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Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 53(5): 102057, Mayo, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-208120


La Ley de Eutanasia española introduce un nuevo derecho que se incorpora a la cartera de servicios del sistema sanitario, como una prestación cuya aplicación se garantiza en el plazo de 40 días. Desde la experiencia clínica se argumenta que, sin el derecho efectivo a unos cuidados paliativos de calidad, y con el actual déficit en las ayudas a la dependencia, esta ley puede ser un mensaje coactivo para aquellas personas especialmente frágiles y dependientes, que se sientan como una pesada carga para su familia y para la sociedad.Se razona de qué modo fundamentar el derecho a morir en la dignidad de la persona, puede tener repercusiones sociales inesperadas.El texto normativo muestra debilidades propias de una ley apresurada y sin apoyo de órganos consultivos. Hay cuestiones pendientes de aclarar en su aplicación dentro del contexto de la medicina de familia. Se concluye que esta nueva norma planteará más problemas de los que pretende resolver.(AU)

The Spanish Euthanasia Law introduces a new right that is added to the portfolio of services provided by the Spanish health system and whose application is guaranteed within a period of 40 days. From the perspective of clinical experience, it is argued that without the effective right to quality palliative care and given the current shortcomings in dependant care, this law may send a threatening message to particularly fragile and dependant individuals that will lead to them feeling like a burden to their families and society.It is reasoned that basing the right to die on the dignity of the individual may have unexpected social repercussions.The text of the law presents the flaws of having been written hastily and without the support of advisory entities. There are issues that require clarification with regard to the application of euthanasia within the context of general practice. The conclusion is that this new law will pose more problems of the type it aims to resolve.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Eutanásia/ética , Eutanásia/legislação & jurisprudência , Suicídio Assistido/ética , Suicídio Assistido/legislação & jurisprudência , Medicina de Família e Comunidade , Cuidados Paliativos , Bioética , Direitos do Paciente , Direito a Morrer , Legislação Referente à Liberdade de Escolha do Paciente , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Espanha
Aten Primaria ; 53(5): 102057, 2021 05.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33887603


The Spanish Euthanasia Law introduces a new right that is added to the portfolio of services provided by the Spanish health system and whose application is guaranteed within a period of 40 days. From the perspective of clinical experience, it is argued that without the effective right to quality palliative care and given the current shortcomings in dependant care, this law may send a threatening message to particularly fragile and dependant individuals that will lead to them feeling like a burden to their families and society. It is reasoned that basing the right to die on the dignity of the individual may have unexpected social repercussions. The text of the law presents the flaws of having been written hastily and without the support of advisory entities. There are issues that require clarification with regard to the application of euthanasia within the context of general practice. The conclusion is that this new law will pose more problems of the type it aims to resolve.

Eutanásia , Suicídio Assistido , Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33674451


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Professional commitment is frequently used as a humanistic care indicator. Thus, it is important to design and validate a tool which is able to measure professional commitment of nurses in Spain. In this study we aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Nijmegen Professionalism Scale for Spanish (NPS-S) nursing in order to verify its validity and reliability. METHODS: We undertook the pilot testing and psychometric validation of the NPS-S. A total sample of 249 nursing professionals from a variety of areas of expertise took part in this study. The STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement was used for reporting this research. RESULTS: The NPS-S achieved a high degree of content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, temporal stability, and usability; this version is, thus, equivalent to the Nijmegen Professionalis Scale in its original version. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Based on the results obtained from the validation of this tool, it is possible to affirm that the NPS-S is an effective instrument for measuring professional commitment in this population. The NPS-S will evaluate and thus contribute to the promotion of professional commitment in Spanish nursing. Additionally, it will serve to establish correlations between professional commitment and other variables including quality of care and patient satisfaction. Future studies should analyze the evaluation capacity of this tool.

Med. paliat ; 27(3): 255-262, jul.-sept. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-197379


El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una reflexión ética en base a documentos generados durante la pandemia por COVID-19, aportando conclusiones sobre lo aprendido y lo que nos falta por aprender. Se desarrollarán seis áreas de acción: priorización de los recursos, consulta presencial y telemedicina, la (des)protección de los profesionales, la atención en los centros de mayores, la respuesta social y la atención en los últimos días. Ante la falta de recursos, la autoridad pública puede establecer criterios que limiten, sin suprimirlo, el derecho a la protección de la salud de algunos. Se puede justificar la asignación según la capacidad de recuperación del paciente, sin discriminar por edad o discapacidad. Las consultas telemáticas ayudan a mantener la relación clínica, pero requieren de tiempo y entrenamiento. La relación clínica tiene exigencias deontológicas, y requiere mejorar la tecnología y las habilidades de relación telemática. La metáfora bélica y del heroísmo genera presión y confusión sobre el alcance del deber, ante la grave desprotección sufrida por los profesionales. Se debe realzar el valor de la interdependencia y la responsabilidad, no "romantizar" el riesgo, y compensar a los profesionales y sus familias. En las residencias de mayores predominan grandes centros, organizados por tareas, con poca autonomía y privacidad. Debemos decidir qué modelos queremos, y podemos pagar, y qué riesgos compartidos asumimos desde valores comunes. La sociedad civil puede responder a las crisis (democracia es "gobierno del pueblo", que debe protagonizar la vida pública, no los políticos). El acompañamiento al morir son derechos reconocidos. Su limitación excepcional no puede ser una privación total. La planificación anticipada requiere hablar de los miedos y los valores con los pacientes y sus familias. Es un proceso deliberativo que debemos recuperar en la era de la COVID-19

The aim of this article was to conduct an ethical reflection based on documents generated during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing conclusions about what has been learned and what we still have to learn. Six areas of action will be developed: prioritization of resources, face-to-face consultation and telemedicine, (un)protection of professionals, care in nursing homes, social response, and last days care. Facing lack of resources, public authority can establish criteria that limit the right to health protection. The allocation can be justified according to the patient's ability to recover, without discriminating by age or disability. Telematic consultation can keep patient-clinician relationship, but requires time and training. The clinical relationship has deontological requirements, and requires improving technology and telematic communication skills. The war metaphor generates pressure and confusion over the scope of duty in the face of the serious lack of protection suffered by professionals. The value of interdependence and responsibility must be enhanced, not "romanticizing" the risk, and compensating professionals and their families. Nursing homes in our country are predominantly large centers, organized by tasks, with little autonomy and privacy. We must decide which models we want and can afford, and which shared risks we assume from common values. Civil society can respond to crises (democracy is the "government of the people", which must begin in public life, not in politicians. Accompaniment at death is a recognized right). Exceptional limitation of resources cannot be total deprivation. Advanced care planning requires talking about fears and values with patients and their families. It is a deliberative process we must recover in the COVID-19 era

Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/ética , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Medicina Paliativa/ética , Humanização da Assistência , Telemedicina/métodos , Sedação Consciente/ética , Sedação Profunda/ética , Hipnóticos e Sedativos/uso terapêutico
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 22(5): 227-233, sept.-oct. 2019. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-187495


Introducción: La sensibilidad ética como componente de la vocación médica necesita ser evaluada con criterios e indicadores que permitan establecer comparaciones de mejora o deterioro. Sujetos y métodos: Diseño en dos fases: observacional transversal al comienzo del sexto semestre del grado y al finalizar el séptimo semestre, y de intervención, antes y después de la docencia (asignaturas de Comunicación, Ética y Legislación I y II). Instrumento de medida: actividad docente grupal voluntaria (corregida mediante una parrilla de evaluación validada por consenso entre el equipo docente/investigador), consistente en el análisis de un video con guion estructurado donde los participantes debían detectar individualmente y redactar de forma libre las cuestiones éticas que encontraban mientras se reproducía. Ámbito: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Zaragoza (216 alumnos, de tercer y cuarto curso). Resultados: 179 estudiantes, 72 en tercero (33%) y 97 en cuarto (45%), realizaron el ejercicio, siendo válidas 169 respuestas, con información apareada (antes-después) de 34 estudiantes (20,11%). Al contrastar las dos muestras transversales no apareadas, los alumnos de cuarto identificaron más cuestiones éticas (30,38%) que los de tercero (20,12%) y cualitativamente más sutiles. La muestra de estudiantes con seguimiento longitudinal confirma el hallazgo: la media en cuarto es del 11,62%, y en tercero, del 9,53%. Conclusiones: Es útil analizar el impacto de las herramientas docentes implementadas en el aula, lo que confirma una mayor sensibilidad (detección de cuestiones éticas) por los alumnos tras la formación en ética

Introduction: The ethical sensitivity as a component of the medical vocation needs to be evaluated with criteria and indicators that allow for comparisons of improvement or deterioration. Subjects and methods: Two phases design: cross-sectional observational at the beginning of the sixth semester of the degree and at the end of the seventh semester, and intervention, before and after teaching (subjects Communication, Ethics and Legislation I and II). Instrument of measurement: voluntary group teaching activity (corrected through an evaluation grid validated by consensus between the teaching/research team) consisting of the analysis of a video with a structured script where the participants had to individually detect and write freely the ethical questions they encountered while it was playing. Scope: Faculty of Medicine, University of Zaragoza (216 students, third and fourth year). Results: 179 students, 72 in third (33%) and 97 in fourth (45%), performed the exercise with 169 responses valid, with paired information (before-after) of 34 students (20.11%). When contrasting the two unpaired cross samples, the fourth graders identified more ethical questions (30.38%) than those of third (20.12%) and qualitatively more subtle. The sample of students with longitudinal follow-up confirms the finding: the average in fourth is 11.62% and in third of 9.53%. Conclusions: It is useful to analyze the impact of the teaching tools implemented in the classroom, confirming a greater sensitivity (detection of ethical issues) by the students after the ethics training

Humanos , Educação Vocacional/ética , Educação Médica/métodos , Educação Médica/ética , Aprendizagem/ética , Estudos Transversais , Estudantes de Medicina , Inquéritos e Questionários , Intervalos de Confiança
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 33(5): 401-407, sept.-oct. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-189012


Objetivo: Explorar la percepción de profesionales y pacientes sobre las cuestiones éticas que entraña la atención al tabaquismo en las consultas de atención primaria. Método: Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 12 profesionales y 7 pacientes, y dos grupos focales con 6 profesionales y 7 pacientes de atención primaria (32 participantes en total). Se realizó un muestreo intencional buscando perfiles de profesionales y pacientes de ambos sexos, distintas edades y experiencia en relación con el tabaquismo. El análisis de contenido siguió una estrategia analítica inductiva desde los datos hasta la creación de categorías teóricas. Resultados: Se identificaron cuatro categorías principales: 1) cuestiones éticas relativas a la responsabilidad del/de la profesional con el/la paciente fumador/a; 2) cuestiones relacionadas con la actitud que debe mostrar el/la profesional ante el/la paciente; 3) aspectos relacionados con la justicia en la distribución de recursos y con el papel de la Administración pública en el control del tabaquismo; y 4) cuestiones relativas a la autonomía de la persona fumadora con respecto al consumo y al cese del tabaquismo. Conclusiones: Es necesaria una alianza entre la ética que favorece la auténtica autonomía de la persona fumadora y la regulación heterónoma del consumo de tabaco. Sería conveniente incluir estas cuestiones en los programas de formación para el manejo del tabaquismo por parte de los/las profesionales

Objective: To explore the perception of professionals and patients with regard to ethical issues involved in addressing the habit of smoking in primary care consultations. Method: A qualitative study was designed, consisting of 12 semi-structured interviews with professionals, 7 interviews with patients and 2 focus groups with 6 professionals and 7 primary care patients (a total of 32 participants). An intentional sampling was conducted, including profiles of professionals and patients of both sexes, different ages and experience in relation to smoking. A content analysis was performed with an inductive analytical approach from data to the creation of theoretical categories. Results: Four main categories were identified: 1) ethical issues related to the responsibility of the professional when treating patients who smoke; 2) issues related to attitude to patients who smoke; 3) issues related to fair and equitable distribution of resources and to the role of the different levels of government in relation to the control of smoking; and 4) issues related to smokers' autonomy regarding their habit and smoking cessation. Conclusions: An alliance is needed between the ethics that support the autonomy of patients who smoke and the regulation of tobacco consumption. This approach should be included in clinical training programmes dealing with tobacco use, dependence and cessation

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tabagismo/epidemiologia , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar/ética , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/legislação & jurisprudência , Autonomia Pessoal , Dominação-Subordinação , Tabagismo/prevenção & controle , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/legislação & jurisprudência , Atenção Primária à Saúde/ética , Legislação Médica/tendências , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 51(8): 506-511, oct. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-185754


En las últimas décadas el mundo de la medicina se ha familiarizado con la valoración de los conflictos de interés (CDI). En las revistas científicas se ha generalizado el requisito de que los autores declaren sus CDI en relación con los artículos que proponen publicar; otros aspectos sensibles que merecen atención son los CDI en la toma de decisiones sobre prescripción y los CDI de quienes ocupan puestos de responsabilidad en instituciones científicas, asistenciales o de representación profesional. Estos debates son coherentes con la preocupación de las sociedades democráticas por la justicia y la ética social que exigen juego limpio en la toma de decisiones que afectan a terceros, particularmente a los pacientes. En el presente trabajo se analiza el concepto de los CDI, los tipos de conflictos que pueden abarcar y se reflexiona sobre propuestas para la gestión de los mismos en la profesión médica

In the last decades the world of medicine has become familiar with the disclosure of conflicts of interest (CDI). The requirement for authors to declare their CDIs concerning their publications is a common issue. Another topic for CDI is related to the medical decision making on prescription. Finally, professionals being in positions of responsibility in professional societies or associations and healthcare institutions are asked to show their disclosure of CDI. These debates show up the interest of democratic societies for justice and social ethics that demand fair play in making decisions that may affect third parties, particularly patients. In the present work, the concept and types of CDIs are analyzed, and authors make proposals for the management of CDI in the medical profession

Humanos , Conflito de Interesses , Formação de Conceito/ética , Profissionalismo , Educação Médica/ética , Indústria Farmacêutica , Educação Médica/normas
Educ. med. (Ed. impr.) ; 20(4): 249-255, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-191583


La profesión médica tiene un marcado sentido vocacional que está estrechamente vinculado a su dimensión ética; sin embargo, existen dudas sobre el papel que los estudios de grado están ejerciendo en su desarrollo. Con la finalidad de favorecer la reflexión al respecto, se celebró un seminario con estudiantes y profesores desarrollado en 3fases: a) libre exposición de los alumnos sobre lo que consideraban que es la vocación médica; b) presentación por parte de los profesores del marco teórico de la educación médica, seguido del visionado de varias escenas de películas dirigidas por Steven Spielberg que facilitan la reflexión sobre el significado de los componentes éticos y humanos de la medicina, y c) discusión abierta entre alumnos y profesores. Se analizan las principales conclusiones: conviene crear espacios para la reflexión sobre la dimensión vocacional de la medicina a lo largo de los estudios del grado, lo cual, de algún modo, ya se debería considerar en los procedimientos de selección y acceso; en la tarea docente es fundamental el ejemplo de los formadores, así como una tutorización individualizada que «cuide» el desarrollo vocacional; es necesario promover una formación que vaya más allá de la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades, prestando atención a la gestión de las emociones, el acompañamiento ante los problemas éticos y la educación de las actitudes; el contacto precoz con la actividad clínica, ya desde el comienzo de los estudios se valora como un factor decisivo para motivar a los alumnos ante la inmensa carga teórica que deben afrontar

The medical profession has a marked vocational sense that is closely linked to its ethical dimension. However, there are doubts about the role that undergraduate studies are playing in their development. In order to encourage reflection on this issue, a seminar was held with students and teachers, developed in 3phases: a) free presentation by students about what they considered to be the medical vocation; b) presentation by professors of the theoretical framework of medical education, followed by the viewing of several scenes of films directed by Steven Spielberg that facilitate reflection on the meaning of the ethical and human components of medicine, and c) open discussion between students and teachers. The main conclusions were analysed: it is worth creating spaces for reflection on the vocational dimension of medicine throughout undergraduate studies. This, in some way, should already be considered in the selection and access procedures to medical school. In the teaching task it is essential that the lecturers are seen as role models, as well as providing individualised tutoring that includes vocational development. Thus, it is necessary to promote training that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills, paying attention to the management of emotions, the approach to the ethical problems, and the education of attitudes. Early contact with clinical activity, from the beginning of studies is considered a decisive factor to motivate students before the immense theoretical burden they have to face

Humanos , Educação Vocacional , Profissionalismo/educação , Filmes Cinematográficos , Educação Médica , Capacitação Profissional , Emoções
Aten Primaria ; 51(8): 506-511, 2019 10.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31248656


In the last decades the world of medicine has become familiar with the disclosure of conflicts of interest (CDI). The requirement for authors to declare their CDIs concerning their publications is a common issue. Another topic for CDI is related to the medical decision making on prescription. Finally, professionals being in positions of responsibility in professional societies or associations and healthcare institutions are asked to show their disclosure of CDI. These debates show up the interest of democratic societies for justice and social ethics that demand fair play in making decisions that may affect third parties, particularly patients. In the present work, the concept and types of CDIs are analyzed, and authors make proposals for the management of CDI in the medical profession.

Tomada de Decisão Clínica/ética , Conflito de Interesses , Revelação/ética , Padrões de Prática Médica/ética , Editoração/ética , Indústria Farmacêutica/ética , Humanos
Res Theory Nurs Pract ; 33(1): 97-110, 2019 02 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30796150


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The aim of this investigation was to perform the cross-cultural and linguistic translation and adaptation of the Nijmegen Professionalism Scale for Spanish nursing. Originally designed by Tromp et al. (2010) for its use by general practitioners, the new Spanish version of this tool assesses professional commitment, allowing for the comparison, prevention, association, and longitudinal monitoring of commitment among nursing professionals. METHODS: The linguistic translation from English to Spanish was performed using the translation-back-translation method; the process of cross-cultural adaptation to the Spanish nursing context was carried out following the recommendations given by a panel of experts comprised of 24 practicing nurses with different professional backgrounds. The data for the feasibility study were collected between December 2015 and January 2016. RESULTS: The original English version of the instrument contains 106 items and was originally developed for assessing professional behavior of general practitioner trainees; the new version, with a significant reduction in the initial number of items, comprises 49 items and is now ready for pilot testing and validation in our context. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The Nijmegen Professionalism Scale in its Spanish version will act not only as a tool for measuring professional commitment among Spanish nurses but also as a motivational resource and means for reflection which will, in turn, increase the quality of the care provided by these professionals.

Profissionalismo , Inquéritos e Questionários , Enfermagem Transcultural , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Hispânico ou Latino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Traduções , Estados Unidos , Adulto Jovem
Acad Psychiatry ; 43(1): 67-70, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30264275


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to broaden understanding into the process by which resident physicians deal with illness and to identify areas for improvement regarding healthcare of residents and teaching physicians training to support them adequately. METHODS: A qualitative study of ten semi-structured interviews with residents who had suffered a serious illness and a focus group of teaching physicians were conducted. Analysis of the interview transcripts was performed using the grounded theory approach, with information divided into five categories: Differences between residents as patients and general patients; confidentiality; feelings and attitudes; learning from illness; and impact on work and training. RESULTS: There are differences between residents and the general population: In the initial stage, diagnosis is made promptly with preferential treatment shown by colleagues. Subsequently, the lack of clear guidelines can lead to poor follow-up. They accept a loss of confidentiality in the process. One of the most serious concerns felt by residents is the impact of their illness on their training as specialists, meaning that teaching physicians are charged with the important role of guaranteeing the resident's proper recovery, return to work, and readaptation to the training program. Teaching physicians demand their own training be reinforced in these aspects. CONCLUSION: There is a need to assess the great diversity observed in training-related decisions made by teaching physicians when residents fall ill. Given the differences observed, more research is required to improve the care provided to sick residents and particularly the teaching physicians training to handle them.

Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Competência Clínica , Internato e Residência , Médicos/psicologia , Licença Médica , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Medicina , Grupos Focais , Teoria Fundamentada , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Retorno ao Trabalho , Ensino
Gac Sanit ; 33(5): 401-407, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30033093


OBJECTIVE: To explore the perception of professionals and patients with regard to ethical issues involved in addressing the habit of smoking in primary care consultations. METHOD: A qualitative study was designed, consisting of 12 semi-structured interviews with professionals, 7 interviews with patients and 2 focus groups with 6 professionals and 7 primary care patients (a total of 32 participants). An intentional sampling was conducted, including profiles of professionals and patients of both sexes, different ages and experience in relation to smoking. A content analysis was performed with an inductive analytical approach from data to the creation of theoretical categories. RESULTS: Four main categories were identified: 1) ethical issues related to the responsibility of the professional when treating patients who smoke; 2) issues related to attitude to patients who smoke; 3) issues related to fair and equitable distribution of resources and to the role of the different levels of government in relation to the control of smoking; and 4) issues related to smokers' autonomy regarding their habit and smoking cessation. CONCLUSIONS: An alliance is needed between the ethics that support the autonomy of patients who smoke and the regulation of tobacco consumption. This approach should be included in clinical training programmes dealing with tobacco use, dependence and cessation.

não Fumantes/psicologia , Autonomia Pessoal , Relações Médico-Paciente , Médicos de Família/psicologia , Fumantes/psicologia , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Papel do Médico , Relações Médico-Paciente/ética , Saúde Pública , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Alocação de Recursos/ética , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/legislação & jurisprudência , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/psicologia , Responsabilidade Social , Espanha , Adulto Jovem
Nurs Ethics ; 26(3): 778-797, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28812947


BACKGROUND: The concept of professional commitment is being widely studied at present. However, although it is considered an indicator for the most human part of nursing care, there is no clear definition for it, and different descriptors are being used indiscriminately to reference it. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to clarify the concept of professional commitment in nursing through the Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis process. DESIGN: Systematic search using English and Spanish descriptors and concept analysis. Studies published between 2009 and June 2015, front-to-back analysis of the Nursing Ethics journal and manual check of articles cited in studies related to the Nijmegen Professionalism Scale. RESEARCH DESIGN: The procedure of concept analysis developed by Rodgers was used. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Although the topic was not labeled as sensitive and subject to ethical approval, its realization was approved by the Ethical Committee of Clinical Research of Aragon (CEICA) approved the study on 18 March 2015 and also careful procedures have been followed according to ethics expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION: A total of 17 published studies. A clear definition of the concept was made, and surrogate terms, concept dimension, differential factors related to the concept, sociocultural variations and consequences for nursing practice were identified. CONCLUSION: There is a need for continuous advancement in the development of the concept, specific actions to encourage this and the improvement of evaluation methods for its study.

Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Papel Profissional , Formação de Conceito , Humanos , Enfermagem/métodos , Enfermagem/normas , Identificação Social
Acta bioeth ; 24(2): 199-210, Dec. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-973424


Resumen: La idiosincrasia de la profesión médica, los rasgos de personalidad característicos del médico y la falta de formación específica para reconocer y tratar adecuadamente la propia vulnerabilidad, predisponen a este colectivo a padecer más patología mental y, probablemente, un deficiente tratamiento de otras enfermedades. La mayoría de los estudios realizados hasta el momento se centran en la patología mental y adictiva del médico, desde el punto de vista del riesgo para la mala praxis y la seguridad de sus pacientes. La revisión narrativa de la literatura científica realizada (MEDLINE, EMBASE e IME 1985-2016) ha mostrado que, en el entorno hispanoparlante, apenas disponemos de información actualizada sobre el médico como paciente, a pesar de ser un tema de indudable relevancia desde el punto de vista de la seguridad asistencial, del profesionalismo y del propio bienestar de los profesionales. La situación del médico que enferma es compleja y poco conocida, con conflicto de roles y con repercusiones en la ética profesional y la calidad asistencial.

Abstract: The idiosyncrasy of the medical profession, the characteristic personality traits of the physician and the lack of specific training to properly recognize and treat one's own vulnerability dispose this group to suffer more mental pathology and probably worse control of other medical diseases. Most of the studies promoted so far focus on the psychiatric and addictive concerns of the physician, from the point of view of the sick doctor as being at risk for malpractice and to guarantee the safety of their patients. The narrative review of scientific literature (MEDLINE, EMBASE and IME 1985-2016) has shown that we do not have in the Spanish-speaking environment updated information about the doctor as a patient, despite being a topic of incipient media repercussion and undoubtedly relevant from the point of view of patient safety, professionalism and medical ethics and as well as the welfare of professionals. The characteristic of a sick doctor are more complex than the rest of patients with a conflict of roles and repercussions on professional ethics and the quality of care.

Resumo: A idiossincrasia da profissão médica, as características de personalidade característica do médico e a falta de formação específica para reconhecer e, corretamente, tratar a própria vulnerabilidade, predispõem esse grupo a sofrer mais patologias mentais, e provavelmente tratamento deficiente de outras doenças. A maioria dos estudos realizados até agora tem como foco a patologia mental e o comportamento aditivo do médico, do ponto de vista do risco por negligência e segurança de seus pacientes. A revisão narrativa da literatura científica realizada (MEDLINE, EMBASE e IME 1985-2016) tem mostrado que no ambiente de idioma hispânico temos apenas informações atualizadas sobre o médico como paciente, apesar de ser uma questão de relevância inquestionável do ponto de vista da segurança assistencial, do profissionalismo e do próprio bem-estar dos profissionais. A situação do médico enfermo é complexa e pouco conhecida, com conflito de papéis e impacto sobre a ética profissional e a qualidade dos cuidados médicos. São necessários mais estudos, tanto quantitativos como qualitativos, que permitam compreender o processo do adoecimento dos médicos em cada um dos seus estágios profissionais (desde a graduação até a aposentadoria) para ser capaz de considerar estratégias para a melhoria na atenção da saúde desses profissionais.

Humanos , Médicos/psicologia , Papel do Doente , Ética Médica , Profissionalismo , Automedicação , Saúde Mental , Saúde Ocupacional , Licença Médica
AMA J Ethics ; 20(1): 154-157, 2018 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29460768


At the University of Zaragoza in Spain we developed an innovative way to teach the concept of confidentiality to medical students, which we tested by comparing the use of customized comics with more traditional methods. We proved that using comics is more attractive to students than lectures and class discussions, that it increases class participation and students' self-awareness of learning, and that it maintains the same academic results. We share our experience visually in a two-page comic.

Recursos Audiovisuais , Confidencialidade , Educação Médica/métodos , Ética Médica/educação , Comportamento do Consumidor , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Espanha , Estudantes de Medicina , Ensino