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Sci Adv ; 8(51): eadd3522, 2022 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36542705


Topological states enable robust transport within disorder-rich media through integer invariants inextricably tied to the transmission of light, sound, or electrons. However, the challenge remains to exploit topological protection in a length-scalable platform such as optical fiber. We demonstrate, through both modeling and experiment, optical fiber that hosts topological supermodes across multiple light-guiding cores. We directly measure the photonic winding number invariant characterizing the bulk and observe topological guidance of visible light over meter length scales. Furthermore, the mechanical flexibility of fiber allows us to reversibly reconfigure the topological state. As the fiber is bent, we find that the edge states first lose their localization and then become relocalized because of disorder. We envision fiber as a scalable platform to explore and exploit topological effects in photonic networks.

Phys Rev E ; 104(1-1): 014603, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412316


Chiral edge states can transmit energy along imperfect interfaces in a topologically robust and unidirectional manner when protected by bulk-boundary correspondence. However, in continuum systems, the number of states at an interface can depend on boundary conditions. Here we design interfaces that host a net flux of the number of modes into a region, trapping incoming energy. As a realization, we present a model system of two topological fluids composed of counter-spinning particles, which are separated by a boundary that transitions from a fluid-fluid interface into a no-slip wall. In these fluids, chiral edge states disappear, which implies non-Hermiticity and leads to an interplay between topology and energy dissipation. Solving the fluid equations of motion, we find explicit expressions for the disappearing modes. We then conclude that energy dissipation is sped up by mode trapping. Instead of making efficient waveguides, our paper shows how topology can be exploited for applications towards acoustic absorption, shielding, and soundproofing.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(3): 489-494, 2018 01 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29284745


Topological states can be used to control the mechanical properties of a material along an edge or around a localized defect. The rigidity of elastic networks is characterized by a topological invariant called the polarization; materials with a well-defined uniform polarization display a dramatic range of edge softness depending on the orientation of the polarization relative to the terminating surface. However, in all 3D mechanical metamaterials proposed to date, the topological modes are mixed with bulk soft modes, which organize themselves in Weyl loops. Here, we report the design of a 3D topological metamaterial without Weyl lines and with a uniform polarization that leads to an asymmetry between the number of soft modes on opposing surfaces. We then use this construction to localize topological soft modes in interior regions of the material by including defect lines-dislocation loops-that are unique to three dimensions. We derive a general formula that relates the difference in the number of soft modes and states of self-stress localized along the dislocation loop to the handedness of the vector triad formed by the lattice polarization, Burgers vector, and dislocation-line direction. Our findings suggest a strategy for preprogramming failure and softness localized along lines in 3D, while avoiding extended soft Weyl modes.