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Século XXI - Rev Rel Int ; 2(1): [26], 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDS | ID: biblio-833245


The main goal of this article is to discuss the Brazilian initiatives in the field of health international technical cooperation. Departing from the general foreign policy guidelines established by Lula's government in 2003, the article analyzes the consistency between foreign policies directives and public policies implementation issues in areas like health during government transitions. The case study here was the transition period between the second term of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and the first term of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva presidencies in Brazil (2002-2003). The research revealed a great diversity and the complexity of the federal government initiatives in the area of health technical cooperation, as well as the importance of technical cooperation for the advancement of the presidential international agenda. There are also important feedback mechanisms involved, as the international cooperation helps to achieve domestic goals in areas like health. An important conclusion of this research unveils the fact that the fine adjustments between types and levels of public policies do not occur automatic or spontaneously after a presidential transition in a democratic country.

O objetivo principal do artigo é discutir as iniciativas de cooperação técnica internacional do Brasil na área de saúde. Tendo como ponto de referência as diretrizes de política externa do governo Lula estabelecidas em 2003, o artigo analisa a consistência entre as diretrizes gerais de política externa e os desafios de implementação de políticas públicas setoriais em períodos de transição. O caso analisado foi o da transição do governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso para o governo Lula (2002-2003). O trabalho evidenciou a grande diversidade e a complexidade das iniciativas na área de saúde, a importância das políticas setoriais para a consecução da agenda internacional do país e, por outro lado, a importância dos relacionamentos internacionais para a implementação das metas plurianuais de desenvolvimento na saúde. Uma conclusão importante do artigo torna evidente que os ajustes entre os diferentes tipos e níveis das políticas públicas dependem de esforços institucionais específicos, não sendo produzidos automática e espontaneamente durante as transições entre mandatos presidenciais em países democráticos.

Humanos , Gobierno Federal , Actos Internacionales , Cooperación Técnica , Internacionalidad
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 54(4): 651-692, 2011. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-616979


The present article analyzes the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the integration of the South American region, based on a study of regional security issues and cooperation between states. The study thus seeks to examine the scope of ICTs in building mutual trust between states and harmonization between maintenance of the domestic order and regional stability in a scenario marked by suspicion and political and institutional limitations. The argument is that the use of information technologies can contribute to the deepening of political processes, although in practice there is a lack of a coordinated strategy for South American countries to apply such technologies. The development of ICTs by UNASUL and the South American Defense Council thus emerges as an attempt to promote adequate alignment among initiatives for integration of South American countries and greater exchange of information to promote security and stability in the region.

Dans cet article, on examine le rôle des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) dans le processus d'intégration de la région sud-américaine, à partir de l'étude des problèmes de sécurité régionale et des processus de coopération entre États. On cherche ainsi à voir la portée des TIC dans la construction d'une confiance mutuelle entre les États et dans la syntonie entre le maintien de l'ordre domestique et la stabilité régionale dans un décor marqué par la méfiance et par des restrictions politiques et institutionnelles. On montre que l'usage des TIC peut contribuer à renforcer les processus politiques de la région, bien que, pratiquement, il n'existe pas de stratégie coordonnée pour l'application de ces technologies par les pays d'Amérique du Sud. Le développement des TIC promu par l' UNASUL et par le Conseil de Défense Sud-Américain (CDS) semble donc un effort de promouvoir une adéquation entre les initiatives d'intégration observées entre les pays sud-américains et de plus grands échanges d'information en vue de la sécurité et de la stabilité pour la région.

Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 48(1): 67-113, jan.-mar. 2005. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-413986


This article aims to analyze the relationship between political regime and the organizational and legal structures of intelligence activities in Brazil. According to minimum aggregate measures, the country is approaching a threshold that allows one to consider it a consolidated democratic regime. This is expressed in a legal framework developed for the intelligence field, with explicit mechanisms for coordination, supervision, and oversight. However, there are persistent problems in the performance of new organizational structures that are also consistent with the challenges of democratic consolidation. The article demonstrates how the use of more disaggregated measurements of democratic consolidation and state capability allow a clearer association between the political regime’s characteristics and the changes observed in different countries in the field of intelligence in the last fifteen years.

Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 46(1): 75-127, 2003.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-344748


This article analyzes the formation of national intelligence systems in the modern state and the basic causes of institutional differences even among countries from the same constitutional tradition, like the United Kingdom and the United States. Considering intelligence systems as a sort of bureaucracy typically associated with the state's coercive core, one can trace their origins to three different historical matrices: 16th and 17th century European diplomacy, the Napoleonic form of war management at the turn from the 18th to the 19th century, and 19th and 20th century counterrevolutionary political policing. Following a logic of expansion and functional differentiation that is simultaneously horizontal and vertical, current national intelligence systems display great organizational complexity and dilemmas in their institutionalization which provide good examples of the virtual impossibility of complete democratization of the state in the contemporary world.