Introdução: O dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) é uma das estratégias contraceptivas mais eficazes. Porém, apesar de ser amplamente distribuído pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), há baixa adesão ao método. São constatadas diversas barreiras para esse quadro, tais como desconhecimento acerca do dispositivo, além da reduzida oferta para inserção do contraceptivo por parte das Equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). Tendo em vista que a ampliação do acesso ao DIU pode contribuir para a diminuição das gravidezes não planejadas, bem como para a autonomia e para o empoderamento das mulheres, algumas estratégias foram desenvolvidas por uma eSF para facilitar o acesso ao DIU. Objetivo: Refletir a respeito do impacto da incorporação de estratégias de educação em saúde para divulgar o método dentro da própria equipe, de sua área de cobertura e da diminuição de barreiras para a inserção, na ampliação do acesso ao DIU, no quantitativo de dispositivos inseridos, no número de gestações não planejadas e na possibilidade de aumento do empoderamento feminino. Métodos: Os dados coletados foram extraídos das informações presentes em planilhas e relatórios produzidos pela própria eSF. Utilizou-se da estatística descritiva para apresentar e analisar os dados obtidos, a partir de ferramentas de formulação de gráficos e tabelas. Resultados: Após mudança no processo de trabalho, visando ao acesso ampliado à inserção do DIU, observou-se um aumento no quantitativo do procedimento assim como na percentagem de gravidezes desejadas. Conclusões: O DIU surge como um instrumento para possibilitar o exercício dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e para alavancar atitudes emancipatórias das mulheres. Quanto menos barreiras as mulheres encontram para a inserção do DIU, maior é a escolha por este método, sendo a inserção por demanda espontânea, ou seja, no momento em que a mulher procura a eSF para fazê-la. Nesse sentido, as atividades de educação continuada tornam-se potentes ferramentas para possibilitar maior acesso ao método. Fazem-se necessários estudos de longa duração para que essas hipóteses sejam avaliadas, todavia, parece haver uma ligação positiva entre essas duas variáveis.
Introduction: Intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective contraceptive strategies. Despite being widely distributed by the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS), there is low adherence to the method. There are several barriers to this situation, such as lack of knowledge about the device, in addition to the reduced offer for contraceptive insertion by primary health care providers. Given that increased access to the IUD can contribute to reducing unplanned pregnancies, as well as empowering women, some strategies have been developed by a primary health care team to facilitate access to IUDs. Objective: This research reflected on the impact of incorporating health education strategies to disseminate the method and reduction of barriers to insertion, broadening IUD access, the number of devices inserted, the number of unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of increased female empowerment. Methods: Data were extracted from information present in spreadsheets and reports produced by the team itself. Descriptive statistics were used to present and analyze the data obtained, using tools for formulating graphics and tables. Results: After changing the work process to expanded access to IUD insertion, an increase in the number of procedures and the percentage of planned pregnancies was observed. Conclusions: The IUD appears as an instrument to enable the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and to leverage women's emancipatory attitudes. The fewer barriers women encounter when inserting an IUD, the greater the choice for this method, with insertion being on spontaneous demand and continuing education activities, powerful tools to enable greater access to it. Long-term studies are necessary for these hypotheses to be evaluated, however, there appears to be a positive link between these two variables.
Introducción: El dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) es una de las estrategias anticonceptivas más efectivas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplia distribución a través del Sistema Único de Salud, existe una baja adhesión a este método. Se han identificado diversas barreras para esta situación, como el desconocimiento sobre el dispositivo y la oferta limitada de su inserción por parte de los equipos de salud familiar (eSF). Con el objetivo de ampliar el acceso al DIU y reducir los embarazos no deseados, así como promover la autonomía y empoderamiento de las mujeres, algunos equipos de eSF han desarrollado estrategias para facilitar su acceso. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre el impacto de la incorporación de estrategias de educación en salud para difundir el método dentro del propio equipo y su área de cobertura, así como la eliminación de barreras para la inserción, en la ampliación del acceso al DIU, en la cantidad de dispositivos insertados, en el número de embarazos no planeados y en la posibilidad de aumentar el empoderamiento femenino. Métodos: Los datos recopilados se extrajeron de las hojas de cálculo e informes producidos por el propio eSF. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para presentar y analizar los datos obtenidos mediante herramientas de creación de gráficos y tablas. Resultados: Después de un cambio en el proceso de trabajo destinado a ampliar el acceso a la inserción del DIU, se observó un aumento en la cantidad de procedimientos realizados. También se registró un aumento en el porcentaje de embarazos deseados. Conclusiones: El DIU se presenta como una herramienta que permite el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos y promueve actitudes emancipatorias en las mujeres. Cuantas menos barreras encuentren las mujeres para la inserción del DIU, mayor será la elección de este método, con la inserción a demanda, es decir, cuando la mujer lo solicita al eSF, y las actividades de educación continua como poderosas herramientas para facilitar un mayor acceso. Se necesitan estudios a largo plazo para evaluar estas hipótesis, aunque parece existir una relación positiva entre estas dos variables.
Humanos , Anticoncepción , Salud de la Mujer , Planificación Familiar , Dispositivos IntrauterinosRESUMEN
Gender inequalities in health-related quality of life (QoL) are generally few and small, even in large surveys. Many generic measures limit assessment to QoL overall and its physical and psychological dimensions, while overlooking internationally important environmental, social, and spiritual QoL domains. Unique cross-cultural legacy data was collected using four WHOQOL-100 surveys of adults living in 43 cultures world-wide (17,608 adults; ages 15-101). It was first used to examined gender profiles of its five QoL international domains, and their component facets. Few significant gender differences (p < .001) were found. Women reported higher spiritual QoL than men on faith, and spiritual connection facets specifically. Men reported higher physical and psychological QoL domains than women. We aimed to identify those QoL dimensions that contribute to women's overall QoL in health, as this information could inform gender inequalities interventions in health. Environmental QoL explained a substantial 46% of women's overall QoL and health (n = 5,017; 17 cultures) (stepwise multiple regression adjusted for age, education, and marital status covariates). Five environmental QoL facets contributed significantly to this result; home environment offered most explanation. Age band analysis was conducted to understand when interventions might be best timed in the lifespan to improve women's QoL. Younger women (< 45 years) reported the poorest QoL across the lifetime, and on every domain. After 45, all domains except physical QoL increased to very good at about 60, and high levels were sustained beyond 75, especially environmental QoL. Global findings show that assessing environmental, social, and spiritual QoL domains are key to fully understanding women's QoL and health. These assessments should be prioritized in surveys that aim to improve international conservation, and public health policies.
Calidad de Vida , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Masculino , Anciano , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Salud de la Mujer , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Estado de Salud , Factores SexualesAsunto(s)
Endometriosis , Ginecología , Obstetricia , Sociedades Médicas , Humanos , Femenino , Polonia , Ginecología/normas , Endometriosis/terapia , Obstetricia/normas , Salud de la Mujer/normas , Programas Nacionales de Salud/normas , Garantía de la Calidad de Atención de Salud/normas , Ginecólogos , ObstetrasRESUMEN
No Abstract Available.
Salud de la Mujer , Humanos , Femenino , Microbiota , Microbioma GastrointestinalRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) was significantly reduced following the publication of the Women's Health Initiative study results and has remained low ever since. However, from 2015 onwards, the UK has seen a substantial increase in MHT prescribing compared to other European countries. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the factors contributing to the shift in women's and healthcare professionals' (HCPs) perception of MHT in the United Kingdom and to provide learning points for other European countries. DESIGN: An exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study. METHODS: An interactive virtual panel discussion in which seven UK-based HCPs with a special interest in the menopause discussed the evolution of its management in the United Kingdom. RESULTS: In the last 8 years, there has been a substantial increase in MHT prescriptions in the United Kingdom due to improved menopause awareness and acceptance of MHT. Accessibility to accurate, scientific, information and guidance from respected institutions is one of the main drivers of this change. Social media has increased that reach with 'influencers' empowering women to seek help. Women are demanding access to menopause health care so that they can receive holistic and individualized treatment based on their clinical conditions and needs. Standardized education of HCPs is an essential pillar to provide appropriate and equitable care to menopausal women and to guarantee safe prescribing of MHT. Furthermore, up to date and factually correct menopausal education would benefit all the population. CONCLUSIONS: Publication of new scientific data reporting a more favourable benefit/risk ratio with MHT, production of national guidance and an increased awareness via social media have led to the significant rise in MHT prescribing and improvement of menopause care in the United Kingdom. The lessons learned may benefit other European countries.
Terapia de Reemplazo de Estrógeno , Menopausia , Humanos , Reino Unido , Femenino , Menopausia/psicología , Salud de la Mujer , Terapia de Reemplazo de Hormonas , Investigación Cualitativa , Persona de Mediana Edad , Personal de Salud/psicología , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Pautas de la Práctica en Medicina/estadística & datos numéricosRESUMEN
The study aimed to qualitatively explore the relationship between intimate partner violence and early marriage, focusing on the psychological and physical health issues faced by married women in rural Pakistan. Specifically, it investigated how resilience moderates the effects of early marriage, physical health problems, intimate partner abuse, and psychological issues. Using an intrinsic qualitative approach, the research involved interviews with 20 household heads, 62 husbands, and 40 wives in Sindh province. The findings indicated significant differences related to early marriage, intimate partner abuse, physical health issues, stress, anxiety, and depression. The results align with other South Asian studies, highlighting early marriage as a major risk factor for physical health issues and intimate partner violence. Additionally, the study underscores the widespread nature of violence as a social problem affecting married couples' health in Pakistan.
L'étude visait à explorer qualitativement la relation entre la violence conjugale et le mariage précoce, en se concentrant sur les problèmes de santé psychologique et physique rencontrés par les femmes mariées dans les zones rurales du Pakistan. Plus précisément, elle a étudié comment la résilience atténue les effets du mariage précoce, des problèmes de santé physique, de la violence conjugale et des problèmes psychologiques. Utilisant une approche qualitative intrinsèque, la recherche a impliqué des entretiens avec 20 chefs de famille, 62 maris et 40 épouses dans la province du Sind. Les résultats ont indiqué des différences significatives liées au mariage précoce, à la violence conjugale, aux problèmes de santé physique, au stress, à l'anxiété et à la dépression. Les résultats concordent avec d'autres études sud-asiatiques, soulignant le mariage précoce comme un facteur de risque majeur de problèmes de santé physique et de violence conjugale. En outre, l'étude souligne le caractère répandu de la violence en tant que problème social affectant la santé des couples mariés au Pakistan.
Violencia de Pareja , Matrimonio , Investigación Cualitativa , Población Rural , Humanos , Femenino , Pakistán , Matrimonio/psicología , Matrimonio/etnología , Adulto , Violencia de Pareja/psicología , Esposos/psicología , Salud de la Mujer , Maltrato Conyugal/psicología , Maltrato Conyugal/estadística & datos numéricos , Masculino , Depresión/epidemiología , Depresión/psicología , Estrés Psicológico/psicología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Entrevistas como Asunto , NiñoRESUMEN
In a recent article, Mercier et al. explored the use of innovative technologies, such as telemedicine, for intimate partner violence victims. They emphasized that these technological advancements can increase the comfort, convenience, and time efficiency of healthcare services for intimate partner violence victims. In addition to these technological advancements, this article advocates for addressing structural barriers and upholding the rights of intimate partner violence victims as crucial steps for enhancing their well-being, using the context of women in the Philippines as an illustrative example.
Intimate partner violence, women's health, and rights in the PhilippinesIn a recent article, Mercier et al. explored the use of innovative technologies, such as telemedicine, for intimate partner violence victims. They emphasized that these technological advancements can increase the comfort, convenience, and time efficiency of healthcare services for intimate partner violence victims. In addition to these technological advancements, this article advocates for addressing structural barriers and upholding the rights of intimate partner violence victims as crucial steps for enhancing their well-being, using the context of women in the Philippines as an illustrative example. Filipino women, especially those with limited economic capacity, can find themselves trapped in abusive marriages, unable to escape due to legal and financial constraints, and exposed to the negative health impact of intimate partner violence. Therefore, to uphold women's rights and health, it is imperative to legalize divorce and simplify the annulment process. Concurrently, comprehensive support services must be made available to women in abusive relationships, encompassing mental, reproductive, and sexual health services, as well as socio-economic assistance. This can include mental health assessments and counseling, screening for sexually transmitted infections, reproductive and child care, livelihood and housing support, and legal aid services. To enhance accessibility, these services should be integrated into primary care and other community settings, as well as telemedicine platforms.
Violencia de Pareja , Salud de la Mujer , Derechos de la Mujer , Humanos , Filipinas , Femenino , Violencia de Pareja/prevención & control , TelemedicinaRESUMEN
What is the prevalence and impact of economic abuse by an intimate partner in the population? Does experience of economic abuse compound the effects of other intimate partner violence (IPV) types on women's mental health and financial wellbeing? This study used a population-based and representative sample of 1,431 ever-partnered New Zealand women to explore associations between their experience of economic abuse and a range of mental health and financial outcomes. Logistic regression was conducted, and Adjusted Odds Ratios (AORs) were reported. Overall, 15% of ever-partnered women experienced any economic abuse, with the most prevalent act "refused to give money for household expenses," reported by 8.8% of the sample. Women who experienced economic abuse presented increased risk for poor mental health (AORs ranging from 2.59 for poor mental health to 4.89 for having a diagnosed health mental health condition) and financial insecurity outcomes (AORs ranging from 3.09 for receiving government benefits to 4.72 for experiencing food insecurity) compared with women who experienced no IPV or women who had experienced any IPV (physical, sexual, psychological or controlling behavior) excluding economic abuse. Findings suggest that economic abuse may compound effects of IPV and highlight the importance of acknowledging and addressing economically abusive behaviors and their long-term detrimental impact on women's mental health and financial security. Implementing wider forms of safety planning that address issues of economic independence and security, and social support are needed to augment plans that focus on physical safety.
Violencia de Pareja , Salud Mental , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Violencia de Pareja/estadística & datos numéricos , Violencia de Pareja/economía , Violencia de Pareja/psicología , Nueva Zelanda , Persona de Mediana Edad , Clase Social , Adulto Joven , Adolescente , Salud de la Mujer/economíaRESUMEN
Women typically outlive men, yet they often experience greater frailty and a higher incidence of chronic diseases as they age. By exploring the biological foundations of aging, with a particular focus on telomere dynamics, this manuscript aims to describe how dietary and lifestyle choices can significantly influence the aging process. The review comprehensively examines current research, underscoring the power of nutrition to counteract age-related changes, support healthy aging, and maintain vitality and beauty in women. The exploration of telomeres-the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes-reveals how they serve as markers of cellular aging and are potential targets for interventions aimed at enhancing women's longevity and quality of life. This study also emphasizes the importance of sex-specific approaches and precision medicine in understanding the unique health challenges women face as they age. By proposing targeted strategies, the review seeks to address these challenges, offering insights into preventive measures that can foster resilience, promote well-being, and extend healthy life expectancy in women. Ultimately, this work provides a sophisticated understanding of the aging process in women, highlighting the pivotal role of tailored interventions in preserving both health and beauty.
Envejecimiento , Belleza , Estado Nutricional , Telómero , Humanos , Femenino , Envejecimiento/fisiología , Salud de la Mujer , Calidad de Vida , Longevidad , Envejecimiento Saludable , Estilo de Vida , DietaRESUMEN
This paper explores the significant role of epigenetics in women's reproductive health, focusing on the impact of environmental factors. It highlights the crucial link between epigenetic modifications-such as DNA methylation and histones post-translational modifications-and reproductive health issues, including infertility and pregnancy complications. The paper reviews the influence of pollutants like PM2.5, heavy metals, and endocrine disruptors on gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms, emphasizing the need for understanding how dietary, lifestyle choices, and exposure to chemicals affect gene expression and reproductive health. Future research directions include deeper investigation into epigenetics in female reproductive health and leveraging gene editing to mitigate epigenetic changes for improving IVF success rates and managing reproductive disorders.
Epigénesis Genética , Salud Reproductiva , Salud de la Mujer , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Metilación de ADN , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales/efectos adversos , Disruptores Endocrinos/efectos adversos , Contaminantes Ambientales/toxicidadAsunto(s)
Menopausia , Humanos , Femenino , Menopausia/fisiología , Salud de la Mujer , Terapia de Reemplazo de EstrógenoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: The overarching aim of this study is to explore, examine and identify the experience that young women with congenital heart disease face as they transition through adolescence into womanhood. DESIGN: This is an empirical qualitative study conducted in the form of three focus groups. The study design and analysis adopted a feminist ontological positioning to elucidate the voice of women and offer an alternative perspective of cardiology health care. Data were analysed using the inductive thematic approach informed by the study aims. PARTICIPANTS: A group of seven female participants (mean age 26) based in the United Kingdom, each with varying degrees of congenital heart defects that required open heart surgery growing up, was included in the study. RESULTS: Three key themes with antecedent concepts emerged: (a) the impact of womanhood and the potential influence of motherhood on the young women themselves transitioning through adolescence with CHD within medical and sociocultural contexts, (b) the challenges of being a woman and undergoing heart surgery during adolescence on the young women's health before, during and after surgery and (c) the effect of existing online/offline healthcare and social structures on women's health during transitioning through adolescence These themes were encompassed under an overarching theme of psychological complexities developed throughout the cardiac journey from diagnosis through to post-surgery. CONCLUSION: This study built on the limited exploration of being a young woman and having CHD and confirmed that there are vulnerabilities and challenges in having CHD as a young woman transitioning through adolescence. This was a result of sex (biological characteristics) and gender factors (socially constructed roles). This leads to short- and long-term implications on psychological well-being. This research indicates that enhancements are needed in the provision of care and psychological support for young women with CHD. This will help to enable women to achieve a good quality of life in addition to increased life expectancy offered by medical advancements. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: Active participant involvement was crucial to ensure the authentic female voice in the study. This study received support from young women with congenital heart disease. Young women contributed to the study design, recruitment of participants and analysis of results. Two of the women were also co-authors of this paper.
Grupos Focales , Cardiopatías Congénitas , Investigación Cualitativa , Humanos , Femenino , Cardiopatías Congénitas/psicología , Cardiopatías Congénitas/cirugía , Adulto , Adolescente , Reino Unido , Feminismo , Adulto Joven , Salud de la MujerAsunto(s)
Empoderamiento , Equidad en Salud , Pobreza , Salud de la Mujer , Humanos , Femenino , Higiene , MenstruaciónRESUMEN
This perspective piece calls for health promotion action to regulate alcohol product marketing targeting women and create environments where it is possible to mitigate the harms of alcohol and protect women's health. Drawing on the Global Alcohol Action Plan in the context of the Australian National Women's Health Strategy 2020-30, we consider critical actions for gender-responsive health promotion to protect women from the ways alcohol companies market their products utilizing women's gendered social roles and entrenched stereotypes. We show how these subtle yet powerful gendered approaches to alcohol marketing have the potential for harm yet are not covered by the current mechanisms of the self-regulated Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code. We draw on the World Health Organization's 2024 Framework on Gender-Responsive Approaches to the Acceptability Availability and Affordability of Alcohol and make a call to regulate alcohol marketing targeting women.