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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5000, 2023 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37591992


Single Pulse All Optical Switching represents the ability to reverse the magnetization of a nanostructure using a femtosecond single laser pulse without any applied field. Since the first switching experiments carried out on GdFeCo ferrimagnets, this phenomena has been only recently extended to a few other materials, MnRuGa alloys and Tb/Co multilayers with a very specific range of thickness and composition. Here, we demonstrate that single pulse switching can be obtained for a large range of rare earth-transition metal multilayers, making this phenomenon much more general. Surprisingly, the threshold fluence for switching is observed to be independent of the laser pulse duration. Moreover, at high laser intensities, concentric ring domain structures are induced. These striking features contrast to those observed in Gd based materials pointing towards a different reversal mechanism. Concomitant with the demonstration of an in-plane magnetization reorientation, a precessional reversal mechanism explains all the observed features.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 12030, 2022 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35835771


An array of spin torque nano-oscillators (STNOs), coupled by dipolar interaction and arranged on a ring, has been studied numerically and analytically. The phase patterns and locking ranges are extracted as a function of the number N, their separation, and the current density mismatch between selected subgroups of STNOs. If [Formula: see text] for identical current densities through all STNOs, two degenerated modes are identified an in-phase mode (all STNOs have the same phase) and a splay mode (the phase makes a 2[Formula: see text] turn along the ring). When inducing a current density mismatch between two subgroups, additional phase shifts occur. The locking range (maximum current density mismatch) of the in-phase mode is larger than the one for the splay mode and depends on the number N of STNOs on the ring as well as on the separation. These results can be used for the development of magnetic devices that are based on STNO arrays.

Nanoscale ; 13(26): 11488-11496, 2021 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34165111


In this study, a new type of compact magnetic memristor is demonstrated. It is based on the variation of the conductivity of a nano-sized magnetic tunnel junction as a function of the angle between the in-plane reference layer magnetization and a free layer exhibiting an isotropic in-plane coercivity. The free layer magnetization is rotated by two spin transfer torque contributions: one originating from the in-plane magnetized reference layer and the other one from an additional perpendicular polarizer integrated in the stack. Thanks to a proper tuning of the relative influence of these two torques, the magnetization of the free layer can be rotated step by step clockwise or anticlockwise in a range of angle between 0° (parallel configuration) and 180° (anti-parallel configuration) by sending pulses of current through the stack, of one or opposite polarity. The amplitude of the rotation steps and therefore of the conductance variations depends on the pulse amplitude and duration. In this way, we achieve monotonous variations of the resistance with the voltage polarity through the application of pulses in the ns range. We also retrieve the analytical expression of critical current density which is found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. The thermal stability of the intermediate resistance levels and the role of Joule heating are also discussed.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 6576, 2021 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33753845


Since the first experimental observation of all-optical switching phenomena, intensive research has been focused on finding suitable magnetic systems that can be integrated as storage elements within spintronic devices and whose magnetization can be controlled through ultra-short single laser pulses. We report here atomistic spin simulations of all-optical switching in multilayered structures alternating n monolayers of Tb and m monolayers of Co. By using a two temperature model, we numerically calculate the thermal variation of the magnetization of each sublattice as well as the magnetization dynamics of [[Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text]] multilayers upon incidence of a single laser pulse. In particular, the condition to observe thermally-induced magnetization switching is investigated upon varying systematically both the composition of the sample (n,m) and the laser fluence. The samples with one monolayer of Tb as [[Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text]] and [[Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text]] are showing thermally induced magnetization switching above a fluence threshold. The reversal mechanism is mediated by the residual magnetization of the Tb lattice while the Co is fully demagnetized in agreement with the models developed for ferrimagnetic alloys. The switching is however not fully deterministic but the error rate can be tuned by the damping parameter. Increasing the number of monolayers the switching becomes completely stochastic. The intermixing at the Tb/Co interfaces appears to be a promising way to reduce the stochasticity. These results predict for the first time the possibility of TIMS in [Tb/Co] multilayers and suggest the occurrence of sub-picosecond magnetization reversal using single laser pulses.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 5211, 2020 Mar 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32251329


Ever since the first observation of all-optical switching of magnetization in the ferrimagnetic alloy GdFeCo using femtosecond laser pulses, there has been significant interest in exploiting this process for data-recording applications. In particular, the ultrafast speed of the magnetic reversal can enable the writing speeds associated with magnetic memory devices to be potentially pushed towards THz frequencies. This work reports the development of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions incorporating a stack of Tb/Co nanolayers whose magnetization can be all-optically controlled via helicity-independent single-shot switching. Toggling of the magnetization of the Tb/Co electrode was achieved using either 60 femtosecond-long or 5 picosecond-long laser pulses, with incident fluences down to 3.5 mJ/cm2, for Co-rich compositions of the stack either in isolation or coupled to a CoFeB-electrode/MgO-barrier tunnel-junction stack. Successful switching of the CoFeB-[Tb/Co] electrodes was obtained even after annealing at 250 °C. After integration of the [Tb/Co]-based electrodes within perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions yielded a maximum tunneling magnetoresistance signal of 41% and RxA value of 150 Ωµm2 with current-in-plane measurements and ratios between 28% and 38% in nanopatterned pillars. These results represent a breakthrough for the development of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions controllable using single laser pulses, and offer a technologically-viable path towards the realization of hybrid spintronic-photonic systems featuring THz switching speeds.

Nanoscale ; 12(11): 6378-6384, 2020 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32134422


The concept of Perpendicular Shape Anisotropy STT-MRAM (PSA-STT-MRAM) has been recently proposed as a solution to enable the downsize scalability of STT-MRAM devices beyond the sub-20 nm technology node. For conventional p-STT-MRAM devices with sub-20 nm diameters, the perpendicular anisotropy arising from the MgO/CoFeB interface becomes too weak to ensure thermal stability of the storage layer. In addition, this interfacial anisotropy rapidly decreases with increasing temperature which constitutes a drawback in applications with a large range of operating temperatures. Here, we show that by using a PSA based storage layer, the source of anisotropy is much more robust against thermal fluctuations than the interfacial anisotropy, which allows considerable reduction of the temperature dependence of the coercivity. From a practical point of view, this is very interesting for applications having to operate on a wide range of temperatures (e.g. automotive -40 °C/+150 °C).

Nanoscale ; 10(25): 12187-12195, 2018 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29923577


A new approach to increase the downsize scalability of perpendicular STT-MRAM is presented. It consists of significantly increasing the thickness of the storage layer in out-of-plane magnetized tunnel junctions (pMTJ) as compared to conventional pMTJ in order to induce a perpendicular shape anisotropy (PSA) in this layer. This PSA is obtained by depositing a thick ferromagnetic (FM) layer on top of an MgO/FeCoB based magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) so that the thickness of the storage layer is of the order of or larger than the diameter of the MTJ pillar. In contrast to conventional spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) wherein the demagnetizing energy opposes the interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (iPMA), in these novel memory cells, both PSA and iPMA contributions favor the out-of-plane orientation of the storage layer magnetization. Using thicker storage layers in these PSA-STT-MRAMs has several advantages. Due to the PSA, very high and easily tunable thermal stability factors can be achieved, even down to sub-10 nm diameters. Moreover, a low damping material can be used for the thick FM material thus leading to a reduction of the write current. The paper describes this new PSA-STT-MRAM concept, practical realization of such memory arrays, magnetic characterization demonstrating thermal stability factor above 200 for MTJs as small as 8 nm in diameter and possibility to maintain the thermal stability factor above 60 down to 4 nm diameter.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 1728, 2018 01 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29379128


Integration of Spin Torque Nano-Oscillators STNO's in conventional microwave circuits means that the devices have to meet certain specifications. One of the most important criteria is the phase noise, being the key parameter to evaluate the performance and define possible applications. Phase locking several oscillators together has been suggested as a possible means to decrease phase noise and consequently, the linewidth. In this work we present experiments, numerical simulations and an analytic model to describe the effects of thermal noise in the injection locking of a tunnel junction based STNO. The analytics show the relation of the intrinsic parameters of the STNO with the phase noise level, opening the path to tailor the spectral characteristics by the magnetic configuration. Experiments and simulations demonstrate that in the in-plane magnetized structure, while the frequency is locked, much higher reference currents are needed to reduce the noise by phase locking. Moreover, our analysis shows that it is possible to control the phase noise by the reference microwave current (IRF) and that it can be further reduced by increasing the bias current (IDC) of the oscillator, keeping the reference current in feasible limits for applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(4): 047203, 2014 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25105650


The nucleation of reversed magnetic domains in Pt/Co/AlO(x) microstructures with perpendicular anisotropy was studied experimentally in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. For large enough in-plane field, nucleation was observed preferentially at an edge of the sample normal to this field. The position at which nucleation takes place was observed to depend in a chiral way on the initial magnetization and applied field directions. A quantitative explanation of these results is proposed, based on the existence of a sizable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in this sample. Another consequence of this interaction is that the energy of domain walls can become negative for in-plane fields smaller than the effective anisotropy field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(21): 217203, 2013 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24313522


We show that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) can lead to a tilting of the domain wall (DW) surface in perpendicularly magnetized magnetic nanotracks when DW dynamics are driven by an easy axis magnetic field or a spin polarized current. The DW tilting affects the DW dynamics for large DMI, and the tilting relaxation time can be very large as it scales with the square of the track width. The results are well explained by an extended collective coordinate model where DMI and DW tilting are included. We propose a simple way to estimate the DMI in magnetic multilayers by measuring the dependence of the DW tilt angle on a transverse static magnetic field. These results shed light on the current induced DW tilting observed recently in Co/Ni multilayers with structural inversion asymmetry.