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Arch Pediatr ; 2018 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29909941


OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical characteristics and motor activity profile during sleep periods of children and adolescents presenting with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD). METHOD: Twenty-one youths (mean age±standard deviation, 11.7±3 years) wore a wrist actigraph for 9 consecutive days (including both school days and non-school days), to measure sleep parameters: sleep latency, sleep efficiency and the number and duration of periods of wakefulness after sleep onset (WASO). We divided the night-time actigraphy recording sessions into three sections and compared the first and last thirds of the night. RESULTS: All the study participants had a psychiatric comorbidity (primarily attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depressive disorder or anxiety disorder). On non-school days, bedrest onset and activity onset were shifted later by about 1h. There was no significant difference between school days and non-school days with regard to the total sleep time. Sleep efficiency was significantly greater on non-school days. Sleep was fragmented on both school days and non-school days. The mean number of episodes of WASO was 24.9 for school days and 30.9 for non-school days. Relative to the first third of the night, we observed a significantly greater number of episodes of WASO during the last third of the night, a period associated with a larger proportion of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. DISCUSSION: Sleep appeared to be fragmented in the study population of youths with DMDD. The greater frequency of WASO in the last third of the night points to a possible impairment of the motor inhibition normally associated with REM sleep.