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Health Policy Plan ; 38(9): 1099-1112, 2023 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37572095


Venezuela's ongoing economic and political crisis has forced >6 million people to emigrate from the country since 2014. In the Andean region, Ecuador is one of the main host countries for Venezuelan migrants and refugees. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, specific measures were implemented in the country to control the spread of the disease and its associated impacts. In this context, we conducted a scoping review to understand how policies implemented by the Ecuadorian government during the pandemic impacted Venezuelan migrants' right to health. The literature search focused on scientific and grey publications between 2018 and 2022 in electronic databases and institutional websites, complemented by snowball sampling and expert advice. Our thematic analysis revealed discrepancies between the rights granted to migrants in Ecuador's legal framework and their practical implementation during the pandemic, with several instances of policy and programmatic infringement. The disruption of services further complicated migrant's options for regularization. Some measures, like border closures, negatively impacted migrants' health, including increased exposure to abuse and violence. While migrants were included in the country's COVID-19 vaccination plan, they were excluded from other national aid programmes. There are indications of an increase in xenophobia and discrimination stigmatizing migrants as 'disease carriers' and 'resource takers', resulting in a prioritization of services for the Ecuadorian population. We found limited research on the emergent topic of migrants' vulnerability and related health system challenges. Future research should include working in border zones, consider socioeconomic factors and further explore the poor implementation of Ecuador's legal framework towards upholding migrants' right to health.

San Salvador; s.n; 2010. 58 p. Tab, Graf.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1224490


La presente investigación tenía como objetivo conocer la modulación que los padres de familia o encargados ejercen sobre los factores de riesgo que influyen en la presencia de Caries de la Temprana Infancia en niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años que asisten a la Clínica de Odontopediatría de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de El Salvador, durante los meses de Abril y Mayo del 2010, en el turno clínico de 7 a 9 a.m. El universo de estudio fueron 37 niños, de los cuales se identificó tanto la edad y el género en que dicha patología es más predominante; así como también la cantidad de niños afectados por dicha enfermedad. De 37 niños examinados, 30 presentaron CTI, determinando que la prevalencia de dicha enfermedad en la población representó el 81.10%. De los cuales, la edad más afectada fue el grupo de 3 a 4 años con un porcentaje de 51.4%; con una prevalencia del género masculino, siempre en este mismo rango de edad, con un 27%; entre los factores de riesgo más influyentes modulados por los padres de familia o encargados se concluyó que la ingesta de leche materna representó el 89.2%; el consumo de leche por medio de la pacha fue de 73%; sumado al mal hábito de que los padres permitieran que el niño se durmiera tomando pacha o leche materna con un 89.2%; el consumo de golosinas en un100% de la población, y la contaminación cruzada por medio del beso en la boca o mano del niño con un 62.2%; siendo estos resultados los más representativos de la investigación.

The objective of the present investigation was to know the modulation that parents or guardians exert on the risk factors that influence the presence of Early Childhood Caries in boys and girls from 3 to 5 years old who attend the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of El Salvador, during the months of April and May 2010, in the clinical shift from 7 to 9 am The universe of study was 37 children, of which both age and gender were identified in that said pathology is more prevalent; as well as the number of children affected by this disease. Of 37 children examined, 30 presented ICC, determining that the prevalence of this disease in the population represented 81.10%. Of which, the most affected age was the group of 3 to 4 years with a percentage of 51.4%; with a prevalence of the male gender, always in this same age range, with 27%; Among the most influential risk factors modulated by parents or guardians, it was concluded that the intake of breast milk represented 89.2%; the consumption of milk through the pacha was 73%; added to the bad habit of parents allowing the child to fall asleep drinking pacha or breast milk with 89.2%; the consumption of sweets in 100% of the population, and cross contamination through kissing on the child's mouth or hand with 62.2%; these results being the most representative of the research.

Odontopediatria , Cárie Dentária , Pais , Faculdades de Odontologia , Criança , Saúde Pública , El Salvador