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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(39): e2405378121, 2024 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39284064


Determining the mechanisms by which the earliest continental crust was generated and reworked is important for constraining the evolution of Earth's geodynamic, surface, and atmospheric conditions. However, the details of early plate tectonic settings often remain obscured by the intervening ~4 Ga of crustal recycling. Covariations of U, Nb, Sc, and Yb in zircon have been shown to faithfully reflect Phanerozoic whole-rock-based plate-tectonic discriminators and are therefore useful in distinguishing zircons crystallized in ridge, plume, and arc-like environments, both in the present and in deep time. However, application of these proxies to deciphering tectonic settings on the early Earth has thus far been limited to select portions of the detrital zircon record. Here, we present in situ trace-element and oxygen isotope compositions for magmatic zircons from crystalline crustal rocks of the Acasta Gneiss Complex and the Saglek-Hebron Complex, Canada. Integrated with information from whole-rock geochemistry and zircon U-Pb, Hf, and O isotopes, our zircon U-Nb-Sc-Yb results reveal that melting of hydrated basalt was not restricted to a single tectonomagmatic process during the Archean but was operative during the reworking of Hadean protocrust and the generation of juvenile crust within two cratons, as early as 3.9 Ga. We observe zircon trace-element compositions indicative of hydrous melting in settings that otherwise host seemingly differing whole-rock geochemistry, zircon Hf, and zircon O isotopes, suggesting contemporaneous operation of stagnant-lid (oceanic plateau) and mobile-lid (arc-like) regimes in the early Archean.

Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 326: 125159, 2024 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39340946


Zircon is a proposed slag host matrix associated with the metallic wasteform route developed for Zr-hull management. This study de-alienates the nature of radiation damage in Zr- and Si- sublattice in self-irradiated zircon matrices under long term of geological times using a natural analogue approach. To address this, self-irradiated reddish-brown zircon from Tamil Nadu, India was characterized using spectroscopic techniques such as X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence (PL) combined with Monte Carlo Based SRIM calculations. The observations revealed that the "as-received" zircon showed significant radiation damage primarily in the Si-sublattice (Si-O-Si linkages) while retaining its crystallinity, indicating a high degree of radiation resistance. The accumulated alpha-dose and displacements per atom (dpa) were evaluated to be 0.59 × 1018 decays/g and 0.019, respectively using RAMAN and SRIM calculations. Photoluminescence studies reveal that after annealing at 1673 K for 96 h, there was a partial recovery of radiation defects and a decrease in Si-O-Si bonds, although defects from dopant atoms remained unchanged. The damage observed is correlated with the nature of atomic bonding in Si-O and Zr-O bonds. The conclusions drawn suggest that zircon demonstrates considerable durability and selective recovery from radiation damage, making it a promising candidate for radioactive waste management.

Swiss J Geosci ; 117(1): 15, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220266


Relicts of subducted oceanic lithosphere provide key information for the tectonic reconstructions of convergent margins. In the Central Alps, such relicts occur as isolated mafic-ultramafic lenses within the migmatites of the southern Adula nappe and Cima-Lunga unit. Analysis of the major-, minor-, and accessory minerals of these ophiolitic relicts, combined with zircon and rutile U-Pb ages and zircon oxygen isotopes, allows the reconstruction of different stages of their complex evolution. The mafic-ultramafic suite in Valle di Moleno consists of chlorite-harzburgites associated with metarodingites and retrogressed eclogites. Relic omphacite and kyanite in retrogressed eclogites provide evidence for subduction-related metamorphism. Increasing XPrp in the garnet mantle towards the rim documents heating during high-pressure metamorphism up to 800-850 °C. Polyphase inclusions and chemical zoning in garnet suggest fluid-assisted melting during high-pressure metamorphism dated at 31.0 ± 0.9 Ma. In Val Cama, chlorite-harzburgites, metarodingites and calcsilicate-metasediments occur. Detrital zircon ages in the metasediment suggest a Mesozoic deposition. The metarodingite-metaperidotite-metasediment association and the low δ18O signatures of zircon (δ18O 3.0-3.7‰), inherited from seafloor metasomatism of the protoliths, show that the rocks are derived from former altered oceanic crust. Amphibolite facies metamorphism related to the Central Alps Barrovian evolution in Val Cama occurred at 28.8 ± 1.5 Ma. The combined data from Moleno and Cama indicate a rapid transition (~ 2 Ma) from subduction to collisional metamorphism with corresponding exhumation rates of 3-6 cm/year. Fast exhumation tectonics may have been favored by slab break-off or slab extraction. U-Pb dating of rutile from both localities yields ages of ~ 20 Ma, suggesting that these rocks remained at amphibolite-facies conditions for about 10 Ma and underwent a second fast exhumation of 3 cm/year associated with vertical movements along the Insubric line. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s00015-024-00462-7.

Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 322: 124795, 2024 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39059259


The effect of heat treatment on zircon color was studied from a new perspective of chromaticity of gemstones. The mechanism behind zircon color enhancement was investigated through the combination of infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The study reveals that the color of zircon has no significant correlation to the degree of metamorphism, which decreases as heating temperature rises. Type I and Type II defects in zircon are characterized by the deletion of an oxygen atom at the nearest site to Y3+ occupied by the Zr4+ and the loss of electrons at the next nearest oxygen atom to Y3+, respectively. These defects lead to broad absorption bands in the UV-vis spectra ranging from 340 nm and 500 nm, respectively. Additionally, there is a correlation between the color of zircon and the strength of the relationship between the two absorption bands. After undergoing heat treatment, the first defects to be repaired were type II, followed by type I. Subsequently, the zircon appeared colorless after both types of defects had been corrected.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(30): e2405160121, 2024 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38976765


Due to the scarcity of rock samples, the Hadean Era predating 4 billion years ago (Ga) poses challenges in understanding geological processes like subaerial weathering and plate tectonics that are critical for the evolution of life. The Jack Hills zircon from Western Australia, the primary Hadean samples available, offer valuable insights into magma sources and tectonic genesis through trace element signatures. However, a consensus on these signatures has not been reached. To address this, we developed a machine learning classifier capable of deciphering the geochemical fingerprints of zircon. This allowed us to identify the oldest detrital zircon originating from sedimentary-derived "S-type" granites. Our results indicate the presence of S-type granites as early as 4.24 Ga, persisting throughout the Hadean into the Archean. Examining global detrital zircon across Earth's history reveals consistent supercontinent-like cycles from the present back to the Hadean. These findings suggest that a significant amount of Hadean continental crust was exposed, weathered into sediments, and incorporated into the magma sources of Jack Hills zircon. Only the early operation of both subaerial weathering and plate subduction can account for the prevalence of S-type granites we observe. Additionally, the periodic evolution of S-type granite proportions implies that subduction-driven tectonic cycles were active during the Hadean, at least around 4.2 Ga. The evidence thus points toward an early Earth resembling the modern Earth in terms of active tectonics and habitable surface conditions. This suggests the potential for life to originate in environments like warm ponds rather than extreme hydrothermal settings.

Isotopes Environ Health Stud ; : 1-19, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39046134


Radiogenic isotopes of igneous and detrital minerals from various clastic rocks of mountain belts are used to reveal tectonic and sedimentary processes, which are otherwise difficult to detect. Here, we discuss the results of U-Pb and Lu-Hf zircon systems, and 40Ar/39Ar on detrital white mica in Eastern Alps. Zircon and white mica are chemically and mechanically stable and occur in magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. During subsequent metamorphism, zircon is resistant against high temperature, >650 °C (U-Pb) and 900 °C (Lu-Hf). The Lu-Hf zircon system is used as a tracer of initial magma separation from the mantle, and the U-Pb zircon system records magmatic crystallization. The 40Ar/39Ar white mica system is stable up to 400-450 °C dating either formation or cooling after high-grade metamorphism. Detrital U-Pb zircon ages on two major rivers draining the Eastern Alps do not record any sign of Alpine orogeny or metamorphism. Consequently, U-Pb zircon studies can entirely miss the record of collisional orogeny in cool, magma-poor collision orogens. In contrast, 40Ar/39Ar white mica ages record Early and Late Alpine metamorphism but are limited to revealing the pre-orogenic history. U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar white mica yield different information in provenance studies. In the Eastern Alps, U-Pb zircon dating of magmatic and clastic rocks indicates intense formation of magmatic rocks between 630 and 230 Ma. Felsic rocks dominate the older age groups, and increasingly young mafic rocks were dated, specifically between 265 and 230 Ma. Hf isotopes record increasing juvenile input since ∼630 Ma. Two different groups with respect to Mesoproterozoic depleted mantle ages are shown: (1) one group with a Mesoproterozoic age gap typical for Gondwana-derived units, and (2) a rare group with Mesoproterozoic ages recording a new tectonic element in the Austroalpine basement in Alps.

Swiss J Geosci ; 117(1): 6, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38659490


High-pressure and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic terrains display an internal architecture consisting of a pile (or stack) of several coherent tectonic thrust sheets or units. Their identification is fundamental for understanding the scale and mechanisms active during subduction and exhumation of these crustal slices. This study investigates the geometry of the northern Dora-Maira Massif and the kinematics of the major tectonic boundaries, combining field and geochronological data. The tectonic stack of the northern Dora-Maira Massif comprises the following units. The lowermost unit (the Pinerolo Unit) is mainly characterized by Upper Carboniferous fluvio-lacustrine (meta-)sediments. The Pinerolo unit is overthrust by a pre-Carboniferous basement. The latter is subdivided in two tectonic units (the Chasteiran and Muret Units) with different Alpine metamorphism (ultra-high-pressure and high-pressure, respectively). The pre-Carboniferous basement of the Muret Unit is thicker than previously thought for two main reasons. Firstly, some paragneisses, traditionally assumed to be Carboniferous and/or Permian in age, display detrital zircon ages indicating a main source at about 600 Ma. Secondly, three samples of the Granero Orthogneiss, previously assumed to be a Permian intrusive body, have provided zircon U-Pb ages of 447 ± 1 Ma, 456 ± 2 Ma and 440 ± 2 Ma, indicating a late Ordovician or early Silurian age for the protoliths. The uppermost unit (the Serre Unit) comprises porphyritic (meta-) volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks dated to the Permian (271 ± 2 Ma), on top of which remnants of the Mesozoic cover is preserved. Detailed mapping of an area about 140 km2 shows that (i) the ultra-high pressure Chasteiran Unit is localized at the boundary between the Pinerolo and Muret Units, (ii) the Granero Orthogneiss may be considered as the mylonitic sole of the Muret Unit, characterized by a top-to-W sense of shear, and (iii) the contact between the Muret and Serre Units displays ductile-to brittle structures (La Fracho Shear Zone), indicating a top-to-the-NW displacement of the hangingwall with respect to the footwall. A final episode of brittle faulting, cutting across the nappe stack (the Trossieri Fault), indicates an extensional stage in the core of the Alpine belt, as previously documented in more external zones. This work provides a necessary and robust basis before an accurate discussion of processes acting during continental subduction of the Dora-Maira Massif may be understood. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s00015-024-00459-2.

Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 315: 124216, 2024 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38581724


Estimation of the content of the major minerals containing rare earth element (REE) (e.g., xenotime, monazite, and bastnäsite) to extract metal REEs is a critical task for efficient exploration of mines with REE reserves. X-ray-excited optical luminescence (XEOL) imaging is a promising method for estimating the REE-bearing mineral content on-site. However, distinguishing between xenotime and zircon in ores via XEOL imaging is difficult owing to their similar luminescence colors and intensities. This study reveals that XEOL images of ores before and after annealing at 1300 °C can distinguish xenotime and zircon by investigating images obtained via cathodoluminescence (CL), which is the same phenomenon as XEOL except that it used electron bombardment instead of X-ray irradiation. After annealing, zircon exhibits a luminescence intensity stronger than that of xenotime in the CL images. In these images, zircon corresponds to an area with green luminescence whose CL intensity is drastically enhanced by annealing; in contrast, xenotime corresponds to an area with green luminescence whose CL intensity does not change much. The xenotime content in ores can be estimated from the area corresponding to xenotime in the CL images. The exposure time for CL images, which is comparable to XEOL images, is obtained in 30 s. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to XEOL imaging and used to on-site prescreen ores before precise quantitative analyses, such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, electron-probe microanalysis, or scanning electron microscopy based on automated mineralogy, which require a large amount of time; thus, the adoption of the proposed method can lead to a drastic reduction in the time required to explore mines reserving REEs.

J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater ; 112(1): e35324, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37638675


The study reports on the use of sol-gel technique to yield zircon type [Zr(1-0.1-x) GdxTi0.1 ] [(SiO4 )1-x (PO4 )x ] solid solution. Titanium has been used as a mineralizer to trigger zircon formation while equimolar concentrations of Gd3+ and PO4 3- were added to determine their accommodation limits in the zircon structure. The crystallization of t-ZrO2 as a dominant phase alongside the crystallization of m-ZrO2 and zircon were detected at 1200°C while their further annealing revealed the formation of zircon as a major phase at 1300°C. Heat treatment at 1400°C revealed the formation of zircon-type solid solution [Zr(1-0.1-x) Gdx Ti0.1 ][(SiO4 )1-x (PO4 )x ] comprising the accommodation of 10 mol.% of Gd3+ /PO4 3- at the zircon lattice. Beyond 10 mol.% of Gd3+ /PO4 3- , the crystallization of GdPO4 as a secondary phase is noticed. Structural analysis revealed the expansion of zircon lattice due to the simultaneous occupancy of Gd3+ /PO4 3- for the corresponding Zr4+ /SiO4 4- sites. The mechanical strength of single-phase zircon solid solution was higher in comparison to that of multiphase materials, namely in the presence of GdPO4 formed as a secondary phase in samples with added equimolar Gd3+ /PO4 3- contents beyond 10 mol.%. Nevertheless, the paramagnetic behavior of the samples demonstrated a steady surge as a function of enhanced Gd3+ content.

Silicatos , Circonio , Circonio/química , Cristalización , Fenómenos Magnéticos
Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 69(1): 97-102, 2024 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37953116


We apply a zircon redox index to a global compilation of detrital zircons to track the variation of oxidation state, expressed as ΔFMQ, through Earth's history. Those from I-type rocks, which comprise mantle and crustal igneous protoliths, including tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs), generally have a high oxidation state (ΔFMQ > 0). In contrast, zircons from igneous rocks derived from supracrustal source rocks (S-type) are commonly reduced (ΔFMQ < 0). With the probability density function derived from the Gaussian-Kernel-Density-Estimation, we use the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to distinguish S-type from I-type zircons through Earth's history using zircon redox. Voluminous S-type magma production shows a ca. 600 Ma cyclicity that is closely related to the supercontinent cycle. We link a cyclic drop in redox values after 2.6 Ga to periodic S-type magma generation associated with burial and melting of metasedimentary rocks during supercontinent assembly and amalgamation. The ΔFMQ of the detrital zircons rise at ∼3.5 Ga followed by a consistent average ΔFMQ > 0 over the last 3 Ga. Given that the redox state of magmas is independent of crustal thickness and silica variation, and elevated values are likely more closely related to tectonic setting, we suggest that the consistent average ΔFMQ > 0 from ca. 3.5 Ga onwards relates to recycling of oceanic lithosphere back into the mantle in what eventually became established as subduction zones. The more reduced magmas associated with sedimentary sources, became established at 2.6 Ga, presumably in response to continental rocks rising above sea-level, and follow peaks of productivity associated with the supercontinent cycle.

Heliyon ; 9(9): e19734, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809413


U-Pb dating was conducted for zircons from a total of 14 samples from 13 granite bodies in southwestern Cambodia using LA-ICP-MS. The granitic rock samples were collected from southwestern Cambodia, southwest of the Mae Ping Fault extending from northwest Cambodia via Tonle Sap Lake to southern Vietnam. The studied rock bodies belong to the ilmenite-series, except for three granitic rock bodies. They were identified as I-or A-type. The analysis yielded three distinct age ranges: 295-309, 191-232, and 75-98 Ma. The 295-309 Ma ages are associated with the Paleo-Tethys Sea subduction beneath the Indochina Block. The ages of 191-232 Ma may correspond to the amalgamation period of the Sibumasu and Indochina Blocks during the Indosinian Orogeny. Granitic rocks with ages of 75-98 Ma occur near the southeastern Cambodia-southern Vietnam border. Formation of these granitic rocks was associated with the Paleo-Pacific Ocean Plate (the Izanagi Plate) subduction beneath the Indochina Block. The region in which these granitic rocks occur is part of the Dalat-Kratie Zone.

MethodsX ; 11: 102390, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37817980


In this contribution we present a method for pre-screening geological materials for zircon prior to submitting samples for heavy mineral separation. The proposed workflow utilizes micro X-ray fluorescence to identify zirconium-bearing pixels in slabbed rock samples. The open-source image analysis software ImageJ™ is applied to the micro X-ray fluorescence elemental map to determine the abundance and spatial distribution of zirconium-bearing pixels in the scanned surface area. This method allows for the prediction of zircon abundance and estimation of grain size within a sample which can be used to prioritize samples for geochronology as well as inform crushing and grinding metrics for heavy mineral separation. This information can ultimately lead to improved recovery of zircon and other mineral geochronometers for geochronological studies. Advantages of the proposed workflow include:•Minimal sample preparation and rapid results;•Analytical method is non-destructive; and•In-situ grain size estimation and abundance predictions prior to initiating time-consuming and costly heavy mineral separation methods.

MethodsX ; 11: 102406, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37854712


In the last decade, improvements in the analytical precision achievable by zircon U-Pb geochronological techniques have allowed to resolve complexities of zircon crystallization histories in magmatic rocks to an unprecedented level. A number of studies have strived to link resolvable dispersion in zircon age spectra of samples from fossil magmatic systems to the physical parameters of their parent magma bodies. However, the methodologies developed have so far been limited to reproduce the effect of simple thermal histories on the final distribution of zircon ages. In this work we take a more nuanced approach, fine-tuning a thermodynamics-based zircon saturation model to predict the relative distribution of zircon ages in samples from silicic magma reservoirs experiencing open-system processes (e.g. heat/mass addition, mechanical mixing). Employing the MATLAB package (AgeSpectraAnalyst) presented in this contribution:•Users can forward model the effect that diverse thermal histories and mechanical mixing processes characteristic of silicic magma bodies have on zircon age distributions as measured by high-precision, chemical abrasion thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-ID-TIMS) U-Pb geochronology.•Zircon CA-ID-TIMS datasets from silicic magmatic systems can be easily compared with model output to gain semi-quantitative information on thermo-mechanical history of the system of interest.•We demonstrated (Tavazzani et al., in press) that distribution of high-precision zircon ages in crystallized remnants of shallow (∼ 250 MPa), silicic magma reservoirs can discriminate between systems that experienced catastrophic, caldera-forming eruptions and systems that underwent monotonic cooling histories.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(13)2023 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37444944


Mullite and mullite-alumina ceramics materials with dominance of the mullite phase are used in different areas of technology and materials science. Porous mullite ceramics materials can be used simultaneously as refractory heat insulators and also as materials for constructional elements. The purpose of this work was to investigate the WO3 nanoparticle influence on the evolution of the aluminum tungstate and zircon crystalline phases in mullite ceramics due to stabilization effects caused by different microsize ZrO2 and WO3. The use of nano-WO3 prevented the dissociation of zircon in the ceramic samples with magnesia-stabilized zirconia (MSZ), increased porosity by approximately 60 ± 1%, increased the intensity of the aluminum tungstate phase, decreased bulk density by approximately 1.32 ± 0.01 g/cm3, and increased thermal shock resistance by ensuring a loss of less than 5% of the elastic modulus after 10 cycles of thermal shock.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37310597


The rock formation of late Cretaceous-Paleocene metapsammite and metagranite found across Luk Ulo Complex indicated boulders with diameter of approximately 1 m and rounded shape along Luk Ulo River, Indonesia. However, less research found on geochronology and geochemistry has been conducted in study area, and such rocks require comprehensive understanding of magmatism and tectonic environment of Central Java, Indonesia. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to address the geochemical and geochronological age histories across Central Java, Indonesia, using U-Pb zircon dating technique. Generally, most common types of rocks were observed which composed of hornblende and garnet-bearing metapsammite and metagranite. The geochemical study showed that protolith of rocks with hornblende was identified as Cordilleran granitoid (I-type), which originated from magmatic arc with basaltic differentiation. Furthermore, protolith of rocks containing garnet was categorized as Caledonian granitoid (S-type), which is caused by post-collisional orogeny. The cluster observations of magmatic zircons reveal their magmatic ages, which vary from 67.00 ± 1.2 to 69.10 ± 0.91 Ma (late Cretaceous), whereas ages of inherited zircons ranged from 100 ± 5 to 437 ± 13 Ma (early Cretaceous to Silurian). Estimated periods of partial melting were found between 100 ± 5 Ma and 118 ± 4 Ma (early Cretaceous). Comparing the zircon ages of Luk Ulo with the zircon ages from the Sundaland regions reveals that the age distribution patterns are incredibly similar; the peak ages dispersed between the Cretaceous and Triassic periods, as well as Sundaland region was the source of the materials.

Dent Mater J ; 42(4): 516-522, 2023 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37271543


This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ceramic microbeads on the bond strength between resin and zirconia. Microbeads made of zirconia (TZ) and zircon (ZS) were treated with and without hydrofluoric acid (HF). The microbeads were sintered to zirconia disks using intermediate feldspathic porcelains. Two control groups, NB (without microbeads) and AS (without porcelain and microbeads), were also prepared. All specimens were treated with a phosphate primer and veneered with a light-curing resin composite. The 24-h shear bond strengths were determined and analyzed by the Tukey-Kramer test (α=0.05, n=10). The TZ-HF specimen exhibited the highest bond strength, followed by TZ, ZS-HF, ZS, AS, and NB. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the TZ-HF specimen had a complicated debonded surface, and it included microconcavities where the microbeads were detached. Sintering etched zirconia beads onto a zirconia framework with feldspathic porcelains is useful for bonding layered resin composite materials.

Recubrimiento Dental Adhesivo , Porcelana Dental , Porcelana Dental/química , Microesferas , Cementos de Resina/química , Propiedades de Superficie , Análisis del Estrés Dental , Cerámica/química , Materiales Dentales/química , Resinas Compuestas/química , Circonio/química , Ensayo de Materiales , Resistencia al Corte
Membranes (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37103826


Multilayer ceramic membranes to be used for bacteria removal by filtration were prepared from ceramic materials. They consist of a macro-porous carrier, an intermediate layer and a thin separation layer at the top. Tubular and flat disc supports were prepared from silica sand and calcite (natural raw materials), using extrusion and uniaxial pressing methods, respectively. Making use of the slip casting technique, the silica sand intermediate layer and the zircon top-layer were deposited on the supports, in this order. The particle size and the sintering temperature for each layer were optimized to achieve a suitable pore size for the deposition of the next layer. Morphology, microstructures, pore characteristics, strength and permeability were also studied. Filtration tests were conducted to optimize the permeation performance of the membrane. Experimental results show that the total porosity and average pore size of the porous ceramic supports sintered at different temperatures within the range (1150-1300 °C), and lie in the ranges of 44-52% and 5-30 µm, respectively. For the ZrSiO4 top-layer, after firing at 1190 °C, a typical average pore size of about 0.3 µm and a thickness of about 70 µm were measured, while water permeability is estimated to a value of 440 lh-1m-2bar-1. Finally, the optimized membranes were tested in the sterilization of a culture medium. Filtration results show the efficiency of the zircon-deposited membranes for bacteria removal; indeed, the growth medium was found to be free of all microorganisms.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(20): 58330-58345, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36977885


Zirconium is commonly used as a cladding material for nuclear reactors. The purity of the zirconium material seeks to control reactor efficiency. A novel composite of reduced graphene oxide-grafted polyacrylic acid, malic acid, and trioctylamine (rGO-g-PAA-MA/TOA) was prepared using in situ radical polymerization with gamma radiation at a dose of 25 KGy from a 60Co cell to preconcentrate zirconium Zr(IV) from zircon raffinate. Five distinct rGO-g-PAA-MA/TOA composite compositions were created and evaluated. The best composite composition was 62.95% acrylic acid, 15.8% malic acid, and 15.8% trioctylamine. After 60 min, the sorption reaction reached equilibrium at pH 0.35 and 20 °C. The pseudo nth order indicated that the order of the sorption reaction was 1.8476. The Elovich model and Dubinin-Radushkevich model controlled the kinetic mechanism and adsorption isotherm of the sorption reaction, respectively; based on estimated regression plots and quantitatively with three different error functions: coefficient of determination (R2), chi-square statistic (χ2), and corrected Akaike information (AICc). The adsorption capacity of rGO-g-PAA-MA/TOA was 75.06 mg g-1. Exothermic reaction and spontaneous sorption took place. Using 2 M H2SO4, 98% of the zirconium was efficiently desorbed. The separation of contaminated Ti(IV) from desorbed Zr(IV) by raising pH to 2.5 through hydrolysis and ZrO2 formation.

Circonio , Circonio/química , Rayos gamma , Polimerizacion , Adsorción , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Cinética
Contrib Mineral Petrol ; 178(11): 80, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616806


The volcanic rocks of the Chon Aike Silicic Large Igneous Province (CASP) are recognized as magmas dominantly produced by crustal anatexis. Investigating the zircon of the CASP provides an opportunity to gain further insight into geochemical and isotopic differences of the potential magmatic sources (i.e., crust versus mantle), to identify crustal reservoirs that contributed to the felsic magmas during anatexis, and to quantify the contributions of the respective sources. We present a combined zircon oxygen and hafnium isotope and trace element dataset for 16 volcanic units of the two youngest volcanic phases in Patagonia, dated here with LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology at ca. 148-153 Ma (El Quemado Complex, EQC) and ca. 159 Ma (western Chon Aike Formation, WCA). The EQC zircon have 18O-enriched values (δ18O from 7 to 9.5‰) with correspondingly negative initial εHf values (- 2.0 to - 8.0). The WCA zircon have δ18O values between 6 and 7‰ and εHf values ranging between - 4.0 and + 1.5. Binary δ18O-εHf mixing models require an average of 70 and 60% melt derived from partial melting of isotopically distinct metasedimentary basements for the EQC and WCA, respectively. Zircon trace element compositions are consistent with anatexis of sedimentary protoliths derived from LIL-depleted upper continental crustal sources. The overlap between a high heat flux environment (i.e., widespread extension and lithospheric thinning) during supercontinental breakup and a fertile metasedimentary crust was key in producing voluminous felsic volcanism via anatexis following the injection and emplacement of basaltic magmas into the lower crust. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00410-023-02065-1.

Data Brief ; 43: 108362, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35734021


This contribution provides in-situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and trace element determinations of zircons from dacitic to rhyolitic lavas, ignimbrites and intrusions in the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field (SRMVF) in Colorado, USA. The data record a period of intense magmatic activity in the Oligocene-early Miocene (∼37-22 Ma) which gave rise to some of the largest explosive ignimbrites in the geological record (e.g. the Fish Canyon Tuff). Age data are drift corrected, but not corrected for radiation dosage or Th disequilibrium, in order to allow users to apply their own algorithms. Xenocrysts (much older crystals up to 2 Ga from the Proterozoic basement) are included in this record.