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Nurs Rep ; 13(4): 1342-1353, 2023 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37873820


Nursing education and formation is still heterogenous in spite of The Bologna Declaration in 1999. Apart from the existence of basic curriculum standards, universities have flexibility regarding its design. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of contemporary nursing education and contrast it with the legal frameworks in place in four Southern European countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece. A scoping review was conducted in order to revise and obtain an up-to-date review of current nursing education and quality. Then, a content evaluation of the legal public framework was conducted. A total of nine articles were included in the review. Data analysis evoked three main themes from the results: nursing education heterogeneity owing to ECTS increased from 180 to 240 for the diversity of clinical practice hours; the nursing framework lacked a definition; and the evolution of nursing education, alongside quality improvement and more accurate guidelines were required. Regarding their legal framework, the main directives and legislation standards were assessed and compared with the current curriculum. To conclude, nursing heterogeneity education evokes competence inequality among students and future professionals as larger curricular programs (240 ECTS) offer more clinical practice. Nursing education uniformity could enhance international mobility and promote knowledge exchange and nursing competence framework definitions. These are facts that certainly bring nursing empowerment. This study was not registered.

Rev. port. enferm. saúde mental ; (spe7): 31-36, out. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1150114


CONTEXTO: A felicidade como medida do bem-estar, tem vindo a ganhar importância na última década. Contudo, o mundo moderno, impõe cada vez mais exigências aos indivíduos, promovendo altos níveis de ansiedade, depressão e stress, que por sua vez podem influenciar negativamente a felicidade. OBJETIVO(S):Identificar os níveis de felicidade, ansiedade, depressão e stress dos docentes, pessoal não docente e estudantes do ensino superior; identificar relações entre a felicidade e a ansiedade, depressão e stress. MÉTODOS:Estudo transversal, descritivo, correlacional e inferencial. Amostra de 732 indivíduos de institutos politécnicos: 189 docentes; 121 pessoal não docente; e 422 estudantes. Utilizou-se um questionário online, com questões socioprofissionais, uma parte com o Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, e a terceira parte com a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress. RESULTADOS:Verificou-se que o cluster dos alunos é o que apresenta menores níveis de felicidade e níveis superiores de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress. O grupo com níveis mais elevados de felicidade é dos docentes (M=4.26; DP=.663), bem como em termos de Ansiedade (M=2.56; DP=3.022), Depressão (M=3.32; DP=3.667) e Stress (M=5.94; DP=4.109). Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas para a felicidade entre os grupos e correlações negativas baixas a moderadas entre o nível de felicidade e as dimensões de saúde mental sob estudo. CONCLUSÕES: Verificou-se uma relação entre os níveis de ansiedade, depressão e stress e o nível de felicidade. Propomos que este estudo deverá ser aprofundado para identificar as possíveis causas que provocam o baixo nível de felicidade e os altos níveis de ansiedade, depressão e stress dos estudantes.

BACKGROUND: Happiness as a measure of well-being has been gaining importance in the last decade. However, the modern world imposes more and more demands on individuals, promoting high levels of anxiety, depression and stress, which in turn can negatively influence happiness. AIM: To identify the levels of happiness, anxiety, depression and stress of teachers, non-teaching staff and students of higher education; to identify relationships between happiness and anxiety, depression and stress. METHODS: Cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational and inferential study. Sample of 732 individuals from polytechnic institutes: 189 teachers; 121 non-teaching staff; and 422 students. An online questionnaire was used, with socio-professional questions, one part with the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, and the third with the Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale. RESULTS: It was verified that the students are those with lower levels of happiness and higher levels of Anxiety, Depression and Stress. The group with the highest levels of happiness is the group of teachers (M = 4.26, SD = .663), as well as in terms of Anxiety (M = 2.56, SD = 3.022), Depression (M = 3.32, SD = Stress (M = 5.94, SD = 4.109). There were statistically significant differences for happiness among several of the groups and low to moderate negative correlations between the level of happiness and the dimensions of mental health under study. CONCLUSIONS: There was a relationship between levels of anxiety, depression and stress and the level of happiness. We propose that this study should be deepened to identify the possible causes that cause the low level of happiness and the high levels of anxiety, depression and stress of the students.

CONTEXTO: La felicidad como medida del bienestar, ha venido a ganar importancia en la última década. Sin embargo, el mundo moderno, impone cada vez más exigencias a los individuos, promoviendo altos niveles de ansiedad, depresión y estrés, que a su vez pueden influenciar negativamente la felicidad. OBJETIVO(S): Identificar los niveles de felicidad, ansiedad, depresión y estrés de los docentes, personal no docente y estudiantes de la enseñanza politécnica; identificar relaciones entre la felicidad y la ansiedad, la depresión y el estrés. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, correlacional e inferencial. Muestra de 732 individuos de enseñanza superior: 189 docentes; 121 personal no docente; y 422 estudiantes. Se utilizó un cuestionario online, con cuestiones socioprofesionales, una parte con el Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, y la tercera parte con la Escala de Ansiedad, Depresión y Stress. RESULTADOS: Se verificó que los alumnos son los que presentan menores niveles de felicidad y niveles superiores de Ansiedad, Depresión y Stress. El grupo con mejores niveles de felicidad es el grupo de los docentes (M = 4.26, DP = .663), así como en términos de Ansiedad (M = 2.56, DP = 3.022), Depresión (M = 3.32, DP = 3.667) Stress (M = 5.94, DP = 4.109). Se verificaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la felicidad entre varios grupos y correlaciones negativas bajas a moderadas entre el nivel de felicidad y las dimensiones de salud mental bajo estudio. CONCLUSIONES: Se verificó una relación entre los niveles de ansiedad, depresión y estrés y el nivel de felicidad. Proponemos que este estudio debe profundizarse para identificar las posibles causas que provocan el bajo nivel de felicidad y los altos niveles de ansiedad, depresión y estrés de los estudiantes.

Transfus Apher Sci ; 58(2): 147-151, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30639083


BACKGROUND: Undergraduate students are a target for blood donation, as they constitute a young healthy and well-informed group. AIM: To understand motivations and attitudes underpinning the act of blood donation among undergraduate health science students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study enrolling undergraduate students of a College of Health Sciences in the Northeast of Portugal (January/February, 2017). Data collection tool was a self-administered questionnaire covering questions about motivations (n = 8) and attitudes (n = 5) towards the act of blood donation. Participants were classified by donation status into donors (one previous donation) and non-donors (never donated). Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess the association between each attitude and motivation on donation status. Odds-ratio (OR) and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) adjusted for potential confounders, were obtained. RESULTS: Out of 362 participants, 12.7% (n = 46) had ever donated blood and 56.5% (n = 26) of them were regular donors. Out of 316 non-donors, 88.0% (n = 278) will donate blood under request. There were no differences between donors and non-donors regarding the attitudes towards blood donation. From all motivations only "be a civic duty" had a significant impact on donor status, such that participants reporting this motivation are more likely to be blood donors (OR = 2.58; IC95%:1.34-4.99) than their counterparts. CONCLUSION: This study revealed that 80.0% of undergraduate health science students are non-donors, but they are available to donate blood under request. Campaigns and advertising methods focused on the emergent needs for blood donation could play an important role in the recruitment of new donors among undergraduate students.

Doadores de Sangue/psicologia , Adulto , Atitude , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Motivação , Estudantes , Adulto Jovem
Rev. port. enferm. saúde mental ; (spe6): 98, nov. 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1101833


CONTEXTO: O suicídio é um problema de saúde pública, associado a muito sofrimento e milhares de mortes em todo mundo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar tendências da taxa de suicídio (TS) na Península Ibérica nas últimas quatro décadas. METODOLOGIA: Estudo descritivo de tendências. A TS anual foi obtida através da OCDE. Modelos de regressão segmentada estimaram a variação anual percentual (%VA) e respetivo intervalo de confiança a 95% (IC95%), estratificando por país e género. RESULTADOS: Em homens portugueses, a TS reduziu significativamente 1,3% ao ano (IC95%:-1,8;-0,7) para 1971-1993 e de 10,3% ao ano (IC95%:-16,0;-4,5) para 1993-1999 e, após tendência crescente (%VA=30,2;IC95%: -2,9;74,9) até 2002, reduziu significativamente (%VA=-1,7:IC95%:-3,2;-0,2) atingindo 13,1/100.000 em 2013. Em homens espanhóis, houve aumento significativo de 14% ao ano (IC95%:0,5;29,3) para 1981-1984 e de 0,9% ao ano (IC95%:0,3;1,6) para 1984-1997, inverteu a tendência (%VA=-1,7;IC95%:-2,3;-1,2) entre 1997 e 2011, mostrando depois tendência crescente até 2013 quando atingiu 10,8/100.000. Nas mulheres portuguesas, houve aumento significativo de 2,8% ao ano (IC95%:1,1;4,5) até1984, reverteu a tendência (%VA=-5,7: IC95%:-7,0;-4,2) entre 1984 e 2000 e, após tendência crescente, houve decréscimo significativo (%VA=-3,5; IC95%:-5,9;-1,1) até 2013 quando atingiu 3,4/100.000. Em Espanha a TS em mulheres aumentou significativamente 7,7% ao ano (IC95%:5,5;9,8) para 1979-1987, reverteu até 1992 (%VA=-4,4; IC95%:-8,2;-0,4), após uma tendência crescente até 1996, diminuiu 2,1% ao ano (IC95%:-8,2; -0,4) para1996-2011, apresentando tendência crescente (%VA=13,2;IC95%:-0,29;28,5) para 2011-2013 quando atingiu 3,4/100.000. CONCLUSÃO: Em Portugal a TS observada nos últimos anos mostra uma tendência decrescente, este trabalho salienta a magnitude da problemática que não deve ser ignorada.

BACKGROUND: Suicide is a public health problem, associated with much suffering and thousands of deaths worldwide AIM: To evaluate time-trends in suicide rates (SR) in Iberian Peninsula over four decades. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive study of trends. The SR (1971-2013) was obtained from OECD database. Annual percent change (APC) in SR and respective 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were obtained by using joinpoint regression models, stratified by gender and country. RESULTS: Among Portuguese males, SR reduced by 1.3% (95%CI: -1.8; -0.7) and by 10.3% (CI95 %: -16.0; -4.5) per year for time-periods 1971-1993 and 1993-1999, respectively. After an increasing trend (%VA=30.2; CI95%:-2.9;74.9) between 1999 and 2002, SR decreased (%VA=-1.7; IC95%:-3.2;-0.2) up to 2013 and reached 13.1/100,000. Among Spanish men there was an increase in SR by 14% (95%CI:0.5;29.3) and 0.9% (95%CI:0.3;1.6) per year, for time-periods 1981-1984 and 1984-1997, respectively, which reverted up to 2011 (%VA=-1.7;95%CI:-2.3;-1.2). An increasing trend was observed up to 2013 when SR reached 10.8/100,000. Among Portuguese women, SR significantly increased (%VA=2.8;95%CI:1.1;4.5) up to 1984 which reverted (%VA=-5.7;95%CI:-7.0;-4.2) between 1984 and 2000. After an increasing trend up to 2003, SR significantly decreased (%VA=3.5;95%CI:- 5.9,-1.1), reaching 3.4/100,000 in 2013. Among Spanish women, SR increased (%VA=7.7;95%CI:5.5;9.8) between 1979 and 1987, which reverted up to1992 (%VA=-4.4;95%CI:-8.2;-0.4). After an upward trend between 1992 and 1996, SR decreased by 2.1% per year (95%CI:-8.2;-0.4) up to 2011, however an increasing trend (%VA=13.2 95% CI:-0.29 to 28.5) up to 2013 when SR reached 3.4/100,000. CONCLUSION: Although SR in Portugal presented a decreasing trend, results highlighted the magnitude of SR which should be addressed by stakeholders.

CONTEXTO: El suicidio es un problema de salud pública, asociado a mucho sufrimiento y miles de muertes en todo el mundo. OBJECTIVO: Evaluar tendencias de la tasa de suicidio (TS) en la Península Ibérica en las últimas cuatro décadas. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo de tendencias. La TS anual fue obtenida a través de la OCDE. Los modelos de regresión segmentada estimaron la variación anual porcentual (% VA) y su intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC95%), estratificando por país y género. RESULTADOS: En los hombres portugueses, TS reduce significativamente el 1,3% (IC del 95%: - 1,8; -0,7) para 1971-1993 y el 10,3% por año (95% intervalo de confianza: - 16,0, - (4,5) para 1993-1999 y, tras una tendencia creciente (% VA = 30,2, IC95%: - 2,9; 74,9) hasta 2002, se redujo significativamente (% VA = -1,7: IC95%: En los hombres españoles, hubo un aumento significativo del 14% al año (IC95%: 0,5, 29,3) para 1981-1984 y de 0,3 , El 9% al año (IC95%: 0,3, 1,6) para 1984-1997, se ha invertido la tendencia (% VA = -1,7, IC95%: - 2,3, -1,2) entre 1997 y En el año 2011, mostrando una tendencia creciente hasta 2013 cuando alcanzó los 10,8 / 100.000. En mujeres portuguesas, un aumento significativo de 2,8% por año (95% CI: 1,1; 4,5) hasta 1984, la tendencia se invirtió (VA = -5,7%: 95%:- 7,0,-(4) entre 1984 y 2000 y, tras una tendencia creciente, hubo un descenso significativo (% VA = -3,5, IC95%: - 5,9, -1,1) hasta 2013 cuando alcanzó 3,4 / 100.000. En España, la TS en mujeres aumentó significativamente un 7,7% al año (IC95%:5,5; 9,8) para 1979-1987, se volvió a 1992 (% VA=-4,4; IC95%: - 8,2 (0,4), después de una tendencia creciente hasta 1996, disminuyó un 2,1% al año (IC95%: - 8,2, -0,4) para el año 1996, con tendencia creciente (% VA = 13,2; IC95%: - 0,29, 28,5) para 2011-2013 cuando alcanzó 3,4 / 100.000. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar de que en Portugal TS observa en los últimos años muestran una tendencia decreciente, este trabajo pone de manifiesto la magnitud de los problemas no debe ser ignorada.

Nurs Child Young People ; 28(4): 74-5, 2016 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27214442


UNLABELLED: Theme: Multidisciplinary team working. BACKGROUND: Oral colonization starts at birth by vertical transmission. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether mode of delivery influences the oral colonization of infants and contributes to the risk of childhood dental caries. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted in the electronic database Web of Science for articles published from January 1995 to December 2015 by using a set of keywords. RESULTS: From 2,644 citations identified through electronic search, ten studies met the inclusion criteria. According to the studies mode of delivery influences oral microbial density, oral microbial profile and the timing of oral colonization by cariogenic microbiota. However, there are no consistent results concerning either the prevalence of children harboring cariogenic microbiota or the prevalence of early childhood caries by mode of delivery. CONCLUSION: Mode of delivery influences early oral colonization. However, it seems that other determinants rather than mode of delivery could be major contributors to the development of early childhood caries.