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Can J Dent Hyg ; 53(1): 67-71, 2019 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33240343


Multiple supernumerary teeth are one of the most common developmental anomalies in humans. They could be associated with prolonged retention of deciduous teeth, displacement or rotation of the adjacent teeth, crowding, aberrations in the root morphology (dilacerations), and failure in eruption or impaction of the succedaneous teeth. This article highlights 2 cases of non-syndromic mandibular twin supernumerary teeth in young female clients with a chief complaint of spacing between the teeth and over-retained deciduous teeth. A diligent clinical and radiographic monitoring is warranted considering the early innocuous effects and delayed adverse effects of this condition.

Les dents surnuméraires multiples sont parmi les anomalies développementales les plus communes chez les humains. Elles peuvent être associées à la rétention prolongée des dents lactéales, le déplacement ou la rotation des dents adjacentes, le chevauchement, les aberrations dans la morphologie de la racine (dilacérations) et l'absence d'éruption dentaire ou l'impaction des dents permanentes. Le présent article souligne 2 cas de dents mandibulaires jumelles et non-syndromiques chez de jeunes clientes ayant comme plainte principale l'espacement entre les dents et des dents lactéales gardées trop longtemps. Un suivi clinique et radiographique attentionné est nécessaire, compte tenu des effets anodins précoces et des effets indésirables tardifs de cet état.

Clin Case Rep ; 6(9): 1854-1861, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30214778


The case illuminates the likelihood of a dental pathology presenting with discrete signs and symptoms and the importance of the differential diagnosis of some incongruent clinical entities. The purpose of this article was to present a case report of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) arising in the orbital floor, finding the common thread in rare pathology, and highlighting the aberration in our treatment plan by collating all the wealth of information published in the literature.

Case Rep Surg ; 2018: 5108920, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30159193


A striking feature of the skull base is the pterygoid hamulus known for its bizarre morphology and biomechanical location. Pterygoid hamular bursitis is an inflammation of bursae located between the tendon, muscle, and bony prominences. The minimal objective finding in an apparently normal orofacial apparatus and dependence on the subjective symptoms experienced by the patient with widespread referral pattern often perplexes the clinician. Bursitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of craniofacial neuralgia, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and chronic craniofacial pain. Clinical signs and symptoms of this intriguing entity are diverse and multifaceted that can sometimes demand services of clinicians across various specialties considering the anatomic density of the region. Care must be taken to avoid delay, misdiagnosis, and overtreatment.