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Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 29(4): 1-12, Octubre-Diciembre, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229071


Fundamentos: El embarazo representa un período de gran vulnerabilidad desde el punto de vista de la salud,principalmente si se padece de anemia, que es multifactorial. La anemia en gestantes en Perú permanece sinmayores cambios durante los últimos años.Métodos: Estudio transversal, observacional y correlacional, efectuado en 125 gestantes asistentes a uncentro de salud del primer nivel de atención en una zona periurbana de Lima. Se analizaron factoressociodemográficos de la gestante, factores socioeconómicos del hogar, factores alimentario - nutricionales yfactores del sistema de salud relacionados con anemia en gestantes sin anemia, anemia leve y anemiamoderada.Resultados: el 92,5% de las gestantes tenían entre nivel educativo secundario a superior, la mitad de ellastenía algún nivel de pobreza económica. Respecto a las necesidades básicas insatisfechas, se encontróque hogares sin desagüe de ningún tipo tuvo relación significativa con anemia. Por otro lado, la mayoríareconocía correctamente los alimentos fuente de hierro y que las menestras debían combinarse con algúnalimento cárnico o con alimentos fuente de vitamina C. Se halló relación entre consumo de menestras convísceras, con pescado y con alimentos fuente de carotenos, con infusiones y entre bebidas industrializadas ycomida rápida. No se halló relación entre los otros factores con anemia.Conclusiones: Algunos factores alimentarios y socioeconómicos se relacionaron con anemia en las gestantesparticipantes. Es indispensable mejorar el sistema de desagüe en los hogares y continuar con difundirinformación sobre alimentación saludable.(AU)

Background: Pregnancy represents a period of great vulnerability from a health point of view, mainly if yousuffer from anemia, which is multifactorial. Anemia in pregnant women in Peru remains without majorchanges in recent years.Methods: Cross-sectional, observational and correlational study, carried out on 125 pregnant womenattending a primary care health center in a peri-urban area of Lima. Sociodemographic factors of the pregnantwoman, socioeconomic factors of the home, food-nutritional factors and health system factors related toanemia were investigated in pregnant women without anemia, mild anemia and moderate anemia.Results: 92.5% of the pregnant women had a secondary to higher educational level, half of them had somelevel of economic poverty. Regarding unsatisfied basic needs, it was found that homes without drainage ofany kind had a significant relationship with anemia. On the other hand, the majority correctly recognized thefoods that were sources of iron and that the stews should be combined with some meat food or with foodsthat were a source of vitamin C. A relationship was found between the consumption of stews with organmeats, with fish and with foods that were sources of carotenes, with infusions and between industrializeddrinks and fast food. No relationship was found between the other factors and anemia.Conclusions: Some dietary and socioeconomic factors were related to anemia in the participating pregnantwomen. It is essential to improve the drainage system in homes and continue to disseminate informationabout healthy eating.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem , Anemia , Gestantes , Pobreza , Comportamento Alimentar , Peru
BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 5(1): 87-97, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35814729


Objective: The objective of this study is to assess changes in the dimensions of the food system and consumption associated with body weight variations during the first month's lockdown in Peruvian adults in Metropolitan Lima. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted during the first months of lockdowns in Peru. 694 adults completed a web-based survey about changes experienced in the process of acquiring food during lockdown, changes in their intake and self-perceived body weight. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the factors associated with changes in body weight. Results: Weight gain was perceived in 38% of the participants and 22.8% perceived weight loss. 39.2% did not perceive changes in their weight. Risk factors for body weight gain were increased alcohol consumption (OR=4.510, 95% CI 1.764 to 11.531) and decreased fruit consumption (OR=2.129, 95% CI 1.290 to 3.515), while decreasing cereal intake (OR=0.498, 95% CI 0.269 to 0.922) and choosing nutritious food as a driver for purchase (OR=0.512, 95% CI 0.320 to 0.821) were found to be protective against gaining weight. Decreasing food intake during the pandemic (OR=2.188, 95% CI 1.348 to 3.550) and having to miss important foods (OR=2.354, 95% CI 1.393 to 3.978), were associated with weight loss. Conclusions: During confinement, weight gain was mostly associated with food consumption and personal food system factors. Meanwhile, weight loss was associated with external food system factors.