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J Clin Med ; 13(14)2024 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39064248


Background/Objectives: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by elevated motor activity, impulsivity, and attention deficit. Approximately 5% of the population suffers from this disorder. Among the key explanations of ADHD, executive functions play an important role in understanding the symptomatology present in this disorder and in determining the main treatment strategies for affected patients. We present a systematic review that seeks to identify the treatment methods developed to support executive functions in individuals with ADHD. Methods: Articles were analyzed in the SCOPUS, PUBMED, and Science Direct databases. Initially, 739 articles were found. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 articles remained and were included in the data extraction process. Results: Among the primary treatments identified, 14 studies propose psychological training for executive functions, 9 studies recommend medication, 5 studies suggest digital interventions, and 1 study advocates for sports as beneficial for executive functions. Conclusions: The data are discussed around the need to develop new proposals to enhance the executive functions of individuals with ADHD, thereby improving their performance in educational, personal, social, and family activities impacted by this disorder.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1192555, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37519359


Introduction: Executive functions are a set of mental abilities that allow human beings to consciously regulate their behavior and, in a university setting, will have a significant impact on student success during professional training. Objective: To develop a scale to assess executive functions in a university setting. Method: Using a sample of 1,373 university students from Chile (663) and Ecuador (710) between 17 and 33 years old (Mage = 20.53, SD = 2.34). A study was carried out to analyze the psychometric properties of the instrument using a reliability and validity analysis for a scale that assesses executive functions: conscious monitoring of responsibilities, supervisory attentional system, conscious regulation of behavior, verification of behavior to learn, decision making, conscious regulation of emotions, and management of elements to solve tasks. Results: Adequate internal consistency parameters were found between α = 0.71 and 0.85. The seven executive functions proposed on the scale correlated proportionally between r = 0.42 and 0.62. In the confirmatory factor analysis, good fit indices were obtained in the model of the seven executive functions x2(413) = 1649.14, p = <0.001, CFI = 0.91, SRMR = 0.04 and RMSEA = 0.04. Discussion: The research carried out reaches its conclusion stating that the scale that was developed has the psychometric properties to assess executive functions in the Latin American setting. The results regarding previous research and the contribution made in the line of research of executive functions are discussed.

Front Psychol ; 12: 585145, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34135795


The process of assessing executive functions through behavioral observation scales is still under theoretical and empirical construction. This article reports on the analysis of the factorial structure of the EOCL-1 scale that assesses executive functions, as proposed by the theory developed by Luria, which has not been previously considered in this type of evaluation. In this scale, the executive functions taken into account are error correction, internal behavioral and cognition regulatory language, limbic system conscious regulation, decision making, future consideration of consequences of actions, goal-directed behavior, inhibitory control of automatic responses, creation of new behavioral repertoires, and cognitive-behavioral activity verification. A variety of validity and reliability analyses were carried out, with the following results: (a) an adequate internal consistency level of executive functions between α = 0.70 and α = 0.83, (b) significant convergent validity with a scale that assesses frontal deficits between r = -0.07 and r = 0.28, and (c) the scale's construct validity that proposes a model with an executive central factor comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.93, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.04 (LO.04 and HI.04), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.04, and x2 ( 312 ) = 789.29, p = 0.001. The findings are discussed based on previous literature reports and in terms of the benefits of using a scale to assess the proposed executive functions.

Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 28(2): 83-91, may.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058459


Resumen El modelo de organización cerebral de Luria propone la interacción de tres unidades funcionales para comprender el trabajo que realiza el cerebro humano. La primera de ellas se encarga de la regulación del tono y la vigilia. La segunda de recibir, procesar y almacenar la información. La tercera, y de central interés de la investigación, se encarga de programar, ejecutar y verificar la actividad mental. Para valorar esta teoría se han desarrollado una serie de test neuropsicológicos experimentales, no obstante, no se ha propuesto una escala que, en base a los preceptos teóricos de la tercera unidad funcional, permita valorarla basada en la observación clínica de las conductas de la vida diaria del ser humano. En esta investigación se propone una escala que permita al clínico valorar las habilidades mentales asociadas con la capacidad de programar, ejecutar y verificar la forma más compleja de actividad mental; integradas en la tercera unidad funcional de Luria. Se discute la propuesta realizada, en base al beneficio que se genera el contar con una escala que permitirá valorar esta teoría, en los diferentes ambientes donde se desenvuelve el individuo mediante la acción de las habilidades cerebrales de la tercera unidad funcional.

Abstract Luria's brain organization model proposes the interaction of three functional units to understand the work performed by the human brain. The first of them is responsible for the regulation of tone and wakefulness. The second one to receive, process and store the information. The third, and of central interest of the investigation, is responsible for programming, executing and verifying mental activity. To evaluate this theory, a series of experimental neuropsychological tests have been developed, however, a scale has not been proposed that, based on the theoretical precepts on the third functional unit, allows to assess it based on the behaviors of the daily life of the human being. This research proposes a scale that will allow the clinician to assess the mental abilities associated with the ability to program, execute and verify the most complex form of mental activity; integrated in the third functional unit of Luria. The proposal is discussed, based on the benefit that is generated by having a scale that will allow to assess this theory, in the different environments where the individual develops through the action of the cerebral abilities of the third functional unit.

Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 26(3): 275-282, sep.-dic. 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003993


Abstract In previous work, we have presented case studies from fascinating films for the eye of the neuropsychologist(1)(2)(3); continuing with this line of research, we describe here for your consideration a critical analysis of the role of brain functions in one of the most fascinating sports, soccer. In this analysis, we will look more closely at the brain damage suffered by the great footballer Salvador Cabañas and the role of the highly complex brain functions that allow the magical players to stand out in this sport. In the next pages, we present the case of Salvador Cabañas, both before and after his cerebral accident, and later we analyze the cerebral functions that are activated in brilliant players like Messi or Ronaldinho. We conclude this article by reflecting on the role of the brain in our normal human activities, and how catastrophic it becomes on a daily basis when our brain tissue is damaged so that as a result of this condition we can lose everything.

Resumen En trabajos anteriores hemos presentado análisis de casos salidos de películas fascinantes para el ojo del neuropsicólogo(1)(2)(3). En la propuesta para este trabajo y continuando con esta línea de investigación, ponemos en vuestra consideración un análisis crítico del rol de las funciones cerebrales en uno de los deportes más fascinantes, el fútbol. Para lograr un acercamiento a este análisis, se profundiza en el daño cerebral adquirido sufrido por el gran futbolista Salvador Cabañas y el papel de las funciones cerebrales de alta complejidad que permiten a los futbolistas mágicos brillar en este deporte. En las próximas líneas se presenta la descripción de lo que era Cabañas antes y después de su accidente cerebral adquirido, para después analizar las funciones cerebrales que se activan en jugadores brillantes como Messi o Ronaldinho. Finalizamos este artículo enviando un mensaje de reflexión sobre el papel del cerebro en las diversas actividades que realizamos los humanos y lo catastrófico que se vuelve el día a día cuando nuestra masa encefálica se daña y como producto de esta condición, el individuo puede llegar a perderlo todo.

Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 10(1): 55-58, 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-784607


En un artículo previo presentamos un caso que, producto de un daño cerebral adquirido, presentó afectaciones de la función ejecutiva. En el presente estudio describimos de forma general el proceso de rehabilitación neuropsicológica seguido. El objetivo principal fue intervenir en el sistema atencional supervisor de NN para mejorar su regulación comportamental. Concluimos indicando la importancia de la participación de los familiares en el proceso de rehabilitación neuropsicológica, la restauración de las funciones cognitivas afectadas, la compensación mediante funciones preservadas y la estimulación del razonamiento social, entre otras...

In a previous paper we present a case that, due to an acquired brain injury, presented affectations of executive function. In the present study we describe in general terms the process of neuropsychological rehabilitation followed. The main objective was to intervene in the supervisory attentional system of NN for improving their behavioral regulation. We conclude by stating the importance of family involvement in the process of neuropsychological rehabilitation, restoration of cognitive functions affected by compensation functions preserved, stimulation of social reasoning, among others...

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Função Executiva , Neuropsicologia , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/reabilitação