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Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 726-735, dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530579


Con la llegada de la pandemia del COVID-19, el gobierno peruano realizó modificaciones en el sistema de salud, dando paso al decreto legislativo N° 117-2020, para el servicio de telemedicina dentro del sector de la salud pública y privada, entendiéndose como la comunicación entre el paciente y el profesional médico a través de un dispositivo como computadora o teléfono. Objetivo. Identificar los niveles de satisfacción en la atención del servicio por telemedicina de los pacientes de una clínica privada de especialidades médicas en la ciudad de Puno durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Materiales y métodos. El diseño del estudio fue observacional, prospectivo; previo consentimiento informado, se aplicó el cuestionario The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form [PSQ-18] de manera virtual a 56 pacientes mayores de 18 años seleccionados de manera no probabilística durante la pandemia mediante la telemedicina en una clínica de Puno durante el 2020 y 2021. Resultados. El 55,4% de los pacientes se mostraron parcialmente satisfechos y el 39,3% indicaron estar satisfechos; encontrándose asociación estadística significativa entre la satisfacción de la atención de salud mediante telemedicina con la edad del paciente (p<0,01*); las dimensiones del cuestionario mostraron medias ligeramente altas, destacando las dimensiones Accesibilidad y comodidad (12,93±3,13); Calidad técnica (12,34±3,56); Trato interpersonal (6,45±1,32); aspectos financieros (6,32±1,52) y satisfacción general (6,11±1,88). Conclusiones. Las dimensiones referidas a la calidad técnica, comodidad y accesibilidad fueron reportadas con mayores niveles de satisfacción, estos hallazgos contribuyen a la evidencia sobre la aceptación de la telemedicina como una alternativa viable para brindar atención de calidad.

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Peruvian government made changes in the health system, giving way to Legislative Decree No. 117-2020, for the telemedicine service within the public and private health sector, understood as the communication between the patient and the medical professional through a device such as a computer or telephone. Objective. To identify the levels of satisfaction with the telemedicine service provided to patients in a private medical specialty clinic in the city of Puno during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. The study design was observational, prospective; prior informed consent, The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form [PSQ-18] was applied virtually to 56 patients over 18 years of age selected in a non-probabilistic manner during the pandemic through telemedicine in a clinic in Puno during 2020 and 2021. Results. 55.4% of the patients were partially satisfied and 39.3% were satisfied; a significant statistical association was found between satisfaction with health care through telemedicine and the patient's age (p<0.01*); the dimensions of the questionnaire showed slightly high averages, highlighting the dimensions Accessibility and comfort (12.93±3.13); Technical quality (12.34±3.56); Interpersonal treatment (6.45±1.32); financial aspects (6.32±1.52) and general satisfaction (6.11±1.88). Conclusions. The dimensions referring to technical quality, comfort and accessibility were reported with higher levels of satisfaction, these findings contribute to the evidence on the acceptance of telemedicine as a viable alternative to provide quality care.

Com a chegada da pandemia da COVID-19, o governo peruano realizou mudanças no sistema de saúde, dando lugar ao Decreto Legislativo nº 117-2020, para o serviço de telemedicina no setor de saúde pública e privada, entendido como a comunicação entre o paciente e o profissional médico por meio de um dispositivo como computador ou telefone. Objetivo. Identificar a satisfação do paciente com o atendimento de telemedicina em uma clínica privada de especialidades médicas na cidade de Puno durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Materiais e métodos. O desenho do estudo foi observacional, prospectivo; após o consentimento informado, o Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form [PSQ-18] foi aplicado virtualmente a 56 pacientes maiores de 18 anos selecionados de forma não probabilística durante a pandemia por meio da telemedicina em uma clínica em Puno durante 2020 e 2021. Resultados. 55,4% dos pacientes estavam parcialmente satisfeitos e 39,3% estavam satisfeitos; foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a satisfação com o atendimento de saúde por telemedicina e a idade do paciente (p<0,01*); as dimensões do questionário apresentaram médias ligeiramente elevadas, com destaque para as dimensões Acessibilidade e conforto (12,93±3,13); Qualidade técnica (12,34±3,56); Tratamento interpessoal (6,45±1,32); Aspectos financeiros (6,32±1,52) e Satisfação geral (6,11±1,88). Conclusões. As dimensões referentes à qualidade técnica, ao conforto e à acessibilidade foram relatadas com níveis mais altos de satisfação. Esses achados contribuem para as evidências sobre a aceitação da telemedicina como uma alternativa viável para fornecer atendimento de qualidade.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde
Medicina (Kaunas) ; 58(1)2021 Dec 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35056332


Background and Objectives: The presence of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus is causing enormous threats to people's health and lives, so quantifying the scientific productivity on mental health in times of pandemic is an urgent need, especially to expand the degree of knowledge on mental health problems in regions of low scientific productivity. The aim was to characterize the bibliometric indicators of scientific productivity on mental health during the pandemic in the PubMed Identifier database of the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Materials and Methods: A documentary study (bibliometric) of the scientific productivity on mental health in times of pandemic from January 2020 to June 2021 was carried out. The PubMed database was used to abstract the information from the original scientific articles. The data abstracted were: authors, year of publication, journal name, country, and language of publication. Results: We identified 47 original articles worldwide, which were published in 29 journals and in three languages (English, Spanish, and German). We observed three groups of countries that published on mental health topics. The first group comprised the largest number of publications, which were multicenter studies (six studies), followed by India (five studies), and Italy (four studies). A second group comprised Bangladesh, China, USA, and Spain, with 3 studies each; and a third group comprised 13 countries (Albania, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, and New Zealand) with one study each. Conclusions: Bibliometric indicators of scientific productivity on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic have ostensibly increased. We verified 47 studies in PubMed, which could serve to improve the understanding and management of COVID-19, as well as serve as a thought-provoking means for other countries and researchers to publish on the state of mental health during and post pandemic.

Pesquisa Biomédica , COVID-19 , Bibliometria , Humanos , Saúde Mental , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2