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PLoS One ; 19(1): e0295739, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38198454


The dynamics and drivers of inter-species interactions in the wild are poorly understood, particularly those involving social animal species. Inter-species interactions between cetaceans and sirenians have rarely been documented and investigated. Here, we report 10 cases of interaction initiated by adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) towards Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus). Interactions were documented through behavioral observations in the wild (n = 7) and from the examination of orphaned calves (i.e., tooth rake marks on their body; n = 4) that entered a rehabilitation facility, one individual both observed interacting with dolphins and found stranded with bite marks. Bottlenose dolphins were observed interacting with orphan manatee calves and with mother-calf pairs, exhibiting agonistic behavior (n = 2), affiliative or neutral behaviors (n = 1), but the behavioral contexts of these interactions remain unclear in most cases (n = 7). Information on stranded individuals was collected from four calves (of 13 examined calves) recovered in poor condition with bottlenose dolphin tooth rakes and bite wounds on their bodies, one of which died. Injury from bite wounds varied in extent and severity, ranging from superficial scratches leaving rake marks to deep lacerations. Our findings suggest the regular occurrence of agonistic behaviors initiated by adult bottlenose dolphins and directed toward manatee calves. However, the drivers of these interactions remain unknown and need to be further investigated.

Golfinho Nariz-de-Garrafa , Trichechus manatus , Animais , Região do Caribe , Trichechus , Sirênios , Cetáceos
Acta biol. colomb ; 20(2): 183-191, mayo-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-743855


The objective of this study was to identify and describe the nesting habitat of Podocnemis sextuberculata at Erepecu Lake, Trombetas River Biological Reserve, (REBIO-Trombetas; Pará-Brazil). Initially, the main features of the beaches that potentially determine the habitat selection by cupiso for nesting were described. The nests observed on the beaches were recorded, marked and fenced as protection from natural predators. Information regarding date and location was analyzed through simple linear regression for each nest in order to determine relationships between beach features and number of nests. The results showed a positive co-relationship between number of nests and area. Nest site selection by P. sextuberculata in the beaches of the Erepecu Lake could depend on trade-off scenarios among natural threats and a suitable nesting habitat. We also suggest that, due to the high annual hydrologic oscillations, it is possible that the driving factor for habitat selection would be the risks that the females are exposed to while searching for a nesting site, rather than a particular habitat type.

El objetivo del estudio fue identificar y explicar la influencia del hábitat sobre los nidos de la tortuga "cupiso" (Podocnemis sextuberculata), en el lago Erepecu ubicado en la Reserva Biológica del Río Trombetas (REBIO-Trombetas; Pará-Brasil). Inicialmente se describieron las principales características de las playas escogidas, los nidos encontrados fueron marcados y cercados para su protección contra la depredación natural. A través de regresiones lineales simples se determinó que el número de nidos por playa se correlacionó significativamente con el "área" de las playas. Los resultados muestran que la selección del lugar de nidificación en las playas del lago Erepecu por P. sextuberculata, podría depender en unos escenarios de compensación entre las amenazas naturales y un hábitat adecuado para anidar. Debido a la gran fluctuación hidrológica anual, es posible que el factor determinante para selección de las hembras sea el riesgo de exposición de las hembras durante la búsqueda de área de anidación, más que el tipo de hábitat en particular.