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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 705-724, set-dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399329


Os cuidados paliativos englobam uma filosofia de cuidados que objetivam a promoção da qualidade de vida e alívio do sofrimento, tanto para o paciente fora de possibilidades de cura quanto aos seus familiares, de modo que possa integrar aspectos de ordem física, psíquica, social e espiritual. O presente artigo buscou, a partir do estudo de revisão bibliográfica, compreender o processo da morte e sua implicância psíquica na vida do paciente em cuidados paliativos para, posteriormente, elencar as possíveis contribuições do profissional de psicologia ao mesmo. Observou-se que a atuação do psicólogo nesse âmbito é de imensa importância, uma vez que o processo de adoecer e morrer permeiam a vida do ser humano, causando-lhe grande sofrimento. Percebeu-se também que as ações do psicólogo se dão no sentido de tornar a morte e seus impactos mais suportáveis, por meio da escuta, do acolhimento emocional, dentre outros aspectos importantes que se referem à sua natureza científica.

Palliative care encompasses a philosophy of care aimed at promoting quality of life and alleviating suffering, both for the patient with no chance of cure and for their family members, so that they can integrate physical, psychic, social and spiritual aspects. The present article sought, from the study of literature review, to understand the process of death and its psychic implications in the life of the patient in palliative care to, later, list the possible contributions of the psychology professional to it. It was observed that the role of the psychologist in this context is of immense importance, since the process of falling ill and dying permeates the life of human beings, causing them great suffering. It was also noticed that the psychologist's actions take place in the sense of making death and its impacts more bearable, through listening, emotional reception, among other important aspects that refer to its scientific nature.

Los cuidados paliativos engloban una filosofía de atención que tiene como objetivo promover la calidad de vida y el alivio del sufrimiento, tanto para el paciente fuera de las posibilidades de curación como para sus familiares, de modo que puede integrar aspectos de orden físico, psicológico, social y espiritual. El presente artículo buscó, a partir del estudio de revisión bibliográfica, comprender el proceso de la muerte y su implicación psíquica en la vida del paciente en cuidados paliativos para, posteriormente, enumerar las posibles aportaciones del profesional de la psicología al mismo. Se observó que la actuación del psicólogo en esta área es de inmensa importancia, ya que el proceso de enfermar y morir impregna la vida del ser humano, causándole un gran sufrimiento. También se dio cuenta de que las acciones del psicólogo se dan con el fin de hacer más llevadera la muerte y sus impactos, a través de la escucha, el apoyo emocional, entre otros aspectos importantes que se refieren a su carácter científico.

Humans , Male , Female , Palliative Care/psychology , Psychology/education , Incurable Patients , Quality of Life/psychology , Family/psychology , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Review , Spirituality , Death , User Embracement , Physical Appearance, Body/physiology , Sadness/psychology , Psychological Distress , Hospitals/ethics
Rev. psiquiatr. salud ment. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 13(3): 131-139, jul.-sept. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-199844


INTRODUCCIÓN: El maltrato infantil se ha asociado a un mayor riesgo de psicosis, a una mayor severidad en síntomas psicopatológicos y a un peor pronóstico funcional en pacientes con un trastorno psicótico. El presente estudio pretende evaluar la relación entre el maltrato infantil, psicopatología y la adaptación social en una muestra de primeros episodios psicóticos (PEP) y de estados mentales de alto riesgo (EMAR). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: La muestra incluyó 114 jóvenes (18-35 años, 81 PEP y 33 EMAR) atendidos en un Servicio de Intervención Precoz en Psicosis. Se evaluaron síntomas positivos, negativos y depresivos con las escalas PANSS y Calgary de Depresión; los antecedentes de maltrato infantil con el Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; la adaptación social con la Escala Autoaplicada de Adaptación Social (SASS). Se utilizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para explorar relaciones entre psicopatología, maltrato infantil y dimensiones de la SASS en toda la muestra (incluyendo PEP y EMAR). Se repitió un análisis SEM exploratorio en la submuestra de PEP. RESULTADOS: Los EMAR presentaron más negligencia emocional y peor adaptación social, comparados con los PEP. El SEM muestra que el maltrato se asocia con una peor adaptación social en todos los dominios, de forma directa en dominios que implican relaciones interpersonales, y por una vía mediada por síntomas depresivos en los dominios que implican ocio y trabajo e intereses socioculturales. CONCLUSIONES: El maltrato infantil tiene un efecto negativo sobre la adaptación social en jóvenes en fases tempranas de las psicosis. Los síntomas depresivos son mediadores de una peor adaptación en aspectos funcionales relacionados con el ocio y el trabajo

INTRODUCTION: Childhood trauma has been associated with an increased risk of psychosis, a greater severity of psychopathological symptoms, and a worse functional prognosis in patients with psychotic disorders. The current study aims to explore the relationship between childhood trauma, psychopathology and social adaptation in a sample of young people with first episode psychosis (FEP) or at-risk mental states (ARMS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample included 114 young people (18-35 years old, 81 FEP and 33 ARMS) who were attending an Early Intervention Service for Psychosis. Positive, negative and depressive symptoms were assessed with the PANSS and the Calgary Depression Scale; history of childhood trauma was assessed with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; social adaptation was assessed with the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (SASS). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to explore the relationship between childhood trauma, psychopathology and SASS dimensions in the global sample (including FEP and ARMS). An exploratory SEM analysis was repeated in the subsample of FEP patients. RESULTS: ARMS individuals reported more emotional neglect and worse social adaptation compared to FEP. SEM analysis showed that childhood trauma is associated with a worse social adaptation, in a direct way with domains involving interpersonal relationships, and mediated by depressive symptoms with those domains involving leisure, work and socio-cultural interests. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood trauma has a negative effect on social adaptation in young people with early psychosis. Depressive symptoms play a mediation role in this association, especially in domains of leisure and work

Humans , Child , Child Abuse/psychology , Adult Survivors of Child Abuse/psychology , Resilience, Psychological/classification , Psychotic Disorders/epidemiology , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Depression/epidemiology , Social Adjustment
Rev. psicoanál. (Madr.) ; (76): 117-135, 2016.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-153391


En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre distintas concepciones del concepto de lo arcaico. Este término ha sido usado por diferentes autores y en distintos contextos. Todos ellos se refieren a las primeras etapas del desarrollo psicológico del individuo y a la organización mental. Se destaca el aporte de Bion, al incluir a los pensamientos no solo como producto sino como impulsor de la formación del aparato psíquico. Este enfoque ubica la experiencia emocional primitiva con sus vivencias sensoriales en los niveles arcaicos del pensamiento. Por este motivo el autor sostiene la importancia del factor sensorial, como defensa frente a ansiedades primitivas, lo que es ilustrado a través de un material clínico (AU)

In this paper, the author takes into account different meanings on the concept of archaic. This term was used by different authors and in diverse contexts. All of them relate to early stages of the individual psychological development and the mental organization. Bion’s contribution is under-scored, because he considers thoughts not only as a result of the mind’s functioning but as a dynamic factor which urges mind’s formation. This view situates primitive emotional experience along with sensory events in the archaic stages of thinking. That is why the author underlines the importance of the sensory aspect, as a defense in front of primitive anxieties, which is illustrated through clinical material (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Sensation/physiology , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Expressed Emotion/physiology , Sensation Disorders/psychology , Sensory Gating/physiology , Freudian Theory/history , Psychosexual Development/physiology , Psychoanalysis/methods , Thinking/physiology , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychoanalytic Theory , Phobic Disorders/psychology
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 52(1): 15-23, abr. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-786784


O objetivo deste estudo foi o de conhecer a devida correspondência entre os sintomas mentais considerados na homeopatia e as várias regiões e estruturas identificáveis no encéfalo dos animais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as sensações e emoções muito primitivas, como medos e fobias, interagem pontualmente com regiões evolutivamente também muito primitivas do cérebro (como amígdala e núcleos septais), enquanto sentimentos “nobres” como afeto e lealdade interagem holisticamente com várias estruturas cerebrais evolutivamente mais recentes, tais como as áreas neocorticais terciárias associativas (área pré-frontal e temporal). No primeiro caso, as manifestações orgânicas são mediadas pelo sistema nervoso autônomo com sinais fisiológicos de taquicardia, elevação da pressão arterial, vasoconstrição periférica, eriçamento de pelos, midríase e secreção de hormônios como adrenalina e cortisol (disfluência comportamental), enquanto na outra situação apontada, eventuais manifestações orgânicas são harmoniosas e serenas (fluência comportamental). O conteúdo de todo o texto do trabalho é indicativo do interesse prático dos dados obtidos para o clínico veterinário homeopata, ressaltando-se nesse contexto a validação do uso de repertórios homeopáticos humanos na clínica veterinária, evidentemente com as devidas precauções sempre balizadas pelo bom senso do profissional.

This study was motivated by the need to determine the relationship between mental symptoms considered in homeopathy and several regions and structures identified in animal’s brain. Obtained results showed that very primitive sensations (what “it feels like”) and emotions (what is “put out” in behavioral terms), such as fears and phobias, interact punctually with also very primitive brain regions (from the evolutionary point of view, such as amygdala and septal nuclei), while “noble” feelings, such as affection and loyalty, interact holistically with newer brain structures (also from the evolutionary point of view), such as the tertiary associative neocortical areas (prefrontal and temporal). In the first case, the symptoms are expressed in organic manifestations, mediated by the autonomic nervous system, with physiological signs of tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, peripheral vasoconstriction, bristling hair, mydriasis and secretion of hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol (behavioral disfluency), while, in the second case, eventual organic manifestations are harmonious and serene (behavioral fluency). Overall results are highly suggestive about the influence of mental conditions over health and disease of the physical body, through the process of somatization. The overall content of this work is indicative of the practical interest in the results by homeopathic veterinary practitioners, and in this context emphasizes the validity of using human homeopathic repertories in veterinary clinics, obviously with suitable precaution and, always directed by good professional judgment.

Animals , Brain/anatomy & histology , Homeopathy/veterinary , Neurosciences , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Emotions/physiology , Sensation/physiology
Rev. psicoanál. (Madr.) ; (75): 51-86, 2015.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-148341


Avanzar en la comprensión de la acción terapéutica del psicoanálisis requiere de la comprensión del proceso psicoanalítico, específicamente de las interacciones significativas entre paciente y analista que producen cambios estructurales en la personalidad del paciente. Apreciar el rol de la interacción con el entorno en la formación, desarrollo e integridad del aparato psíquico supone ocuparse de su interacción con otros, y de la conexión entre la formación del yo y las relaciones de objeto. El desarrollo del yo se continúa en el proceso terapéutico psicoanalítico en la relación con el nuevo objeto, el analista. El trabajo intenta correlacionar la comprensión de la importancia de las relaciones de objeto en la formación y el desarrollo del aparato psíquico con las dinámicas del proceso terapéutico. Para desarrollar ese tema el autor encara problemas de la teoría psicoanalítica y de la tradición concerniente a las relaciones objetales, el fenómeno de la transferencia, las relaciones entre las pulsiones y el yo, tanto como lo que concierne a la función del analista en la situación analítica (AU)

Advances in the understanding of the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis should be based on a deeper insight into the psychoanalytic process: the significant interactions between patient and analyst which lead to structural changes in the patient's personality. Interaction with the environment plays an important role in the formation, development, and inte. rity of the psychic apparatus and means to deal with the central problem of the relationship between the development of psychic structures and nteraction with other psychic structures, and of the connection between ego-formation and object-relations. Ego-development is resumed in the therapeutic psychoanalytic process in the relationship with a new object, the analyst. Attempts are made to correlate the understanding that the significance of object-relations has the formation and development of the psychic apparatus with the dyamics of the therapeutic process (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis/education , Psychoanalysis , Therapeutics/methods , Self Psychology , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Personality Disorders/psychology , Neurotic Disorders/psychology , Religion and Psychology , Thinking/physiology , Parent-Child Relations , Psychoanalysis/methods , Psychoanalysis/standards , Therapeutics/standards , Therapeutics , Psychic Symptoms/classification , Drive , Personality Disorders/therapy , Neurotic Disorders/therapy , Thinking/classification
Rev. psicoanál. (Madr.) ; (75): 167-188, 2015.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-148347


La autora constata la creciente presencia en la vida contemporánea de la tecnocultura y el ciberespacio. Partiendo de la ya polémica contraposición freudiana entre la realidad fáctica y la realidad psíquica (con elementos virtuales por definición), se pregunta por la influencia psíquica de los mundos virtuales que ofrecen internet y el ciberespacio. Se adentra en la complejidad de algunos de ellos, como Second Life o diferentes programas de investigación en que el protagonista puede habitar diferentes cuerpos o avatares en el mundo virtual. Presenta la experiencia de un proceso analítico con un paciente que motu proprio hace uso primero de vídeos y chats que va llevando como material a su analista, para más adelante pasar a experiencias virtuales con contacto visual con otros, y finalmente a contactos en la realidad fáctica. Analiza la trascendencia para el paciente de estos intercambios progresivos para asumir y desarrollar aspectos de su imagen corporal e identidad sexual. La autora propone el mundo del ciberespacio como un espacio potencial para la experimentación y progresiva elaboración psíquica y que podría ser considerado en los procesos psicoanalíticos como material de utilidad para el crecimiento y la maduración psíquica (AU)

The author notes the increasing presence of techno-culture an cyberspace in contemporary life. Starting from the already controversial Freudian opposition between factual reality and psychic reality (with virtual elements by definition), she questions the psychic influence of the virtual worlds offered by the internet and cyberspace. She explores the complexity of some of these, such as Second Life and various other programs for experimentation in which the protagonist may inhabit different bodies or avatars in the virtual world. She presents the experience of an analytic process with a patient who, of his own accord, first makes use of videos and chat rooms, which he brings to his analyst as material, to later move on to virtual experiences with visual contact with others, and finally to contact in factual reality. She analyzes the significance for the patient of these progressive exchanges in coming to terms with and developing aspects of his body image and sexual identity. The author puts forward the world of cyberspace as a potential space for experimentation and progressive psychic elaboration and suggests that it might be considered in psychoanalytic processes as useful material for psychic growth and maturation (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis/education , Psychoanalysis/methods , Biomedical Technology/methods , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy/classification , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy/methods , Freudian Theory , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Body Image/psychology , Emotions/physiology , Sexuality/psychology , Psychoanalysis/classification , Psychoanalysis/standards , Biomedical Technology/classification , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy/standards , Psychic Symptoms/standards , Emotions/classification , Sexuality/classification
Int. j. psychol. psychol. ther. (Ed. impr.) ; 10(2): 293-314, jun. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-119641


This article deals with the concept of “mental disorder” and its vicissitudes (including its classification and diagnosis), with the conventional concepts of illness, disorder and symptom, the alternative concepts of failure, dysfunction and complaint, and the organic, biological nature of psychical dysfunction. The aim of this report is to criticize openly the adoption of the medical concept of disease by psychopathologists and psychotherapists (or its soft version “disorder”) and to lead the reader to a perspective change by offering solid conceptual as well as practical alternatives (AU)

Se habla del concepto de “trastorno mental” y sus vicisitudes (entre ellas, su clasificación y su diagnóstico), de los conceptos clásicos de enfermedad, trastorno y síntoma, de los conceptos alternativos de fracaso, disfunción y queja y del carácter orgánico, biológico, de toda disfunción psíquica. El objetivo del trabajo es criticar abiertamente la adopción del concepto médico de enfermedad por psicopatólogos y psicoterapeutas (o la de su versión light trastorno) y de llevar al lector a un cambio de perspectiva, ofreciéndole alternativas sólidas tanto desde el punto de vista conceptual como desde el punto de vista práctico (AU)

Humans , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Modalities, Symptomatic , Prodromal Symptoms , Behavioral Symptoms/diagnosis , Psychic Symptoms/analysis , Affective Symptoms/diagnosis