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Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(10): 10E127, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21033991


Recently, bayesian probability theory has been used at a number of experiments to fold uncertainties and interdependencies in the diagnostic data and forward models, together with prior knowledge of the state of the plasma, to increase accuracy of inferred physics variables. A new probabilistic framework, MINERVA, based on bayesian graphical models, has been used at JET and W7-AS to yield predictions of internal magnetic structure. A feature of the framework is the bayesian inversion for poloidal magnetic flux without the need for an explicit equilibrium assumption. Building on this, we discuss results from a new project to develop bayesian inversion tools that aim to (1) distinguish between competing equilibrium theories, which capture different physics, using the MAST spherical tokamak, and (2) test the predictions of MHD theory, particularly mode structure, using the H-1 Heliac. Specifically, we report on correction of the motional Stark effect, pickup coils, flux-loop constrained bayesian inferred equilibrium for varying toroidal flux.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(12): 123507, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20059144


Over the past two decades, the increase in neutral-beam heating and alpha particle production in magnetically confined fusion plasmas has led to an increase in energetic particle driven mode activity, much of which has an electromagnetic signature which can be detected by the use of external Mirnov coils. Typically, the frequency and spatial wave number band of such oscillations increase with increasing injection energy, offering new challenges for diagnostic design. In particular, as the frequency approaches the megahertz range, care must be taken to model the stray capacitance of the coil, which limits the resonant frequency of the probe; model transmission line effects in the system, which if unchecked can produce system resonances; and minimize coil conductive shielding, so as to minimize skin currents which limit the frequency response of the coil. As well as optimizing the frequency response, the coils should also be positioned to confidently identify oscillations over a wide wave number band. This work, which draws on new techniques in stray capacitance modeling and coil positioning, is a case study of the outboard Mirnov array for high-frequency acquisition in the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak, and is intended as a roadmap for the design of high frequency, weak field strength magnetic diagnostics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(3): 035002, 2002 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11801066


H-mode plasmas have been achieved on the MAST spherical tokamak at input power considerably higher than predicted by conventional threshold scalings. Following L- H transition, a clear improvement in energy confinement is obtained, exceeding recent international scalings even at densities approaching the Greenwald density limit. Transition is accompanied by an order-of-magnitude increase in edge-density gradient, a marked decrease in turbulence, the efficient conversion of internal electron Bernstein waves into free space waves, and the onset and saturation of edge poloidal rotation.