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Actual. nutr ; 25(2): 89-97, abr.jun.2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562045


l estrés académico puede presentarse en estudiantes sometidos a diversas exigencias y requisitos universitarios, provocando diferentes reacciones de estrés, físicas, psicológicas y comportamentales, reduciendo su calidad de vida y provocando consecuencias como: depresión, tristeza, fatiga y dolores de cabeza, afectando su estado nutricional. Se investigó la relación entre ingesta de alimentos y estrés académico en estudiantes del cuarto semestre de la Licenciatura en Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. La población de estudio, dado el carácter piloto de la investigación, se realizó mediante muestreo simple, aleatorio, sin reemplazo, con un diseño mixto, descriptivo, comparativo y transversal, utilizándose el cálculo del tamaño muestral con un intervalo de confianza de 95%, resultando N=117; 51 hombres y 66 mujeres entre 19 y 43 años de la generación 2019, a quienes se les aplicó el inventario SISCO de estrés académico. Se encontró mayor frecuencia en situaciones que provocan preocupación y nerviosismo, sobrecarga de tareas y trabajo, inquietud, problemas de concentración, fatiga crónica y apatía. Las estrategias más utilizadas fueron: desarrollo de planes y ejecución de tareas y capacidad asertiva. El 92.2% (n=108) de la población encuestada manifestó preocupación y nerviosismo, resultando 52,1% (n=61) en mujeres y 40.1% (n=47) en hombres. El 38.5% (n=45) de las mujeres entre 21 y 43 años, muestran una mayor relación entre aumentar o reducir el consumo de alimentos en correspondencia con sentimientos de depresión y tristeza. El estrés académico, suele estar relacionado con diferentes manifestaciones psicológicas, físicas y conductuales, que pueden influir directamente en la población estudiantil, afectando gravemente sus hábitos alimenticios y nutricionales

Academic stress can occur in students subjected to various university demands and requirements, causing different, causing different physical, psychological and behavioral reactions. Reducing quality of life and causing consequences such as: depression, sadness, fatigue and headaches, affecting their nutritional status. The relationship between food intake and academic stress was investigated in students in the fourth semester of the Bachelor of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. The study population, given the pilot nature of the research, was carried out through simple, random sampling, without replacement, with a mixed, descriptive, comparative and transversal design, using the sample size calculation with a 95% confidence interval resulting in N=117; 51 men and 66 women between the ages of 19 and 43, from the 2019 generation, to whom the SISCO inventory of academic stress was applied. A greater frequency was found in situations that cause worry and nervousness, overload of tasks and work, restlessness, concentration problems, chronic fatigue and listlessness. The most used strategies were plan development and execution of tasks and assertive ability. 92.2% (n=108) of the surveyed population expressed concern and nervousness, in 52.1% (n=61) women and 40.1% (n=47) men. The 38.5% (n=45) of women between 21 and 43 years old show a greater relationship between increasing or reducing food consumption in correspondence with feelings of depression and sadness. Academic stress is usually related to different psychological, physical and behavioral manifestations, which can directly influence the student population, seriously affecting their eating and nutritional habits

Estresse Psicológico , Ingestão de Alimentos , Adulto
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-9, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538307


Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life between patients who have already undergone the TKA surgery and those who have not. Methodology: 118 patients [60 undergoing TKA (G1) and the remaining 58 awaiting the procedure (G2)] answered questions about QoL using the WOMAC and SF-36 protocols. The comparison was performed using the chi-square test and Student's t-test, with a significance level of 0.05. Results: with regard to clinical aspects, there was a higher level of pain in Group G2, as well as greater frequency in the use of medications, especially for pain relief. In the QoL evaluation, significant difference was observed in all the domains of the generic questionnaire SF-36 and in WOMAC, estando a capacidade functional do G2 reduzida e abaixo do nível observado nos pacientes do G1. Conclusion: patients with advanced knee arthrosis who underwent TKA, compared to those who did not undergo the procedure, had better quality of life in all domains assessed by both the general SF-36 questionnaire and the WOMAC questionnaire.

Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida entre pacientes que já se submeteram à cirurgia de ATJ e aqueles que ainda não passaram pelo procedimento. Metodologia: 118 pacientes [60 submetidos à ATJ (G1) e os 58 restantes aguardando o procedimento (G2)] responderam perguntas sobre QV usando os protocolos WOMAC e SF-36. A comparação foi realizada usando o teste qui-quadrado e o teste t de Student, com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: em relação aos aspectos clínicos, houve um maior nível de dor no Grupo G2, bem como maior frequência no uso de medicamentos, especialmente para alívio da dor. Na avaliação da QV, foi observada diferença significativa em todos os domínios do questionário genérico SF-36 e no WOMAC, estando a capacidade funcional do G2 reduzida e abaixo do nível observado nos pacientes do G1. Conclusão: pacientes com artrose avançada de joelho que se submeteram à ATJ, em comparação com aqueles que não passaram pelo procedimento, apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida em todos os domínios avaliados tanto pelo questionário geral SF-36 quanto pelo questionário WOMAC.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Pharm. care Esp ; 25(5): 20-39, 15-10-2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226316


Introducción: Las personas con cáncer necesitan recibir cuidados enfocados en aspectos biopsi-cosociales considerando la experiencia con la medicación (MedExp), la evolución de esta enfermedad y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CRVS). Se presentan los resultados del Compre-hensive Medication Management (CMM) implanta-do en una institución colombiana especializada en oncología. Método: Diseño cuali-cuantitativo mixto observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante triangulación de técnicas cualitativas (entrevistas en profundidad y observación participante) y cuantitativas (entrevistas clínicas con cuestionarios validados). Las entrevistas fueron presenciales y telemáticas por la pandemia (febrero-octubre 2021). Según los estándares del CMM, se generó la historia farmacoterapéutica, se registró la información biopsicosocial y se analizó la MedExp y la CVRS utilizando Medicines Optimisation Software®. Resultados: Se evaluaron los estándares antes y después de su implantación. La valoración inicial tuvo un análisis DAFO (Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas, Oportunidades) consensuando estrategias para desarrollar CMM. El servicio de oncología derivó 17 personas, 10 mujeres aceptaron participar. Se completaron 30 entrevistas recogiendo narrativas sobre experiencias, observaciones y datos clínicos contextualizados a partir de las que se realizaron intervenciones biopsicosociales. Se resolvieron 2 condiciones clínicas, 2 mejoraron, 7 permanecieron estables, 9 mejoraron parcialmente y 4 no tuvieron mejoría. Tras recibir CMM, las participantes mejoraron su autopercepción en salud, y mejoraron principalmente las dimensiones de movilidad, realización de actividades cotidianas y ansiedad/depresión. Conclusiones: En la implantación del CMM se integró el modelo biopsicosocial considerando las experiencias reales de padecer cáncer alcanzando mejoría en condiciones clínicas y en CVRS de las pacientes atendidas. (AU)

Introduction: People with cancer need to receive care focused on biopsychosocial aspects, consid-ering medication experience (MedExp), disease and illness progression, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The results of the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) implemented in a Colombian institution specialized in oncology are presented. Method: Mixed observational, descriptive, and pro-spective qualitative-quantitative design. Data were obtained by triangulating qualitative (in-depth inter-views and participant observation) and quantitative techniques (clinical interviews with validated ques-tionnaires). Data was collected through interviews carried out face-to-face and remotely due to the pandemic situation during February-October 2021. According to CMM standards, the pharmacothera-peutic history was obtained, recorded, and MedExp and HRQoL were analyzed using Medicines Optimi-zation Software®. Results: The standards of pharmaceutical care practice were established through the implemen-tation of a SWOT analysis to support care process. The oncology service referred 17 people; 10 women agreed to participate. Thirty interviews were completed collecting narratives about experiences, observations and contextualized clinical data from which biopsychosocial interventions were carried out. Clinical results obtained were: 2 clinical condi-tions resolved, 2 improved, 7 stable, 9 partially im-proved and 4 unimprovement. After receiving CMM, the participants improved their self-perception of health, and HRQoL dimensions of mobility, daily activities, and anxiety/depression improved. Conclusions: Through the implementing of CMM, clinical conditions related to the patients’ medica-tions were improved. Results guided the actions to be followed when implementing this biopsychoso-cial model in the institution. Providing benefits for patients and caregivers, in terms of avoiding the deterioration of quality of life despite suffering from of oncological diseases.

Psico-Oncologia/métodos , Assistência Farmacêutica , Serviço Hospitalar de Oncologia , Pacientes , Qualidade de Vida , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Colômbia
Farm. hosp ; 47(5): 230-242, Septiembre - Octubre 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225612


Objetivo: analizar la literatura científica sobre investigaciones cualitativas que estudian la experiencia con la medicación (MedExp) y las intervenciones farmacéuticas relacionadas que aportan cambios en la salud de los pacientes. A través del análisis de contenido de esta revisión de alcance se pretende: 1) comprender cómo analizan los farmacéuticos la MedExp de sus pacientes que reciben Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) y 2) explicar cuáles categorías establecen y cómo explican las dimensiones individuales, psicológicas y culturales de MedExp. Métodos: la revisión de alcance siguió las recomendaciones PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. Se hizo una búsqueda en Medline (Pubmed), SCOPUS, Web of Science y Psycinfo para identificar investigaciones sobre MedExp de pacientes atendidos por farmacéuticos y que cumplieran con estándares de calidad, Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. Se incluyeron artículos publicados en inglés y español. Resultados: se identificaron 395 investigaciones cualitativas, se excluyeron 344. En total 19 investigaciones cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Concordancia entre los revisores, índice de kappa 0,923; IC 95% (0,836-1,010). Las unidades de análisis de los discursos de los pacientes se relacionaron con una construcción de la MedExp en el transitar de las personas con sus medicamentos, la influencia que tiene en la experiencia de enfermar, la conexión con aspectos socioeconómicos y las creencias. A partir de la MedExp, los farmacéuticos plantearon propuestas culturales, redes de apoyo, a nivel de políticas sanitarias, y brindar educación e información acerca de la medicación y la enfermedad. Adicionalmente, se identificaron características de las intervenciones como modelo dialógico, relación terapéutica, toma de decisiones compartidas, abordaje integral y derivaciones a otros profesionales. Conclusiones ... (AU)

Objective: Analyze scientific literature on qualitative research that studies the medication experience -MedExp- and related pharmaceutical interventions that bring changes in patients’ health. Through the content analysis of this scoping review, we intend to: 1) understand how pharmacists analyze the MedExp of their patients who receive Comprehensive Medication Management and 2) explain which categories they establish and how they explain the individual, psychological and cultural dimensions of MedExp. Methods: The scoping review followed recommendations from PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. Medline (Pubmed), SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Psycinfo were used to identify research on MedExp from patients attended by pharmacists; and that they comply with quality standards, Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. Articles published in English and Spanish were included. Results: 395 qualitative investigations were identified, 344 were excluded. In total, 19 investigations met the inclusion criteria. Agreement between reviewers, kappa index 0.923 95% CI (0.836-1.010). The units of analysis of the patients' speeches were related to how they were progressing in their medications and how it was built through MedExp, the influence it has on the experience of becoming ill, the connection with socioeconomic aspects, and beliefs. Based on MedExp, the pharmacists raised cultural proposals, support networks, health policies, and provide education and information about medication and disease. Additionally, characteristics of the interventions were identified, such as a dialogic model, therapeutic relationship, shared decision-making, comprehensive approach, and referrals to other professionals. Conclusions ... (AU)

Humanos , Assistência Farmacêutica , Tratamento Farmacológico/métodos , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Farm Hosp ; 47(5): T230-T242, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37659906


OBJECTIVE: Analyze scientific literature on qualitative research that studies the medication experience-MedExp-and related pharmaceutical interventions that bring changes in patients' health. Through the content analysis of this scoping review, we intend to: (1) understand how pharmacists analyze the MedExp of their patients who receive Comprehensive Medication Management CMM and (2) explain which categories they establish and how they explain the individual, psychological, and cultural dimensions of MedExp. METHODS: The scoping review followed recommendations from PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. Medline (Pubmed), SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Psycinfo were used to identify research on MedExp from patients attended by pharmacists; and that they comply with quality standards, Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. Articles published in English and Spanish were included. RESULTS: 395 qualitative investigations were identified, 344 were excluded. In total, 19 investigations met the inclusion criteria. Agreement between reviewers, kappa index 0.923, 95% CI (0.836-1.010). The units of analysis of the patients' speeches were related to how they were progressing in their medications and how it was built through MedExp, the influence it has on the experience of becoming ill, the connection with socioeconomic aspects, and beliefs. Based on MedExp, the pharmacists raised cultural proposals, support networks, health policies, and provide education and information about medication and disease. Additionally, characteristics of the interventions were identified, such as a dialogic model, therapeutic relationship, shared decision-making, comprehensive approach, and referrals to other professionals. CONCLUSIONS: The MedExp is an extensive concept, which encompasses people's life experience who use medications based on their individual, psychological, and social qualities. This MedExp is corporal, intentional, intersubjective, and relational, expanding to the collective because it implies beliefs, culture, ethics, and the socioeconomic and political reality of each person located in their context.

Assistência Farmacêutica , Farmacêuticos , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Farm Hosp ; 47(5): 230-242, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37302918


OBJECTIVE: Analyze scientific literature on qualitative research that studies the medication experience -MedExp- and related pharmaceutical interventions that bring changes in patients' health. Through the content analysis of this scoping review, we intend to: 1) understand how pharmacists analyze the MedExp of their patients who receive Comprehensive Medication Management and 2) explain which categories they establish and how they explain the individual, psychological and cultural dimensions of MedExp. METHODS: The scoping review followed recommendations from PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews. Medline (Pubmed), SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Psycinfo were used to identify research on MedExp from patients attended by pharmacists; and that they comply with quality standards, Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. Articles published in English and Spanish were included. RESULTS: 395 qualitative investigations were identified, 344 were excluded. In total, 19 investigations met the inclusion criteria. Agreement between reviewers, kappa index 0.923 95% CI (0.836-1.010). The units of analysis of the patients' speeches were related to how they were progressing in their medications and how it was built through MedExp, the influence it has on the experience of becoming ill, the connection with socioeconomic aspects, and beliefs. Based on MedExp, the pharmacists raised cultural proposals, support networks, health policies, and provide education and information about medication and disease. Additionally, characteristics of the interventions were identified, such as a dialogic model, therapeutic relationship, shared decision-making, comprehensive approach, and referrals to other professionals. CONCLUSIONS: The MedExp is an extensive concept, which encompasses people's life experience who use medications based on their individual, psychological and social qualities. This MedExp is corporal, intentional, intersubjective and relational, expanding to the collective because it implies beliefs, culture, ethics and the socioeconomic and political reality of each person located in their context.

Assistência Farmacêutica , Farmácia , Humanos , Farmacêuticos
Farm. hosp ; 47(2): 85-92, marzo-abril 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-218920


Objetivo: diversas investigaciones cuantitativas generan evidencia sobre los pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica y el tratamiento activo con inhibidores tirosina cinasa, pero son escasas las investigaciones cualitativas que orienten sus resultados a cómo acompañar a los pacientes a lo largo de su enfermedad. El objetivo es conocer las expectativas, las necesidades de información y las experiencias condicionantes al usar inhibidores tirosina cinasa en los pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica en los estudios cualitativos publicados en la literatura científica.Métodosse revisaron sistemáticamente investigaciones cualitativas publicadas entre 2003 y 2021 en Pubmed/Medline, Web of Science y Embase de pacientes con leucemia mieloide crónica tratados con inhibidores tirosina cinasa. Las palabras clave fueron «Leukemia, Myeloid» y «Qualitative Research». Se excluyeron artículos sobre la fase aguda o blástica.Resultadosse localizaron 184 publicaciones. Eliminando los duplicados, se incluyeron 6 (3%) y excluyeron 176 (97%). Los estudios muestran la enfermedad como inflexión en la vida de los pacientes, quienes desarrollan sus propias estrategias para controlar los efectos adversos. Los factores que determinan la experiencia farmacoterapéutica con inhibidores tirosina cinasa deben abordarse mediante estrategias personalizadas: esto permitiría la detección temprana de problemas, reforzaría la educación en cada etapa y promovería la discusión abierta sobre las causas complejas que subyacen al fracaso del tratamiento. (AU)

Objective: Several studies quantitatively described patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia on active treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, however there are few qualitative studies that focus their results on how to accompany patients in the course of the disease over time. The objective of this review is to find out what are the expectations, information needs and experiences that determine adherence to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in qualitative research articles published in the scientific literature.MethodsA systematic review of qualitative research articles published between 2003-2021 was carried out in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and Embase databases. Main keywords used were: "Leukaemia, Myeloid" and "Qualitative Research". Articles on the acute phase or blast phase were excluded.Results184 publications were located. After elimination of duplicates, 6 (3%) were included and 176 (97%) publications were excluded. Studies show that the illness is a turning point in patients' lives, and they develop their own strategies for managing the adverse effects. The factors that determine medication experiences with tyrosine kinase inhibitors should be addressed by implementing personalized strategies: this would result in early detection of problems, reinforce education at each stage and promote open discussion about complex causes underlying the treatment failure. (AU)

Humanos , Proteínas Quinases Dependentes de AMP Cíclico/efeitos adversos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/induzido quimicamente , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamento farmacológico , Preparações Farmacêuticas
Front Pharmacol ; 14: 1080249, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36874029


Self-medication is a part of the self-care practices carried out by the elderly in their environment. The aim of this case report is to show how the self-medication of fluoxetine and dimenhydrinate in an older adult can induce serotoninergic and cholinergic syndromes, showing symptoms such as nausea, tachycardia, tremor, loss of appetite, memory loss, decreased vision, falls, and increased urination. An older adult who has been diagnosed with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and a recent diagnosis of essential thrombosis is the subject of this case report. After the analysis of the case, cessation of fluoxetine was recommended to avoid withdrawal symptoms, therefore decreasing the need for dimenhydrinate and the medicines used for dyspepsia. After the recommendation, the patient showed an improvement in the symptoms. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation process of the medication in the Medicines Optimization Unit achieved the detection of the problem and improved the patient's health condition.

Farm Hosp ; 47(2): T85-T92, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36870818


OBJECTIVE: Several studies quantitatively described patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia on active treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, however there are few qualitative studies that focus their results on how to accompany patients in the course of the disease over time. The objective of this review is to find out what are the expectations, information needs and experiences that determine adherence to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in qualitative research articles published in the scientific literature. METHODS: A systematic review of qualitative research articles published between 2003-2021 was carried out in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and Embase databases. Main keywords used were: "Leukemia, Myeloid" and "Qualitative Research". Articles on the acute phase or blast phase were excluded. RESULTS: 184 publications were located. After elimination of duplicates, 6 (3%) were included and 176 (97%) publications were excluded. Studies show that the illness is a turning point in patients' lives, and they develop their own strategies for managing the adverse effects. The factors that determine medication experiences with tyrosine kinase inhibitors should be addressed by implementing personalized strategies: this would result in early detection of problems, reinforce education at each stage and promote open discussion about complex causes underlying the treatment failure. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provides evidence that implementation personalized strategies must be done to adress the factors that determine the illness experience with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and receiving treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

Antineoplásicos , Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva , Humanos , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/efeitos adversos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamento farmacológico , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/induzido quimicamente , Proteínas de Fusão bcr-abl/uso terapêutico
Farm Hosp ; 47(2): 85-92, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36599752


OBJECTIVE: Several studies quantitatively described patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia on active treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, however there are few qualitative studies that focus their results on how to accompany patients in the course of the disease over time. The objective of this review is to find out what are the expectations, information needs and experiences that determine adherence to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in qualitative research articles published in the scientific literature. METHODS: A systematic review of qualitative research articles published between 2003-2021 was carried out in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and Embase databases. Main keywords used were: "Leukaemia, Myeloid" and "Qualitative Research". Articles on the acute phase or blast phase were excluded. RESULTS: 184 publications were located. After elimination of duplicates, 6 (3%) were included and 176 (97%) publications were excluded. Studies show that the illness is a turning point in patients' lives, and they develop their own strategies for managing the adverse effects. The factors that determine medication experiences with tyrosine kinase inhibitors should be addressed by implementing personalized strategies: this would result in early detection of problems, reinforce education at each stage and promote open discussion about complex causes underlying the treatment failure. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provides evidence that implementation personalized strategies must be done to adress the factors that determine the illness experience with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia and receiving treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

Efeitos Colaterais e Reações Adversas Relacionados a Medicamentos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva , Humanos , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/efeitos adversos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamento farmacológico , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/induzido quimicamente , Proteínas de Fusão bcr-abl/uso terapêutico
Curr Med Chem ; 30(15): 1776-1796, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36453498


BACKGROUND: The Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a heart rhythm condition that is commonly associated with a strong predisposition for sudden cardiac death. Malignant ventricular arrhythmias could occur secondary to the dysfunction of the cardiac sodium voltage-gated Na(v)1.5 channel (SCN5A). OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to perform a multiparametric computational analysis of the physicochemical properties of SCN5A mutants associated with BrS using a set of bioinformatics tools. METHODS: In-house algorithms were calibrated to calculate, in a double-blind test, the Polarity Index Method (PIM) profile and protein intrinsic disorder predisposition (PIDP) profile of each sequence, and computer programs specialized in the genomic analysis were used. RESULTS: Specific regularities in the charge/polarity and PIDP profile of the SCN5A mutant proteins enabled the re-creation of the taxonomy, allowing us to propose a bioinformatics method that takes advantage of the PIM profile to identify this group of proteins from their sequence. CONCLUSION: Bioinformatics programs could reproduce characteristic PIM and PIDP profiles of the BrS-related SCN5A mutant proteins. This information can contribute to a better understanding of these altered proteins.

Síndrome de Brugada , Humanos , Síndrome de Brugada/genética , Síndrome de Brugada/metabolismo , Biologia Computacional , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Proteínas Mutantes/genética , Proteínas Mutantes/metabolismo , Mutação , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.5/genética , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.5/metabolismo
Drug Chem Toxicol ; 46(5): 931-943, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35950554


Cervical cancer ranks fourth in incidence among women worldwide. Cisplatin is currently the first-line drug of treatment for cervical cancer; however, it causes serious adverse effects. Therefore, it is crucial to explore natural products for cervical cancer treatment. Prosopis laevigata is a medicinal plant frequently used for ophthalmological and gastrointestinal infections. In this study, we used the MTT cell viability assay to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of a wood extract from Prosopis laevigata (Extract T7) in SiHa, HeLa, Ca Ski, and C-33 A cancer cell lines. Phosphatidylserine translocation and cell cycle evaluations were performed to determine the mechanism of cellular death. The extract's safety was evaluated using the Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium strains, in vivo acute toxicity assay, and repeated dose toxicity assay in mice. We also identified phenolic compounds of Extract T7 through liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Naringin, catechin, and eriodictyol demonstrated a higher concentration in Extract T7. Additionally, Extract T7 exhibited a cytotoxic effect against cervical cancer cells, where C-33 A was the most sensitive (IC50= 22.58 ± 1.10 µg/mL and 14.26 ± 1.11 µg/mL at 24 h and 48 h respectively). Extract T7 induced death by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase in C-33 A. Extract T7 was not mutagenic. No toxicological effects were observed during acute toxicity and repeated dose toxicity for 28 days. Therefore, further evaluations of Extract T7 should be conducted to identify the complete mechanism of action for potential anti-tumoral activity and safety before conducting studies in animal models.

Antineoplásicos , Prosopis , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Humanos , Feminino , Animais , Camundongos , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/tratamento farmacológico , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidade , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Madeira , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Células HeLa , Apoptose , Linhagem Celular Tumoral
Evol Bioinform Online ; 18: 11769343221130730, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36330419


Background: Zika virus, which is widely spread and infects humans through the bites of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti female mosquitoes, represents a serious global health issue. Objective: The objective of the present study is to computationally characterize Zika virus polyproteins (UniProt Name: PRO_0000443018 [residues 1-3423], PRO_0000445659 [residues 1-3423] and PRO_0000435828 [residues 1-3419]) and their envelope proteins using their physico-chemical properties. Methods: To achieve this, the Polarity Index Method (PIM) profile and the Protein Intrinsic Disorder Predisposition (PIDP) profile of 3 main groups of proteins were evaluated: structural proteins extracted from specific Databases, Zika virus polyproteins, and their envelope proteins (E) extracted from UniProt Database. Once the PIM profile of the Zika virus envelope proteins (E) was obtained and since the Zika virus polyproteins were also identified with this profile, the proteins defined as "reviewed proteins" extracted from the UniProt Database were searched for the similar PIM profile. Finally, the difference between the PIM profiles of the Zika virus polyproteins and their envelope proteins (E) was tested using 2 non-parametric statistical tests. Results: It was found and tested that the PIM profile is an efficient discriminant that allows obtaining a "computational fingerprint" of each Zika virus polyprotein from its envelope protein (E). Conclusion: PIM profile represents a computational tool, which can be used to effectively discover Zika virus polyproteins from Databases, from their envelope proteins (E) sequences.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 29(12): 103422, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36117783


Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a risk to develop metabolic-chronic degenerative disease, it is important to find natural alternatives to help decrease the risk. Mexican oregano has a traditional use in Mexican food, moreover, has pharmacologic effects that can help to reduce risk the metabolic syndrome. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of Mexican oregano ethanolic extract in metabolic syndrome in murine model. Ethanolic extract of Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) stem (Ext) had a favorable effect on biochemical markers in a murine model of MetS, induced by injection of monosodium glutamate (MSG). From newborn female mice, two groups were formed: control and the MSG groups, which received a dosage of 2 mg/kg of MSG via subcutaneous injection at the second and fourth postnatal day (PD 2,4), and 4 mg/kg at the PD 6, 8, 10 to induce obesity. On week 13, a part of the MSG group received Ext (group MSG + Ext) at 300 mg/kg, administered orally daily from week 13 to week 18. The results indicated that ethanolic extract of Lippia graveolens stem decreases the percentage of body fat, waist circumference, and body weight gain as well as cholesterol, serum triglyceride concentrations and systolic and diastolic pressure. Insulin and leptin hormone values showed a significant effect with the Ext administration. However, hepatic lipoperoxidation levels of MSG and MSG + Ext groups did not show any statistically significant differences between them, both being higher than the control group. Taking in consideration the results obtained in this study, it is concluded that the administration of Ext had a beneficial effect in the murine model with MetS. This is the first study demonstrating the potential of the polar fraction Lippia graveolens stem in MetS.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(5): 646-653, sept. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553790


Lippia graveolens HBK (Verbenaceae) is an aromatic herb of economic importance in Mexico, known as oregano. The leaves are used as condiments, and people use this species for respiratory and digestive disorders. The aim of this work was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of ethanolic extracts obtained from free-oil leaves (L9) and stem (S15), against lung cancer cell line SK-LU-1, through tetrazolium salt (MTT) assay. Extracts concentrations of 0.3 to 300 µg/mL were used and HFF-1 as normal control cells. Both L9 and S15 extracts, showed cytotoxic effect, although stem was stronger than leaves and without damage to normal cell control. The phenolic compounds caffeic acid and acacetin werein higher concentration in L9, whereas naringenin, taxifolin, eriodictyol, luteolin, and apigenin had higher concentrations in S15. The ethanolic extracts of L. graveolens have excellent cytotoxic activity, and have a wide possibility of use in lung cancer treatment.

Lippia graveolens HBK. (Verbenaceae) es una hierba aromática de importancia económica en México, conocida como orégano. Las hojas se usan como condimento y en medicina tradicional se utiliza para aliviar malestares respiratorios y digestivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto citotóxico de extractos etanólicos obtenidos de hojas sin aceite (L9) y tallo (S15), sobre la línea celular de cáncer de pulmón SK-LU-1, mediante el ensayo de la sal de tetrazolium (MTT). Los extractos se aplicaron a concentraciones de 0,3 a 300 µg/mL y se utilizaron células HFF-1 como control normal. Tanto los extractos L9 como S15 mostraron efecto citotóxico, aunque el efecto del tallo fue mayor al de las hojas y sin daño al control celular normal. Los compuestos fenólicos ácido cafeico y acacetina se encontraron en mayor concentración en L9, mientras que naringenina, taxifolina, eriodictyol, luteolina y apigenina tuvieron mayor concentración en S15. Los extractos etanólicos de L. graveolens tienen una excelente actividad citotóxica, con amplia posibilidad de utilizar en el tratamiento de cáncer de pulmón.

Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , Lippia/química , Linhagem Celular Tumoral/efeitos dos fármacos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/tratamento farmacológico , Fenóis/análise , Sais de Tetrazólio/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Caules de Planta , Folhas de Planta , Etanol , Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas
Sleep Sci ; 15(2): 210-215, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35755915


Introduction: The experience of living with chronic pain allows for the appearance of changes in sleep patterns, mood, and stress levels. Objective: To describe the phases of stress and the quality of sleep in patients with chronic pain. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out at the pain clinic of the HUPES Complex, Salvador-Bahia. Data collection between March 2016 and November 2017. Instruments: Sociodemographic questionnaire, Numerical Pain Scale (EVN), Mini-Sleep Questionnaire (MSQ), and Stress Symptoms Inventory for LIPP adults (ISSL). Categorical variables were expressed by absolute and relative frequency and quantitative variables by means and standard deviation (SD). The comparison of categorical variables was performed using the chi-square test. Values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Mean age (standard deviation) of 50.0 (10) years, 89.6% of whom were female. Predominance of people with a partner, with religion, high school, and unemployed or removed by the INSS. They have severe sleep disorders, severe pain, and the presence of stress in the resistance phase. Most subjects reveal that they have improved with the treatment and have moderate self-esteem and personal satisfaction, despite the presence of anxious and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Chronic pain has a very significant impact on life, increasing the level of stress, compromising and limiting daily activities, and showing more presence of anxious and depressive symptoms in people who suffer from chronic pain.

Nat Prod Res ; 36(16): 4293-4309, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34459687


The study of medicinal plants for cancer treatment has gained attention due to an increasing incidence of cancer worldwide and antineoplastics-related undesirable secondary effects. Most of the natural products of medicinal plants that have been evaluated for cytotoxic activity, are derived from leaves, bark, roots and flowers. However, natural products derived from wood have demonstrated a cytotoxic effect with promising results. Moreover, some fractions and compounds have been isolated of wood in order to increase the effect. This review presents in vitro experimental evidence of cytotoxic effect of natural products from wood against cancer cell lines. It also provides considerations and recommendations to obtain herbal medicines over time.

Neoplasias , Plantas Medicinais , Madeira , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Linhagem Celular Tumoral/efeitos dos fármacos , Humanos , Neoplasias/tratamento farmacológico , Madeira/metabolismo
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 83(2): 29-36, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1381644


Durante o tratamento homeopático a melhora costuma ser identificada a partir de uma sensação inespecífica de bem-estar, denominada Sensação Subjetiva de Bem-Estar Geral (SSBEG). Este estudo qualitativo buscou compreender como sujeitos tratados com homeopatia percebem a SSBEG a partir de uma compreensão hermenêutica associada à visão da Medicina Centrada na Pessoa. Foram entrevistados sujeitos que faziam acompanhamento no ambulatório de Homeopatia de uma faculdade particular em Salvador-Bahia e utilizada a análise de conteúdo para avaliação dos resultados. A SSBEG apresentou-se como um estado de equilíbrio dinâmico no qual sujeito é capaz de gerir a sua vida, lidar com seus sofrimentos, buscando novas formas de sentir-se bem. Implica um estado de satisfação, de harmonia, de equilíbrio interno, não apenas uma ausência de sofrimento, mas uma sensação de estar vivendo inteiramente.

To evalu ate response to homeopathic treatment, improvement can be referred to as an unspecific sense of well-being. This sensation is named in homeopathic literature as Subjective Sensation of General Well-Being (SSGWB). This study so ught to qualitatively analyze how subjects treated with homeopathy perceive SSGWB after at least 6 months of treatment, based on a hermeneutic approach along with a Person-Centered Medicine perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with subjectswho were being followed up at the homeopathic outpatient clinic of the medical center of a private college in Salvador-Bahia and used content analysis to evaluate results. The SSGWB presented itself as a state of dynamic equilibrium in which the subject can manage his life, deal with his sufferings, looking for new ways to feel good. It implies a state of satisfaction, harmony, internal balance, not just an absence of suffering but a feeling of being fully alive.

Durante el tratamiento homeopático, la mejora generalmente se identifica a partir de una sensación de bienestar no específica llamada sensación subjetiva de bienestar general (SSBEG). Este estudio buscó comprender cómo los sujetos tratados con homeopatía perciben SSBEG, basado en una comprensión hermenéutica asociada con la visión de la Medicina Centrada en la Persona. Se entrevistó a sujetos que fueron monitoreados en la clínica ambulatorial de homeopatía de una universidad privada en Salvador-Bahía y se utilizó el análisis de contenido para evaluar los resultados. El SSBEG se presentó como un estado de equilibrio dinámico, en el que el sujeto es capaz de gestionar su vida, afrontar sus sufrimientos, buscar nuevas formas de sentirse bien. Implica un estado de satisfacción, armonía, equilibrio interior, no solo una ausencia de sufrimiento, sino una sensación de estar viviendo con plenitud.

Satisfação Pessoal , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Homeopatia
Pharm. care Esp ; 23(5): 34-41, Oct 15, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-216136


Se brindó Comprehensive Medication Management a una mujer de 78 años, con antecedentes de trombosis venosa profunda y fractura de cadera. Diagnosticada de hidrocefalia, artrosis, hipertensión arterial y dislipemia, que tomaba 12 medicamentos. Se evaluaron las necesidades farmacoterapéuticas integrando aspectos biomédicos y psicosociales, a través de un análisis clínico, que permitió detectar 7 necesidades y un análisis complementario de narrativas extraídas de entrevistas en profundidad, que permitió la detección de 5 necesidades adicionales. Utilizar entrevistas en profundidad para interrelacionar aspectos cualitativos de la experiencia personal al evaluar la farmacoterapia, permitió plantear intervenciones biopsicosociales adaptadas a la resolución integral de necesidades farmacoterapéuticas, que fueron recogidas en un plan de cuidados, donde se incluyó un informe al médico de atención primaria con 4 recomendaciones de las cuales 2 fueron aceptadas y otras 4 fueron propuestas y aceptadas por la paciente y su cuidador, consiguiéndose la resolución de 8 necesidades farmacoterapéuticas.(AU)

Comprehensive Medication Management was provided to a 78-year-old woman. Medical history: deep vein thrombosis, hip fracture, hydrocephalus, arthrosis, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. She was taking 12 medications. Patient’s medication-related needs were evaluated integrating biomedical and psychosocial aspects, through a clinical analysis, which allowed the de-tection of 7 medication-related needs. Complemen-tary analysis of narratives extracted from in-depth interviews allowed detection of 5 additional medi-cation-related needs. Using in-depth interviews to interrelate qualitative aspects of personal experience when evaluating pharmacotherapy, allowed to propose biopsycho-social interventions adapted to the comprehensive resolution of medication-related needs, collected in a care plan. Included a medical report with 4 recommendations whereby 2 were accepted by the primary care physician. Another 4 medication-re-lated needs were proposed and accepted by the patient and her caregiver, achieving the resolution of 8 medication-related needs.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Avaliação das Necessidades , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Tratamento Farmacológico , Pacientes Internados , Exame Físico , Anamnese , Assistência ao Paciente , Assistência Farmacêutica
BrJP ; 4(3): 216-220, July-Sept. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339298


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic pain causes functional and social disability, resulting in emotional impact. This study's objective was to describe the main impairments of activities of daily living, anxious and depressive symptoms, and quality of life in patients with chronic pain. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with chronic pain outpatients. Analysis of clinical and sociodemographic variables, as well as activities of daily living. Assessment of pain, anxious and depressive symptoms by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, quality of life by the Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire and data analysis by the SPSS statistical software. RESULTS: The study observed limitations in work, movement, leisure and home activities, quality of life below the median and worse for the physical and emotional domains. Sleep was very impaired, followed by partial difficulty with appetite and sexual activity. Although they had anxious and depressive symptoms, most participants were moderately satisfied with their treatment. CONCLUSION: Chronic pain has a very significant impact on quality of life, impairing and limiting daily activities more intensely in individuals with anxious and depressive symptoms.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Dor crônica acarreta incapacidade funcional e social, impactando emocionalmente os indivíduos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os principais comprometimentos das atividades de vida diária, sintomas ansiosos e depressivos e qualidade de vida em pacientes com dor crônica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com pacientes de ambulatório de dor crônica. Análise das variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas, assim como das atividades de vida diária. Avaliação de dor, de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos pela Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, de qualidade de vida pelo questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Form Health Survey e a análise dos dados no programa estatístico SPSS. RESULTADOS: Foi evidenciada limitação para o trabalho, movimento, lazer e atividade domiciliar, qualidade de vida abaixo da mediana e pior para os domínios aspectos físicos e emocionais. O sono foi muito comprometido, seguido de dificuldade parcial para apetite e atividade sexual. Embora apresentassem sintomas ansiosos e depressivos, a maioria dos participantes estavam moderadamente satisfeitos com o tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: A dor crônica impacta de forma muito significativa na qualidade de vida, comprometendo e limitando as atividades diárias de modo mais intenso nos portadores de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos.