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Animals (Basel) ; 13(15)2023 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37570240


Based on a circular economy approach, we evaluated the possible effect of targeted supplementation with leftover feed from dairy cows (i.e., intensive system) on the reproductive performance of crossbred/rangeland goats (i.e., extensive system) in arid Northern Mexico. During the deep-anestrous season (i.e., March-April, 25° North), multiparous goats (n = 38) with a similar body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) were randomly assigned to two groups: (1) supplemented group (SG; n = 19; BCS: 1.76 ± 0.07; BW: 43.7 ± 1.8 kg), receiving 400 g goat d-1 of dairy-cow-feed leftovers prior to grazing; and (2) non-supplemented group (NS; n = 19; BCS: 1.76 ± 0.06; BW: 44.3 ± 2.5 kg). Both groups were directed to the rangeland for a period of ≈8 h. While the experimental period lasted 36 d, the experimental breeding considered 11 d (d0-d10). The anovulatory status of goats was ultrasonographically confirmed on days -20, -10, and -1 prior to male-female interaction. Previously, bucks were separated for 3 weeks from the experimental females and received exogenous testosterone every third day (i.e., 50 mg i.m.) prior to mating. With respect to the response variables, namely BW, BCS, blood glucose levels (BGLs), estrus induction (GIE, %), latency to estrus (LTE, h), estrus duration (ED, h), and luteal tissue volume (LTV, mm), no differences (p > 0.05) occurred between experimental groups. However, the response variables, namely goats ovulating (GO, %; 78.9 vs. 47.3), total number of corpuses luteum (TNCL, n; 27 vs. 13), ovulation rate (OR, n; 1.42 vs. 0.73), multiple ovulation (MO, %; 73.3 vs. 55.5), and pregnancy rate on d 36 (PRd36, %, 68.4 vs. 36.8), favored (p < 0.05) the SG over the NS goats. Our results demonstrate that connecting the circularity of two divergent ruminant production systems (i.e., cow-intensive and goat-extensive) by using dairy cows' feed leftovers as a targeted supplementation strategy in anestrous goats under a marginal-rangeland production system enhanced out-of-season reproductive outcomes (i.e., ovulation rate and pregnancy rate), thus benefiting marginal goat producers and their families.

Ecol Evol ; 12(2): e8590, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35222963


Climate change and other global change drivers threaten plant diversity in mountains worldwide. A widely documented response to such environmental modifications is for plant species to change their elevational ranges. Range shifts are often idiosyncratic and difficult to generalize, partly due to variation in sampling methods. There is thus a need for a standardized monitoring strategy that can be applied across mountain regions to assess distribution changes and community turnover of native and non-native plant species over space and time. Here, we present a conceptually intuitive and standardized protocol developed by the Mountain Invasion Research Network (MIREN) to systematically quantify global patterns of native and non-native species distributions along elevation gradients and shifts arising from interactive effects of climate change and human disturbance. Usually repeated every five years, surveys consist of 20 sample sites located at equal elevation increments along three replicate roads per sampling region. At each site, three plots extend from the side of a mountain road into surrounding natural vegetation. The protocol has been successfully used in 18 regions worldwide from 2007 to present. Analyses of one point in time already generated some salient results, and revealed region-specific elevational patterns of native plant species richness, but a globally consistent elevational decline in non-native species richness. Non-native plants were also more abundant directly adjacent to road edges, suggesting that disturbed roadsides serve as a vector for invasions into mountains. From the upcoming analyses of time series, even more exciting results can be expected, especially about range shifts. Implementing the protocol in more mountain regions globally would help to generate a more complete picture of how global change alters species distributions. This would inform conservation policy in mountain ecosystems, where some conservation policies remain poorly implemented.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 26(3): 193-200, jul.-set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-691194


Background: high environmental temperature coupled with high humidity can result in reproductive failure in dairy cattle, with a drastic reduction in reproductive efficiency of dairy herds. Objective: to study the effect of high environmental temperature on reproduction performance of Holstein cows treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) throughout lactation in an arid environment. Methods: reproductive variables (n=18,037 services) from a large dairy herd were evaluated with respect to the maximum temperaturehumidity index (THI) prior to breeding, on the breeding day, and after breeding. The GENMOD procedure of SAS was used to assess the effect of THI and month of breeding on pregnancy by artificial insemination (P/AI). Results: increased THI from ≤ 70 to ≥ 95 units was associated with a decrease in P/AI from 47% to 26%. P/AI for cows inseminated on extremely hot days (THI= 85 to 90) preceded by cooler temperatures was six percent points higher than cows subjected to high temperatures before breeding. P/AI was higher (p<0.05) from January to March (39% to 41%) compared with the rest of the year (27% to 35%). The average number of inseminations per pregnancy was higher (p<0.05) from May to July (3.0 to 3.4) compared to other months (2.1 to 3.0). Conclusions: in this particular hot-arid environment (maximum temperature >38 ºC most of the year, and 230 mm mean annual rainfall), heat stress shortly before or after breeding severely compromises the breeding success of high yielding Holstein cows.

Antecedentes: la asociación entre temperaturas ambientales elevadas y alta humedad conduce a fallas reproductivas, disminuyendo la fertilidad de hatos lecheros. Objetivo: determinar el efecto de temperaturas ambientales elevadas sobre el comportamiento reproductivo de vacas Holstein mantenidas en un ambiente árido y cálido y tratadas con hormona del crecimiento (rbST) durante toda la lactancia. Métodos: las variables reproductivas (n=18037 servicios) de una explotación comercial fueron evaluadas con respecto al máximo índice temperatura humedad (THI) antes, durante y después de la inseminación de las vacas. El procedimiento GENMOD de SAS se utilizó para determinar el efecto del THI y el mes de inseminación sobre las tasas de preñez (P/AI). Resultados: el incremento del THI de ≤ 70 a ≥ 95 unidades se asoció con una disminución en el P/AI de 47% a 26%. El P/AI para las vacas inseminadas en días con un ITH de 85 a 90, pero con temperaturas menos cálidas antes de la inseminación, fue de seis puntos porcentuales más altos (30% vs. 36%) que en las vacas expuestas a ITH más altos antes de la inseminación. El P/AI fue mayor (p<0,05) de enero a marzo (39% a 41%) comparado con el resto de los meses del año (27-35%). El número de servicios por preñez fue mayor (p<0,05) de mayo a julio (3,0 a 3,4) que en los otros meses del año (2,1 a 3,0). Conclusiones: en este ambiente extremadamente caliente (temperaturas máximas > 38 °C la mayor parte del año) y árido (promedio de precipitación anual de 230 mm), el estrés calórico poco antes o después de la inseminación disminuye drásticamente las probabilidades de establecer una gestación en vacas de alta producción de leche.

Antecedentes: a associação entre alta temperatura e umidade no ambiente pode originar problemas reprodutivos, diminuindo o índice de fertilidade dos rebanhos leiteiros. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da elevada temperatura ambiente sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas da raça Holandês mantidas num ambiente quente e árido, as quais foram tratadas com somatotropina bovina recombinante (rBST) durante toda a lactação. Métodos: as variáveis reprodutivas (n = 18037 serviços) de um rebanho leiteiro foram avaliadas em relação ao máximo índice de temperatura-umidade (THI), antes, durante e depois da inseminação artificial das vacas. O procedimento GENMOD do SAS foi usado para avaliar o efeito do THI e do mês de reprodução sobre as taxas de gestação por inseminação artificial (P/AI). Resultados: o aumento do THI de ≤ 70 para ≥ 95 unidades foi associado com a diminuição no índice P/AI, de 47% a 26%. Em dias com THI de 85 - 90, mas com menor temperatura ambiental antes da inseminação, o índice P/AI foi 6% maior do que nas vacas expostas a superior THI. O índice P/AI foi maior (p<0,05) de janeiro a março (39% a 41%), em comparação aos outros meses do ano (27 a 35%). O número médio de inseminações por prenhez foi superior (p<0,05) de maio a julho (3,0 a 3,4) quando comparado aos outros meses do ano (2,1 a 3,0). Conclusões: em ambiente quente e seco (temperaturas máximas > 38°C a maior parte do ano, média de precipitação anual de 230 mm) o estresse térmico antes e depois da inseminação reduz drasticamente a possibilidade de estabelecer uma gestação em vacas de alta produção de leite.