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Rev Sci Instrum ; 90(4): 043106, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31042992


The STereo imaging Channel (STC) is the first push-frame stereo camera on board an European Space Agency (ESA) satellite, i.e., the ESA-Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency mission BepiColombo. It was launched in October 2018, and it will reach its target, Mercury, in 2025. The STC main aim is to provide the global three-dimensional reconstruction of the Mercury surface. STC, the stereo channel of spectrometer and imagers for Mercury Planetary Orbiter BepiColombo-Integrated Observatory System, is based on an original optical design that incorporates the advantages of a compact unique detector instrument and the convenience of a double direction acquisition system. In fact, STC operates in a push-frame imaging mode and its two optical sub-channels will converge the incoming light on a single focal plane assembly allowing to minimize mass and volume. The focal plane of the instrument is housing six different filters: two panchromatic filters in the range 600-800 nm and four broadband filters with central wavelengths in the range 420-920 nm. In this paper, the geometrical calibration of the instrument, including the optical setups used, will be described. The methods used to derive the focal lengths, the boresights, and the reference systems of the different filter models are presented, and the related distortion results are discussed. The STC off-axis configuration forced to develop a distortion map model based on the RFM (rational function model). In contrast to other existing models, which allow linear estimates, the RFM is not referred to specific lens geometry, but it is sufficiently general to model a variety of distortion types, as it will be demonstrated in this particular case.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(9): 094502, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28964236


Before integration aboard European Space Agency BepiColombo mission to Mercury, the visible and near infrared hyperspectral imager underwent an intensive calibration campaign. We report in Paper I about the radiometric and linearity responses of the instrument including the optical setups used to perform them. Paper II [F. Altieri et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 094503 (2017)] will describe complementary spectral response calibration. The responsivity is used to calculate the expected instrumental signal-to-noise ratio for typical observation scenarios of the BepiColombo mission around Mercury. A description is provided of the internal calibration unit that will be used to verify the relative response during the instrument's lifetime. The instrumental spatial response functions as measured along and across the spectrometer's slit direction were determined by means of spatial scans performed with illuminated test slits placed at the focus of a collimator. The dedicated optical setup used for these measurements is described together with the methods used to derive the instrumental spatial responses at different positions within the 3.5° field of view and at different wavelengths in the 0.4-2.0 µm spectral range. Finally, instrument imaging capabilities and Modulated Transfer Function are tested by using a standard mask as a target.