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Emerg Infect Dis ; 30(11)2024 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39269651


We report acute Oropouche virus infections in 2 previously healthy women from a nonendemic region of Brazil outside the Amazon Basin. Infections rapidly progressed to hemorrhagic manifestations and fatal outcomes in 4-5 days. These cases highlight the critical need for enhanced surveillance to clarify epidemiology of this neglected disease.

SciELO Preprints; jul. 2024.
Preprint en Inglés | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9342


Oropouche virus (OROV) is an arbovirus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, with the Culicoides paraensis mosquito species as its primary vector, causing Oropouche fever. Records of an outbreak in Brazil have so far been restricted to Central-North region of the country. However, an increase in the occurrence of cases of this disease has been observed in the state of Bahia, where the rapid spread of the OROV virus is configured as an outbreak in the South and East macro-regions of great concern for public health. This is a case-based study of acute OROV infection that led to the death of two young women without comorbidities amid an outbreak of the disease. The patient's biological samples were subjected to routine real-time PCR assays for the diagnosis of Oropouche fever and other pathologies. In addition, serological tests and metagenomics were performed during the laboratory investigation. This study shows the need for an active and efficient surveillance system to control the spread of this virus, as well as the importance of carrying out prospective studies to better clarify the natural history of this disease.

El virus Oropouche (OROV) es un arbovirus transmitido al ser humano por mosquitos, siendo el mosquito de la especie Culicoides paraensis su vector principal, causante de la fiebre de Oropouche. Los registros de un brote en Brasil hasta ahora se han restringido a la región Centro-Norte del país. Sin embargo, se ha observado un aumento en la ocurrencia de casos de esta enfermedad en el estado de Bahía, donde la rápida propagación del virus OROV se configura como un brote en las macrorregiones Sur y Este de gran preocupación para la salud pública. Se trata de un estudio de caso de infección aguda por OROV que provocó la muerte de dos mujeres jóvenes sin comorbilidades en medio de un brote de la enfermedad. Las muestras biológicas de la paciente fueron sometidas a ensayos rutinarios de PCR en tiempo real para el diagnóstico de la fiebre de Oropouche y otras patologías. Además, se realizaron pruebas serológicas y metagenómicas durante la investigación de laboratorio. Este estudio muestra la necesidad de un sistema de vigilancia activo y eficiente para controlar la propagación de este virus, así como la importancia de realizar estudios prospectivos para esclarecer mejor la historia natural de esta enfermedad.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(1, n.esp): 204-217, 01 jan. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178386


Na pandemia da Covid-19, a transparência dos dados e das informações em saúde são fundamentais para subsidiar o processo decisório na adoção de medidas de prevenção e controle, bem como estabelecer mecanismos de comunicação mais efetivos com a imprensa, organismos de controle e sociedade. Contudo, os registros dos casos de Covid-19 são derivados de três sistemas de informação do Ministério da Saúde (e-SUS Notifica, GAL e Sivep-Gripe), sem que haja interoperabilidade entre eles, o que favorece a duplicidade de dados e a inconsistência das informações. Diante desse problema, a Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia, por meio da Diretoria de Vigilância Epidemiológica, desenvolveu uma solução computacional própria. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetiva descrever o processo de criação da metodologia aplicada para a geração de uma base única de dados voltada à emissão de informações mais qualificadas para subsidiar o processo decisório e a elaboração do Boletim Epidemiológico do estado da Bahia sobre a Covid-19. Trata-se de uma pesquisa processual, cujas soluções tecnológicas foram se desenvolvendo no decorrer das atividades, num movimento dinâmico e contínuo, na tentativa de resolver a falta de interoperabilidade entre os sistemas de informação envolvidos. A interconexão das bases de saúde propiciou a criação de soluções para operacionalização integrada, incluindo provas de conceito realizadas por meio de diferentes chaves de ligação, o que possibilitou mudanças incrementais nos processos de trabalho da vigilância epidemiológica. Conclui-se que a interconexão de dados possibilitou um processo mais ágil e eficiente para a análise dos dados e tomada de decisão por parte da gestão.

In the Covid-19 pandemic, transparency of health data and information is fundamental to support the decision-making process in the adoption of prevention and control measures and in the establishment of more effective communication mechanisms with the press, control bodies and society. However, Covid-19 case records are derived from three Ministry of Health information systems (e-SUS Notifica, GAL and SIVEP-Gripe), without interoperability, which favors data duplicity and information inconsistency. To face this problem, the Health Department of the State of Bahia, by the Epidemiological Surveillance Directorate, developed its own computational solution. In this sense, this study aims at describing the process of creating the methodology applied to generate a single database for issuing more qualified information to support the decision-making process and preparation of the State of Bahia Epidemiological Bulletin on Covid-19. It is a procedural research, whose technological solutions were developed during the activities, in a dynamic and continuous movement, in an attempt to resolve the lack of interoperability among the information systems involved. The interconnection of the health bases led to the creation of solutions for integrated operation, including proofs of concept performed using different connection keys, which enabled incremental changes in the epidemiological surveillance work processes. It is concluded that, the data interconnection enabled a more agile and efficient process for the analysis of the data and decision making by the management.

En la pandemia del covid-19, la transparencia de los datos e información de salud es fundamental para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la adopción de medidas de prevención y control, así como establecer mecanismos de comunicación más efectivos con la prensa, los órganos de control y la sociedad. Sin embargo, los registros de casos del covid-19 se derivan de tres sistemas de información del Ministerio de Salud (e-SUS Notifica, GAL y Sivep-Gripe), sin interoperabilidad entre ellos, lo que favorece la duplicidad e inconsistencia de datos. Ante este problema, la Secretaría de Salud del Estado de Bahía, por medio de la Dirección de Vigilancia Epidemiológica, desarrolló su propia solución computacional. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir el proceso de creación de la metodología aplicada para generar una base de datos única para emitir información más calificada para sustentar el proceso de toma de decisiones y elaboración del Boletín Epidemiológico del Estado de Bahía sobre Covid-19. Esta es una investigación procedimental, cuyas soluciones tecnológicas se desarrollaron durante las actividades, en un movimiento dinámico y continuo, en un intento por resolver la falta de interoperabilidad entre los sistemas de información involucrados. La interconexión de las bases de salud condujo a la creación de soluciones para la operación integrada, incluidas pruebas de concepto realizadas mediante diferentes claves de conexión, que permitieron cambios incrementales en los procesos de trabajo de vigilancia epidemiológica. Se concluye que la interconexión de datos permitió un proceso más ágil y eficiente para el análisis de los datos y la toma de decisiones por parte de la gerencia.

Infecciones por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Monitoreo Epidemiológico , Análisis de Datos
Physica D ; 415: 132792, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33169041


The new Covid-19 pandemic has left traces of suffering and devastation to individuals of almost all countries worldwide and severe impact on the global economy. Understanding the clinical characteristics, interactions with the environment, and the variables that favor or hinder its dissemination help the public authorities in the fight and prevention, leading for a rapid response in society. Using models to estimate contamination scenarios in real time plays an important role. Population compartments models based on ordinary differential equations (ODE) for a given region assume two homogeneous premises, the contact mechanisms and diffusion rates, disregarding heterogeneous factors as different contact rates for each municipality and the flow of contaminated people among them. This work considers a hybrid model for covid-19, based on local SIR models and the population flow network among municipalities, responsible for a complex lag dynamic in their contagion curves. Based on actual infection data, local contact rates ( ß ) are evaluated. The epidemic evolution at each municipality depends on the local SIR parameters and on the inter-municipality transport flow. When heterogeneity of ß values and flow network are included, forecasts differ from those of the homogeneous ODE model. This effect is more relevant when more municipalities are considered, hinting that the latter overestimates new cases. In addition, mitigation scenarios are assessed to evaluate the effect of earlier interventions reducing the inter-municipality flux. Restricting the flow between municipalities in the initial stage of the epidemic is fundamental for flattening the contamination curve, highlighting advantages of a contamination lag between the capital curve and those of other municipalities in the territories.

Sci Total Environ ; 618: 971-976, 2018 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29107376


Dengue infection is a public health problem with a complex distribution. The physical means of propagation and the dynamics of diffusion of the disease between municipalities need to be analysed to direct efficient public policies to prevent dengue infection. The present study presents correlations of occurrences of reported cases of dengue infection among municipalities, self-organized criticality (SOC), and transportation between areas, identifying the municipalities that play an important role in the diffusion of dengue across the state of Bahia, Brazil. The significant correlation found between the correlation network and the SOC demonstrates that the pattern of intramunicipal diffusion of dengue is coupled to the pattern of synchronisation between the municipalities. Transportation emerges as influential in the dynamics of diffusion of epidemics by acting on the aforementioned variables.

Dengue/epidemiología , Dengue/transmisión , Transportes , Brasil/epidemiología , Humanos , Salud Pública , Política Pública