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J Virol Methods ; 256: 89-99, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29530481


Geminiviruses are devastating single-stranded DNA viruses that infect a wide variety of crops in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Tomato, which is a host for more than 100 geminiviruses, is one of the most affected crops. Developing plant models to study geminivirus-host interaction is important for the design of virus management strategies. In this study, "Florida Lanai" tomato was broadly characterized using three begomoviruses (Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV; Tomato mottle virus, ToMoV; Tomato golden mosaic virus, TGMV) and a curtovirus (Beet curly top virus, BCTV). Infection rates of 100% were achieved by agroinoculation of TYLCV, ToMoV or BCTV. Mechanical inoculation of ToMoV or TGMV using a microsprayer as well as whitefly transmission of TYLCV or ToMoV also resulted in 100% infection frequencies. Symptoms appeared as early as four days post inoculation when agroinoculation or bombardment was used. Symptoms were distinct for each virus and a range of features, including plant height, flower number, fruit number, fruit weight and ploidy, was characterized. Due to its small size, rapid growth, ease of characterization and maintenance, and distinct responses to different geminiviruses, "Florida Lanai" is an excellent choice for comparing geminivirus infection in a common host.

Geminiviridae/genética , Doenças das Plantas/virologia , Solanum lycopersicum/virologia , Análise de Variância , Genoma Viral , Fenótipo , Ploidias
Arch Virol ; 148(9): 1697-712, 2003 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14505083


Over the last decade, the tomato production in Cuba has been affected by new whitefly-associated diseases. In addition to the well-documented presence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) along the island, the occurrence of bipartite begomoviruses has also been reported. One of them, tentatively named Tomato mottle Taino virus (ToMoTV), has now been cloned and characterized at the molecular level. Its genomic organization is similar to other bipartite geminiviruses. Phylogenetic analyses placed ToMoTV in a subcluster with other geminiviruses isolated in the Caribbean Basin: Tomato mottle virus (ToMoV), Bean dwarf mosaic virus, Abutilon mosaic virus, Sida golden mosaic virus and Potato yellow mosaic virus (PYMV). Biolistic inoculation of tobacco and tomato plants with cloned viral DNA showed that ToMoTV pseudorecombines with PYMV-GP as predicted by the identity of their iterative elements, whereas it does not show the same ability with ToMoV, even when their replication-associated proteins (Rep and REn) show the highest percentage of similarity. A comparative analysis of Rep proteins from begomoviruses that are able to produce viable reassortants suggests that some key elements for virus replication specificity are located in the first ten amino acids of this protein.

Geminiviridae/genética , Solanum lycopersicum/virologia , Replicação Viral , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Sequência de Bases , Clonagem Molecular , Geminiviridae/fisiologia , Genoma Viral , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Recombinação Genética
Plant Dis ; 86(9): 1049, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818538


Macroptilium lathyroides (L) is a weed that is widely distributed in Cuba. Frequently, leaves show bright yellow mosaic symptoms, which suggest the incidence of a viral disease. Since begomovirus occurrence in Macroptilium lathyroides has been previously reported in other islands of the Caribbean (1,3), symptomatic plants from three distant places in Cuba (Havana, Villa Clara, and Camaguey), were collected and tested for the presence of begomoviruses. Plant DNA extracts were analyzed by Southern blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction with two sets of degenerate primers (2). The presence of a bipartite begomovirus was evident through strong hybridization signals obtained with the DNA-A and DNA-B of Taino tomato mottle virus as probes at low stringency. Furthermore, 1.4-kb and 1.2-kb PCR amplified fragments were obtained with DNA-A degenerate primers, PAL1v1978-PAR1c715 and PAL1c1960-PAR1v722, respectively. Both PCR fragments from the samples from the three locations were cloned, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 1.4-kb fragments were performed using PstI, EcoRI, HincII, XbaI and BglII. Restriction fragment patterns were the same for the three clones. The DNA-A sequence (GenBank Accession No. AJ344452) of the isolate from Villa Clara was compared with sequences available for other geminiviruses using CLUSTAL program. For the coat protein (CP) gene, the comparisons had the highest percentage of identity with various strains of Bean golden yellow mosaic virus (BGYMV, GenBank Accession Nos. AF173555, M91604, and L01635) (85 to 87% and 93 to 94%, nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively). For Rep gene (1,044 nt), the best percentages of identities were with BGYMV (81 to 82% and 80 to 82% nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively), Tomato leaf crumple virus (GenBank Accession No. AF101476) (78 and 81%, nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively), and Sida golden mosaic virus from Florida (GenBank Accession No. AF049336) (78 and 79%, nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively). Finally, the comparative analysis of the intergenic region (i.e. the common region plus the CP gene promoter) had the highest identity with BGYMV (56 to 55%) and Tomato severe rugose virus (GenBank Accession No. AY029750) (49%). Interestingly, this virus has in this region the three G-box elements that are characteristic of BGYMV but it differs in the Rep protein-binding iterative motif that is GGTGA instead of GGAGA, for BGYMV. These data indicate that this virus is a new begomovirus and the name of Macroptilium yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) is proposed. References: (1) A. M. Idris et al. Plant Dis. 83:1071, 1999. (2) M. R. Rojas et al. Plant Dis. 77:340, 1993. (3) M. E. Roye et al. Plant Dis. 81:1251, 1997.

Plant Dis ; 86(6): 692, 2002 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30823249


After a tobacco virus outbreak associated with whiteflies in Chiapas, Mexico, we conducted a survey to detect the presence of begomoviruses. Previously, two tobacco-infecting geminiviruses were reported in the same geographical area: Texas pepper virus-Chiapas and Tobacco apical stunt virus (TPV-CPS and TbASV, respectively) (2). DNA extracts from symptomatic tobacco plants (yellow mosaic, severe foliar distortion, and dwarfing) were used to biolistically inoculate tobacco plants (1). After symptom expression, the viruses were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. For the first PCR procedure, the primers used (RepMot: 5'GAGTCTAGAGGATANGTRAGGAAATARTTCTT GGC3' and CPMot: 5'CGCGAATTCGACTGGACCTTACATGGNCCTT CAC3') were designed from conserved regions of the Rep and CP genes, and directed the amplification of a fragment that includes the intergenic region and varies in size from 600 (for New World begomoviruses) to 750 bp (Old World begomoviruses). Cloning of the PCR products (approximately 600 bp) was performed in the pCRII vector (Invitrogene, San Diego, CA), and viral inserts derived from different symptomatic plants were sequenced. Nucleotide sequence comparisons were performed using the Clustal method (MegAlign, DNAStar software, Madison, WI) with GenBank databases. Analysis of the PCR products allowed the identification of two types of viral sequences. The first virus identified was 98% identical to TPV-CPS, whereas the second virus was clearly related to Rhynchosia golden mosaic virus (RhGMV; 91% identity in the amplified region), and 65% identical to Pepper Huasteco virus (PHV). To disclose the identity of the second virus, another set of primers was used, p260 and p261 (4). These primers are located back-to-back in a conserved region of the CP gene, and direct the amplification of a full-length DNA-A from circular templates. The resulting PCR fragment (2.6 kb) was cloned in pCRII and fully sequenced (GenBank Accession No. AF408199). Analysis showed that this tobacco-infecting geminivirus is a strain of the recently described RhGMV from Honduras (3) (overall DNA A sequence identity, 94%; protein similarities: CP, 98.4%; AL1, 93.6%; AL2, 92.8%; and AL3, 91.7%). Comparative analysis of the intergenic regions of RhGMV-Tob, TPV-CPS, and TbASV showed that these viruses display different Ori-associated iterative motifs (iterons): RhGMV-Tob (GGTRT/G), TPV-CPS (GGAGTC), and TbASV (GGTAT). Since iterons are critical determinants of replication specificity, this observation indicates that those viruses are probably unable to form infectious pseudorecombinants in nature. To date, at least three different geminiviruses have been identified from symptomatic tobacco samples in Chiapas (2), showing how complex a geminiviral outbreak can be in a permissive environment. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the presence of RhGMV has been reported in Mexico and also the first time that this virus has been associated with an economically important crop. References: (1) J. Garzon-Tiznado et al. Phytopathology 83:514, 1993. (2) M. Paxidamis et al. Arch. Virol. 144:703, 1999. (3) J. L. Potter et al. Plant Dis. 84:1045, 2000. (4) I. Torres-Pacheco et al. Phytopathology 86:1186, 1996.

Plant Dis ; 83(12): 1178, 1999 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30841154


Geminiviruses are probably the most important viral pathogen affecting tomatoes and other crops in the Caribbean region. In addition to losses previously caused by native virus populations, the introduction of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) into the area has become a major concern for tomato growers (1). Since the detection of TYLCV in Cuba, and later in Florida (2,3), we have been monitoring the tomato- and pepper-growing areas of the Yucatán Peninsula, México, for TYLCV. We also have reanalyzed samples previously collected. Other geminiviruses (pepper huasteco virus [PHV], Texas pepper virus [TPV], and tomato mottle virus [ToMoV]) in the area can cause symptoms similar to those induced by TYLCV, which led us to refine our analysis of samples, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure that can differentiate between monopartite and bipartite begomoviruses based on the size of the amplification product, 750 and 600 bp, respectively. One advantage of using this set of primers is that the PCR product, which includes the amino terminus of the Rep protein, intergenic region, precoat protein, and amino terminus of the coat protein, can be sequenced completely with only one sequencing reaction from each end. Using the primer set, we analyzed samples collected from tomato and pepper fields (as well as from weeds surrounding the fields) from December 1996 until March 1999. In most cases, samples were taken from plants that showed yellowing, curling, and stunting symptoms. Most of the samples that were positive for geminiviruses came from plants infected with PHV or TPV. However, three tomato samples collected during two seasons in Dzidzantun and Yobain counties (northeast of Mérida, Yucatan) produced the larger PCR amplification product (750 bp) expected for monopartite begomoviruses. PCR products were cloned and sequenced to confirm their identity. The sequence was deposited in the GenBank Database (Accession no. AF168709) and compared with all geminivirus sequences deposited in the database. Analysis showed that the amplified fragment from the TYLCV strain present in the Yucatán is 99% identical to the isolate reported in the Dominican Republic and later found in Cuba (2). As previously noted, the isolate is almost identical to TYLCV-Isr (2). In addition to the PCR product, a full-length TYLCV clone was obtained directly from DNA extracts of an infected tomato plant. Further characterization of the full-length clone is underway. The fact that TYLCV was detected in two counties and in samples collected during two seasons confirms the presence of TYLCV in the Yucatán. Interestingly, although the first positive sample for TYLCV was collected during the winter of 1996 and 1997, current incidence is rather low-only two other positive samples have been detected in more recently collected samples. Perhaps the characteristics of the agriculture system in the Yucatán (small, disperse plots) or the presence of other geminiviruses have contributed to a slow spread of the virus. More comprehensive surveys are required to confirm the actual distribution of the pathogen in the area. References: (1) J. E. Polston et al. Plant Dis. 81:1358, 1997. (2) J. E. Polston et al. Plant Dis. 83:984, 1999. (3) P. L. Ramos et al. Plant Dis. 80:1208, 1996.

J Gen Virol ; 78 ( Pt 4): 947-51, 1997 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9129670


The infectivity of several monomeric clones of pepper huasteco virus was investigated. All clones were infectious when inoculated excised from the plasmid DNA. However, only certain clones were infectious when inoculated in the non-excised form. Constructs in which the cloning site lies inside regions or genes involved in replication (e.g. Rep-binding site, rep and AC2-AC3 genes) were not infectious, whereas constructs in which the site was located inside the CP or BC1 genes were infectious. A clone that interrupts the BV1 gene was not infectious suggesting an early of BV1 during the establishment of the infection. Linear viral clones containing different DNA fragments at both extremes were also infectious although with a lower efficiency. Analysis of the progeny suggested a precise excision mechanism since in most cases only wild type virus was recovered. The results suggest that excision could be linked to replication through a very specific recombination process.

Geminiviridae/fisiologia , Replicação Viral , Geminiviridae/patogenicidade , Recombinação Genética , Virulência