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J Craniofac Surg ; 31(1): 107-109, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31633661


BACKGROUND: The full creation of an ear requires 2 reconstruction stages. In the second stage of reconstruction, the cartilaginous framework placed at first stage is separated from the head creating an auriculocephalic sulcus. Then a piece of rib cartilage is placed in the sulcus to maintain this separation and is covered with tissue that allows the integration of a full-thickness skin graft. METHODS: A descriptive study based on the pre and postoperative medical records and photographic archives of patients diagnosed with microtia who underwent separation of the cartilaginous framework from February 2010 to July 2015 in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González. RESULTS: Fifty-four patients met the selection criteria. The temporoparietal fascial flap was performed on 85% (n = 46), and 8 cases with random occipito-temporal fascial flap in association to a dermal regeneration template. The average time at the operating room was 177 minutes in patients with temporoparietal fascial flap versus 84.5 minutes in dermal regeneration template. The complication rate was 25.9% (n = 14), being similar rate with both techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Coverage with dermal regeneration template and random occipito-temporal fascia flap as an alternative use instead of temporoparietal fascial flaps, offers good postoperative results, lower operating times, and similar rate of complications, with the advantage of producing no visible scars and reserve the temporoparietal fascial flap for possible exposure of the cartilaginous framework.

Cartilagem/transplante , Fáscia/transplante , Morbidade , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/cirurgia , Criança , Cicatriz , Microtia Congênita/cirurgia , Cartilagem Costal/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Duração da Cirurgia , Período Pós-Operatório
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 61(4): 22-25, jul.-ago. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-976997


Resumen Introducción: Las anomalías vasculares representan un amplio panorama de distintas lesiones donde los tumores son los más frecuentes. Las malformaciones vasculares suelen presentarse en etapas tardías de la vida secundarias al lento crecimiento y a los síntomas que padecen los pacientes. Debe de darse un manejo multidisciplinario donde el diagnóstico es la piedra angular. Los casos de malformaciones venosas o linfáticas suelen tratarse mediante la resección de la malformación en su totalidad. Presentación del caso clínico: Varón de 35 años de edad quién presenta aumento de volumen y dolor de 3 meses de evolución en la mano derecha. A la exploración física se observa una masa en la región tenar de dicha mano, con bordes bien definidos de aproximadamente 3 × 3 cm, no móvil, adherida a planos profundos, dolorosa a palpación, con hiperestesias en trayecto del nervio mediano. Se realizaron ultrasonido Doppler y resonancia magnética, los cuales sugirieron una lesión vascular. Se realizó exploración quirúrgica y se observó una lesión vascular adherida a las estructuras nerviosa y tendinosa, las cuales se liberaron y se extrajo la tumoración. Se envió la pieza quirúrgica a patología, que reportó hemangioma capilar y venoso. Conclusiones: Las malformaciones vasculares mixtas (venoso y capilar) en la mano son una entidad poco frecuente que requiere de un manejo quirúrgico preciso. Estas lesiones generan síntomas asociados al aumento de volumen, entre los que destacan: dolor, disminución del rango de movimientos. El tratamiento quirúrgico se asocia a una mejoría de los síntomas.

Abstract Introduction: Vascular anomalies in the hand represent a rare disease that needs an accurate diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment. One of the uncommon anomalies is the mixed vascular one. The diagnosis of these malformations is clinical but radiological studies such as magnetic resonance and Doppler ultrasound are mandatory. Once the diagnosis is made, surgery is the next and final step. Recurrence is rare when the entire tumor is resected. Clinical Case Study: A 35-year-old male presented with an increase in volume and pain of three months of evolution in the right hand. On physical examination, a mass in the righthand thenar region was observed, with well-defined edges of approximately 3 x 3 cm, not mobile, adhered to deep planes, painful to palpation, with hyperesthesias in the median nerve pathway. A magnetic resonance and a Doppler ultrasound were applied showing a well-circumscribed tumor. The patient underwent surgery and the whole vascular malformation was removed with no damage of neighbor structures. Pathology reported a venous and capillary hemangioma. Conclusions: Mixed vascular malformations in the hand are uncommon pathologies that require a correct diagnosis and a prompt surgical resolution. The most frequent symptoms associated with these tumors are: tenderness, pain and limitation in the movement of the hand. Surgical treatment is always recommended.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 61(4): 26-29, jul.-ago. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-976998


Resumen Introducción La reconstrucción auricular traumática es un reto para el cirujano plástico. Su objetivo es reproducir y recrear la forma y topografía de la región auricular, haciendo que los estigmas propios de la reconstrucción sean mínimos. Caso clínico Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 5 años de edad, con lesión por mordedura de perro en la oreja derecha, y lesión corto-contusa en pabellón auricular con pérdida de cobertura cutánea, pérdida parcial de cartílago auricular y exposición cartilaginosa a nivel de hélix y porción retroauricular. Se realizó reconstrucción auricular mediante reparación auricular y colgajo retroauricular. En un segundo tiempo quirúrgico, se realizó sección de la base del colgajo, y se logró un adecuado contorno auricular, así como cobertura cutánea definitiva Conclusiones Las lesiones auriculares, por su situación anatómica, son frecuentes en la práctica profesional de un cirujano plástico y reconstructivo. Existen múltiples técnicas quirúrgicas para la reconstrucción de defectos auriculares, sin embargo, el colgajo retroauricular ofrece una técnica sencilla y versátil.

Abstract Introduction Traumatic auricular reconstruction is a challenge for the plastic surgeon. The purpose of this reconstruction is to reproduce and recreate the shape and topography of the auricular region, diminishing the typical stigmas of a reconstruction. Clinical case The case of a 5-year-old male patient with right bite of a dog in a right ear presenting a short-contusional lesion in the auricular hall with loss of cutaneous cover, partial loss of atrial cartilage and cartilage exposure At the level of helix and retroauricular portion. Auricular reconstruction is performed by atrial repair and retroauricular flap. In a second surgical time, a section of the base of the flap is performed, achieving a suitable atrial contour and definitive skin coverage. Conclusions Auricular injuries, due to their anatomical situation, are frequent in the professional practice of a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. There are multiple surgical techniques for the reconstruction of atrial defects, however, the retroauricular flap offers a simple and versatile technique.