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Am J Blood Res ; 11(1): 84-92, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33796394


Foetal spleen is described as a transient focus of haematopoiesis between the 3rd and 5th month of gestation: this function is however entirely replaced by the bone marrow before the end of pregnancy. This study identifies haematopoiesis in foetal spleen by exploring changes of echogenicity during its development throughout gestation. Two intervals of pregnancy were studied: Mid-Pregnancy (Mid-P, 19-23 weeks) and End-Pregnancy (End-P, 37-41 weeks). The foetal spleen was investigated in 80 pregnant women (41 vs 39). Due to quality criteria the comparison was made between 60 images (30 Mid-P vs 30 End-P). The acquisition of splenic parenchyma was followed by clustering segmentation. We identified two new parameters resulted from the clustering segmentation: Dark Ratio (DR) and Light Ratio (LR). These are related to splenic echogenicity expressing the percentage of dark and light signal in the clustered image, influenced by blood cellularity. The mean of DR value was different among the 2 groups (0.0631 vs 0.0483, P = 0.014), while LR did not show any significant differences. We conclude that DR may represent a reliable radiomic parameter in the determination of extramedullary haematopoiesis in the spleen.
