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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(9): 095101, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38489653


Electrostatic waves play a critical role in nearly every branch of plasma physics from fusion to advanced accelerators, to astro, solar, and ionospheric physics. The properties of planar electrostatic waves are fully determined by the plasma conditions, such as density, temperature, ionization state, or details of the distribution functions. Here we demonstrate that electrostatic wave packets structured with space-time correlations can have properties that are independent of the plasma conditions. For instance, an appropriately structured electrostatic wave packet can travel at any group velocity, even backward with respect to its phase fronts, while maintaining a localized energy density. These linear, propagation-invariant wave packets can be constructed with or without orbital angular momentum by superposing natural modes of the plasma and can be ponderomotively excited by space-time structured laser pulses like the flying focus.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 18966, 2020 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33144599


We present the first 3D fully kinetic simulations of laser driven sheath-based ion acceleration with a kilotesla-level applied magnetic field. The application of a strong magnetic field significantly and beneficially alters sheath based ion acceleration and creates two distinct stages in the acceleration process associated with the time-evolving magnetization of the hot electron sheath. The first stage delivers dramatically enhanced acceleration, and the second reverses the typical outward-directed topology of the sheath electric field into a focusing configuration. The net result is a focusing, magnetic field-directed ion source of multiple species with strongly enhanced energy and number. The predicted improvements in ion source characteristics are desirable for applications and suggest a route to experimentally confirm magnetization-related effects in the high energy density regime. We additionally perform a comparison between 2D and 3D simulation geometry, on which basis we predict the feasibility of observing magnetic field effects under experimentally relevant conditions.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 16653, 2020 Oct 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33024183


A microtube implosion driven by ultraintense laser pulses is used to produce ultrahigh magnetic fields. Due to the laser-produced hot electrons with energies of mega-electron volts, cold ions in the inner wall surface implode towards the central axis. By pre-seeding uniform magnetic fields on the kilotesla order, the Lorenz force induces the Larmor gyromotion of the imploding ions and electrons. Due to the resultant collective motion of relativistic charged particles around the central axis, strong spin current densities of [Formula: see text] peta-ampere/[Formula: see text] are produced with a few tens of nm size, generating megatesla-order magnetic fields. The underlying physics and important scaling are revealed by particle simulations and a simple analytical model. The concept holds promise to open new frontiers in many branches of fundamental physics and applications in terms of ultrahigh magnetic fields.

Phys Rev E ; 102(1-1): 013206, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32795027


A high-intensity laser beam propagating through a dense plasma drives a strong current that robustly sustains a strong quasistatic azimuthal magnetic field. The laser field efficiently accelerates electrons in such a field that confines the transverse motion and deflects the electrons in the forward direction. Its advantage is a threshold rather than resonant behavior, accelerating electrons to high energies for sufficiently strong laser-driven currents. We study the electron dynamics via a test-electron model, specifically deriving the corresponding critical current density. We confirm the model's predictions by numerical simulations, indicating energy gains two orders of magnitude higher than achievable without the magnetic field.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 17181, 2019 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31748597


Conventionally, friction is understood as a mechanism depleting a physical system of energy and as an unavoidable feature of any realistic device involving moving parts. In this work, we demonstrate that this intuitive picture loses validity in nonlinear quantum electrodynamics, exemplified in a scenario where spatially random friction counter-intuitively results in a highly directional energy flow. This peculiar behavior is caused by radiation friction, i.e., the energy loss of an accelerated charge due to the emission of radiation. We demonstrate analytically and numerically how radiation friction can dramatically enhance the energy gain by electrons from a laser pulse in a strong magnetic field that naturally arises in dense laser-irradiated plasma. We find the directional energy boost to be due to the transverse electron momentum being reduced through friction whence the driving laser can accelerate the electron more efficiently. In the considered example, the energy of the laser-accelerated electrons is enhanced by orders of magnitude, which then leads to highly directional emission of gamma-rays induced by the plasma magnetic field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(18): 185003, 2016 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27203330


We use numerical simulations to demonstrate that a source of collimated multi-MeV photons with high conversion efficiency can be achieved using an all-optical single beam setup at an intensity of 5×10^{22} W/cm^{2} that is already within reach of existing laser facilities. In the studied setup, an unprecedented quasistatic magnetic field (0.4 MT) is driven in a significantly overdense plasma, coupling three key aspects of laser-plasma interactions at high intensities: relativistic transparency, direct laser acceleration, and synchrotron photon emission. The quasistatic magnetic field enhances the photon emission process, which has a profound impact on electron dynamics via radiation reaction and yields tens of TW of directed MeV photons for a PW-class laser.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(15): 155001, 2016 04 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27127972


The interaction of a multipicosecond, kilojoule laser pulse with a surface of a solid target has been shown to produce electrons with energies far beyond the free-electron ponderomotive limit m_{e}c^{2}a_{0}^{2}/2. Particle-in-cell simulations indicate that an increase in the pulse duration from 1 to 10 ps leads to the formation of a low-density shelf (about 10% of the critical density). The shelf extends over 100 µm toward the vacuum side, with a nonstationary potential barrier forming in that area. Electrons reflected from the barrier gain superponderomotive energy from the potential. Some electrons experience an even greater energy gain due to ponderomotive acceleration when their "dephasing rate" R=γ-p_{x}/m_{e}c drops well below unity, thus increasing acceleration by a factor of 1/R. Both 1D and 2D simulations indicate that these mechanisms are responsible for the generation of extensive thermal distributions with T_{e}>10 MeV and a high-energy cutoff of hundreds of MeV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(4): 045002, 2014 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580461


We present experimental evidence supported by simulations of a relativistic ionization wave launched into a surrounding gas by the sheath field of a plasma filament with high energy electrons. Such a filament is created by irradiating a clustering gas jet with a short pulse laser (115 fs) at a peak intensity of 5×10(17) W/cm2. We observe an ionization wave propagating radially through the gas for about 2 ps at 0.2-0.5 c after the laser has passed, doubling the initial radius of the filament. The gas is ionized by the sheath field, while the longevity of the wave is explained by a moving field structure that traps the high energy electrons near the boundary, maintaining a strong sheath field despite the significant expansion of the plasma.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(6): 065002, 2013 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23971580


It is shown that electrons with momenta exceeding the "free electron" limit of m(e)ca(0)(2)/2 can be produced when a laser pulse and a longitudinal electric field interact with an electron via a non-wake-field mechanism. The mechanism consists of two stages: the reduction of the electron dephasing rate γ - p(x)/m(e)c by an accelerating region of electric field and electron acceleration by the laser via the Lorentz force. This mechanism can, in principle, produce electrons that have longitudinal momenta that is a significant multiple of m(e)ca(0)(2)/2. 2D particle-in-cell simulations of a relatively simple laser-plasma interaction indicate that the generation of superponderomotive electrons is strongly affected by this "antidephasing" mechanism.