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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36248356


Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are widely distributed to communities where malaria is a major cause of mortality, especially to those under the age of 5 years-old. To protect people from this illness, LLINs provide physical and chemical barriers by containing insecticides within the matrix of the polymer fibers or on the surface. Synthetic polymers including polyethylene and polyester are common material choices for these nets, and pyrethroids, along with other additives, are the insecticides of choice for this application. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of these nets on the impact of malaria is highly significant, but there is a demand for more durable nets that last longer than only a few years as the available products are rated for 2-3 years of use. Improvements in this area would increase cost effectiveness, because better durability would reduce the frequency of manufacturing and worldwide shipping. Additionally, due to the plastic fibers, the waste can build quickly, damaging the environment. To deal with the sustainability and durability issues, biodegradable and renewable materials should be chosen as an alternative.