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J Anim Ecol ; 2024 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38881237


During animal migration, ephemeral communities of taxa at all trophic levels co-occur over space and time. The interactions between predators and prey along migration corridors are ecologically and evolutionarily significant. However, these interactions remain understudied in terrestrial systems and warrant further investigations using novel approaches. We investigated the predator-prey interactions between a migrating avivorous predator and ephemeral avian prey community in the fall migration season. We tested for associations between avian traits and prey selection and hypothesized that prey traits (i.e. relative size, flocking behaviour, habitat, migration tendency and availability) would influence prey selection by a sexually dimorphic raptor on migration. To document prey consumption, we sampled trace prey DNA from beaks and talons of migrating sharp-shinned hawks Accipiter striatus (n = 588). We determined prey availability in the ephemeral avian community by extracting weekly abundance indices from eBird Status and Trends data. We used discrete choice models to assess prey selection and visualized the frequency of prey in diet and availability on the landscape over the fall migration season. Using eDNA metabarcoding, we detected prey species on 94.1% of the hawks sampled (n = 525/588) comprising 1396 prey species detections from 65 prey species. Prey frequency in diet and eBird relative abundance of prey species were correlated over the migration season for top-selected prey species, suggesting prey availability is an important component of raptor-songbird interactions during fall. Prey size, flocking behaviour and non-breeding habitat association were prey traits that significantly influenced predator choice. We found differences between female and male hawk prey selection, suggesting that sexual size dimorphism has led to distinct foraging strategies on migration. This research integrated field data collected by a volunteer-powered raptor migration monitoring station and public-generated data from eBird to reveal elusive predator-prey dynamics occurring in an ephemeral raptor-songbird community during fall migration. Understanding dynamic raptor-songbird interactions along migration routes remains a relatively unexplored frontier in animal ecology and is necessary for the conservation and management efforts of migratory and resident communities.

Durante la migración animal, las comunidades efímeras de taxones de todos los niveles tróficos coexisten en el espacio y el tiempo. Las interacciones entre depredadores y presas a lo largo de los corredores migratorios son significativas desde el punto de vista ecológica y evolutivo. Sin embargo, estas interacciones siguen siendo poco estudiadas en los sistemas terrestres y justifican más investigaciones utilizando enfoques novedosos. Investigamos las interacciones depredador­presa entre un depredador avívoro migratorio y una comunidad de presas aviares efímeras en la temporada migratoria otoñal. Probamos las asociaciones entre los rasgos de las aves y la selección de presas y planteamos la hipótesis de que los rasgos de las presas (tamaño relativo, comportamiento de bandada, hábitat, tendencia migratoria y disponibilidad) influirían en la selección de presas por parte de una rapaz sexualmente dimórfica durante la migración. Para documentar el consumo de presas, recogimos rastros de ADN de presas de picos y garras de Gavilán Americano Accipiter striatus (n = 588) migratorios. Determinamos la disponibilidad de presas en la comunidad de aves efímeras extrayendo índices de abundancia semanales de los datos de eBird Estado y Tendencias. Utilizamos modelos de elección discreta para evaluar la selección de presas y visualizamos la frecuencia de las presas en la dieta y la disponibilidad en el paisaje durante la temporada migratoria otoñal. Utilizando el metacódigo de barras del ADN ambiental, detectamos especies de presas en el 94,1% de los halcones muestreados (n = 525/588), comprendiendo 1396 detecciones de 65 especies de presas. La frecuencia de presas en la dieta y la abundancia relativa de especies de presas en eBird se correlacionaron a lo largo de la temporada de migración para las principales especies de presas seleccionadas, lo que sugiere que la disponibilidad de presas es un componente importante de las interacciones entre aves rapaces y aves canoras durante el otoño. El tamaño de las presas, el comportamiento de las bandadas y la asociación con el hábitat no reproductivo fueron rasgos de presa que influyeron significativamente en la elección de los depredadores. Encontramos diferencias entre la selección de presas de gavilán hembra y macho, lo que sugiere que el dimorfismo sexual de tamaño ha conducido a distintas estrategias de alimentación durante la migración. Esta investigación integró datos de campo recopilados por una estación de monitoreo de migración de rapaces impulsada por voluntarios y datos generados públicamente por eBird para revelar la esquiva dinámica depredador­presa que ocurre en una comunidad efímera de rapaces y aves canoras durante la migración otoñal. Comprender las interacciones dinámicas entre rapaces y aves canoras a lo largo de las rutas migratorias sigue siendo una frontera relativamente inexplorada en la ecología animal y es necesaria para los esfuerzos de conservación y gestión de las comunidades migratorias y residentes.

Ecol Evol ; 12(7): e9121, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35866012


The salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris; RERA) is an endangered species endemic to the coastal wetlands of the San Francisco Estuary, California. RERA are specialized to saline coastal wetlands, and their historical range has been severely impacted by landscape conversion and the introduction of non-native plant and rodent species. A better understanding of their diet is needed to assess habitat quality, particularly in relation to potential competitors. We investigated three questions using DNA metabarcoding with ITS2 and trnL markers: (1) Do RERA specialize on the native plant, pickleweed (Salicornia pacifica), (2) Do RERA consume non-native plants, and (3) What is the dietary niche breadth and overlap with three sympatric native and non-native rodents? RERA diet was dominated by two plants, native Salicornia and non-native salt bush (Atriplex spp.), but included 48 plant genera. RERA diet breadth was narrowest in fall, when they consumed the highest frequencies of Salicornia and Atriplex, and broadest in spring, when the frequencies of these two plants were lowest. Diet breadth was slightly lower for RERA than for co-occurring species in pairwise comparisons. All four species consumed similarly high frequencies of wetland plants, but RERA consumed fewer grasses and upland plants, suggesting that it may be less suited to fragmented habitat than sympatric rodents. Diet overlap was lowest between RERA and the native California vole (Microtis californicus). In contrast, RERA diet overlapped substantially with the native western harvest mouse (R. megalotis) and non-native house mouse (Mus musculus), suggesting potential for competition if these species become sufficiently abundant.

PLoS One ; 15(10): e0240136, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33007017


The critically endangered Amargosa vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis) is found only in rare marsh habitat near Tecopa, California in a plant community dominated by three-square bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus). Since the earliest research on the Amargosa vole, the existing paradigm has been that these voles are obligatorily dependent on bulrush as their only food source and for the three-dimensional canopy and litter structure it provides for predator avoidance. However, no prior research has confirmed the diet of the Amargosa vole. In this study we characterized the Amargosa vole' nutritional needs, analyzed the quality of bulrush by forage analysis, and performed microhistological and metabarcoding analyses of vole feces to determine what foods were consumed in the wild. All bulrush plant tissues analyzed were low in fat (from 0.9% of dry matter in roots to 3.6% in seeds), high in neutral detergent fiber (from 5.9% in rhizomes to 33.6% in seeds), and low in protein (7.3-8.4%). These findings support the conclusion that bulrush alone is unlikely to support vole survival and reproduction. Fecal microhistology and DNA metabarcoding revealed relatively diverse diets including plants in 14 families, with rushes (Juncaceae), bulrushes (Cyperaceae), and grasses (Poaceae) being the most common diet items. On microhistology, all analyzed samples contained bulrush, sedges (Carex sp.), rushes (Juncus sp.), and beaked spikerush (Eleocharis rostrellata) even from marshes where non-bulrush plants were uncommon. There was evidence of insects at <1% in two marshes but none in the remaining marshes. Metabarcoding detected ten genera of plants. When considering non-Schoenoplectus targets, for which metabarcoding had poor sensitivity, saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) was the most commonly detected species, with prominent contributions from seaside arrowgrass (Triglochin concinna) and yerba mansa (Anemopsis californica) as well. Diversity of vole diets generally increased with increasing site plant diversity, but differences were not statistically significant. Confirming details about dietary behaviors is critical for informing appropriate conservation planning including habitat management and reintroduction of voles into new sites.

Arvicolinae/fisiologia , Dieta , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Animais , Arvicolinae/genética , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Fezes , Plantas , Áreas Alagadas
Heredity (Edinb) ; 124(4): 550-561, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31992842


American marten (Martes americana) are a conservation priority in many forested regions of North America. Populations are fragmented at the southern edge of their distribution due to suboptimal habitat conditions. Facilitating gene flow may improve population resilience through genetic and demographic rescue. We used a multiscale approach to estimate the relationship between genetic connectivity and landscape characteristics among individuals at three scales in the northeastern United States: regional, subregional, and local. We integrated multiple modeling techniques and identified top models based on consensus. Top models were used to parameterize resistance surfaces at each scale, and circuit theory was used to identify potential movement corridors. Regional gene flow was affected by forest cover, elevation, developed land cover, and slope. At subregional and local scales, the effects were site specific and included subsets of temperature, elevation, developed land cover, and slope. Developed land cover significantly affected gene flow at each scale. At finer scales, lack of variance in forest cover may have limited the ability to detect a relationship with gene flow. The effect of slope on gene flow was positive or negative, depending on the site examined. Occupancy probability was a relatively poor predictor, and we caution its use as a proxy for landscape resistance. Our results underscore the importance of replication and multiscale approaches in landscape genetics. Climate warming and landscape conversion may reduce the genetic connectivity of marten populations in the northeastern United States, and represent the primary challenges to marten conservation at the southern periphery of their range.

Florestas , Fluxo Gênico , Genética Populacional , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Modelos Genéticos , América do Norte , Estados Unidos