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Rev. psicol. clín. niños adolesc ; 10(3): 1-8, Septiembre 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-225804


The psychometric properties of the Buss and Perry AQ questionnaire of aggression, one of the most used questionnaires worldwide to measure aggressive behavior, were examined in a sample of adolescents (n=779 participants) from the cities of Barranquilla (n= 410) and Pereira (n= 369), in Colombia. In total, 752 participants (Mean age of 15.3 years, SD = 1.9; 57,4%. women and 42,6 men) completed the Buss and Perry AQ questionnaire. Subsequently, the univariate and multivariate normality of the items was evaluated, and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on the data set. Likewise, the fit of two models was evaluated, a multidimensional a priori model, and a model with a second-order factor (aggressive behavior), which could explain the variance of the items. Finally, the reliability indices of the questionnaire were identified. The results showed acceptable goodness-of-fit indices (X2/df = 2.29, CFI = .977, IFI = .977, GFI = .984, AGFI = .979, RNI = .984, NFI = .972, RMSEA of .047 [90% CI = .016 - .036] and SRMR = .059) for the second-order one-factor model, as well as acceptable reliability indices (α= .55 - .88). In conclusion, these results show that the scale can be applicable to Colombian preadolescents and adolescents, but warn of the limitations of its use for the non-aggression subscale. Nevertheless, the application of the scale in its original version is suggested to determine its psychometric behavior. (AU)

Las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de agresión Buss y Perry AQ, uno de los cuestionarios más utilizados mundialmente para medir la conducta agresiva, fue examinado en una muestra de adolescentes (n=779 participantes) de las ciudades de Barranquilla (n= 410) y Pereira (n= 369), en Colombia. En total, 752 participantes (edad media de 15,3 años, DE = 1,9; 57,4%. mujeres y 42,6 hombres) completaron el cuestionario AQ de Buss y Perry. Posteriormente, se evaluó la normalidad univariante y multivariante de los ítems, y se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) sobre el conjunto de datos. Asimismo, se evaluó el ajuste de dos modelos, un modelo multidimensional a priori, y un modelo con un factor de segundo orden (conducta agresiva), que podría explicar la varianza de los ítems. Por último, se identificaron los índices de fiabilidad del cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron índices de bondad de ajuste aceptables (X2/df = 2,29, CFI = .977, IFI = .977, GFI = .984, AGFI = .979, RNI = .984, NFI = .972, RMSEA de .047 [90% CI = .016 - .036] y SRMR = .059) para el modelo de un factor de segundo orden, así como índices de fiabilidad aceptables (α= .55 - .88). En conclusión, estos resultados muestran que la escala puede ser aplicable a preadolescentes y adolescentes colombianos, pero advierten de las limitaciones de su uso para la subescala de no agresión. No obstante, se sugiere la aplicación de la escala en su versión original para determinar su comportamiento psicométrico. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Agresión/psicología , Psicometría/instrumentación , Psicometría/métodos , Colombia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Heliyon ; 9(6): e16167, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37484386


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Alexian Brother Urge to Self-Injure (ABUSI) in its Spanish version for Colombian adolescents. This instrument was created to measure cognitive and emotional aspects of the urge to self-injure by assessing the frequency, the urge, thoughts associated with time and place, the capacity for resistance, and thoughts associated with the urge to self-injure. Method: A total of 752 preadolescents and adolescents between 10 and 18 years of age, with a mean of 15.3 years (SD = 1.97), participated. The instruments used were The Alexian Brother Urge to Self-Injure ABUSI, ERS Suicide Risk Scale, Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale, and the Zimet The MSPSS Perceived Social Support Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis, inter-test correlations, to estimate cut-off point discriminant validity Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and to determine convergent validity, a Pearson's coincidence analysis was performed between the ABUSI total score and the ERS Suicide Risk Scale, the Plutchik's Suicide Risk Scale and Zimet's Perceived Social Support Scale assessments. Results: The presence of a unidimensional model of the instrument is confirmed with adequate fit, reliability, and concurrent validity indices. The high score classification was determined from six (6) points for the total of the scale. These results show that ABUSI is a valid and reliable tool for the clinical assessment of self-injurious behavior in adolescents and preadolescents.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1106563, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089743


The purpose of the present study was to establish the association between self-efficacy, perception of disease, emotional regulation, and fatigue and the health-related quality of life in older adults living in the departments of Cesar and Atlántico in Colombia and who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease. The participants were 325 older adults of both sexes, with literacy and no presence of cognitive impairment in the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE); A non-probabilistic sampling was carried out. We used the MOS-SF-36 questionnaire, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire scale for measuring the perception of disease, the Stanford Patient Education Research Center's Chronic Disease Self self-efficacy questionnaire for chronic patients, the Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale, and the Fatigue Severity Questionnaire as measurement instruments. The design was non-experimental cross-sectional with a correlational scope. The results indicate that self-efficacy, disease perception, emotional regulation and severity of fatigue are variables that could impact the physical function of quality of life, confirming that self-efficacy would work as a factor that decreases the probability that a participant score low on this dimension of quality of life. On the other hand, both the perception of the disease and the severity of fatigue were identified as factors that probably negatively influence quality of life.

Children (Basel) ; 10(3)2023 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36980107


Suicide is one of the main causes of death among the adolescent population, which is why it is considered an important mental-health problem. In addition to this situation, for each suicide, the group of people who survive it (known as suicide survivors) can present serious emotional affectations, becoming a population at risk for this problem. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of suicide-survivor status on risk factors and protective factors for suicide. A total of 440 adolescents with a mean age of 15.78 (SD = 1.74) participated, who were divided according to survivor status, identified as the SV group (79 cases), and non-survivors, identified as the NSV group-adolescents that did not have experience or contact with a suicide attempt (361 cases). A questionnaire of sociodemographic characterization and risk conditions, the Alexian Brother Urge to Self-Injure (ABUSI), the Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and the Cognitive and Affective Empathy Test (TECA) were applied. Descriptive statistics, mean difference for independent samples, contingency tables, X2 statistic, Fisher's exact statistic, and Cohen's d coefficient were used. The results show significant differences between SV and NSV participants in risk and protective factors regarding the presence of a greater adoption of perspective and emotional understanding. On the other hand, NSV adolescents presented higher scores of perceived social supports regarding risk factors, and there was a higher proportion of a history of suicide attempt, severity/hospitalization, impulse to self-harm, and level of suicidal risk in the SV group. The need to incorporate forms of suicide prevention with the survivor population is discussed, increasing the possibilities of postvention.

rev. psicogente ; 25(48): 107-125, jul.-dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424779


Resumen Introducción: El comportamiento suicida hace referencia a las diversas conductas para dejar de vivir es un fenómeno multifactorial ampliamente estudiado en población urbana, sin embargo, la población campesina, especialmente agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas están entre los grupos de alto riesgo. Objetivo: Evaluar las relaciones entre el riesgo suicida y las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en una muestra de 76 campesinos entre los 18 y 79 años del municipio de El Santuario, Colombia, durante la emergencia sanitaria por Covid-19. Método: Para este estudio se utilizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal y se emplearon como instrumentos la Escala de Evaluación de Riesgo Suicida -ERS- y la Escala de Estilos y Estrategias de Afrontamiento (EEEAE). Resultados: Los resultados encontrados en la Escala ERS no indicaron niveles clínicos de riesgo suicida. Y respecto a la EEEAE casi siempre los participantes usaban las estrategias de Reevaluación positiva, Apoyo social, Desconexión cognitiva y Resolver el problema. Hubo correlaciones negativas entre todas las dimensiones de la escala ERS con EEEAE, menos entre las dimensiones Depresión/Desesperanza y Aislamiento/Soporte social (ERS) con la Desconexión cognitiva (EEEAE) y especialmente la estrategia de Reevaluación Positiva tuvo un peso significativo sobre riesgo suicida. Conclusiones: La Reevaluación Positiva es una estrategia de afrontamiento que puede proteger la salud mental ante situaciones de estrés asociados con el riesgo suicida de la población campesina, los agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas.

Abstract Introduction: Suicidal behavior refers to the various behaviors to stop living, it is a multifactorial phenomenon widely studied in the urban population, however, the rural population, especially farmers and agricultural workers, are among the high-risk groups. Objective: Evaluate the relationships between suicidal risk and stress coping strategies in a sample of 76 peasants between 18 and 79 years of age from the municipality of El Santuario, Colombia during the Covid-19 health emergency. Method: For this study, a cross-sectional correlational descriptive design was used. The Suicide Risk Assessment Scale -SRAS- and the Coping Styles and Strategies Scale were used as measurement instruments (CSSS). Results: The results found in the SRAS Scale did not indicate clinical levels of suicidal risk. And regarding the EEEAE, the participants almost always used the strategies of Positive Reappraisal, Social Support, Cognitive Disconnection and Problem-Solving skills. There were negative correlations between all the dimensions of the SRAS scale with CSSS, less between the dimensions Depression/Hopelessness and Isolation/social support (SRAS) with Cognitive Disconnection (CSSS) and especially the Positive Reappraisal had a significant weight on suicidal risk. Conclusions: Positive Reappraisal is a coping strategy that can protect mental health in situations of stress associated with suicidal risk of the rural population, farmers, and agricultural workers.

rev. psicogente ; 21(39): 50-61, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963575


Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar en qué medida las prácticas parentales paternas y maternas predicen la ideación suicida en un grupo de hombres y mujeres adolescentes colombianos. Método: Participaron 328 estudiantes adolescentes inscritos en escuelas públicas. Se utilizó la escala de Prácticas Parentales para Adolescentes (PP-A) elaborada por Andrade y Betancourt y una escala para medir la Ideación Suicida, constituida por ocho ítems que refieren a ideas de quitarse la vida. Resultados: Indican la existencia de correlaciones entre ideación suicida y control psicológico materno (0,183**) e imposición (-,282**) en los hombres y entre ideación suicida y autonomía (-,383**), control psicológico materno (,302**) e imposición (,383**) en mu jeres. También se evidenció que las dimensiones que predicen en mayor medida la ideación sui cida en hombres y mujeres son el control psicológico materno y la imposición paterna. Conclu siones: Se discute el papel de algunas prácticas parentales que pueden constituirse como posible factor de riesgo para disponer a los jóvenes hacia el suicidio.

Abstract Objective: This study aims to determine how parental and maternal parenting practices may predict suicidal ideation in a group of Colombian male and female teenagers. Method: 328 teen agers who belong to public schools were sampled. 7-items related to wanting to take one's own life, (PP-A) Parenting Practices scale for teenagers was used. Results: Show correlations between suicidal ideation and maternal psychological control (0,183**) and impose (-, 282 **), in men between suicidal ideation and autonomy (-, 383**), in women, maternal psychological control (, 302**) and impose (, 383**). Also, it is shown that maternal psychological control and parental impose are evident aspects which predict further suicidal ideation in men and women. Conclu sion: The role of some parenting practices can become a suicidal risk factor for young people.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 20(1): 212-220, Jan.-June 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886298


Abstract The correct and consistent use of condoms during sexual intercourse is a highly effective procedure for the prevention of HIV / AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some studies report that psychosocial skills and interaction promote the development of safe sexual relations by using condoms. The objective of this study was to determine to what extent the perception of self-efficacy and sexual assertiveness predicts condom use in sexual activity in a group of young people. The study was descriptive correlational and predictive. The sample consisted of 645 young people aged between 19 and 26 years who reported having had sex or being sexually active. Results showed that, unlike men, the perception of self-efficacy coupled with sexual assertiveness are strong predictors of condom use in women's sexual relations, whereas for men only sexual assertiveness predicts condom use in sexual relations.

Resumo O uso correto e consistente do preservativo nas relações sexuais é um procedimento altamente eficaz para a prevenção do HIV/ Aids, bem como para outras infecções de transmissão sexual (ITS). Alguns estudos mostram que as habilidades psicossociais e de inter-relação favorecem o desenvolvimento de práticas sexuais protegidas, como com o uso do preservativo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar em que medida a percepção de autoeficácia e a assertividade sexual predizem o uso do preservativo nas relações sexuais em um grupo de jovens. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo correlacionai e preditivo com uma amostra de 631 jovens com idades entre 19 e 26 anos que relataram ter tido relações ou ser ativos sexualmente. Os resultados mostram que a percepção de autoeficácia e a assertividade sexual foram fortes indicadores do uso do preservativo nas relações sexuais das mulheres, enquanto para o caso dos homens, só a assertividade sexual predisse seu uso.

Resumen El uso correcto y consistente del condón en las relaciones sexuales es un procedimiento altamente eficaz para la prevención del VIH/SIDA, así como para otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Algunos estudios reportan que las habilidades psicosociales y de interrelación favorecen el desarrollo de prácticas sexuales protegidas, como con el uso de preservativos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar en qué medida la percepción de autoeficacia y la asertividad sexual predicen el uso del condón en las relaciones sexuales en un grupo de jóvenes. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional y predictivo con una muestra de 631 jóvenes con edades entre 19 y 26 años que reportaron haber tenido relaciones o ser activos sexualmente. Los resultados muestran que la percepción de autoeficacia y la asertividad sexual fueron fuertes predictores del uso del condón en las relaciones sexuales de las mujeres, mientras que para el caso de los hombres, solo la asertividad sexual predijo su uso.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Asertividad , Adolescente , Condones , Autoeficacia
rev. psicogente ; 20(37): 25-35, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963543


Resumen En las relaciones sexuales de jóvenes, las variables asociadas al uso del condón son diversas y comúnmente se presentan con otras variables que, a su vez, se asocian con la práctica sexual desprotegida. Los objetivos de este estudio consistieron en determinar en qué medida la percepción de autoeficacia, la baja percepción de riesgo y el rechazo del uso del condón se relacionan con el uso del condón en las relaciones sexuales de jóvenes colombianos. Participaron en él 308 estu diantes universitarios de la ciudad de Cúcuta, Colombia. Los resultados indican correlaciones significativas en hombres entre el uso del condón y la percepción de autoeficacia, y correlaciones negativas en mujeres entre el uso del condón, la baja percepción de riesgo y el rechazo del uso del condón. Solo en el grupo de hombres, la percepción de autoeficacia predice el uso del condón.

Abstract In the sexual relations of the youth, the variables associated with condom use are diverse and are often presented with other variables, that are also associated with unprotected sexual practice. This study aimed to determine to what extent the perception of self-efficacy, low risk perception and condom use shunning are associated with condom use in sexual relations of young Colom bians. 308 university students in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia, participated in the study. The results indicate significant correlations in men between condom use and self-efficacy perception and negative correlations in women between condom use, low risk perception and condom use shunning. Only in the male groups, the perception of self-efficacy predicts condom use.

Rev Chilena Infectol ; 32(4): 408-15, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26436785


BACKGROUND: A study in five Colombian cities in 2006, confirms the findings of other international studies: the majority of HIV-positive children not know their diagnosis, caregivers are reluctant to give this information because they believe that the news will cause emotional distress to the child becoming primary purpose of this study to validate a model of revelation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We implemented a clinical model, referred to as: "DIRE" that hypothetically had normalizing effects on psychological adjustment and adherence to antiretroviral treatment of HIV seropositive children, using a quasi-experimental design. Test were administered (questionnaire to assess patterns of disclosure and non-disclosure of the diagnosis of VIH/SIDA on children in health professionals and participants caregivers, Family Apgar, EuroQol EQ- 5D, MOS Social Support Survey Questionnaire Information treatment for VIH/SIDA and child Symptom Checklist CBCL/6-18 adapted to Latinos) before and after implementation of the model to 31 children (n: 31), 30 caregivers (n: 30) and 41 health professionals. Data processing was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 21 by applying parametric tests (Friedman) and nonparametric (t Student). RESULTS: No significant differences in adherence to treatment (p=0.392), in the psychological adjustment were found positive significant differences at follow-ups compared to baseline 2 weeks (p: 0.001), 3 months (p: 0.000) and 6 months (p: 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: The clinical model demonstrated effectiveness in normalizing of psychological adjustment and maintaining treatment compliance. The process also generated confidence in caregivers and health professionals in this difficult task.

Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/tratamiento farmacológico , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/psicología , Cuidadores/psicología , Revelación , Ajuste Emocional , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/psicología , Modelos Psicológicos , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/diagnóstico , Adolescente , Adulto , Cuidadores/educación , Niño , Preescolar , Colombia , Femenino , Seropositividad para VIH/psicología , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/estadística & datos numéricos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados no Aleatorios como Asunto , Factores Socioeconómicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto Joven
Rev. chil. infectol ; 32(4): 408-415, ago. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-762639


Background: A study in five Colombian cities in 2006, confirms the findings of other international studies: the majority of HIV-positive children not know their diagnosis, caregivers are reluctant to give this information because they believe that the news will cause emotional distress to the child becoming primary purpose of this study to validate a model of revelation. Materials and Methods: We implemented a clinical model, referred to as: "DIRE" that hypothetically had normalizing effects on psychological adjustment and adherence to antiretroviral treatment of HIV seropositive children, using a quasi-experimental design. Test were administered (questionnaire to assess patterns of disclosure and non-disclosure of the diagnosis of VIH/SIDA on children in health professionals and participants caregivers, Family Apgar, EuroQol EQ- 5D, MOS Social Support Survey Questionnaire Information treatment for VIH/SIDA and child Symptom Checklist CBCL/6-18 adapted to Latinos) before and after implementation of the model to 31 children (n: 31), 30 caregivers (n: 30) and 41 health professionals. Data processing was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 21 by applying parametric tests (Friedman) and nonparametric (t Student). Results: No significant differences in adherence to treatment (p = 0.392), in the psychological adjustment were found positive significant differences at follow-ups compared to baseline 2 weeks (p: 0.001), 3 months (p: 0.000) and 6 months (p: 0.000). Conclusions: The clinical model demonstrated effectiveness in normalizing of psychological adjustment and maintaining treatment compliance. The process also generated confidence in caregivers and health professionals in this difficult task.

Antecedentes: Un estudio realizado en cinco ciudades colombianas en el 2006 ratificó lo hallado en investigaciones internacionales: los niños con infección por VIH desconocen su diagnóstico; los cuidadores son renuentes a dar esta información porque consideran que la noticia causará estrés emocional al menor, convirtiéndose en propósito principal de este estudio validar un modelo de revelación. Materiales y Métodos: Se implementó un modelo clínico, denominado: "DIRE", el cual, hipotéticamente tendría efectos de normalización del ajuste psicológico y adherencia al tratamiento anti-retroviral de niños con infección por VIH, mediante diseño cuasi-experimental. Se administraron pruebas (cuestionario para evaluar los patrones de revelación y no revelación del diagnóstico de VIH/SIDA a menores en profesionales de la salud y cuidadores participantes, Apgar Familiar, EuroQol EQ -5D, encuesta de apoyo social MOS, cuestionario de información del tratamiento para el VIH/SIDA y la Lista de Síntomas del Niño CBCL/6-18 adaptado a población latina) antes y después de la implementación del modelo a 31 niños (n: 31), 30 cuidadores (n: 30) y 41 profesionales de la salud (n: 41). El procesamiento de datos se realizó con el paquete estadístico para las ciencias sociales SPSS versión 21 mediante la aplicación de pruebas paramétricas (Friedman) y no paramétricas (Prueba T). Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la adherencia al tratamiento (p: 0,392), en el ajuste psicológico se encontraron diferencias significativas positivas en los seguimientos comparados con el basal: dos semanas (p: 0,001); tres meses (p: 0,000) y seis meses (p: 0,000). Conclusiones: El modelo "DIRE" demostró eficacia en la normalización del ajuste psicológico y mantenimiento del cumplimiento terapéutico, favoreciendo la confianza de profesionales y cuidadores participantes en este difícil proceso.

Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/tratamiento farmacológico , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/psicología , Cuidadores/psicología , Revelación , Ajuste Emocional , Modelos Psicológicos , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/psicología , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/diagnóstico , Colombia , Cuidadores/educación , Seropositividad para VIH/psicología , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/estadística & datos numéricos , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados no Aleatorios como Asunto , Factores Socioeconómicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
rev. psicogente ; 17(32): 442-451, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963475


En este artículo de investigación se analizaron las tendencias en las líneas de investigación declaradas por 32 universidades de Iberoamérica que cuentan con un programa de Doctorado en Psicología. El método de investigación fue exploratorio con corte bibliográfico y diseño descriptivo. Se analizaron en total 308 líneas de investigación y se identificaron tres tendencias: la primera, que agrupa diferentes campos en una sola línea, se encontró que la Psicología Clínica es el área de mayor interés. La segunda identifica líneas que emergen frente a las determinadas en principio, se evidenció como principal interés la cognición, y la tercera las articulaciones frecuentes entre varios campos disciplinares, las cuales se dieron principalmente en la Psicología Clínica y la Psicología de la Salud.

Trends were analyzed in the research lines reported by 32 universities in Ibero-America that have at least a PhD program in Psychology. The research method was exploratory and descriptive with bibliographic cut design. 308 lines of research were analyzed in total and three trends were identified: the first, bringing together different fields on one line. It was found that Clinical Psychology is the area of greatest interest, the second, identifies lines that emerge in front of the ones determined by principles, as the main interest was evidenced cognition, and the third, the frequent joints between various disciplinary fields, which were mainly occur in Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology.