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Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(1): e26334, ene.-mar.2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556349


Objetivo. Evaluar la influencia de diferentes marcas de revestimientos dentales en la adaptación marginal e interna de las cofias metálicas. Método. La investigación fue in vitro, analítico, experimental y transversal; para ello, se confeccionaron 48 cofias metálicas, las cuales fueron cementadas en dientes humanos previamente tallados, luego las cofias fueron cortadas mesio-distalmente para evaluar su adaptación. La adaptación fue evaluada usando un estereomicroscopio Leica DM6000M. Para determinar si hay diferencia en la adaptación marginal e interna se empleó el análisis de varianza, la prueba de comparación múltiple y la prueba de Duncan. Adicionalmente, la prueba de Fisher, se utilizó para evaluar la adaptación total. Resultados. La mejor adaptación marginal e interna de las cofias metálicas lo presenta el revestimiento Fórmula 1 (Whipmix), seguido del Castorit súper C (Dentaurum) y Bellasun (Bego). Conclusión. Los revestimientos dentales no mostraron influencia en la adaptación marginal; sin embargo, si mostraron influencia en la adaptación interna.

Objective. To evaluate the influence of different brands of dental investments on the marginal and internal adaptation of metal copings. Method. The research was in vitro, analytical, experimental and transversal. For this, 48 metal copings were made, which were cemented on previously carved human teeth, then the copings were cut mesio-distally to evaluate their adaptation. The adaptation was evaluated using a Leica DM6000M stereomicroscope. To determine if there is a difference between marginal and internal adaptation; the analysis of variance, the multiple comparison test and the Duncan test were used. Furthermore, Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate the total adaptation. Results. The best marginal and internal adaptation of metal copings is presented by the Formula 1 coating (Whipmix), followed by Castorit super C (Dentaurum) and Bellasun (Bego). Conclusion. Dental investments did not show influence on marginal adaptation; however, they did show influence on internal adaptation.

Odontol.sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 26(3): e25460, jul.-set.2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538052


Objetivo. Comparar la dureza, estabilidad dimensional y resistencia a la compresión de los yesos dentales de alta resistencia y baja expansión disponibles en el Perú. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal. Se confeccionaron muestras de forma cilíndrica (8) y rectangular (8), de siete yesos dentales de alta resistencia y baja expansión. Se evaluó la dureza utilizando el Durómetro Universal Identec, la estabilidad dimensional con un calibrador digital y la resistencia a compresión con la Máquina de Ensayo Universal. Para determinar si hay diferencia en cada una de estas propiedades se empleó el análisis de varianza, la prueba F y la prueba de Duncan. Además, se empleó la prueba de comparación de medias, t de Student, para evaluar si difieren con los valores de la ADA (Asociación Dental Americana). Resultados. La dureza, estabilidad dimen-sional y resistencia a la compresión promedio de los yesos dentales presentó diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre cada uno con los promedios estándares establecidos por la ADA. Conclusiones. En relación resistencia a la compresión el 100% de los yesos analizados cumplen con los parámetros establecidos por la ADA, en relación estabilidad dimensional solo el 28.6% y el 100% no alcanzan los estándares de dureza promedio establecidos por la ADA.

Objective. To compare the hardness, dimensional stability, and compressive strength of high-strength, low-expansion dental plasters available in Peru, according to ADA criteria. Methods. A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study was developed. A selection of 8 cylindrical-shaped samples and 8 rectangular- shaped ones, from seven high-resistance, low-expansion dental plasters were fabricated. The hardness was evaluated using the Identec Universal Durometer. Dimensional stability was evaluated with a digital caliper and compressive strength was evaluated with the Instron Universal Testing Machine. To determine if there is a difference in each of these properties, the analysis of variance, F test, and the Duncan's test were used. In addition, to assess whether these values differ from those of the ADA, the mean comparison test, student's t table, were used. Results. The hardness, dimensional stability and average compressive strength of the high-strength, low-expansion dental plasters showed that there are significant di-fferences (p<0.05) between each of the dental plasters and with the standard averages established by the American Dental Association. (ADA). Conclusions. 100% of the high-strength, low-expansion dental casts meet the parameters established by the ADA in terms of their compressive strength, only 28.6% of these comply with the ADA in terms of dimensional stability and that 100% of these do not meet the average hardness standards established by the ADA.

J Clin Exp Dent ; 15(12): e1016-e1021, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38186913


Background: To date, there is no clear consensus in the literature on which endocrown design and depth is the most effective treatment option for restoring endodontically treated maxillary central incisors. Aim: To determine the stress distribution of the anterior endocrowns by means of finite element analysis. Material and Methods: Nine 3D finite element models (groups A - I) were made, each one representing a restoration system of endodontically treated upper central incisors. The models were endocrowns with and without ferrules at 0, 1, 3, and 5 mm depth and a post-core stump control group. A static load of 100N of force was applied to the palatal face at 45º from the long axis of the tooth. The Von Mise values and the maximum stress in the crown, dentin and resin cementum were evaluated separately. Results: The maximum stress distribution was C < B < A < D < H < F < E < G < I and the Von Mises stresses were in the upper 1/3 of the retainer of endocrowns A, B, C and D. ; in the vestibular neck in endocrowns E and F; in the final 1/3 of the retainer in the endocrown G; in the middle 1/3 of the retainer in the H endocrown; and at the level of the vestibular neck of the crown in model I. Conclusions: The smallest distribution of maximum and Von Mises stresses was observed in model C. Key words:Finite element analysis, Biomechanics, upper central incisor, endodontically treated teeth, dental restoration.