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Vopr Virusol ; 63(1): 36-40, 2018 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36494995


The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the neutralization test (NT) are often used to determine the level of seropositive population and to evaluate the immunogenicity of vaccines. ELISA provides information on the total pool of antiviral antibodies, while NT allows the antiviral protection level of a person to be estimated. It is assumed that the 1:100 titer in ELISA and the 1:10 titer in NT are protective. Obviously, the ratio of the total pool and virus neutralizing antibodies can vary as a result of natural immunization or vaccination. In this study, two methods were used to study the blood serum samples taken in a group of inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region aged from 1 to 60 years. The samples were collected before immunization and 30 days after two immunizations with inactivated vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis of different manufacturers. Immunizations were performed either according to a standard scheme (30-day interval between immunizations), or according to an emergency scheme (14-day interval). It was shown that the data on the presence of antiviral antibodies in protective titers obtained by ELISA and NT were consistent in more than 85% of cases. The discrepancies between the data are due, in the first place, to the difference in the sensitivities of the two methods. The proportion of seropositive people according to NT data is always greater than that according to the results of ELISA. Nevertheless, among 174 children, about 5% of recipients after a double immunization were seropositive according to ELISA, but did not have neutralizing antibodies in protective titers.

Vopr Virusol ; 62(2): 73-80, 2017 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36494931


About 3,000 cases of TBE are registered annually in the Russian Federation. Vaccination is the main way to prevent the tick-borne encephalitis disease. Comparative study of the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a new vaccine «Tick-E-Vac¼ was held. Volunteers aged from 16 years old were twice immunized with the vaccines «Tick-E-Vac¼ or «Encevir¼ derived from strains of Far East subtype of TBE virus, according to standard and emergency schemes. The clinical study was randomized, comparative, blind, and controlled. The frequency, intensity, time of occurrence, and duration of local and general reactions had been recorded. The titers of antiviral antibodies in ELISA had been determined to assess the immunological efficacy of vaccination. According to the results of the clinical study, the severity of local and general reactions in initial seronegative recipients was weak or moderate. The symptoms were usually manifested within 1-2 days after injection and persisted for not more than 4 days, after which time the symptoms disappeared. There was no statistically significant difference in the reactogenicity of the vaccines after the first and after the second injection. The reactogenicity also did not depend on the gender of recipients. After the first immunization, the level of seroprotection was not less than 43%; the average geometric titer of antibodies (GTA), not less than 1:200. After the second injection, the level of seroprotection reached 90-100%; GTA, not less than 1:500. The data on the reactogenicity and immunogenicity to the original seropositive recipients is not significantly different from the data for the initial seronegative recipients. The data indicate weak reactogenicity of the vaccines «Tick-E-Vac¼ and «Encevir¼. Double vaccination with an interval of 14 or 30 days leads to the formation of expressed immune response. Thus, differences in the level of seroprotection and in antiviral titers in the cases of the standard and emergency vaccination schedules are not statistically significant. The correlation between the development in recipients of local and general symptoms and the immunological efficacy of the vaccines has not been identified.