak did not have a significant effect on stress triggered by the teaching process. From these results, we draw implications for specific guidance interventions with university teachers and students.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(3): 34055, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147689


Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o repertório de habilidades sociais de estudantes de Ciências Exatas antes e após uma disciplina de Relações Interpessoais. Participaram deste estudo 21 universitários, sendo 17 do curso de Engenharia Elétrica e 4 de Química Industrial, matriculados na disciplina de Relações Interpessoais para o Curso de Engenharia Elétrica. A disciplina teórico-prática foi baseada em vivências e os estudantes responderam ao Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS) e ao Questionário de Avaliação Final da Disciplina (QAFD). Os resultados apontaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto ao escore geral de habilidades sociais e a média no QAVD entre as avaliações do pré e pós-teste. Foram observadas ainda correlações positivas e fortes entre o QAVD antes e após a disciplina. Além disso, (b) o escore geral QAVD após adisciplina se relacionou positiva e moderadamente com o escore geral (IHS) dehabilidades sociais no pós-teste.

This study aimed to evaluate the repertoire of social skills of students of Exact Sciences before and after an Interpersonal Relations discipline. Twenty-one university students participated in this study, of which 17 were from Electrical Engineering and 4 from Industrial Chemistry, enrolled in the discipline of Interpersonal Relationships for the Electrical Engineering Course. The theoretical-practical discipline was based on experiences and the students answered the Social Skills Inventory (IHS) and the Discipline Final Assessment Questionnaire (QAFD). The results showed statistically significant differences in the general social skills score and the mean in the QAVD between the pre and post-test evaluations. Positive and strong correlations were also observed between the QAVD before and after the discipline. In addition, (b) the overall QAVD post-discipline score was positively and moderately related to the overall social skills score (IHS) in the post-test.

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el repertorio de habilidades sociales de estudiantes de Ciencias exactas antes y después de una disciplina de relaciones interpersonales. Participaron de este estudio 21 universitarios, siendo 17 del curso de Ingeniería Eléctrica y 4 de Química Industrial, matriculados en la disciplina de Relaciones Interpersonales para el Curso de Ingeniería Eléctrica. La disciplina teórico-práctica fue basada en vivencias y los estudiantes respondieron al inventario de Habilidades Sociales (IHS) y al Cuestionario de Evaluación Final de la Disciplina (QAFD). Los resultados apuntaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al puntaje general de habilidades sociales y la media en el QAVD entre las evaluaciones del pre y post-test. Se observaron correlaciones positivas y fuertes entre el QAVD antes y después de la disciplina. Además, (b) el puntaje general QAVD post la disciplina se relacionó positiva y moderadamente con el puntaje general (IHS) de habilidades sociales en el post-test.

Humans , Male , Female , Students/psychology , Social Skills , Interpersonal Relations , Earth Sciences
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 20190507. 89 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1005827


Introdução: O projeto teve como finalidade avaliar o perfil dos egressos dos cursos de Medicina da UNIFENAS, campus Alfenas (UA) e Belo Horizonte (UBH). Estudar os egressos é uma das formas de avaliação do impacto dos cursos na formação de profissionais de saúde, o que pode contribuir com o aprimoramento curricular. Objetivo: Traçar o nível de satisfação do egresso quanto ao curso de graduação e sua inserção no mercado de trabalho. Métodos: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, tipo Survey, realizada através de um questionário eletrônico. O mesmo foi enviado para egressos, cujos endereços eletrônicos foram fornecidos pelo CRM MG, secretaria acadêmica dos cursos e banco de dados de professores. Dos 2.409 egressos de Alfenas, entre 1994 e 2017, foram encontrados endereços eletrônicos de 1.346 (55,8%), dos quais 482 (35,8%) responderam ao questionário. Em Belo Horizonte, dos 1.033, formados entre 2003 e 2008, foram encontrados 742 endereços eletrônicos de egressos (71,8%), dos quais 148 (19,9%) responderam. Isso representou 20% de todos os egressos do curso de Alfenas e 14,3% de todos os egressos do curso de Belo Horizonte. A maioria foi composta de mulheres, com média de idade de 32 anos e provenientes de cidades do interior do sudeste do país. Resultado: A maioria dos egressos da UNIFENAS UA e UBH disse trabalhar em cidades do interior, na região sudeste, com uma taxa de interiorização do trabalho médico maior na UA. O trabalho inicial dos egressos foi na rede básica de saúde ou nas urgências médicas em unidades hospitalares. A taxa de aprovação para residência médica foi satisfatória e a realização de curso preparatório para o processo seletivo não fez diferença. Mais de 80% dos egressos disseram atuar exclusivamente na atividade médica, e a grande maioria recebia proventos acima de 10.000 reais por mês. Também disseram estar satisfeitos com a área de atuação médica, e as mais frequentes foram Clínica Médica, Ginecologia-Obstetrícia, Pediatria, Cirurgia Geral e Anestesiologia. Dos egressos que não concluíram o curso em 12 semestres, a maioria alegou reprovações durante o curso como principal causa. Conclusão: A maioria relatou que estava satisfeita com a profissão e considerou que sua formação médica foi satisfatória. Houve uma tendência de melhores avaliações entre os egressos da UA e de alunos que se formaram há mais tempo, independente do campus pesquisado. Clínica Médica, Pediatria e Saúde Coletiva foram as áreas em que os egressos se sentiram mais bem formados

Introduction: The project aimed to evaluate the profile of undergraduate students of the medical programs os UNIFENAS, Campus Alfenas (UA) and Belo Horizonte (BH). Studying undergraduate students in one of the ways of evaluating the impact of programs in the training of health professinals, which can contribute to curriculum improvement. Objective: To draw the degree of satisfaction of undergraduate students regarding their programs and their insertion in the job market. Methods: It was a quantitative survey, conducted through na eletronic questionnaire elaborated with Google Forms and available in Google Docs. The questionnaire was sent to undergraduate students whose eletronic addresses were provided by CRM MG, the academic department of programs,and professors' database. From the 2,409 undergraduate students of Alfenas, between 1994 and 2017, eletronic addresses were found of 1,346 (55,8%), of which 482 (35,8%) answered the questionare. In Belo Horizonte, from the 1,033 undergraduate students, between 2003 and 2008, it was found 742 eletronic addresses of undergraduate students (71,8%), of which 148 (19,9%) have responded. This represented 20% of all undergraduate students from the Alfenas program and 14,3% of all undergraduate students from the Belo Horizonte program. The majority consisted of women, with na average age of 32 years old, and from cities in the southeast of the country. Results: Most of the undergraduate students from UNIFENAS UA and UBH work in cities in the countryside, in the southeast region, with a higler internalization rate of medical work in the UA. The initial job of said undergraduate students was in basic health system units or in medical emergencies units (ERs). The approval rate for medical residency was satisfactory and doing preparatory courses for admission into the selective process did not make any difference. More than 80% of the undergraduate students act exclusively on medical activity and, in their vast majority, they received more than R$ 10,000 Brazilian Reais a month. They also said to be satisfied with their area of medical practice, and the most frequent acting areas were: Meical Clinic, Gynecology-Obstretics, Pediatrics, General Surgery and Anesthesiology. From the undergraduate students who did not complete the medical program in 12 semesters, most claimed failling courses during the program as the main cause. Conclusion: The majority reported that they were satisfied with their profession and considered that their medical education was satisfactory. There was a tendency for better assessments among the undergraduate students of the UA and among students who have gotten their degree longer ago, regardless of the campus reseasched. Medical Clinic, Pediatrics and Collective Health were areas in the which the undergraduate students felt better trained

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Education, Medical , Health Human Resource Training , Professional Practice , Educational Measurement