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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(28): e2404853121, 2024 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38968118


Strange metals exhibit universal linear-in-temperature resistivity described by a Planckian scattering rate, the origin of which remains elusive. By employing an approach inspired by quantum optics, we arrive at the coherent state representation of lattice vibrations: quantum acoustics. Utilizing this nonperturbative framework, we demonstrate that lattice vibrations could serve as active drivers in the Planckian resistivity phenomenon, challenging prevailing theories. By treating charge carriers as quantum wave packets negotiating the dynamic acoustic field, we find that a competition ensues between localization and delocalization giving rise to the previously conjectured universal quantum bound of diffusion, [Formula: see text], independent of temperature or any other material parameters. This leads to the enigmatic T-linear resistivity over hundreds of degrees, except at very low temperatures. Quantum diffusion also explains why strange metals have much higher electrical resistivity than typical metals. Our work elucidates the critical role of phonons in Planckian resistivity from a unique perspective and reconsiders their significance in the transport properties of strange metals.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(18): 186303, 2024 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38759174


Quantum acoustics-a recently developed framework parallel to quantum optics-establishes a nonperturbative and coherent treatment of the electron-phonon interaction in real space. The quantum-acoustical representation reveals a displaced Drude peak hiding in plain sight within the venerable Fröhlich model: the optical conductivity exhibits a finite frequency maximum in the far-infrared range and the dc conductivity is suppressed. Our results elucidate the origin of the high-temperature absorption peaks in strange or bad metals, revealing that dynamical lattice disorder steers the system towards a non-Drude behavior.

Phys Rev E ; 108(2-1): 024105, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37723725


The quantum size and shape effects are often considered difficult to distinguish from each other because of their coexistence. Essentially, it is possible to separate them and focus solely on the shape effect by considering a size-invariant shape transformation, which changes the discrete energy spectra of strongly confined systems and causes the quantum shape effects. The size-invariant shape transformation is a geometric technique of transforming shapes by preserving the boundary curvature, topology, and the Lebesgue measure of a bounded domain. The quantum shape effect is a quite different phenomenon from quantum size effects, as it can have the opposite influence on the physical properties of nanoscale systems. While quantum size effects can usually be obtained via bounded continuum approximation, the quantum shape effect is a direct consequence of the energy quantization in specifically designed confined geometries. Here, we explore the origin of the quantum shape effect by theoretically investigating the simplest system that can produce the same physics: quantum particles in a one-dimensional box separated by a moving partition. The partition moves quasistatically from one end of the box to the other, allowing the system to remain in equilibrium with a reservoir throughout the process. The partition and the boundaries are impenetrable by particles, forming two effectively interconnected regions. The position of the partition becomes the shape variable. We investigate the quantum shape effect on the thermodynamic properties of confined particles considering their discrete spectrum. In addition, we applied an analytical model based on dimensional transitions to predict thermodynamic properties under the quantum shape effect accurately. A fundamental understanding of quantum shape effects could pave the way for employing them to engineer physical properties and design better materials at the nanoscale.

Phys Rev E ; 107(5-1): 054108, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37328965


Size-invariant shape transformation is a technique of changing the shape of a domain while preserving its sizes under the Lebesgue measure. In quantum-confined systems, this transformation leads to so-called quantum shape effects in the physical properties of confined particles associated with the Dirichlet spectrum of the confining medium. Here we show that the geometric couplings between levels generated by the size-invariant shape transformations cause nonuniform scaling in the eigenspectra. In particular, the nonuniform level scaling, in the direction of increasing quantum shape effect, is characterized by two distinct spectral features: lowering of the first eigenvalue (ground-state reduction) and changing of the spectral gaps (energy level splitting or degeneracy formation depending on the symmetries). We explain the ground-state reduction by the increase in local breadth (i.e., parts of the domain becoming less confined) that is associated with the sphericity of these local portions of the domain. We accurately quantify the sphericity using two different measures: the radius of the inscribed n-sphere and the Hausdorff distance. Due to Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn inequality, the greater the sphericity, the lower the first eigenvalue. Then level splitting or degeneracy, depending on the symmetries of the initial configuration, becomes a direct consequence of size invariance dictating the eigenvalues to have the same asymptotic behavior due to Weyl law. Such level splittings may be interpreted as geometric analogs of Stark and Zeeman effects. Furthermore, we find that the ground-state reduction causes a quantum thermal avalanche which is the underlying reason for the peculiar effect of spontaneous transitions to lower entropy states in systems exhibiting the quantum shape effect. Unusual spectral characteristics of size-preserving transformations can assist in designing confinement geometries that could lead to classically inconceivable quantum thermal machines.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(19)2022 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35168226


Thermoelectric junctions are often made of components of different materials characterized by distinct transport properties. Single material junctions, with the same type of charge carriers, have also been considered to investigate various classical and quantum effects on the thermoelectric properties of nanostructured materials. We here introduce the concept of defect-induced thermoelectric voltage, namely,thermodefect voltage, in graphene nanoribbon (GNR) junctions under a temperature gradient. Our thermodefect junction is formed by two GNRs with identical properties except the existence of defects in one of the nanoribbons. At room temperature the thermodefect voltage is highly sensitive to the types of defects, their locations, as well as the width and edge configurations of the GNRs. We computationally demonstrate that the thermodefect voltage can be as high as 1.7 mV K-1for 555-777 defects in semiconducting armchair GNRs. We further investigate the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductance, and electronic thermal conductance, and also the power factor of the individual junction components to explain the thermodefect effect. Taken together, our study presents a new pathway to enhance the thermoelectric properties of nanomaterials.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(2)2021 Oct 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34654006


Quantum shape effect appears under the size-invariant shape transformations of strongly confined structures. Such a transformation distinctively influences the thermodynamic properties of confined particles. Due to their characteristic geometry, core-shell nanostructures are good candidates for quantum shape effects to be observed. Here we investigate the thermodynamic properties of non-interacting degenerate electrons confined in core-shell nanowires consisting of an insulating core and a GaAs semiconducting shell. We derive the expressions of shape-dependent thermodynamic quantities and show the existence of a new type of quantum oscillations due to shape dependence, in chemical potential, internal energy, entropy and specific heat of confined electrons. We provide physical understanding of our results by invoking the quantum boundary layer concept and evaluating the distributions of quantized energy levels on Fermi function and in state space. Besides the density, temperature and size, the shape per se also becomes a control parameter on the Fermi energy of confined electrons, which provides a new mechanism for fine tuning the Fermi level and changing the polarity of semiconductors.

Entropy (Basel) ; 22(3)2020 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33286068


Quantum Szilard engine constitutes an adequate interplay of thermodynamics, information theory and quantum mechanics. Szilard engines are in general operated by a Maxwell's Demon where Landauer's principle resolves the apparent paradoxes. Here we propose a Szilard engine setup without featuring an explicit Maxwell's demon. In a demonless Szilard engine, the acquisition of which-side information is not required, but the erasure and related heat dissipation still take place implicitly. We explore a quantum Szilard engine considering quantum size effects. We see that insertion of the partition does not localize the particle to one side, instead creating a superposition state of the particle being in both sides. To be able to extract work from the system, particle has to be localized at one side. The localization occurs as a result of quantum measurement on the particle, which shows the importance of the measurement process regardless of whether one uses the acquired information or not. In accordance with Landauer's principle, localization by quantum measurement corresponds to a logically irreversible operation and for this reason it must be accompanied by the corresponding heat dissipation. This shows the validity of Landauer's principle even in quantum Szilard engines without Maxwell's demon.