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Plant Dis ; 93(6): 615-624, 2009 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30764395


Vegetable growers in New York, especially those growing table beets, have recently observed that the corn rotation is no longer effective in suppressing diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizoctonia-like fungi. To investigate this problem, 68 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani and Rhizoctonia-like fungi infecting vegetables in New York were isolated, characterized, and their pathogenicity on corn determined. Sequence analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region inferred 26 isolates to belong to R. solani anastomosis group (AG) 2-2 and 19 isolates to belong to AG 4. Remaining isolates belonged to AG 1, AG 2-1, AG 5, AG 11, Ceratobasidium AG (CAG) 2, CAG 6, and Waitea circinata var. zeae. This is a first report of AG 11 and W. circinata var. zeae recovered from naturally infected vegetables in New York. Pathogenicity tests on corn showed that the majority of isolates are pathogenic on corn, and isolates belonging to AG 2-2, AG 5, and AG 11 exhibited high aggressiveness. These results suggest that certain strains of R. solani and Rhizoctonia-like fungi infecting vegetables in New York have acquired the ability to infect corn. In addition, snap bean was inoculated with seven isolates exhibiting low to high aggressiveness on corn, and a correlation between aggressiveness on corn and snap bean was observed.

J Nematol ; 39(3): 221-30, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19259491


Thirty-three isolates of root-knot nematode were recovered from soil samples from rice-wheat fields in Nepal and maintained on rice cv. BR 11. The isolates were characterized using morphology, host range and DNA sequence analyses in order to ascertain their identity. Results indicated phenotypic similarity (juvenile measurements, perennial pattern, host range and gall shape) of the Nepalese isolates with Meloidogyne graminicola, with minor variations. The rice varieties LA 110 and Labelle were susceptible to all of the Nepalese isolates, but differences in the aggressiveness of the isolates were observed. Phylogenetic analyses based on the sequences of partial internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the rRNA genes indicated that all Nepalese isolates formed a distinct clade with known isolates of M. graminicola with high bootstrap support. Furthermore, two groups were identified within the M. graminicola clade. No correlation between ITS haplotype and aggressiveness or host range was found among the tested isolates.

Plant Dis ; 82(8): 945-952, 1998 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30856928


Host suitability for Meloidogyne hapla of six cover crops was tested in the greenhouse. Sudan-grass cv. Trudan 8 and rye (mixture of cultivars) were nonhosts; oat cv. Porter was a poor host; and phacelia cv. Angelia, oilseed radish cv. Renova, and yellow mustard cv. Martigena were maintenance hosts. When incorporated as a green manure before planting of lettuce cv. Mon-tello, sudangrass was the most effective of the cover crops in reducing egg production of M. hapla. Soil amendment with all parts of sudangrass resulted in lower reproduction of M. hapla on lettuce than soil amendment with only roots of sudangrass. Soil incorporation of 2-month-old (or younger) tissues of sudangrass was more effective in reducing nematode reproduction on subsequent lettuce plants than incorporation of 3-month-old tissues. Sudangrass was grown as a cover crop after lettuce for three growing seasons in field microplots and incorporated as a green manure before the first fall frost. Weight of lettuce heads was significantly higher and reproduction of M. hapla was significantly lower in sudangrass-amended microplots compared with those left fallow between lettuce crops, but results varied with year and nematode infestation level.