Objective This study aimed to describe the methodological process for developing a questionnaire to identify the prevalence and risk factors for chronic occupational low back pain in healthcare professionals working at hospitals. Method An exploratory crossectional survey study was carried out in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, and its metropolitan region, in two stages. Initially, the authors prepared a questionnaire based on the Roland Morris disability questionnaire and sent it to a committee of low back pain specialists for validation using the Delphi technique. The second stage consisted of sending the final questionnaire to health professionals working in a hospital environment for at least 2 years and presenting chronic low back pain for at least 3 months. Results Validation occurred in two rounds of questionnaire adjustments by a panel consisting of physical therapists and physician experts in the field (orthopedists with more than 3 years of experience). Both rounds had 13 participants. The questionnaire initially consisted of 27 items, and, after validation, it had 19 items. The study included 65 subjects, with an average age of 40.91 years old and an average time working at a hospital of 40 hours per week. The total sample had 76.9% of physicians, 10.8% of physical therapists, and 12.3% of nurses or nursing technicians. Most (52.3%) subjects reported staying in uncomfortable positions affecting the lower back for 5 to 10 hours per day. Conclusion We developed and validated, using the Delphi technique, a questionnaire on the prevalence and risk factors associated with chronic occupational low back pain among healthcare professionals working at hospitals. This unprecedented tool can benefit the population studied since the questionnaires currently used to evaluate chronic low back pain are not specific for investigating the occupational cause of this condition.
Abstract Objective This study aimed to describe the methodological process for developing a questionnaire to identify the prevalence and risk factors for chronic occupational low back pain in healthcare professionals working at hospitals. Method An exploratory crossectional survey study was carried out in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, and its metropolitan region, in two stages. Initially, the authors prepared a questionnaire based on the Roland Morris disability questionnaire and sent it to a committee of low back pain specialists for validation using the Delphi technique. The second stage consisted of sending the final questionnaire to health professionals working in a hospital environment for at least 2 years and presenting chronic low back pain for at least 3 months. Results Validation occurred in two rounds of questionnaire adjustments by a panel consisting of physical therapists and physician experts in the field (orthopedists with more than 3 years of experience). Both rounds had 13 participants. The questionnaire initially consisted of 27 items, and, after validation, it had 19 items. The study included 65 subjects, with an average age of 40.91 years old and an average time working at a hospital of 40 hours per week. The total sample had 76.9% of physicians, 10.8% of physical therapists, and 12.3% of nurses or nursing technicians. Most (52.3%) subjects reported staying in uncomfortable positions affecting the lower back for 5 to 10 hours per day. Conclusion We developed and validated, using the Delphi technique, a questionnaire on the prevalence and risk factors associated with chronic occupational low back pain among healthcare professionals working at hospitals. This unprecedented tool can benefit the population studied since the questionnaires currently used to evaluate chronic low back pain are not specific for investigating the occupational cause of this condition.
Resumo Objetivo Este estudo pretende descrever o processo metodológico para a elaboração de um questionário para identificar a prevalência e os fatores de risco associados à dor lombar ocupacional crônica nos profissionais da área da saúde que atuam em nível hospitalar. Método Foi realizado um estudo transversal exploratório do tipo questionário. O estudo foi realizado na cidade de Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana, em duas etapas. Inicialmente foi elaborado pelos autores um questionário baseado no questionário de deficiências Roland Morris e enviado a um comitê de especialistas em lombalgia para validação do mesmo através da técnica Delphi. A segunda etapa consistiu em enviar o questionário final a profissionais de saúde que atuam em ambiente hospitalar há pelo menos 2 anos e que tenham lombalgia crônica há pelo menos 3 meses. Resultados A validação foi realizada em duas rodadas de adequações do questionário, com painel composto por fisioterapeutas e médicos especialistas na área (ortopedistas com mais de 3 anos de atuação). Ambas as rodadas contaram com 13 participantes. O questionário foi composto inicialmente por 27 itens e, após validação, 19 itens. O estudo incluiu 65 indivíduos, com idade média de 40,91 anos e tempo médio de atuação em nível hospitalar semanal de 40 horas. A amostra total possuía 76,9% médicos, 10,8% fisioterapeutas e 12,3% enfermeiros ou técnicos de enfermagem. A maioria (52,3%) dos indivíduos relatou manter-se em posições desconfortáveis que afetam a região lombar por 5 a 10 horas por dia. Conclusão Foi desenvolvido e validado, pela técnica Delphi, um questionário sobre a prevalência e fatores de risco associados a dor lombar ocupacional crônica entre profissionais da área da saúde que atuam em nível hospitalar. Este instrumento inédito pode trazer benefícios para a população estudada, visto que os questionários utilizados atualmente para a avaliação de dor lombar crônica não são específicos para a investigação da causa ocupacional de tal condição.