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ACS Omega ; 9(30): 32949-32961, 2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100327


We present the change of light absorption of cyanobacteria in response to externally applied electrical polarization. Specifically, we studied the relation between electrical polarization and changes in light absorbance for a biophotoelectrode assembly comprising boron-doped diamond as semiconducting electrode and live Limnospira indicaPCC 8005 trichomes embedded in either polysaccharide (agar) or conductive conjugated polymer (PEDOT-PSS) matrices. Our study involves the monitoring of cyanobacterial absorbance and the measurement of photocurrents at varying wavelengths of illumination for switched electric fields, i.e., using the bioelectrode either as an anode or as cathode. We observed changes in the absorbance characteristics, indicating a direct causal relationship between electrical polarization and absorbing properties of L. indica. Our finding opens up a potential avenue for optimization of the performance of biophotovoltaic devices through controlled polarization. Furthermore, our results provide fundamental insights into the wavelength-dependent behavior of a bio photovoltaic system using live cyanobacteria.

Photosynth Res ; 2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39168914


Cyanobacteria play a crucial role in global carbon and nitrogen cycles through photosynthesis, making them valuable subjects for understanding the factors influencing their light utilization efficiency. Photosynthetic microorganisms offer a promising avenue for sustainable energy conversion in the field of photovoltaics. It was demonstrated before that application of an external electric field to the microbial biofilm or cell improves electron transfer kinetics and, consequently, efficiency of power generation. We have integrated live cyanobacterial cultures into photovoltaic devices by embedding Limnospira indica PCC 8005 cyanobacteria in agar and PEDOT:PSS matrices on the surface of boron-doped diamond electrodes. We have subjected them to varying external polarizations while simultaneously measuring current response and photosynthetic performance. For the latter, we employed Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM) fluorometry as a non-invasive and real-time monitoring tool. Our study demonstrates an improved light utilization efficiency for L. indica PCC 8005 when immobilized in a conductive matrix, particularly so for low-intensity light. Simultaneously, the impact of electrical polarization as an environmental factor influencing the photosynthetic apparatus diminishes as matrix conductivity increases. This results in only a slight decrease in light utilization efficiency for the illuminated sample compared to the dark-adapted state.

Small Methods ; : e2301774, 2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38874124


Diamond electrochemistry is primarily influenced by quantities of sp3-carbon, surface terminations, and crystalline structure. In this work, a new dimension is introduced by investigating the effect of using substrate-interlayers for diamond growth. Boron and nitrogen co-doped nanocrystalline diamond (BNDD) films are grown on Si substrate without and with Ti and Ta as interlayers, named BNDD/Si, BNDD/Ti/Si, and BNDD/Ta/Ti/Si, respectively. After detailed characterization using microscopies, spectroscopies, electrochemical techniques, and density functional theory simulations, the relationship of composition, interfacial structure, charge transport, and electrochemical properties of the interface between diamond and metal is investigated. The BNDD/Ta/Ti/Si electrodes exhibit faster electron transfer processes than the other two diamond electrodes. The interlayer thus determines the intrinsic activity and reaction kinetics. The reduction in their barrier widths can be attributed to the formation of TaC, which facilitates carrier tunneling, and simultaneously increases the concentration of electrically active defects. As a case study, the BNDD/Ta/Ti/Si electrode is further employed to assemble a redox-electrolyte-based supercapacitor device with enhanced performance. In summary, the study not only sheds light on the intricate relationship between interlayer composition, charge transfer, and electrochemical performance but also demonstrates the potential of tailored interlayer design to unlock new capabilities in diamond-based electrochemical devices.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(33): 39915-39925, 2023 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37556596


Fabrication of patterned boron-doped diamond (BDD) in an inexpensive and straightforward way is required for a variety of practical applications, including the development of BDD-based electrochemical sensors. This work describes a simplified and novel bottom-up fabrication approach for BDD-based three-electrode sensor chips utilizing direct inkjet printing of diamond nanoparticles on silicon-based substrates. The whole seeding process, accomplished by a commercial research inkjet printer with piezo-driven drop-on-demand printheads, was systematically examined. Optimized and continuous inkjet-printed features were obtained with glycerol-based diamond ink (0.4% vol/wt), silicon substrates pretreated by exposure to oxygen plasma and subsequently to air, and applying a dot density of 750 drops (volume 9 pL) per inch. Next, the dried micropatterned substrate was subjected to a chemical vapor deposition step to grow uniform thin-film BDD, which satisfied the function of both working and counter electrodes. Silver was inkjet-printed to complete the sensor chip with a reference electrode. Scanning electron micrographs showed a closed BDD layer with a typical polycrystalline structure and sharp and well-defined edges. Very good homogeneity in diamond layer composition and a high boron content (∼2 × 1021 atoms cm-3) was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Important electrochemical characteristics, including the width of the potential window (2.5 V) and double-layer capacitance (27 µF cm-2), were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry. Fast electron transfer kinetics was recognized for the [Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+ redox marker due to the high doping level, while somewhat hindered kinetics was observed for the surface-sensitive [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- probe. Furthermore, the ability to electrochemically detect organic compounds of different structural motifs, such as glucose, ascorbic acid, uric acid, tyrosine, and dopamine, was successfully verified and compared with commercially available screen-printed BDD electrodes. The newly developed chip-based manufacture method enables the rapid prototyping of different small-scale electrode designs and BDD microstructures, which can lead to enhanced sensor performance with capability of repeated use.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 8: 693682, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34336898


The CERN-MEDICIS (MEDical Isotopes Collected from ISolde) facility has delivered its first radioactive ion beam at CERN (Switzerland) in December 2017 to support the research and development in nuclear medicine using non-conventional radionuclides. Since then, fourteen institutes, including CERN, have joined the collaboration to drive the scientific program of this unique installation and evaluate the needs of the community to improve the research in imaging, diagnostics, radiation therapy and personalized medicine. The facility has been built as an extension of the ISOLDE (Isotope Separator On Line DEvice) facility at CERN. Handling of open radioisotope sources is made possible thanks to its Radiological Controlled Area and laboratory. Targets are being irradiated by the 1.4 GeV proton beam delivered by the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) on a station placed between the High Resolution Separator (HRS) ISOLDE target station and its beam dump. Irradiated target materials are also received from external institutes to undergo mass separation at CERN-MEDICIS. All targets are handled via a remote handling system and exploited on a dedicated isotope separator beamline. To allow for the release and collection of a specific radionuclide of medical interest, each target is heated to temperatures of up to 2,300°C. The created ions are extracted and accelerated to an energy up to 60 kV, and the beam steered through an off-line sector field magnet mass separator. This is followed by the extraction of the radionuclide of interest through mass separation and its subsequent implantation into a collection foil. In addition, the MELISSA (MEDICIS Laser Ion Source Setup At CERN) laser laboratory, in service since April 2019, helps to increase the separation efficiency and the selectivity. After collection, the implanted radionuclides are dispatched to the biomedical research centers, participating in the CERN-MEDICIS collaboration, for Research & Development in imaging or treatment. Since its commissioning, the CERN-MEDICIS facility has provided its partner institutes with non-conventional medical radionuclides such as Tb-149, Tb-152, Tb-155, Sm-153, Tm-165, Tm-167, Er-169, Yb-175, and Ac-225 with a high specific activity. This article provides a review of the achievements and milestones of CERN-MEDICIS since it has produced its first radioactive isotope in December 2017, with a special focus on its most recent operation in 2020.

Chemphyschem ; 19(22): 3010-3017, 2018 11 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30129277


Perovskite based photovoltaic devices are popularised by the rapid increase in their efficiencies. Understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry processes occurring upon excitation is key. We monitored the temporal evolution of the population and depopulation dynamics of various electronic states in FA0.85 MA0.15 PbI2.55 Br0.45 by means of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy in the visible and near infrared spectral regions in order to build a fully consistent charge dynamics model of the initial photoprocesses. Upon photoexcitation with 3.2 eV photon energy, hot electrons and holes are generated in the lowest conduction and highest valence bands, away from the bandgap, and cool to the band edges with a time constant of 500 fs. Geminate recombination of excitons occurs with a time constant of 66 ps, which increases to approximately 130 ps at the optical bandgap. From a systematic study of the excited state population dynamics and its dependence on charge carrier density, we determined the nonlinear recombination rate constants characteristic to FA0.85 MA0.15 PbI2.55 Br0.45 . The coefficient describing the non-geminate recombination of free electrons and holes is independent of the k vector as well as the charge carrier density and equal to 1×10-10  s-1 cm3 , while the Auger recombination coefficient decreases with increasing charge carrier density in the range of (2-50)×10-32  s-1 cm6 .

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(13): 8938-44, 2016 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26960996


Charge transfer dynamics in fully operational dye sensitised solar cells consisting of an electrolyte or organic spiroOMeTAD in contact with a highly porous electrodeposited ZnO film sensitised with a monolayer of the indoline dye DN216 were observed using ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. From the temporal evolution of spectral signatures assigned with the help of spectroelectrochemical experiments to the population and depopulation of initial, transient and final states, a model was completed for the multistep injection of photoexcited electrons from the molecular absorber to the ZnO acceptor. Injection was found to occur via three different paths with three characteristic rates: directly from the dye's lowest unoccupied molecular orbital into the ZnO conduction band (200 fs) and via intermediate molecular dominated and surface dominated hybrid states (2 ps and 10 ps, respectively).