Background: Elevated anxiety levels are common in patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) and may challenge recovery. Research suggests music-based interventions may reduce anxiety during MV. However, studies investigating specific music therapy techniques, addressing psychological and physiological well-being in patients on MV, are scarce. Methods: This three-arm randomized clinical pilot study was conducted with MV patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of Hospital San José in Bogotá, Colombia between March 7, 2022, and July 11, 2022. Patients were divided into three groups: intervention group 1 (IG1), music-assisted relaxation; intervention group 2 (IG2), patient-preferred therapeutic music listening; and control group (CG), standard care. The main outcome measure was the 6-item State-Anxiety Inventory. Secondary outcomes were: pain (measured with a visual analog scale), resilience (measured with the Brief Resilience Scale), agitation/sedation (measured with the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale), vital signs (including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate), days of MV, extubation success, and days in the ICU. Additionally, three patients underwent electroencephalography during the interventions. Results: Data from 23 patients were analyzed in this study. The age range of the patients was 24.0-84.0 years, with a median age of 66.0 years (interquartile range: 57.0-74.0). Of the 23 patients, 19 were female (82.6%). No statistically significant differences between the groups were observed for anxiety (P=0.330), pain (P=0.624), resilience (P=0.916), agitation/sedation (P=0.273), length of ICU stay (P=0.785), or vital signs. A statistically significant difference between the groups was found for days of MV (P=0.019). Electroencephalography measurements showed a trend toward delta and theta band power decrease for two patients and a power increase on both beta frequencies (slow and fast) in the frontal areas of the brain for one patient. Conclusions: In this pilot study, music therapy did not significantly affect the anxiety levels in patients on MV. However, the interventions were widely accepted by the staff, patients, and caregivers and were safe, considering the critical medical status of the participants. Further large-scale randomized controlled trials are needed to investigate the potential benefits of music therapeutic interventions in this population.Trial Registration ISRCTN trial registry identifier: ISRCTN16964680.
Resumen Introducción y objetivo: las resinas acrílicas son los materiales idóneos para la elaboración prótesis totales, sin embargo, las caídas o golpes los hace susceptibles de fracturas. Conocer las propiedades y limitaciones de los acrílicos en nuestro entorno, nos permite realizar tratamientos con los mejores materiales. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la resistencia al impacto de dos acrílicos convencionales y dos de alto impacto para bases protésicas. Materiales y métodos: se realizaron 40 barras en cera para base para ser enmufladas de acuerdo con especificaciones de cuatro marcas de acrílicos (n=10), Lucitone199®, Masterdent acrylic resin, Veracril alto impacto® y convencional. La resistencia impacto se evaluó mediante la prueba de Charpy (Máquina ITC-XJU-22), con masa de péndulo de 0.237 Kg y fuerza de impacto de 1J. se realizó análisis estadístico por ANOVA a una vía y prueba de tukey. Resultados: los valores de resistencia al impacto fueron 16.5, 10.8, 9.3 y 5.9 KJ/m2 para Lucitone199®, Veracril alto impacto®, Veracril convencional® y Masterdent acrylic resin. Conclusiones: con las limitaciones de esta investigación, los acrílicos de alto impacto se pueden considerar como una alternativa más viable para la elaboración de prótesis totales ante los acrílicos convencionales, en busca de disminuir el riesgo de fracturas por accidentes o cargas repentinas de impacto.
Abstract Introduction and objective: acrylic resins are the ideal materials for the elaboration of dentures and removable prostheses, although the falls or blows make them susceptible to fractures. Knowing the properties and limitations of acrylics in our environment, allows us to carry out treatments with the best materials. The objective of this study was to compare the impact resistance of two conventional and two high impact acrylics for prosthetic bases. Materials and methods: 40 bars were made in base-wax and processed in muffles according to specifications of four trademarks of acrylics (n=10), Lucitone199®, Masterdent acrylic resin®, Veracril alto impacto® and convencional®. The impact resistance was evaluated by the Charpy test (Machine ITC-XJU-22), with a pendulum mass of 0.237 Kg and an impact force of 1J. One-way ANOVA and tukey test were performed for statistical analysis was performed. Results: the impact resistance values were 16.5, 10.8, 9.3 and 5.9 KJ / m2 for Lucitone199®, Veracril alto impacto®, Veracril convencional® and Masterdent acrylic resin®. Conclusions: with the limitations of this investigation, high impact acrylics can be considered as a more viable alternative for the elaboration of dentures compared to conventional acrylics, in order to reduce the risk of fractures due to accidents or sudden impact loads.
Resumo Introdução y objetivo: as resinas acrílicas são os materiais ideais para a elaboração de próteses totais, porém as quedas ou golpes os tornam suscetíveis a fraturas. Conhecer as propriedades e limitações dos acrílicos em nosso ambiente, permite realizar tratamentos com os melhores materiais.. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a resistência ao impacto de d ois acrílicos convencionais e dois de alto impacto para bases protéticas. Materiais e métodos: foram feitas 40 barras de cera para que a base seja silenciada de acordo com as especificações de quatro marcas de acrílicos (n=10), Lucitone199®, resina acrílica Masterdent, Veracril high impact® e convencional. A resistência ao impacto foi avaliada pelo teste de Charpy (Máquina ITC-XJU-22), com uma massa pendular de 0.237 kg e uma força de impacto de 1J. Foi realizada análise estatística ANOVA unidirecional e teste de tukey. Resultados: os valores de resistência ao impacto foram de 16.5, 10.8, 9.3 e 5.9 KJ/m2 para a resina acrílica Lucitone199®, Veracril high impact®, Veracril convencional® e Masterdent. Conclusões: com as limitações desta investigação, os acrílicos de alto impacto podem ser considerados uma alternativa mais viável para a elaboração de próteses totais em comparação aos acrílicos convencionais, a fim de reduzir o risco de fraturas devido a acidentes ou cargas de impacto repentinas.
Resumen La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) es una entidad que afecta la respiración durante el sueño, donde se presentan episodios de cierre parcial o total de la vía aérea superior, limitando o cesando por completo el flujo de aire. Para recobrar el flujo de aire se produce un leve despertar no consciente, activando los músculos implicados en la respiración. Se encuentran patologías asociadas a este fenómeno que atentan contra la calidad vida de los individuos que la padecen; así como manifestaciones en cavidad oral que pueden desencadenar problemas en la salud oral. Se enfatiza sobre la importancia de la interdisciplinariedad en el manejo de la AOS para la aplicación de la reciprocidad dentro de las diferentes especialidades involucradas en el diagnóstico e intervención de esta entidad. El odontólogo desempeña un papel importante en el manejo de este síndrome, ampliando su espectro en la formación académica incluyendo este fenómeno en su plan de estudios. Se pueden integrar herramientas para identificar a los pacientes en riesgo realizando un diagnóstico presuntivo de este fenómeno, además de identificar enfermedad oral asociada a apnea obstructiva del sueño y ser parte activa de la intervención diseñando e implementando aparatología oral eficiente y necesaria; así mismo controlar a los pacientes sobre la adherencia al tratamiento y sobre su salud oral. Por lo tanto se realizó una revisión de la literatura en bases de datos desde los primeros reportes sobre apnea obstructiva del sueño hasta la actualidad.
Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea is an entity that affects breathing during sleep, where episodes of partial or total closure of the upper airway occur, limiting or completely ceasing the air flow. To recover it there is an arousal, activating the muscles involved in the breathing process. There are pathologies associated with this phenomenon that threaten the quality of life of the individuals who suffer it; as well as oral cavity manifestations that can trigger different oral health problems. This work emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary management of obstructive sleep apnea for the application of reciprocity within the different specialties involved in the diagnosis and intervention of this entity. The dentist plays an important role in the management of this entity, expanding its spectrum in academic education including this phenomenon in its curriculum. Tools to identify at-risk patients are integrated, making a presumptive diagnosis of this phenomenon, in addition to identifying the presence of oral disease associated with obstructive sleep apnea and being an active part of the intervention by designing and implementing efficient and necessary oral appliances; likewise adherence control of patients to treatment and on their oral health. Therefore, a review of the literature was made from the first reports on obstructive sleep apnea to the present.
Resumo A apneia obstrutiva do sono é uma entidade que afeta a respiração durante o sono, onde há episódios de fechamento parcial ou total das vias aéreas superiores, limitando ou interrompendo completamente o fluxo de ar. Para recuperar o fluxo de ar, ocorre um ligeiro despertar inconsciente, que ativa os músculos envolvidos na respiração. Existem patologias associadas a esse fenômeno que ameaçam a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que sofrem com ele; bem como manifestações na cavidade oral que podem desencadear problemas de saúde bucal. Ênfase é colocada na importância da interdisciplinaridade no tratamento da apneia obstrutiva do sono para a aplicação da reciprocidade nas diferentes especialidades envolvidas no diagnóstico e intervenção dessa entidade. O dentista desempenha um papel importante no manejo dessa síndrome, ampliando seu espectro na formação acadêmica, incluindo esse fenômeno em seu currículo. As ferramentas podem ser integradas para identificar pacientes em risco, fazendo um diagnóstico presuntivo desse fenômeno, além de identificar a presença de doença oral associada à apneia obstrutiva do sono e ser uma parte ativa da intervenção, projetando e implementando aparelhos orais eficientes e necessários. Da mesma forma, controle os pacientes sobre a adesão ao tratamento e sua saúde bucal. Portanto, foi feita uma revisão da literatura nas bases de dados, desde os primeiros relatos de apneia obstrutiva do sono até o presente.
Antecedentes: Los agentes blanqueadores oxidantes tales como los peróxidos generan daños irreversibles en el esmalte dental y afectan químicamente el componente orgánico e inorgánico del esmalte. Se reportan en la literatura sustancias alternativas que pueden mejorar el color del esmalte, sin causarle daño. Objetivo: Identificar las sustancias blanqueadoras tipo remineralizante reportadas en la literatura y su efecto en el color del esmalte dental. Métodos: Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase, Scielo, Lilacs y Scopus, las palabras clave empleadas para la búsqueda fueron dental enamel, tooth bleaching, bleaching, calcium phosphate, hidroxyapatite, apatite, biomimetic, biomimetics, conectadas por el operador booleano AND y OR de diferentes maneras. Los criterios de elegibilidad de los artículos que harían parte de la revisión fueron que no incluyeran peróxidos de hidrógeno y carbamida con adición fluoruros y fosfatos de calcio y adicionalmente que emplearan un método de medición de color. Resultados: El resultado de la búsqueda arrojó 7 artículos, las sustancias encontradas de tipo remineralizante fueron hidroxiapatita sintética, fosfatos de calcio y el hexametafosfato de sodio. Según los criterios de evaluación definidos solo 4 de ellos tuvieron un nivel de evidencia alto, uno nivel medio y dos bajos. Todos los estudios reportan con los tratamientos probados, la capacidad de generar cambios en el color del esmalte dental. Conclusión: Las sustancias blanqueadoras remineralizantes encontradas, tienen la capacidad de producir cambios en el color del esmalte dental, lo cual se evidencia con modificación en las diferentes escalas de medición empleadas.
Background: Oxidizing bleaching agents such as peroxides generate irreversible damage to dental enamel and chemically affect the organic and inorganic component of the enamel. Alternative substances that can improve the color of the enamel without damaging it are reported in the literature. Purpose: To identify the remineralizing bleaching substances reported in the literature and their effect on the color of the dental enamel. Methods: The databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase, SciELO, Lilacs and Scopus were consulted, the keywords used for the search were dental enamel, tooth bleaching, bleaching, calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, apatite, biomimetic, biomimetics, connected by the Boolean operator AND and OR in different ways. The eligibility criteria of the articles that would be part of the review were not to include hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxides with addition of fluorides and calcium phosphates and additionally using a color measurement method. Results: The result of the search yielded 7 articles, the substances found of remineralizing type were synthetic hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphates and sodium hexametaphosphate. According to the evaluation criteria defined, only 4 of them had a high level of evidence, one medium level and two low. All studies report with proven treatments the ability to generate changes in tooth enamel color. Conclusions: The remineralizing whitening substances found have the ability to produce changes in the color of the dental enamel, which is evidenced with modification in the different measurement scales used.