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Front Sports Act Living ; 4: 966146, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36187711


The current brief research report aimed to investigate the influence of contextual variables on peak running performance in male elite soccer players. We analyzed 29 matches of an elite soccer team during the Brazilian Serie A 2019. Twenty players were tracked using GPS units. Peak physical performance was determined using moving average running values with different time windows (1, 3, and 5-min periods). The variables analyzed were total distance covered, total distance covered in high-intensity running (≥19.8 km·h-1), and the distance in accelerations (≥2 m·s-2) and decelerations ( ≤-2 m·s-2). Four contextual variables were considered: 1) positional status; 2) match location; 3) match outcome; and 4) match status. Central defenders showed a lower 1-min peak total distance in relation to all other positions (p = 0.001-0.03). Peak physical performance was higher in away matches for high-intensity running, acceleration, and deceleration (p = 0.01-0.03). In matches that ended in losses, peak values for high-intensity running and acceleration were higher compared to draws and wins (p = 0.01-0.04). Regarding the match status, higher values were observed in draws than wins and losses (p = 0.01). Peak running performance vary according to contextual variables of the match in male elite soccer players. Positional differences were found for peak periods, and physical performance was higher in away matches.

Front Sports Act Living ; 3: 778813, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34966895


This study aimed to investigate the effects of contextual variables on running performance in Brazilian professional soccer players. Twenty male players from one club participating in the 1st Division of the Brazilian soccer championship were analyzed during 35 matches. Global Positioning System was used to determine total distance (TD) covered, distance covered and actions in high intensity and sprinting, and the number of accelerations, and decelerations. The independent variables used were match location, match outcome, opposition ranking, change of head coach, and distance traveled to play the matches. Total distance was higher in a way than home matches (9,712 vs. 9,533 m; p ≤ 0.05), and losses than draws and wins (9,846 vs. 9,400 vs. 9,551 m; p ≤ 0.05), whereas distance in sprinting was higher in draws than losses (203 vs. 175 m; p ≤ 0.01). Changing the head coach during the season resulted in overall lower distance covered in high intensity, sprinting, high-intensity actions (p ≤ 0.01), and decelerations (p ≤ 0.05). Higher values for distance covered in sprinting and high intensity were found in matches without travel compared to those with long-travel (p ≤ 0.05). Overall, running performance was affected by the location, match outcome, change of head coach, and distance traveled during the season.

Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 7(1): 145-158, jun. 2016. tabelas
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-832751


Baseados em pesquisas e em nossa experiência profissional, nos sentimos impelidos a buscar caminhos para o trabalho no CRAS, no processo de territorialização. Nossa proposta visa superar a mera divisão do território e identificação de equipamentos e beneficiários dos programas de transferência de renda, a partir da discussão de metodologias que envolvam profissionais e usuários, embasadas no compromisso ético-político com a comunidade. Assim, encontramos na Psicologia Ambiental estratégias pertinentes a esta empreitada. Objetivamos neste artigo apresentar o Instrumento Gerador dos Mapas Afetivos como método capaz de auxiliar o psicólogo do CRAS, no processo de territorialização. No CRAS, os Mapas Afetivos proporcionam um desenho do território em sua integralidade, visibilizando a relação usuário ambiente, a partir dos modos como os sujeitos comunitários implicam-se com seu lugar de moradia (AU).

Based on surveys and our professional experience, we feel impelled to seek ways to work in CRAS in the territorialization process. Our proposal aims to overcome the mere division of the territory and identification of facilities and beneficiaries of income transfer governmental programs as from the discussion of methodologies involving professionals and users, supported on ethical and political commitment to the community. Thus, we find in Environmental Psychology relevant strategies to this endeavor. We aim to present the Affective Maps Generator Instrument as a method able to assist the CRAS' Psychologist in the territorialization process. In CRAS, the Affective Maps provide a design of the studied area in its entirety, enables userenvironment relationship visualization, as from the ways in which community subjects imply with their residence places (AU).

Basados en investigaciones y en nuestra experiencia profesional, nos sentimos impulsados a buscar maneras para el trabajo en el CRAS, en el proceso de territorialización. Nuestra propuesta busca superar la mera división de territorio y la identificación de los equipamientos y los beneficiarios de los programas de transferencia de renta a partir de la discusión de metodologías que incluyan los profesionales y los usuarios, apoyados en el compromiso ético y político con la comunidad. Así, encontramos en la Psicología Ambiental estrategias pertinentes a este esfuerzo. Objetivamos presentar el Generador Instrumento de Mapas Afectivos como método capaz de ayudar al psicólogo en el proceso de territorialización. En el CRAS, los mapas afectivos proporcionan un diseño del área en su totalidad permitiendo la visualización de la relación usuario-medio ambiente, desde el modo como los sujetos de la comunidad se implican con su lugar de moradia (AU).

Prática Psicológica , Afeto , Sistemas Locais de Saúde