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J Eat Disord ; 12(1): 39, 2024 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38504366


BACKGROUND: The ORTO scale was developed in 2004 as a self-report questionnaire to assess symptoms of orthorexia nervosa (ON). ON is an unhealthy preoccupation with eating healthy food. The scale aims to measure obsessive attitudes and behaviors related to the selection, purchase, preparation, and consumption of pure, healthy food. Since its development, the ORTO-15 has been adapted into several shorter versions. The objective was to conduct a reliability generalization meta-analysis of the ORTO scale and its variant versions in all populations and languages. METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted to identify studies reporting the internal consistency of ORTO. Random-effect models were used to evaluate summary statistics of reliability coefficients, weighting the coefficients by the inverse variance using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heterogeneity among the reliability coefficients was evaluated and assessed using numerous statistical metrics. The tau (τ), tau2 (τ2), I2, H2, R2, df, and the Q-statistic are among those obtained. Meta-regression analyses were used to examine moderators such as age and sex. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies (k = 21) involving 11,167 participants (n = 11,167) were analyzed. The overall effect estimate on internal consistency was 0.59 (95% CI 0.49-0.68), with a minimum reliability coefficient of 0.23 and a maximum reliability coefficient of 0.83. The heterogeneity statistics were found to have an I2 of 99.31%, which suggested high heterogeneity owing to a decrease in the confidence interval (95% CI) and an increase in variability. Sensitivity analysis revealed that a few studies strongly influenced the overall estimate. Egger's test suggested possible publication bias. Neither age nor sex significantly moderated reliability via meta-regression. CONCLUSIONS: The ORTO scale has a relatively low pooled reliability coefficient. Alternative ON assessment tools with enhanced psychometric properties are needed. Clinicians should not base diagnoses or treatment decisions on ORTO alone. Comprehensive psychiatric assessment is essential for accurate ON evaluation.

This review looked at the reliability of the ORTO scale and its shortened versions for assessing orthorexia nervosa (an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy foods). The researchers analyzed data from 21 previous studies involving over 11,000 participants. Results showed that the ORTO scale had relatively low reliability in consistently measuring orthorexia symptoms across studies. The summary reliability score was 0.59 on a 0 to 1 scale, with individual study scores ranging from 0.23 to 0.83. There was a significant inconsistency across the different study results. We concluded that the ORTO scale has low reliability overall for diagnosing orthorexia nervosa. New assessment tools with better measurement properties are needed. Clinicians should not rely solely on the ORTO scale, but should conduct a comprehensive psychological evaluation to properly assess for orthorexia.

Cureus ; 16(1): e51664, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38313930


In this report, we discuss the case of a four-year-old boy known to have global developmental delay (GDD) and infantile spasm. The child was brought to the emergency department (ER) with a tender inguinal swelling and fever. Notably, there was no previous indication of an undescended testicle (UDT), and the scrotum was not examined in the ER initially. The abdominal radiograph was unremarkable, and an ultrasound of the groin was requested to investigate the nature of the swelling. The ultrasound yielded a differential diagnosis of direct or indirect inguinal hernia containing intestinal loops or a necrotic lymph node. Ultimately, scrotal examination and repeated imaging confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral UDT with torsion and suspected infarction on the right side. Both UDT and testicular torsion (TT) are prevalent genitourinary disorders. However, the occurrence of torsion in an undescended testis is not commonly observed or documented, particularly within the age group presented in our case. TT is a surgical emergency, and its prognosis relies on early recognition and management in order to salvage the testis. In this case, there was a missed examination opportunity; therefore, it is imperative for emergency physicians to routinely include scrotal examination as part of the physical assessment when evaluating children with abdominal or groin pain in order to promptly identify such cases.
