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Med Pharm Rep ; 96(4): 400-405, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37970194


Background and aims: To emphasize the importance of laboratory dissections in perfecting surgical techniques. In this paper, we describe the technical details on rabbit dissection for practical applications. Methods: Four New Zealand rabbits were distributed into two groups and underwent anastomosis between the Facial Nerve and Ansa Cervicalis (group 1) and between the Facial Nerve and Hypoglossal Nerve (group 2). They were clinically and neurophysiologically evaluated after ten weeks. Electroneurography with skin electrodes were used to identify the motor activity of the involved muscles and nerves. Facial and ipsilateral tongue reinnervation was analyzed 40 weeks after anastomosis. Evoked electromyographic muscle tension was used to evaluate facial and tongue reinnervation. Results: Facial and ipsilateral tongue reinnervation was analyzed 40 weeks after anastomosis. Recorded evoked potentials showed improvement in facial reinnervation in all four rabbits. Rabbits undergoing FN-HN anastomosis still showed ipsilateral lingual paresis, based on EMG tests. The survival rate was 100%. Conclusions: The laboratory dissection plays a crucial role in training surgical specialists to achieve favorable patient outcomes. Both types of anastomosis can be used to achieve facial reinnervation; however, it is imperative to prevent ipsilateral lingual paralysis that may arise from using the hypoglossal nerve.

J Pers Med ; 13(1)2022 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36675739


Background: For decades, patients with facial asymmetry have experienced social interaction difficulties, leading them to seek treatment in the hope of restoring facial symmetry and quality of life. Researchers evaluated numerous surgical techniques, but achieving results remains a significant hurdle. Specifically, anastomosis between the ansa cervicalis (AC) and facial nerve (FN) can hinder the patient's physical appearance. Objective: Our study goal was to examine the efficiency of anastomosis between AC and FN for facial motor function recovery even in the presence of peripheral neuropathy. Materials and Methods: Four patients diagnosed with facial palsy grade VI on the House & Brackmann Scale (HB) after vestibular schwannoma (VS) resection (Koos grade IV) via the retrosigmoid approach underwent AC and FN anastomosis. Outcomes were related to tumor grade, previous therapy, and the time between postoperative facial palsy and anastomosis. Images and neurophysiological data were evaluated. Results: After vs. resection, all four patients demonstrated HB grade VI facial palsy for an average of 17 months. During the follow-up program, lasting between 6 and 36 months, two patients were evaluated as having HB grade III facial palsy; the other two patients were diagnosed with grade IV HB facial palsy. None of the patients developed tongue atrophy, speech disorder, or masticatordys function. Conclusions: Anastomosis between the AC and FN is a safe and effective treatment for facial paralysis after cerebellopontine tumor resection. Nerve reanimation may be feasible even for patients with peripheral polyneuropathy. This study also offers a new option for patients with a progression-free status.