Flagellate protozoa of the hindgut of the xylophagous blattid Parasphaeria boleiriana were examined by light and electron microscopy. This species harbours two oxymonad species of the genera Monocercomonoides and Polymastix, the latter bearing Fusiformis bacteria on its surface. A diplomonad was present and has features of the genus Hexamita rather than Spironucleus. In addition, two trichomonads of the genera Monocercomonas and Tetratrichomastix were identified. A precise comparison with species of blattids and other insects was difficult because most of these flagellates have been described only by light microscopy after cell staining and there are few electron microscope studies and no molecular studies. None of the flagellates contained wood fragments in their food vacuoles and so evidently do not participate in the digestion of wood or cellulose.