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Plants (Basel) ; 13(8)2024 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38674495


Measuring canopy height is important for phenotyping as it has been identified as the most relevant parameter for the fast determination of plant mass and carbon stock, as well as crop responses and their spatial variability. In this work, we develop a low-cost tool for measuring plant height proximally based on an ultrasound sensor for flexible use in static or on-the-go mode. The tool was lab-tested and field-tested on crop systems of different geometry and spacings: in a static setting on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and in an on-the-go setting on chia (Salvia hispanica L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). Cross-correlation (CC) or a dynamic time-warping algorithm (DTW) was used to analyze and correct shifts between manual and sensor data in chia. Sensor data were able to reproduce with minor shifts in canopy profile and plant status indicators in the field when plant heights varied gradually in narrow-spaced chia (R2 = 0.98), faba bean (R2 = 0.96), and wheat (R2 = up to 0.99). Abrupt height changes resulted in systematic errors in height estimation, and short-scale variations were not well reproduced (e.g., R2 in widely spaced chia was 0.57 to 0.66 after shifting based on CC or DTW, respectively)). In alfalfa, ultrasound data were a better predictor than NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) for Leaf Area Index and biomass (R2 from 0.81 to 0.84). Maps of ultrasound-determined height showed that clusters were useful for spatial management. The good performance of the tool both in a static setting and in the on-the-go setting provides flexibility for the determination of plant height and spatial variation of plant responses in different conditions from natural to managed systems.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(2)2024 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38256783


Insect larval frass has been proposed as a fertilizer and amendment, but methods for testing its effects on plants are poorly developed and need standardization. We obtained different types of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) frass via the factorial combination of (a) two insect diets, as follows: G (Gainesville = 50% wheat bran, 30% alfalfa meal, 20% maize meal) and W (43% sheep whey + 57% seeds); (b) two frass thermal treatments: NT = untreated and T = treated at 70 °C for 1 h. We tested the effects on the germination of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) and wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) by applying 1:2 w:w water extracts at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% concentration. Standardizing frass water content before extraction affected chemical composition. Frass extracts showed high electrical conductivity (8.88 to 13.78 mS cm-1). The W diet was suppressive towards Escherichia coli and showed a lower content of nitrates (e.g., WNT 40% lower than GNT) and a concentration-dependent phytotoxic effect on germinating plants. At 25% concentration, germination indices of G were 4.5 to 40-fold those at 100%. Root and shoot length and root hair area were affected by diet and concentration of frass extracts (e.g., root and shoot length in cress at 25% were, respectively, 4.53 and 2 times higher than at 100%), whereas the effects of the thermal treatment were few or inconclusive. On barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown in micropots on a silty loam soil, root mass was reduced by 37% at high extract concentration. A quick procedure for root hair surface area was developed based on the geographic information system (GIS) and may provide a fast method for incorporating root hair phenotyping in frass evaluation. The results indicate that below-ground structures need to be addressed in research on frass effects. For this, phyotoxicity tests should encompass different extract dilutions, and frass water content should be standardized before extraction in the direction of canonical procedures to allow comparisons.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(19)2023 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37836136


Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) is a Mediterranean biannual anthelmintic forage. Due to its high productivity, nutraceutical value, and suitability for harsh environments, interest in this crop is growing. Under the current scenario of climate change and water scarcity, it is important to evaluate crop drought tolerance, especially for newly bred materials. Drought stress and well-watered conditions (50 vs. 80% of the field capacity) were applied in a pot experiment to compare responses of the widespread commercial variety Bellante with those of a recently released variety named 'Centauro', currently registered in the Italian national register of plant varieties but not yet available on the market. Compared to the well-watered treatment, drought-stressed plants showed lower values of fresh biomass (-69%), number of leaves (-68%), and root length (-49%). The Centauro cv. showed a different architecture to Bellante with more shoots (+43% P < 0.05) and a trend for more leaves (+25% P = 0.08). These traits are possibly related to its superior palatability. Centauro also developed a higher root length (+70%, P < 0.05) across irrigation levels. Drought stress affected condensed tannin (CT) content. A significant genotype × environment interaction was found with Centauro displaying more (+50%) and less (-35%) CT than Bellante under drought stress and well-watered conditions, respectively. The higher constitutive root length density of Centauro may be exploited in breeding programs aimed at improving the root sink, given the role of this trait in resource acquisition capacity and root-derived ecosystem services.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(3)2023 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36771671


In dual-purpose cereal systems, the co-production of fodder and grain can increase farm profitability and reduce farming risks. Our work evaluated shoot and root growth in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under dual-purpose management in a medium-high rainfall area of southern Italy. We compared a modern variety (Core) with a tall ancient variety (Saragolle lucana) under traditional (NDP) and dual-purpose (DP) management and tested the hypothesis that clipping plants during the vegetative stage would reduce root growth and dewatering before anthesis, which is advantageous in drought-prone environments. Experiments were conducted in Bella (PZ), Basilicata region, southern Italy (40°42' N, 15°32' E) on a clay loam soil in 2021 in a split-plot design on 2 × 2 main plots and 1 × 2 split-plots with 6 replicates. The DP treatment consisted of simulated grazing by clipping plants at 5 cm from the ground 3 months after sowing (at first hollow stem). Forage Biomass was not different at p = 0.05 between varieties, with an average of 0.58 t ha-1 DM. Grain yield was not penalized by clipping (p = 0.05) and did not differ significantly between varieties. SPAD was always lower in the Saragolle variety and lowered by clipping. Defoliation delayed phenology in both cultivars but did not reduce the final number of spikes per square meter. Stomatal conductance was correlated to temperature, did not differ between cultivars, and was not influenced by clipping. Soil water depletion was monitored in modern wheat from the booting stage to the beginning of grain filling. Clipping did not result in a reduction in pre-anthesis water depletion, possibly due to evaporative losses. Root density was markedly reduced by clipping in core variety between 0.20 and 0.60 m and much less in Saragolle. Unclipped Saragolle produced thicker roots and higher root masses compared to clipped plants. Defoliated Saragolle shifted to finer roots, reducing root mass more than length. This may have reduced the metabolic cost of soil exploration, thereby increasing root foraging efficiency.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(24)2022 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559604


Ancient wheats may be a source of traits that are useful for the tolerance of climate change foreseen conditions of raising temperatures and low water availability. Previous research has shown a fine root system and a high mass of rhizosheath per unit root mass in the italian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) landrace Saragolle Lucana, and this may be relevant for successfully facing adverse conditions during seedling establishment. We investigated the effect of soil water shortage in Saragolle seedlings on root architecture, rhizosheath formation and biomass allocation. Pot experiments were conducted by comparing two levels of soil available water content (AWC): WW (100% of AWC) and DS (50% of AWC). Phenology was delayed by eight days in DS and above and belowground traits were measured at Zadoks 1.3 for each treatment. Biometric data collected at the same phenological stage show that DS plants did not reach the levels of biomass, surface area and space occupation of WW even after attaining the same developmental stage. Namely, plant dimensions were lower at low soil water availability, with the exception of rhizosheath production: DS yielded a 50% increase in rhizosheath mass and 32% increase in rhizosheath mass per unit root mass. The proportion of plant mass reduction in DS was 29.7% for aboveground parts and 34.7% for roots, while reductions in leaf and root surface areas exceeded 43%. The root/shoot mass and area ratios were not significantly different between treatments, and a higher impact on aboveground than on belowground traits at reduced available water was shown only by a lower ratio of shoot height to root depth in DS than in WW. Increases in rhizosheath in absolute and relative terms, which were observed in our experiment in spite of smaller root systems in the ancient durum wheat variety Saragolle lucana at DS, may provide an interesting trait for plant performance in conditions of low soil water availability both for water-related issue and for other effects on plant nutrition and relations with the rhizosphere.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(23)2022 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36501382


To make feasible the crewed missions to the Moon or Mars, space research is focusing on the development of bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS) designed to produce food crops based on in situ resource utilisation (ISRU), allowing to reduce terrestrial input and to recycle organic wastes. In this regard, a major question concerns the suitability of native regoliths for plant growth and how their agronomic performance is affected by additions of organic matter from crew waste. We tested plant growth substrates consisting of MMS-1 (Mars) or LHS-1 (Lunar) simulants mixed with a commercial horse/swine monogastric manure (i.e., an analogue of crew excreta and crop residues) at varying rates (100:0, 90:10, 70:30, 50:50, w/w). Specifically, we measured: (i) lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cultivar 'Grand Rapids') growth (at 30 days in open gas exchange climate chamber with no fertilisation), plant physiology, and nutrient uptake; as well as (ii) microbial biomass C and N, enzymatic activity, and nutrient bioavailability in the simulant/manure mixtures after plant growth. We discussed mechanisms of different plant yield, architecture, and physiology as a function of chemical, physico-hydraulic, and biological properties of different substrates. A better agronomic performance, in terms of plant growth and optically measured chlorophyll content, nutrient availability, and enzymatic activity, was provided by substrates containing MMS-1, in comparison to LHS-1-based ones, despite a lower volume of readily available water (likely due to the high-frequency low-volume irrigation strategy applied in our experiment and foreseen in space settings). Other physical and chemical properties, along with a different bioavailability of essential nutrients for plants and rhizosphere biota, alkalinity, and release of promptly bioavailable Na from substrates, were identified as the factors leading to the better ranking of MMS-1 in plant above and below-ground mass and physiology. Pure Mars (MMS-1) and Lunar (LHS-1) simulants were able to sustain plant growth even in absence of fertilisation, but the amendment with the monogastric manure significantly improved above- and below-ground plant biomass; moreover, the maximum lettuce leaf production, across combinations of simulants and amendment rates, was obtained in treatments resulting in a finer root system. Increasing rates of monogastric manure stimulated the growth of microbial biomass and enzymatic activities, such as dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphomonoesterase, which, in turn, fostered nutrient bioavailability. Consequently, nutrient uptake and translocation into lettuce leaves were enhanced with manure supply, with positive outcomes in the nutritional value of edible biomass for space crews. The best crop growth response was achieved with the 70:30 simulant/manure mixture due to good availability of nutrients and water compared to low amendment rates, and better-saturated hydraulic conductivity compared to high organic matter application. A 70:30 simulant/manure mixture is also a more sustainable option than a 50:50 mixture for a BLSS developed on ISRU strategy. Matching crop growth performance and (bio)chemical, mineralogical, and physico-hydraulic characteristics of possible plant growth media for space farming allows a better understanding of the processes and dynamics occurring in the experimental substrate/plant system, potentially suitable for an extra-terrestrial BLSS.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(19)2022 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36236215


In the last decade, research on Corylus avellana has focused on improving field techniques and hazelnut quality; however, climatic change and sustainability goals call for new agronomic management strategies. Precision management technologies could help improve resource use efficiency and increase grower income, but research on remote sensing systems and especially on drone devices is still limited. Therefore, the hazelnut is still linked to production techniques far from the so-called Agriculture 4.0. Unmanned aerial vehicles platforms are becoming increasingly available to satisfy the demand for rapid real-time monitoring for orchard management at spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions, addressing the analysis of geometric traits such as canopy volume and area and vegetation indices. The objective of this study is to define a rapid procedure to calculate geometric parameters of the canopy, such as canopy area and height, by methods using NDVI and CHM values derived from UAV images. This procedure was tested on the young Corylus avellana tree to manage a hazelnut orchard in the early years of cultivation. The study area is a hazelnut orchard (6.68 ha), located in Bernalda, Italy. The survey was conducted in a six-year-old irrigated hazelnut orchard of Tonda di Giffoni and Nocchione varieties using multispectral UAV. We determined the Projected Ground Area and, on the Corylus avellana canopy trough, the vigor index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the CHM (Canopy Height Model), which were used to define the canopy and to calculate the tree crown area. The projection of the canopy area to the ground measured with NDVI values > 0.30 and NDVI values > 0.35 and compared with CHM measurements showed a statistically significant linear regression, R2 = 0.69 and R2 = 0.70, respectively. The ultra-high-resolution imagery collected with the UAV system helped identify and define each tree crown individually from the background (bare soil and grass cover). Future developments are the construction of reliable relationships between the vigor index NDVI and the Leaf Area Index (LAI), as well as the evaluation of their spatial-temporal evolution.

Corylus , Árvores , Folhas de Planta , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Solo
PLoS One ; 17(4): e0267219, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35476844


The current social context requires an increase in food production, improvement of its quality characteristics and greater environmental sustainability in the management of agricultural systems. Technological innovation plays a great role in making agriculture more efficient and sustainable. One of the main aims of precision farming (PF) is optimizing yield and its quality, while minimizing environmental impacts and improving the efficient use of resources. Variable rate techniques (VRT) are amongst the main management options for PF, and they require spatial information. This work incorporates maps of soil properties from low induction electromagnetic measurements into nitrogen (N) balance calculations for a field application of VRT nitrogen fertilization of (Triticum durum Desf., var. Tirex). The trial was conducted in 2018-19 at Genzano di Lucania (PZ, Italy) geologically located on the clayey hillsides of the Bradanica pit and the Sant'Arcangelo basin. Three soil homogeneous areas were detected through low induction electromagnetic measurements and used as uniform management zones. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer to be applied by VRT was calculated on the base of estimated crop nitrogen uptake and soil characteristics of each homogeneous area. Crop response to VRT was compared to uniform nitrogen application (UA) on the whole field. The application of VRT resulted in a reduction of 25% nitrogen fertilizer with the same level of yield respect to UA. Grain protein content, as well as gluten content and N content, were significantly higher in VRT than in UA. As a consequence of lower nitrogen input and higher levels of N removal, VRT reached a higher nitrogen use efficiency than UA, and this indicates a lower environmental impact and a higher economic profitability.

Nitrogênio , Triticum , Fertilização , Fertilizantes/análise , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Solo , Triticum/metabolismo
Plants (Basel) ; 11(2)2022 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35050047


Early root traits and allometrics of wheat are important for competition and use of resources. They are under-utilized in research and un-explored in many ancient wheats. This is especially true for the rhizosheath emerging from root-soil interactions. We investigated root morphology, root/shoot relations and the amount of rhizosheath of four tetrapoid wheat seedlings (30 days after emergence): the italian landrace Saragolle Lucana and modern varieties Creso, Simeto and Ciclope, and tested the hypothesis that inoculation with Trichoderma harzianum T-22 (T-22) enhances rhizosheath formation and affects wheat varieties differently. Overall growth of non-inoculated plants showed different patterns in wheat varieties, with Saragolle and Ciclope at the two extremes: Saragolle invests in shoot rather than root mass, and in the occupation of space with highest (p < 0.05) shoot height to the uppermost internode (5.02 cm) and length-to-mass shoot (97.8 cm g-1) and root (more than 140 m g-1) ratios. This may be interpreted as maximizing competition for light but also as a compensation for low shoot efficiency due to the lowest (p < 0.05) recorded values of optically-measured chlorophyll content index (22.8). Ciclope invests in biomass with highest shoot (0.06 g) and root (0.04 g) mass and a thicker root system (average diameter 0.34 mm vs. 0.29 in Saragolle) as well as a highest root/shoot ratio (0.95 g g-1 vs. 0.54 in Saragolle). Rhizosheath mass ranged between 22.14 times that of shoot mass in Ciclope and 43.40 in Saragolle (different for p < 0.05). Inoculation with Trichoderma increased the amount of rhizosheath from 9.4% in Ciclope to 36.1% in Simeto and modified root architecture in this variety more than in others. Ours are the first data on roots and seedling shoot traits of Saragolle Lucana and of Trichoderma inoculation effects on rhizosheath. This opens to new unreported interpretations of effects of Trichoderma inoculation on improving plant growth.

J Sci Food Agric ; 101(14): 6010-6019, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33855720


BACKGROUND: Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a functional food from Central America. Interest in it is growing rapidly due to the many health benefits from the seed. However, when chia is grown at high latitudes, seed yield may be low whereas a high stem biomass and immature inflorescences are produced. Little is known about the chemical composition and the properties of stems and flowers. In this work, the metabolite profile, the antioxidant activity, and the total polyphenol content of stems and inflorescences were evaluated in a factorial experiment with different chia populations (commercial black chia and long-day flowering mutants G3, G8, and G17) and irrigation (100% and 50% of evapotranspiration). RESULTS: The results show the influence of irrigation and seed source on the antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of chia flower and stem. Inflorescences exhibit higher antioxidant activity, suggesting their potential use as natural antioxidant. The mutants G3 and G8, at 50% irrigation, contained the highest amounts of compounds with nutraceutical value, especially within the flower. The mutant G17 showed lower antioxidant activity and polyphenol content compared to other seed sources but exhibited high omega 3 content in flowers but low in stems. This indicates that chia varieties should be chosen according to the objective of cultivation. CONCLUSION: These findings, indicating a close relation of metabolite content with irrigation and seed source, may provide the basis for the use of chia flower and stem for their nutraceutical value in the food, feed, and supplement industries. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

Antioxidantes/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Salvia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Salvia/metabolismo , Irrigação Agrícola , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , América Central , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Flores/química , Flores/genética , Flores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Flores/metabolismo , Metabolômica , Mutação , Extratos Vegetais/metabolismo , Caules de Planta/química , Caules de Planta/genética , Caules de Planta/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Caules de Planta/metabolismo , Salvia/química , Salvia/genética , Água/análise , Água/metabolismo