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Front Microbiol ; 15: 1359677, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38690357


The activity of subsurface microorganisms can be harnessed for engineering projects. For instance, the Swiss radioactive waste repository design can take advantage of indigenous microorganisms to tackle the issue of a hydrogen gas (H2) phase pressure build-up. After repository closure, it is expected that anoxic steel corrosion of waste canisters will lead to an H2 accumulation. This occurrence should be avoided to preclude damage to the structural integrity of the host rock. In the Swiss design, the repository access galleries will be back-filled, and the choice of this material provides an opportunity to select conditions for the microbially-mediated removal of excess gas. Here, we investigate the microbial sinks for H2. Four reactors containing an 80/20 (w/w) mixture of quartz sand and Wyoming bentonite were supplied with natural sulfate-rich Opalinus Clay rock porewater and with pure H2 gas for up to 108 days. Within 14 days, a decrease in the sulfate concentration was observed, indicating the activity of the sulfate-reducing bacteria detected in the reactor, e.g., from Desulfocurvibacter genus. Additionally, starting at day 28, methane was detected in the gas phase, suggesting the activity of methanogens present in the solid phase, such as the Methanosarcina genus. This work evidences the development, under in-situ relevant conditions, of a backfill microbiome capable of consuming H2 and demonstrates its potential to contribute positively to the long-term safety of a radioactive waste repository.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 858324, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35547138


Microbial activity has the potential to enhance the corrosion of high-level radioactive waste disposal canisters, which, in the proposed Swiss deep geological repository, will be embedded in bentonite and placed in the Opalinus Clay (OPA) rock formation. A total of 12 stainless steel cylindrical vessels (referred to as modules) containing bentonite were deployed in an anoxic borehole in OPA for up to 5.5 years. Carbon steel coupons were embedded in the bentonite. Individual modules were retrieved after 1, 1.5, 2.5, and 5.5 years. Enumeration of aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophs and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) revealed microbial growth for 1.5 years followed by a decline or stagnation in microbial viability. It was surprising to observe the growth of aerobic heterotrophs followed by their persistent viability in bentonite, despite the nominally anoxic conditions. In contrast, SRB numbers remained at very low levels. DNA-based amplicon sequencing confirmed the persistence of aerobes and the relatively low contribution of anaerobes to the bentonite microbiome. Bentonite dry density, in situ exposure time, and bioavailable trapped oxygen are observed to shape the bentonite microbial community in the clay.