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FASEB Bioadv ; 4(1): 22-28, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35024570


Nerve dependence in regeneration has been established more than 200 years ago but the mechanisms by which nerves are necessary to regeneration remain to be fully elucidated. Aside from their direct impact in stimulating cellular growth, nerves also have a role on the establishment of body polarities (antero-posterior and dorso-ventral patterns) and this has been particularly well studied in nereid annelid worms. Nereids can regenerate appendages (parapodia) and the tail (body segments). In both parapodia and tail regeneration, the presence of the nerve cord is necessary to the establishment of body polarities. In this review, we will detail the experimental procedures which have been conducted in nereids to elucidate the role of the nerve cord in the establishment of the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral polarities. Most of the studies reported here were published several decades ago and based on anatomical and histological analyses; this review should constitute a knowledgebase and an inspiration for needed modern-time explorations at the molecular levels to elucidate the impact of the nervous system in the acquisition of body polarities.

Regeneration (Oxf) ; 4(2): 54-68, 2017 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28616245


An important goal for understanding regeneration is determining how polarity is conferred to the regenerate. Here we review findings in two groups of polychaete annelids that implicate the ventral nerve cord in assigning dorso-ventral polarity, and specifically ventral identity, to the regenerate. In nereids, surgical manipulations indicate that parapodia develop where dorsal and ventral body wall territories contact. Without a nerve cord at the wound site, the regenerate differentiates no evident polarity (with no parapodia) and only dorsal identity, while with two nerve cords the regenerate develops a twinned dorso-ventral axis (with four parapodia per segment instead of the normal two). In sabellids, a striking natural dorso-ventral inversion in parapodial morphology occurs along the body axis and this inversion is morphologically correlated with the position of the nerve cord. Parapodial inversion also occurs in segments in which the nerve cord has been removed, even without any segment amputation. Together, these data strongly support a role for the nerve cord in annelid dorso-ventral pattern regulation, with the nerve cord conferring ventral identity.

Rouxs Arch Dev Biol ; 202(5): 260-269, 1993 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28306038


In this study we describe the site and moment of histospecific differentiation in developmental stages of the annelid Platynereis dumerilii by use of biochemical markers. The monoclonal antibody (mab) OI7 and uncloned hybridoma supernatants (pAb's) OI8, OI10, OI46 and OI69 recognize neural antigens that appear asynchronously during development. By an enzymatic test, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was found specific for nervous tissue as well. The patterns of neural structures labelled by antibodies differ, however, from those revealed by AChE staining. Experimental inhibition of transcription (with actinomycin D) and of translation (using puromycin) demonstrate that the expression of histospecific neural markers depends on both zygotic transcription and subsequent translation. The mAb OI64 labels epidermal (and neural) gland cells. The antibody 4D9, raised against the engrailed protein of Drosophila, labels single rows of ciliated cells at the posterior border of segments.

Wilhelm Roux Arch Entwickl Mech Org ; 175(4): 307-325, 1974 Dec.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28304712


The modalities of determination and differentiation of sexual dimorphism of Nereids (Annelida Polychaeta) were investigated inNereis pelagica L. andPerinereis cultrifera G. with experiments involving decerebration, castration (by X irradiation), grafts or injection of genital products.The sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri (swelling and crenellations) always develop according to the genetic sex, whatever the genital state of the Nereis and the nature of the intervention. Therefore the determination of the sexual somatic characters of the parapodial cirri appear to be determined in a very precocious and stable way (at least 3 months before the genital differentiation).The pygidial papillae, a male sexual character in normal conditions, can be formed by very young females in which heteronereidation is realized prematurely by decerebration, and by females of any age in which heteronereid transformations are realized in a male environment (e.g. by injection of genital products, or grafting onto a male). Therefore the pygidial papillae may be determined precociously in either sex; however their differentiation is normally inhibited in females in the course of genital maturation.

Dev Growth Differ ; 16(1): 1-12, 1974.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37280833


The influence of the age, of the fast and of the temperature with the differentiation of sexual somatic characters has been studied in some Nereids. The sexual somatic characters can be differentiated in Nereis of any age if the cerebral endocrine inhibition of the heteronereidation is suppressed. The supranormal temperatures release prematurely and accelerate the process of the differentiation of these characters; the low temperatures moderate these phenomena without preventing their apparition. The fast do not influence the differentiation of the somatic sexual characters.
