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bioRxiv ; 2024 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38260273


Biological relatedness is a key consideration in studies of behavior, population structure, and trait evolution. Except for parent-offspring dyads, pedigrees capture relatedness imperfectly. The number and length of DNA segments that are identical-by-descent (IBD) yield the most precise estimates of relatedness. Here, we leverage novel methods for estimating locus-specific IBD from low coverage whole genome resequencing data to demonstrate the feasibility and value of resolving fine-scaled gradients of relatedness in free-living animals. Using primarily 4-6× coverage data from a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) population with available long-term pedigree data, we show that we can call the number and length of IBD segments across the genome with high accuracy even at 0.5× coverage. The resulting estimates demonstrate substantial variation in genetic relatedness within kin classes, leading to overlapping distributions between kin classes. They identify cryptic genetic relatives that are not represented in the pedigree and reveal elevated recombination rates in females relative to males, which allows us to discriminate maternal and paternal kin using genotype data alone. Our findings represent a breakthrough in the ability to understand the predictors and consequences of genetic relatedness in natural populations, contributing to our understanding of a fundamental component of population structure in the wild.

Behav Ecol Sociobiol ; 71(1): 18, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28018027


ABSTRACT: When close relatives mate, offspring are expected to suffer fitness consequences due to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding has previously been quantified in two ways: using a sufficiently large panel of markers or deep and complete pedigrees over several generations. However, the application of both approaches is still limited by the challenge of compiling such data for species with long generation times, such as primates. Here, we assess inbreeding in rhesus macaques living on Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico), a population genetically isolated since 1938, but descendant of a large set of presumably unrelated founders. Using comprehensive genetic data, we calculated inbreeding coefficients (F) for 2669 individuals with complete three generation pedigrees and 609 individuals with complete four generation pedigrees. We found that 0.79 and 7.39% of individuals had an F > 0 when using data from three and four generation pedigrees, respectively. No evidence of an increase in inbreeding over the study period (up to 23 years) was found. Furthermore, the observed mean relatedness of breeding pairs differed significantly from the distribution of parental relatedness expected as simulated based on previous reproductive data, suggesting that kin generally avoid breeding with each other. Finally, inbreeding was not a predictor of early mortality measured as survival until weaning and sexual maturation, respectively. Our results remain consistent with three estimators of inbreeding (standardized heterozygosity, internal relatedness, and homozygosity by loci) using up to 42 highly polymorphic microsatellites for the same set of individuals. Together, our results demonstrate that close inbreeding may not be prevalent even in populations isolated over long periods when mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance can operate. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: When close relatives mate, offspring may suffer from such inbreeding, e.g., via lower survival and/or fertility. Using (i) a large panel of genetic markers and (ii) complete three or four generation pedigrees, respectively, we show that incidences of inbreeding in a long-lived primate population are rare, even after genetic isolation for 75 years. Moreover, our simulations suggest that kin in our population generally avoid breeding with each other. Finally, the few inbred individuals detected in our large sample did not suffer from lower survival. Given that many animal species face dramatic habitat loss combined with critical population declines, our study provides important implications for conservation biology in general and for population management in particular.