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Fresenius J Anal Chem ; 368(1): 79-87, 2000 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11220836


Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using a quadrupole-based mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-QMS) was applied for the analysis of powdered zeolites (microporous aluminosilicates) used for clean-up procedures. For the quantitative determination of trace element concentrations three geological reference materials, granite NIM-G, lujavrite NIM-L and syenite NIM-S, from the National Institute for Metallurgy (South Africa) with a matrix composition corresponding to the zeolites were employed. Both the zeolites and reference materials were fused with a lithium borate mixture to increase the homogeneity and to eliminate mineralogical effects. In order to compare two different approaches for the quantification of analytical results in LA-ICP-MS relative sensitivity coefficients (RSCs) of chemical elements and calibration curves were measured using the geostandards. The experimentally obtained RSCs are in the range of 0.2-6 for all elements of interest. Calibration curves for trace elements were measured without and with Li or Ti as internal standard element. With a few exceptions the regression coefficients of the calibration curves are better than 0.993 with internal standardization. NIM-G granite reference material was employed to evaluate the accuracy of the technique. Therefore, the measured concentrations were corrected with RSCs which were determined using lujavrite reference material NIM-L. This quantification method provided analytical results with deviations of 1-11% from the recommended and proposed values in granite reference material NIM-G, except for Co, Cs, La and Tb. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the determination of the trace element concentration (n = 5) is about 1% to 6% using Ti as internal standard element. Detection limits of LA-ICP-QMS in the lower microg/g range (from 0.03 microg/g for Lu, Ta and Th to 7.3 microg/g for Cu, with the exception of La) have been achieved for all elements of interest. Under the laser ablation conditions employed (lambda: 266 nm, repetition frequency: 10 Hz, pulse energy: 10 mJ, laser power density: 6 x 10(9) W/cm2) fractionation effects of the determined elements relative to the internal standard element Ti were not observed.

Anal Bioanal Chem ; 355(5-6): 559-70, 1996 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15045317


Highlights of plasma spectrochemistry in geoanalysis are reviewed. The techniques are evaluated in terms of recent instrumental developments, calibration strategies, spectral and matrix interferences and analytical performance. While acid decomposition results in solutions containing low salt contents, this decomposition strategy is inappropriate for numerous sample types due to poor recoveries. On the other hand, alkali fusions result in total decomposition, but solutions containing high salt contents constrain the accuracy due to interference effects in the inductively coupled plasma (ICP), the sample introduction system, and in the quadrupole mass spectrometer interface. Therefore, practical limits of determination are evaluated in terms of salt tolerances. It is concluded that ICP-atomic emission spectrometry (AES) is employed mainly for the accurate determination of the major and minor elements and the more abundant trace elements. On the other hand, ICP-mass spectrometry (MS) is used mainly for the determination of trace elements and together with the possibility of obtaining some isotopic information, it profoundly enhances the capability for solving geochemical problems. Several methods of direct solid sample introduction are described. These include direct current (DC) arc emission spectroscopy (DC-AES), slurry nebulization (SN), spark ablation (SA), laser ablation (LA) and glow discharges (GD). These devices allow direct solid analysis of bulk samples, single minerals and inclusions.