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Chemistry ; 29(7): e202202740, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36322698


Mercuric oxide is a well-known and stable solid, but the diatomic molecule Hg-O is very fragile and does not survive detection in the gas phase. However, laser ablation of Hg atoms from a dental amalgam alloy target into argon or neon containing about 0.3 % of 16 O2 or of 18 O2 during their condensation into a cryogenic matrix at 4 K allows the formation of O atoms which react on annealing to make ozone and new IR absorptions in solid argon at 521.2 cm-1 for Hg-16 O or at 496.4 cm-1 for Hg-18 O with the oxygen isotopic frequency ratio 521.2/496.4=1.0499. Solid neon gives a 529.0 cm-1 absorption with a small 7.8 cm-1 blue shift. CCSD(T) calculations found 594 cm-1 for Hg16 O and 562 cm-1 for Hg18 O (frequency ratio=1.0569). Such calculations usually produce harmonic frequencies that are slightly higher than the anharmonic (observed) values, which supports their relationship. These observed frequencies have the isotopic shift predicted for Hg-O and are within the range of recent high-level frequency calculations for the Hg-O molecule. Spectra for the related mercury superoxide and ozonide species are also considered for the first time.

Chemistry ; 28(5): e202103142, 2022 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34897851


An investigation of pulsed-laser-ablated Zn, Cd and Hg metal atom reactions with HCN under excess argon during co-deposition with laser-ablated Hg atoms from a dental amalgam target also provided Hg emissions capable of photoionization of the CN photo-dissociation product. A new band at 1933.4 cm-1 in the region of the CN and CN+ gas-phase fundamental absorptions that appeared upon annealing the matrix to 20 K after sample deposition, and disappeared upon UV photolysis is assigned to (Ar)n CN+ , our key finding. It is not possible to determine the n coefficient exactly, but structure calculations suggest that one, two, three or four argon atoms can solvate the CN+ cation in an argon matrix with C-N absorptions calculated (B3LYP) to be between 2317.2 and 2319.8 cm-1 . Similar bands were observed in solid krypton at 1920.5, in solid xenon at 1935.4 and in solid neon at 1947.8 cm-1 . H13 CN reagent gave an 1892.3 absorption with shift instead, and a 12/13 isotopic frequency ratio-nearly the same as found for 13 CN+ itself in the gas phase and in the argon matrix. The CN+ molecular ion serves as a useful infrared probe to examine Ng clusters. The following ion reactions are believed to occur here: the first step upon sample deposition is assisted by a focused pulsed YAG laser, and the second step occurs on sample annealing: (Ar)2 + +CN→Ar+CN+ →(Ar)n CN+ .

Inorg Chem ; 60(23): 17649-17656, 2021 Dec 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34747602


The reactions of laser-ablated Ce, Sm, Eu, and Lu atoms with acetonitrile were studied by matrix infrared spectra in a neon matrix, and M←NCCH3, M-η2-(NC)-CH3, and CN-M-CH3 were identified with isotopic substitution and quantum chemical calculations. The major product is the insertion complex (CN-M-CH3), while the end-on and side-on complexes (M←NCCH3 and M-η2-(NC)-CH3) are also trapped in the matrix. The CCN antisymmetric stretching mode for Ce-η2-(NC)-CH3 was observed at 1536.9 cm-1, which is much lower than the same modes observed for other lanthanides. NBO analysis reveals that Ce exhibits a remarkable 4f-orbital contribution in bonding to N and to C, reconfirming an active 4f-orbital contribution of cerium in bonding in the side-on complex, while the 4f contributions of Sm and Eu to the M-N and M-C bonds are much lower and the 4f orbital of Lu is not involved in bonding.

Chemphyschem ; 22(18): 1914-1934, 2021 09 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34390101


Zinc and cadmium atoms from laser ablation of the metals and mercury atoms ablated from a dental amalgam target react with HCN in excess argon during deposition at 5 K to form the MCN and MNC molecules and CN radicals. UV irradiation decreases the higher energy ZnNC isomer in favor of the lower energy ZnCN product. Cadmium and mercury atoms produce analogous MCN primary molecules. Laser ablation of metals also produces plume radiation which initiates H-atom detachment from HCN. The freed H atom can add to CN radical to produce the HNC isomer. The argon matrix also traps the higher energy but more intensely absorbing isocyanide molecules. Further reactions with H atoms generate HMCN and HMNC hydrides, which can be observed by virtue of their C-N stretches and intense M-H stretches. Computational modeling of IR spectra and relative energies guides the identification of reaction products by providing generally reliable frequency differences within the Zn, Cd and Hg family of products, and estimating isotopic shifts using to 13 C and 15 N isotopic substitution for comparison with experimental data.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(28): 6189-6197, 2021 Jul 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34255520


The products in reactions of laser-ablated boron atoms with cyanogen in excess argon have been identified via investigation of the matrix spectra and their variation on photolysis, annealing, and isotopic substitutions. DFT calculations have been performed for the plausible products and reaction paths, providing helpful guides. B-NCCN and B-η2-(NC)-CN were observed in the original deposition spectra, but they disappear on photolysis with λ > 220 nm while more stable NCBCN, CNBCN, and CNBNC were produced. Besides these primary products, high-order products [(NC)2B-NCCN, (CN)(NC)B-NCCN, (CN)2B-NCCN, and (NC)2B-B(CN)2] were also observed, which increased in the later stage of annealing. Our calculations show that initially produced B-NCCN is interconvertible to B-η2-(NC)-CN and the more stable boron cyanide and isocyanide, consistent with the observed results. The formation of high-order products demonstrates that boron highly prefers the trivalent state in reactions with cyanogen, similar to aluminum.

Inorg Chem ; 60(9): 6421-6432, 2021 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33856808


Reactions of group 11 metals with cyanogen, N≡C-C≡N, in excess argon and neon have been carried out, and the products were identified via examination of the matrix spectra and their variation upon photolysis, annealing, and isotopic substitutions. Density functional theory calculations provided helpful information for the plausible products and reaction paths. While M···NCCN and M···CNCN were observed in all three metal systems, the cyanide and isocyanide products (NCMCN, NCMNC, and CNMNC) were identified only in the Cu reactions, and M···C(N)CN was identified in the Cu and Au spectra. Intrinsic reaction coordinate calculation results along with the observed spectral variation upon photolysis and annealing suggest that Cu···C(N)CN was the pathway to cyanide and isocyanide. The product absorptions with exceptionally high C-N stretching frequencies in the Au system have been tentatively assigned to a cation [Au···NCCN+]. The group 11 metal cyanides and isocyanides that require two chemical bonds to the central metal are energetically favorable only in the lightest metal system.

Chemphyschem ; 22(2): 204-220, 2021 01 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33351234


Cadmium atoms from laser ablation react with cyanogen, NC=CN, in excess argon during co-deposition at 4 K, and even more on UV irradiation of the cold samples. Final annealing to 35 K increases bands at 2187.3 and 2089.2 cm-1 at the expense of weaker bands at 2194.6 and 2092.2 cm-1 through addition of another cadmium atom. Reaction products were identified by comparison with B3LYP and CCSD(T) computed frequencies and energies, through frequency differences between Zn and Cd products, and by cyanogen isotopic substitution. The CN radical, ZnNC, and CdNC were observed on sample deposition. Hg arc ultraviolet (UV) irradiation activates the insertion of Cd and Zn to form the NCCdCN, CNCdNC, NCZnCN and CNZnNC molecules. Next annealing increased the dimetal products NCCdCdCN, CNCdCdNC, NCZnZnCN, and CNZnZnNC at the expense of their single metal analogs. Laser ablated mercury amalgam also produced NCHgCN, NCHg-HgCN, CNHgNC and CNHg-HgNC. The Group12 metals form both cyanide and isocyanide products, and the argon matrix also traps the higher energy but much more intensely absorbing isocyanides. In the isocyanide case bond polarity results in very intense infrared absorptions. Group 12 metals produce shorter M-M bonds in the dimetal cyanides NCM-MCN and isocyanides CNM-MNC than in the M-M itself, and their computed M-M bond lengths compare favorably with those measured for dimetal complexes stabilized by large ring containing molecular ligands.

Inorg Chem ; 59(20): 15438-15446, 2020 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33028072


Reactions of laser-ablated silver atoms with tetrahalomethanes have been carried out in excess argon, and the products were identified via examination of the matrix spectra and their variation on photolysis and annealing. While production of the insertion products (CX3-AgX) was evident in all Ag reactions, different sets of product absorptions were also observed in the higher frequency region (1260-720 cm-1). They increased on photolysis but decreased on annealing, opposite to the absorptions of the insertion products. They have been assigned to weakly bound complexes of CX3 and AgX (X2CX···AgX), which were generated in halogen abstraction by the metal atom from CX4. These Cl-mediated Ag complexes are only slightly higher in energy than the insertion products due to the d10s1 electron configuration of the group 11 metal. NBO analyses reveal that the CX3 radical is coordinated to an ionic species (Ag+Cl-) via electron-rich X. The product absorptions marked "m" in the previous Au + CX4 study also most probably originated from the weakly bound product, which is more stable than the methylidene (X2C-AuX2).

Inorg Chem ; 59(9): 6489-6495, 2020 May 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32320223


The cyanogen complexes of iridium, palladium, and platinum were prepared via the reactions of noble metal atoms with cyanogen in argon matrixes, and the product structures were determined by infrared spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. These complexes were predicted to possess linear geometries with the metal center coordinated by the nitrogen atom of cyanogen in end-on fashions. On the basis of the B3LYP calculations, doublet, singlet, and singlet spin states are most stable for [Ir(NCCN)], [Pd(NCCN)], and [Pt(NCCN)]. Bonding analysis revealed the presence of electron donation from the polarized σ orbital of cyanogen into the empty metal dz2 orbital and back-donation from the metal dxz/yz orbitals to the 2πu orbitals of cyanogen, the latter of which destabilizes the C-N bond and stabilizes the C-C bond. Such an effect causes an increase in C-N bond length by 0.01-0.015 Å and a decrease in C-C bond length by 0.013-0.02 Å for noble-metal-cyanogen complexes in comparison to the same bond in neutral cyanogen, and this is also consistent with the changes in vibrational frequencies. Although [Ir(NCCN)], [Pd(NCCN)], and [Pt(NCCN)] were formed spontaneously during sample annealing, neither cyanide nor isocyanide product was observed in the experiments, which is different from the cases of early transition, lanthanide, and actinide metals.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 59(6): 2496-2504, 2020 Feb 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31802605


Cyanogen diluted in argon was reacted with laser ablated Zn atoms to produce the NCZnCN and NCZnZnCN cyanides and higher energy isocyanides ZnNC, CNZnNC, and CNZnZnNC, which were isolated in excess argon at 4 K. These reaction products, identified from the matrix infrared spectra of their -CN and -NC chromophore ligand stretching modes, were confirmed by 13 C and 15 N isotopic substitution and comparison with frequencies calculated by the B3LYP and CCSD(T) methods using the all electron aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. The cyanide and isocyanide products were increased markedly by mercury arc UV photolysis, which covers the zinc atomic absorption. The above electronic structure calculations that produce appropriate ligand frequencies for these dizinc products also provide their Zn-Zn bond lengths: CCSD(T) calculations find a short 2.367 ŠZn-Zn bond in the NCZnZnCN cyanide, a shorter 2.347 ŠZn-Zn bond in the 37.4 kJ mol-1 higher energy isocyanide CNZnZnNC, and a longer 4.024 Šbond in the dizinc van der Waals dimer. Thus, the diatomic cyanide (-CN) and isocyanide (-NC) ligands are as capable of stabilizing the Zn-Zn bond as many much larger ligands based on their measured and our calculated Zn-Zn bond lengths. This is the first example of dizinc complexes stabilized by different ligand isomers. Additional weaker bands in this region can be assigned to the analogous trizinc molecules NCZnZnZnCN and CNZnZnZnNC.

Inorg Chem ; 58(23): 16194-16204, 2019 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31710217


Reactions of laser-ablated Fe, Ru, and Pt atoms with acetonitrile have been carried out in excess argon, and the products identified in the matrix spectra. CH3CN→Fe and Fe-η2-(NC)-CH3 observed in the original deposition spectra converted to CH3-FeNC on uv irradiation. CH3CN→Ru, the only product detected in the Ru system, dissociated on uv irradiation, but was partly reproduced on subsequent visible irradiation and annealing. Similar behavior was found for CH3CN→Pt. The major products (CH3-FeNC, CH3CN→Ru, and CH3CN→Pt) are the most stable constituents in the previously proposed reaction path for Group 4, 5, 6, and 7 metal atoms and acetonitrile, parallel with the previous results. The Group 8 metal π-coordination products are weakly bound complexes due to limited back-donation to the π*-orbitals of CH3CN. Calculations show that the Fe insertion product has a much less bent structure than the Ru analogue, in line with its higher s-character from the first row transition-metal to the C-Fe bond, and the group 8 metal methylidenes are not agostically distorted. The Pt to N bond in CH3CN→Pt is the strongest of all the metals we have investigated owing in large part to its higher electron affinity, which prevents nitrogen lone pair density from entering the pi* orbitals of the C-N group.

Inorg Chem ; 58(19): 13418-13425, 2019 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31549826


The boron-transition-metal triple-bond complexes FB≡MF2 (M= Ir, Os, Re, W, Ta) were trapped in excess solid neon and argon through metal atom reactions with boron trifluoride and identified by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. The FB≡MF2 molecule features very high 11B-F stretching frequencies at 1586.6 cm-1 (Ir), 1526.6 cm-1 (Os), 1505.5 cm-1 (Re), and 1453.2 cm-1 (W), respectively. The very high strength of B≡M bonds with triple-bonding character is confirmed by EDA-NOCV calculations and the active molecular orbital and NBO analysis. The experimental observation of FB stabilization by heavy transition-metal atoms with triple bonds opens the door to design new boron-transition-metal complexes.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(38): 8208-8219, 2019 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31441657


Laser ablation of metallic Ce and Nd reacting with cyanogen in excess argon during codeposition at 4 K forms Ce(NC)x and Nd(NC)x for x = 1-3, which are identified from their matrix infrared spectra using cyanogen substituted with 13C and 15N. The electronic structure calculations were performed for isocyano and cyano Cd and Nd compounds for up to n = 4. The frequencies were calculated at the density functional theory level with three different functionals as well as correlated molecular orbital theory (MP2) and are consistent with the experimental assignments and the corresponding 12C/13C isotopic frequency ratios for the isocyano species. The computed frequencies for the analogous cyanide complexes are significantly higher than those for the isocyano isomers, and they are not observed in the spectra. The high spin isocyano complexes are the lowest energy structures. On the basis of the natural population analysis results, the bonding in 4CeNC and 6NdNC is essentially purely ionic with the Ce/Nd in the +I-oxidation state. The bonding for disocyano (3Ce(NC)2 and 5Nd(NC)2) and triisocyano (2Ce(NC)3 and 4Nd(NC)3) complexes is still quite ionic with the lanthanide in the +II and +III formal oxidation states, respectively. For 1Ce(NC)4, the oxidation state is best described as being between +III and +IV. Formation of 5Nd(NC)4 does not really change the electron configuration on the Nd from that in 4Nd(NC)3 and the oxidation state on the Nd remains at +III. Although Nd compounds with up to 3 NC- groups have more ionic binding than do the corresponding Ce compounds, Ce(NC)4 has more ionic binding than does Nd(NC)4. The ionic nature of isocyano Ce and Nd complexes decreases as the number of isocyano groups increases. The energetics of formation of the isocyano Ce and Nd complexes using cyanogen or CN radicals are calculated to be mostly due to exothermic processes, with the exothermicity decreasing as the number of isocyano groups increases.

Inorg Chem ; 58(15): 9796-9810, 2019 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31306010


A collection of 3d transition metal (V, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) oxyfluorides were prepared via the reactions of laser-ablated metal atoms and OF2 in an argon matrix, and the products were identified by infrared spectroscopy together with 18OF2 substitution. OMF2 is the major product from the reactions of metal atoms and OF2. The tetravalent metal center is coordinated to two fluorine atoms and one oxygen atom. Triatomic OMF molecules were observed in the reactions of V, Mn, Fe, and Co with OF2. In addition to OMF and OMF2, OMnF3 and OFeF3 were also formed presumably via the reactions of OMnF and OFeF with F2 resulting from photodecomposition of OF2. The seldom observed OF radical was produced in all of these experiments. Electronic structure calculations at the density functional theory and molecular orbital theory including electron correlation effects (CCSD(T) and CASPT2) levels are used to aid in the assignment of the structures. For OMF (M = Sc-Mn), the structures are bent and those for M = Fe-Cu are linear. The OMF2 molecules are optimized to be C2v structures. Both OMF and OMF2 have a high spin ground state, with the exception of OCoF2 in which the ground state quartet is the lower energy structure. The M-O stretching frequency is a sensitive measure of the computational method in terms of the bond angle, the coupling of the M-O and M-F stretches, and the amount of spin on the oxygen. A bonding analysis in terms of the CAS orbitals shows that a number of the structures have a multireference character after M = Cr. Oxidation states of the metal are given based on the CASPT2 results. Heats of formation for the OMF and OMF2 are reported.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(29): 6259-6268, 2019 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31242731


Tin insertion products (oxidation state 2+) were observed in reactions of laser-ablated Sn atoms with ethane, and halomethanes in excess argon, parallel to the Pb reactions. The CSnX bond angles of the observed Sn complexes are close to right angles, and natural bond orbital calculations show that Sn also utilizes mostly its p-orbitals to make chemical bonds. Bridged Sn complexes [CX2(X)-SnX] were also provided in reactions of tetrahalomethanes via photo-isomerization of the insertion products, showing that the p-orbitals of Sn are more accessible than those of Pb. These products were identified from the matrix infrared spectra on the basis of isotopic shifts and density functional theory frequencies. Considering the previously reported high-oxidation-state products of the lighter group 14 elements and the Pb products with primarily oxidation state 2+ because of the relativistic effects, the observed Sn complexes show a trend that the high-oxidation-state complexes are less favored with increasing atomic mass in group 14, which is opposite to that observed in transition-metal columns.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 58(34): 11874-11878, 2019 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31219679


Mercury atoms, laser-ablated from an amalgam dental filling target, react with cyanogen in excess argon during condensation at 4 K to form two major products in the 2200 cyanide M-C-N stretching region of the IR spectrum, which were assigned to NCHgCN and NCHgHgCN from their antisymmetric C-N stretching mode absorptions at 2213.8 and 2180.1 cm-1 . Two broader bands in the isocyanide region at 2098.2 and 2089.6 cm-1 were assigned to CNHgNC and CNHgHgNC. The N-bonded isomers were computed to be 603/33 and 823/69 times more intense IR absorbers than the C-bonded isomers at the CCSD level of theory. The dissociation energy for the NCHg-HgCN molecule into two HgCN molecules was calculated to be 296 kJ mol-1 and that for CNHg-HgNC into two HgNC molecules is 304 kJ mol-1 . These simple molecules with two cyanide or two isocyanide ligands have two of the shortest and strongest known Hg-Hg single bonds as the two electronegative CN ligands withdraw antibonding electron density from the bonding region.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(17): 3743-3760, 2019 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30939012


Laser-ablated group 2 metal atoms exhibit different reactivities with (CN)2 in excess argon and neon during condensation at 4 K. UV irradiation (220-290 nm) is required to activate Be to produce the linear CNBeNC di-isocyanide molecule with a strong antisymmetric C-N stretching band at 2104.3 cm-1 and a C-N-Be-N-C stretching mode at 1265.7 cm-1. The di-isocyanide appears at lower frequency and exhibits more nitrogen and less carbon isotopic shift than the cyanide counterpart, which is confirmed by B3LYP isotopic frequency calculations. Two weak bands were observed for the cyanide NCBeCN, and three absorptions were found for the mixed ligand CNBeCN molecule, which would be difficult to synthesize and put into a bottle. Mg reacts with (CN)2 to form the CNMgNC counterpart at 2085.8 cm-1 on annealing to 25 K. Absorptions for the Ca(NC)2, Sr(NC)2, and Ba(NC)2 molecules at 2060.8, 2048.1, and 2045.9 cm-1 increase on sample annealing with these more reactive heavier alkaline earth metal atoms, which have calculated twisted bowtie side-bound (CN) structures of C2 symmetry with shorter computed M-N than M-C distances. NBO calculations for the latter molecules reveal natural charges of +1.54, 1.64, 1.71 e on the metal centers and - 0.77, 0.82, and 0.855 e on the corresponding CN subunits, with a doubly occupied sp-sp σ and two p-p π bonds on each (CN), which supports an ionic model for bonding in these molecules. A weaker band at 2056.6 cm-1 behaves nearly the same as the Ca bowtie band in the spectrum on 25 K annealing and photolysis, and it is assigned to the 6 kJ/mol higher-energy linear CNCaNC isomer. Additional similar sharp absorptions for a new Ca, Sr, and Ba reaction product at 2036.3, 2040.6, and 2036.0 cm-1 increase on annealing at the expense of adjacent broader bands: B3LYP and NBO calculations validate their assignment to ionic hexagonal C2 h (MNC)2 rings from the reaction of two M atoms with (CN)2.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(5): 1051-1061, 2019 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30620590


Strong absorptions for Cl--HCCl2 with D and 13C isotopes were observed in the spectra of CHCl3 codeposited with laser-ablated metal atoms, cations, electrons, and vacuum ultraviolet radiation, which shows that the precursor is an effective electron scavenger. The IR spectra, isotopic shifts, and DFT calculations identified the major product as Cl--HCCl2, which is characterized by a strong, broad C-H stretching mode interacting with the overtone of the H-C-Cl bending fundamental. These absorptions decreased on subsequent annealing and photolysis treatments while the ClHCl- absorptions increased, suggesting that dissociation of the chloroform anion generates the stable symmetrical hydrogen dichloride anion as does the reaction of HCl and Cl-. A new set of strong, broad absorptions in the deposition spectra that diminished on the early annealing and photolysis are assigned to the Cl-ClCCl radical isomer. Dominant spectral features in the C-H stretching region for the experiments with CH2Cl2 are assigned to the symmetric C-H and the antisymmetric Cl-H-C-H stretching bands of the methylene chloride anion Cl--HCHCl. The stronger, broader, lower frequency bands are due to the hydrogen-bonded hydrogen stretching, and the weaker, sharper, higher frequency absorptions are due to the terminal C-H bond stretching. Similar experiments with CHBr3 produced absorptions for the analogous Br--HCBr2 and BrHBr- anions.

Chemistry ; 25(7): 1795-1805, 2019 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30637816


Uranium and thorium hydrides are known as functional groups for ligand stabilized complexes and as isolated molecules under matrix isolation conditions. Here, the new molecular products of the reactions of laser-ablated U and Th atoms with HCl and with HBr, namely HUCl, HUBr and HThCl, HThBr, based on their mid and far infrared spectra in solid argon, are reported. The assignment of these species is based on the close agreement between observed and calculated vibrational frequencies. The H-U and U-35 Cl stretching modes of HUCl were observed at 1404.6 and 323.8 cm-1 , respectively. Using DCl instead to form DUCl gives absorption bands at 1003.1 and 314.7 cm-1 . The corresponding bands of HThCl are 1483.8 (H-Th) and 1058.0 (D-Th), as well as 340.3 and 335.8 cm-1 (Th-35 Cl), respectively. HUBr is observed at 1410.6 cm-1 and the BP86 computed shift from HUCl is 6.2 cm-1 in excellent agreement. The U-H stretching frequency increases from 1383.1 (HUF), 1404.6 (HUCl), 1410.6 (HUBr) to 1423.6 cm-1 (UH) as less electronic charge is removed from the U-H bond by the less electronegative substituent. These U-H stretching frequencies follow the Mayer bond orders calculated for the three HUX molecules. A similar trend is found for the Th counterparts. Additional absorptions are assigned to the H2 AnX2 molecules (An=U, Th, X=Cl, Br) formed by the exothermic reaction of a second HX molecule with the above primary products.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(45): 8911-8922, 2018 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30354123


The insertion products of laser-ablated Pb atom reactions with ethane and mono-, di-, tri-, and tetrahalomethanes in excess argon were prepared and identified from their matrix infrared spectra on the basis of DFT computed frequencies and observed isotopic shifts. Unlike the lighter elements in group 14, the heaviest member lead exists primarily in the oxidation state 2+ using 6p orbitals in reaction products due to relativistic contraction of the 6s orbital. The C-Pb-X (X = H, F, Cl) bond is close to a right angle, indicating that Pb contributes mostly p-character to the C-Pb and Pb-X bonds. The lead reaction product with ethane is CH3CH2-Pb-H. The lower energy product in the CH2FCl reaction is CH2F-PbCl, which is photoisomerized to CH2Cl-PbF. A lead methylidene (CCl2-PbCl2) was identified only in reactions with CCl4. The relatively small energy difference between the insertion and methylidene products in the tetrachloride system allows photochemical conversion from the insertion product to the unusual 3+ Pb oxidation-state methylidene. In this case Pb uses three p orbitals in bonding and C is sp2 hybridized leaving spin paired but not bonding by symmetry single electrons in the C 2p orbital perpendicular to the CCl2 plane and in the Pb 6s orbital. More often lead uses 6p orbitals in bonding due to the high electronic promotion energy for 6s electrons.